Ubuntu Installation :: Command For Running CD At Boot

Apr 28, 2010

How do you actually install ubuntu? I cant figure it out, its nothing like windows! I download the unetbootin to make a boot usb drive.. I did that but when it boots it ask goes blue with a thing flash default. Then it asks me to press tab, when I do that it comes with a cmd. What should a write? If I click esc on the keyboard it brings a cmd line. If I write like E:dir it says kernel invalid. What is a cmd that runs the cd on a boot for ubuntu. How hard is to install it??

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Ubuntu Installation :: Laptop Won't Boot After Running Update Manager?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm a little bit stuck and in need of advice from people who know what they're talking about. I've had Ubuntu on my office PC, home PC and laptop for about a year now and never had a problem that I couldn't solve, until now. I'd not turned my laptop (Lenovo N 500 with Ubuntu 9.10 64 Bit using GRUB2) on for about a month so when I did on Monday of this week I noticed that I'd not updated Ubuntu for 27 days, so ran the update manager. After everything was updated I carried on using it as normal but when I tried to turn it on yesterday I get the following issue...

GRUB loads and gives me all the possible boot options. Whatever one I choose, I get the same results. It starts to boot (I see the black screen with the white Ubuntu logo) but this remains on the screen for a very long time, then it goes to a flashing cursor at the top left of the screen and it just sits there indefinitely.

I've tried playing with Super GRUB Disc but admittedly I'm not too sure what I'm doing with it. I've tried using the Ubuntu Installation disc as a Live CD too but with no joy. The main HDD appears fine when in Live CD mode, all my files are there etc.. Is this actually a GRUB issue or something else? It's like GRUB's doing its bit and then it's failing slightly further down the line.

I'm totally out of my depth here and really don't want to have to reinstall everything, I'm sure there's a simply solution.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Not Running After Installing Fro Dual Boot?

Jun 16, 2011

I have a desktop Windows PC with three hard drives. Having successfully installed Ubuntu on a laptop I used the same CD image to boot Ubuntu on my desktop machine. All seemed well so I selected the option to install alongside the existing OS. I left the choice of drive as presented by the installer (it was the largest one) and asked for an 80G partition for Ubuntu. The installation went well but when the machine was restarted it just booted straight into Windows. No sign of the bootloader menu. I'm guessing the BIOS doesn't look at the drive where Ubuntu is installed, and the installer did not put the bootloader on the Windows boot drive. The Windows drive is too small to install Ubuntu there.How do I fix this so that I can dual boot, or alternatively how do I get rid of Ubuntu and reclaim the 80G for Windows?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded From Desktop 10.04 To Studio 10.04 And Running A Dual Boot System With Windows?

Nov 3, 2010

I upgraded from Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 to Ubuntu Studio 10.04 and running a dual boot system with Windows. On the grub screen there are four listings now for Ubuntu. Two recover modes and two ubuntu modes. Is this normal? Going to reboot and see if I can get a picture of it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Directly Into Command Line?

Apr 6, 2010

I just installed a fresh install of 9.10 on my amd64. when it starts it locks up right away. i know that this has to do with my nvidia card. i've had to do this in the past. but since it locks up i have no way to get into the command line. ctl-alt-F1 does not work. is there a way to just have it boot right to the command line without loading up gdm?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 - Unable To Boot - Invalid Command

May 24, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04LTS on my computer and realized I wanted to give 11.04 a try. So, using the Update Manager both times, I applied all updates then upgraded to 10.10 then to 11.04.

Here's where the problem starts. Grub loads fine. I choose Ubuntu. I briefly get a purple splash screen then a black screen with some text that looks like Ubuntu is trying to load (I've attached a picture of this screen). This screen flashes a couple times then stays up and nothing happens afterwards. I can input text and commands but I get no response. Not even an "invalid command". The only thing I can do is press CTRL+ALT+DEL and my computer will reboot.

