Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 - Drivers For Legacy NVidia Card

Nov 22, 2010

Got a Gforce4 Ti 4400 graphics card. After installing 10.10 everything works but not optimal:
I cannot choose any visual effects under appearances. I don't have a NVIDIA menu. Can't use any of the features. When looking in the 'additional drivers' section, nothing shows up. Looking at some threads, I tried what is described in: p {margin-bottom: 0.08in;} [URL]

However, the result is crap. As described further down that thread, my screen goes to crap. So, re-installed everything again and I am now wondering if I should just give up. Not my nature though so here is my question:
My card is supported with the Legacy NVIDIA driver: 96.43.xx driver
Latest version on their website:
Version: 96.43.19 Certified
Release Date: 2010.11.16
Operating System: Linux
Language: English (U.S.)
File Size: 15.7 MB

This file is a .bin file. So what should I do. I read something like if you don't use something from the repository you have to re-install it every time Ubuntu's kernel is updated. However, does the driver in the repository support my legacy card. Is it wise to install the certified driver and how do I do that?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Acpi Better / Card Went To Legacy What Version Still Has Ati Drivers For Card

Dec 6, 2009

i have a little experience with ubuntu but i have had bugs that are not resolvable at this time in ubuntu. so instead of giving wild bill back my pc i am looking for a new distro. my concerns with ubuntu revolve around acpi. no fan control and high temp. the 2nd problem that is almost overlookable is the ata1 softreset error. it usually is no problem but occasionally have to do manual fsck to fix. so heres my laptop specs. toshiba a305d-s6848. amd turion x2 ati x1250 integrated. 3gb ram. 500gb hd vista and ubuntu 9.04 dual boot grub with 100gb ubuntu and the rest vista. so q1= what suse version would be best?

q2= is suse's acpi better? ubuntu runs all features but fan control
q3= is suse as easy to install? or harder
q4= ati graphics i know for my card went to legacy what version still has the ati drivers for my card
q5= is suse easier or harder to work with and get everything working.

i know no linux is or opsys is perfect. im just looking for one that is stable and works the pc correctly. i know its a big thing to ask. i know no one can tell me that. but just looking for suggestions. im thinking of downloading suse and does all the downloads support live sessions.

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Debian Hardware :: When The Nvidia Legacy Drivers Are Going Into Squeeze

Feb 13, 2010

Does anyone know when or if the nvidia legacy drivers are going into Squeeze? I tried the ones in the Sid repos but ran into unresolvable dependencies. Lots of people were telling me that testing works just fine so I've been trying it out, but to be honest I've run into quite a few problems of this nature. I admit that I'm running a real Rube Goldberg mix of older and newer hardware on this box, but I wouldn't think it would be this much of a problem.

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Fedora Installation :: 11 - Can't Get The Nvidia Legacy Drivers Running

Oct 3, 2009

I can't get the Nvidia legacy drivers running. I've the following packages, which are the right ones for my kernel:


and I added nouveau to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and created a new mkinitrd which boots. But the X11 window system doesn't start up, so I checked if nouveau is loaded and it's really blacklisted. When I manually modprobe nvidia kernel driver I get the following error:


FATAL: Error inserting nvidia (/lib/modules/ No such device

and some warnings from the module that 185.18.36 doesn't support my CPU.

My video card is:


Try to figure this out for two days now. Rpmfusion is really frustrating for me

Adding vmalloc=256m to the kernel parameters and Option "ConstantFrameRateHint" "True" in xorg.conf also didn't help.

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Ubuntu :: Wrong Screen Resolution At Startup After Installing NVidia Legacy Drivers

Jan 8, 2011

I just installed drivers for this nVidia GPU from the website. Now, whenever I boot, the screen resolution goes to 1024x768 instead of 1280x800 like I want it to. I have to change the screen resolution every time I boot into Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 - NVidia Graphics Card Drivers Update

Jun 19, 2011

I have a problem with starting ubuntu 10.10, I changed my graphics card from an ATI card to a Nivida card a week or so ago (Machine has dual boot). I've sort out the windows install, but cant get into ubuntu to update the drivers. It boots as far as console but just leaves me with the text screen. How do I update the drivers from there or get a basic console screen to come up so I can update?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Enable Nvidia 8400GS Video Card Drivers?

May 17, 2010

I've tried to enable the drivers for a Nvidia 8400GS video card on Ubuntu 10.04. I've tried change desktop background > visual effects. It tells me Desktop effects can't be enabled. Sudo jockey-gtk looks and tells me no proprietary drivers are in use by my system. I've tried installing from Nvidia's site and that seems to go okay but doesn't seem to work. I have an internal video card that can't be turned off in BIOS )either ON or AUTO) that might be causing me problems.Lspci:Quote:

ron@desktop:~$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface (rev 01)


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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install Nvidia Drivers For Nvidia 8800 GT Video Card

Apr 3, 2011

I can't figure out how to install the nvidia drivers for my nvidia 8800 GT video card. I've followed some other posts and all the posts seemed either incomplete, or led me down a path of which eventually broke my installation, that I needed to reinstall the entire ubuntu system.Again, it may not have been broken, i just didnt know how to get back in to the gui version of ubuntu, the instructions took me to the console terminal

1.) I've installed the ubuntu 10.10 64bit for i386 in an oracle virtualBox..