I have Ubuntu installed alongside Windows 7 on a 50Gb partition (plenty right?), AMD 64-bit dual core processor, and an ATI Radeon HD 3200 graphics card. This is on an HP Pavilion dv3 laptop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot 9.10 - Whole Screen Is Blinking And Can't Type Any Command

Feb 25, 2010

I can't boot Ubuntu 9.10 on this computer (on my other computer it works fine). When I try to run it from the CD or USB I see a screen full of colored lines, and when I try to use safe graphics I get to the shell but the whole screen is blinking and I can't type any command. Anyone knows how to solve it? My graphics card is GeForce 7300 LE and on my other computer (the one that can run Ubuntu find) has an on-board graphics card.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Update Boot To Grub Command Line

Sep 29, 2010

I recently updated, and now when I boot it only goes as far as grub command line. There is no grub menu. The computer is a Dell Inspiron 8600 laptop with only Ubuntu installed -- no dual boot, no weird partition schemes. Originally installed Ubuntu 09.04 on this computer, upgraded a couple times and it currently has (had) 10.04.1 LTS running. The update should have upgraded from kernel 2.6.32-23 to 2.6.32-24. I can boot with a live CD and mount the hard drive. The drive seems fine, so it appears to be simply a grub config issue. I have to boot with live cd to get online to check for potential solutions. So I'm taking some notes on how to use grub.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot After Update - Udevadm - And No Chroot Command

Dec 20, 2010

I installed Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10 on my Eee PC 901 (the one that has 2 SSD's). It all went fine, and I ran the update manager straight after install and config. It installed the updates (all 198 of them!) without error. I was prompted to restart, so I did. I got the error "udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured". I found out that this error is well documented, and I followed the guide at [url](apparently it affects all variants, not just UNE).

It went O.K., until I tried the command "sudo chroot /media/newroot". I got the error that "cannot run command '/bind/bash': no such file or directory". What should I do?

I cannot boot into and earlier kernel (problem/current one is 2.6.35-23-generic) I can only fix it via live USB stick.

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Debian Installation :: Boot To Command Line Rather Than GDM

Jul 28, 2014

What is the simplest way to boot to command line rather than gdm ?

I've seen post to change
# The default runlevel.


update-rc.d -f gdm remove
update-rc.d -f kdm remove
update-rc.d -f xdm remove

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi Doesn't Boot - Loads Grub Command Line?

Jan 1, 2010

My Wubi installation of Ubuntu (version 9.10, I think) that I recently installed was working fine at one point, but now it isn['t. I select Ubuntu instead of Windows from the Windows boot loader, but instead of getting the usual menu of different linux versions (I think 2, as I updated it at same point), and Windows, I get the GRUB command prompt instead.I've looked at th2e Wubi Guide (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide), and I've followed the instructions for "How can I access my Wubi install and repair my install if it won't boot?", but that reveals no problems.For the record, I'm fairly new to linux and ubuntu, but I'm good with computers generally. The main operating system on my computer is Windows Vista, but I'm currently typing this from a Live CD of Ubuntu 9.10. The virtual disk (root.disk), is currently mounted as vdisk, as indicated in the Wubi Guide.

Ideally I would like to get Ubuntu to load as it used to (with a menu). However, if there is a way to boot from the GRUB command line that would be good too. I'm not at all familiar with GRUB, and the commands I've tried (boot and linux, I think), get errors saying no kernel specified, or loaded, or something like that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual-boot On A RAID-0 Array - Drops To GRUB Command Line?

May 28, 2011

I've recently had trouble reinstalling my Ubuntu system as I was getting various unusual errors as described in my old thread here. I thought it was probably something to do with my RAID-0 array which was pre-installed on my laptop from purchase being corrupted or something like that (if it's possible). I decided to simplify things for myself (not understanding RAID arrays much) so I just removed the RAID array and installed Windows and Ubuntu on the now separate hard disks. It worked fine.

I noticed quite a significant performance drop, however, with even Ubuntu boots taking longer than 30 seconds despite my laptop being both high-spec and only a few months old. Windows, as you can imagine, was dreadfully slow. I wasn't entirely convinced that this was entirely due to the loss of the RAID array - as even low-spec laptops with presumably no RAID arrays are supposed to boot Ubuntu in under 30 seconds apparently - but I read that RAID-0 arra

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setup A Dual Boot System With XP Running Side By Side On Thinkpad T41?

Jan 28, 2010

have been trying to setup a dual boot system with ubuntu and XP running side by side on my Thinkpad T41.tried it a few times and always causes the same problem. i have 40 gig HDD, on which i create a 13 gig NTFS partition and leave the rest as free space. then install XP on the NTFS partition. no problems.

then i boot from the ubuntu disk (9.10 Karmic) and install using the "use free space" option at the partition section. ubuntu installs ok, and boots fine from GRUB 2.0. BUT when i select the XP option from GRUB's list, it starts to boot XP, i get the standard XP loading screen for three seconds and then it crashes to a blue screen critical problem, and restarts the system. when i then boot from the xp cd and go into recovery mode CHKDSK will not recognise the disk, and DISKPART shows one HDD at 35 gig which it cannot access.

this means i cant run FIXBOOT and get my xp install running again. every time i do this process it produces the same problem. tried at first with xp installed on whole HDD, and reducing the xp partition size. killed XP. then tried ubuntu first and xp second - but this caused the same inaccessible disk problem - xp would not recognise the partitions and would not install. so i slipstreamed my XP install disk to SP2 hoping this would make it recognise the partitions, but no luck there. so had to format all and repartition the 13 gig NTFS for xp. installed xp again without difficulty but ubuntu install killed my xp in the same way.

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Fedora Installation :: Boot - Grub Drops Into Its Minimal Shell And Gives A Command Line

Jun 12, 2009

I'd like to say I'm very impressed with Fedora 11. I'm a long time Linux user and I've tried many distros. But, I usually keep only the best on my laptop. For a long time that was Ubuntu but, I think Fedora 11 has made some key improvements over Ubuntu and I'm eager to switch. The problem is: I haven't been able to run Fedora as anything other than on the Live CD. Everything works perfectly and it installs but, when I reboot, Grub begins. Instead of booting, however, Grub drops into its minimal shell and gives me a command line.

I've tried installing it a number of ways now and have read much about the problems with Ext4 on Grub and took special care to see that Grub has its own, separate, /boot ext3 partition. Even then, no luck. My hardware should work fine. I've got an HP DV-5 with 4GB RAM, AMD Turion 64-bit dual-core @ 2 Ghz, and an IDE 250GB hard drive. I'm working with the 64-bit Fedora 11 Live disc with KDE as the Gui.

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Lock Up At I386 Start Kernal Command And Blinky Cursor

Aug 21, 2010

I have a pc trying to install fedora. It is an amd downloaded and tried to install different versions of fedora. The latest i686 and will get to a boot screen and when selecting boot will lock up at the i386 start kernal command and blinky curser. Yes I am new to linux and may need some hand holding. I have however successfully installed fedora on other computers a while back which is why I am not sure what is going on. It may be a hardware mismatch. I will try to see if I can find another computer to install. I used a different computer and is working. The athlon computer is not working.

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Ubuntu :: What's The Command For Running Natilis As Root

May 7, 2010

What's the command for running natilis as root? What about my natilis spelling?

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Ubuntu :: Running Cups From Command Line?

Dec 23, 2010

I need some help desperately, and would appreciate a quick response. To begin, here's the output from 'uname -a' for the machine I'm using: Linux ubuntu 2.6.35-23-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 24 11:55:36 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Now, when I start my computer, cupsd is running:


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Ubuntu :: Running Command After Lock Screen?

Jan 15, 2011

So I have a script that runs from 'Startup Applications'. That works fine. However, I also want it to run after I unlock a locked screen such as after suspend or a screensaver. I have mod3+t as a shortcut to it, but it would be nice if I could get it to run automatically.

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Ubuntu :: Running Application In Command Line?

Feb 12, 2011

I have a application in
I need to type a long path each time, if I want to use it. I want to use it just type 'app'. How to do? Whatever I'm stay in any path.

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Ubuntu :: Command For Running Natilis As Root?

May 10, 2011

What's the command for running natilis as root? What about my natilis spelling?

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Ubuntu :: Running A Command In Terminal Upon Start Up?