2.) downloaded from nvidia.com "NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-260.19.44.run"

3.) Stuck don't know what to do.

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Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia Legacy 304 Under Jessie Is Broken

Feb 2, 2015

I recently updated my Debian Jessie and somehow that update broke my Debian. I have a Gtx 465 and this has been working fine under Jessie for a year.

After the update I no longer have X running. I tried removing all the Nvida stuff and reinstalling 304-legacy which did not get the Xserver back. I also tried to install Nvidia 304 driver binary but this time it refuses to compile ;( So I am out of luck at the moment.

I am runing Jessie Linux 3.18 Nvidia 465 Gtx Intel Cpu

Code: Select all     built-ins
[    41.306] (==) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
[    41.306] (II) The server relies on udev to provide the list of input devices.
        If no devices become available, reconfigure udev or disable AutoAddDevices.
[    41.306] (II) Loader magic: 0x7ff757496d80

[Code] .....

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Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia Legacy 96 - Starting Gdm - Xserver Fails

May 26, 2011

I recently installed the Nvidia proprietary drivers and I have a problem starting gdm. Xserver fails, only throwing a warning concerned to xkbcomp, something about ralt having two symbols... but just a warning anyway. Then, after waiting the screen flash between the tty and a black screen a few times;

i'm on the tty, from where I can "startx" without problem. I tried using the nv driver and gdm worked.. so i think it has relation with the nvidia drivers... If I start gdm from the tty, instead of using the startx command, then gdm appears but if I try to log in.. all freezes up.. Here's my xorg.conf generated by nvidia-xconfig: [URL]

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Set Nvidia Drivers - Dual Monitor Without Proprietary Drivers?

Apr 8, 2010

I have been using ubuntu for quite a long time, and for the first time, I am now unable to set nvidia drivers to work. I have just install ubuntu 9.10 amd64 on an AMD 64 athlong X2 with a GEForce 6500 nvidia card.

The only reason I need the proprietary drivers is to use two monitors.

I am going crazy, I have tested everything I have found on the web. I have tried all the nvidia drivers version, I have tried envyng, ... but nvidia do not work!!

I am trying Xinerama with nv, but it does not work either!!!

Here is my xorg.conf file in which I have tried to use nv driver to set dual monitor. X fails to load and it says that screen 0 is deleted, that devices are found but there are no matches in the config file. Any clue?

Section "Files"
ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/:unscaled"


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Ubuntu Installation :: Location Legacy Nvidia-xconfig Or Using Nvidia-gfx-71 In 9.10

Jan 2, 2010

I have 9.10 running on an old computer with a Nvidia Vanta-graphics card. Unfortunately these appearently aren't supported by 9.10, since the oldest nvidia drivers in the repository for this build are nvidia-gfx-96, while vanta seem to supported up to nvidia-gfx-71. After some hours of following tutorials, fiddling around and testing I managed to install the 71-drivers. But, the nvidia-settings require nvidia-xconfig to be around, which is embedded with later driver-builds but not with 71.

Fortunately I found a tar.gz at this page, so I downloaded it... but -and here is finally my question- where am I supposed to extract it to and are there other things I should do to get it working? Or, if I'm overcomplicating things, feel free to give me directions on what to do. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything on Ubuntu 9.10 and nvidia-gfx-71, hence I'm messing around for hours by now.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Old Video Card, Nvidia XFX 7800GT Now Beginning To Fail - Which Way Is Best, ATI Or Nvidia?

May 3, 2010

I have an old video card, Nvidia XFX 7800GT, which is now beginning to fail and I need to upgrade. I am not huge a gamer but I do play/buy games on regular basis. Right now I'm playing Eternal Lands on the Linux side. Looking to spend $100-$150 on a new card.I have a Core2Duo Wolfdale 3.0, with 2ghz ram and run Lucid 32bit. Also run windows Vista64Ultimate on dual boot (rarely).

I would love to buy a new ATI 5770 or 5830, ATI budget cards seem to be much better for the buck over budget Nvidia cards, but I'm concerned with ATI drivers and long term with Ubuntu.On the Nvidia side I'm considering the GTS 250. The only advantage I can find is lower power consumption with Nvidia and Ubuntu has always preferred Nvidia over ATI, as far as working drivers go.As Far as Ubuntu and Lucid is concerned, which way is best, ATI or Nvidia? Has anything changed with ATI support, that could make theor cards more compatible now and in the future?