May 14, 2011

I am relatively new to linux but i need to run a command in the terminal so i can prevent wireless power save from happening every time i switch to battery power. I dont really want to go into the terminal every time i switch to battery mode so i want to be able to launch this command upon start up:

sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Server - When Boot It Only Boots To The Server Version And All Get Is Command Line

Apr 1, 2010

I was having so much trouble with ubuntu 8.04 that I deleted off my computer and did a fresh install of 9.10. I downloaded the 64 bit iso from the internet, burned it to a disc and installed it. When it asked if it should be the server version I thought I said no. Now when I boot it only boots to the server version and all I get is command line. Can I get out of this and get my regular ubuntu screen back or did I install the wrong version?

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Ubuntu :: Running A Command In The Alt+F2 Prompt Possible In Bash Scripts?

Jan 5, 2010

Is running a command in the Alt+F2 prompt possible in a bash script?I need this for a launcher for gnome-shell.For it I have written a little script to check if the process gnome-shell is alive and act accordingly.The script works fine, I just don't know how to write "debugexit" to the Alt+F2 prompt, as that is the only decent way I have found to shut gnome-shell down and going back to gdm desktop smoothly.

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Ubuntu :: Running A Command System Wide To Fix RGBA?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm trying to run a command that will let me run some programs. If I run the command in a terminal, then I can launch the programs from it fine, but not from anywhere except that terminal. This is the command that makes things work:Code:export GTK_RGBA_APPS=allbut:exe:checkgmail:swiftfox:firefoxThis command disables RGBA for the programs listed, which seem to have problems with it. I hoped I could use this command to somehow apply it system wide permanently. I've tried adding it /etc/rc.local and rebooting, but it doesn't work.Is there a way of doing this? Or am I barking up the wrong tree entirely? Is there a better way to disable RGBA for certain programs?

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Ubuntu :: Different Results When Running In Command Prompt And Via Script?

May 26, 2010

i wonder if it is usual that the results of running commands via the command line is different from running them in a script file. my problem is that, i've to run 'modprobe -r e100' and 'modprobe e100' before suspend my machine via pmi in order to resume it properly. i wrote a script containg EXACTLY the same commands as i typed in the terminal/console but the result was not the same. the machine cannot be resumed as expected if i run the script file.

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Ubuntu :: Xscreensaver-command: No Screensaver Is Running On Display :0.0

Aug 21, 2010

have you ever tried to type into xterm ? (output of 5-11.1): Code: xscreensaver-command -lock xscreensaver-command: no screensaver is running on display :0.0 If it is working for you, which version of xscreensaver do you have?

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Ubuntu :: Cron Daemon Is Running But The Command Isn't Executing?

Mar 28, 2011

I was just curious if cron had to be enabled before use. i have a crontab, and the cron daemon is running, but the command isn't executing...

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Fedora :: Running A Command At Startup?

Mar 12, 2010

I'm trying to get synergy+ to work on Fedora 12 on start up. I'd like to be able to log into Fedora using my keyboard and mouse through synergy+. I've tried adding the line
Code:synergyc <localipaddress> at the end of the /etc/rc.local file but I still can't use my keyboard and mouse to log in. I've also tried adding the lineCode:su <username> -c "synergyc <localipaddress>" to /etc/rc.local but it still doesn't work. Just to clarify, I do have synergy+ working on Fedora but I need to start it after logging in on each reboot by switching my keyboard over to the other computer.

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General :: Running Script As Command?

Jan 16, 2011

i have a shell script which some of the lines should be running as root and some other not.the problem is that su is not practically work,it means it take root password from me but it does not run the commands in script.the other problem is thatthere are some commands which should be run as normal user so how it exits from root mode and run that particular command. i tried exit in script file but it dos not work.

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Networking :: Log Off Or Log Out A User By Running A Command?

Sep 24, 2010

Let's say 4 users have logged in on 4 different Virtual Consoles:tty1 .... tty4On tty4 is logged in User4.How can I log out the User4 from my console using the root login?I just checked out the man page of shutdown but didn't find any hint there. The logout command is also not doing the work. We cannot specify a username wit it to log him/her out.

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