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Hardware :: Drivers For Old NVidia TNT2 Video Card

Dec 21, 2010

I just installed a nvidia TNT2 m64 video card on my AMD 2500+ Ubuntu Linux 10.04 on Gnome 2.30.2. (yeah, it's old). I'm trying to install the proper driver, but system>admin>Hardware drivers says there are no proprietary drivers enabled. nVidia synaptic packages installed (settings; common; modaliases 96, 173, current; xorg video). I used to have the same, or nearly the same card working great before some a**hole stole it. How to configure?

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General :: Install The Drivers For Nvidia Graphics Card?

Jun 8, 2011

I'm trying to install the drivers for my nvidia graphics card. I downloaded the shell script from the nvidia website. However, there's something peculiar going on. When I execute the shell script it says it cannot find my kernel headers, yet I can verify that my /usr/include/linux/kernel.h does exist. I have selinux on, but just installed os with it on, so contexts are fresh. Checked them as well. After doing some research I found something out. When I run a 'uname -a' I get this.

Linux ariel 2.6.18-194.el5PAE #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 15:37:44 EDT 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
Yet when I ran 'yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers' they installed the following versions.
Shouldn't they be


I see that the error in the nvidia shell script can't locate the header files for the RUNNING kernel version which makes sense. Why would yum install that version instead of the one in 'uname -a'? Or am I misunderstanding something?

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Ubuntu :: After Installing The Drivers For NVIDIA Video Card It Changed Resolution?

Apr 11, 2011

I reinstalled my computer with Ubuntu 10.10 and the resolution was fine. I turned off my computer last night and when I turned it on today it's back to everything being huge and the screen resolution being 640 x 480. Then when I try to change it, it says my video card isn't supported. All I want to do is revert back to my stock video card in my computer and remove the nvidia one since obviously ubuntu isn't working with it.

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Fedora :: Set Up Any NVidia Video Card Properly With The Proprietary Drivers ?

Jan 5, 2009


NOTICE: Some very old nVidia Video Cards from more than 9 years ago might not work with this way, but just try this method because you'll see if there's a driver available for your video card in Fedora or not.

I have been noticing that it was hard to set up my own NVidia video card, and alot of other people shared the same problem as I had. I have been experimenting with some things, and here's what I did to solve it.

It's fairly easy, anyone can do this. Read and follow these instructions:

Install all updates. Although it seems unimportant, it really is.

Go to [url] and follow the instructions to install the free and nonfree repositories

Go to System > Administration > Add/Remove Software

Search the following: nv

Click everything which has to do with NVidia. Do not check the checkboxes yet, but read the descriptions. If you've found your video card in the description, check the checkbox at the left of the title.

Install the drivers by clicking "Apply" at the bottom of your screen.

After installing, go to Applications > System Tools > nVidia Display Settings

Set the properties of your video card, such as TwinView or higher screen resolutions.

After you've set it up, click Apply to preview your settings. Change some settings if you like, and then click Apply when you're done. DO NOT EXIT YET!

Click "Save to X Confguration File, but do NOT save the file. Click "Show preview..." and copy the text in the preview.

Go to Applications > System Tools > Terminal and type "su". Press Enter and enter the root password.

Now type:


Select all of the text in the document and delete it. Then, paste the text of the "Save X Configuration" window into the text editor.

Exit out of the terminal.

Exit out of the nVidia Display Settings application. Do not save anything from this application.

Log out and log back in to see the changes.

If you want to change some settings, repeat steps 7 - 16.

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Fedora Hardware :: Install Nvidia Drivers For 8800 Card?

Jul 8, 2010

A few years back I gave linux a try. It was fun but eventually I dropped it because simple tasks like installing software were always a practice in goose hunting and copy/paste command marathons. I am trying again to get fedora up and going. Thinking many of the old methods would be cleaned up by now. I was trying to install nvidia drivers for my 8800 card.

I download the *.run file and it tells me I need to disable "X...etc" so I init 3 to the command prompt and run the *.run file there. Then the installer says.... "hey buddy.. you need gcc to make this work". ok.. I type init 5 to get back to the internet browser. So I search about google for a few moments and then find the yum command for getting gcc installed. Run the gcc and again... init 3 to get back to the command prompt and run the *.rn file for the nvidia drivers. This time the installer says... "hey man... you need the kernel source tree".


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General :: NVIDIA Vs ATI Vs Intel Video Card Drivers - OpenGL?

Nov 6, 2010

How is OpenGL support (specifically OpenGL 3.x) in the different video card drivers available for Linux?Assuming that the hardware supported it well, would the drivers be an issue?

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Hardware :: Unable To Install Drivers Of Nvidia Graphics Card In Kubuntu 9.10?

Nov 3, 2009

I have just installed Kubuntu 9.10 in my laptop and it did not ditected my Nvidia 8400 M GS graphics Card I downloaded a driver file
NVIDIA-Linux.x86-19042-pkg1.run to install drivers but when i run it it shows the error error:you appear to be running X server, please exit X before installing.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: New Nvidia Drivers Don't Show Up?

May 2, 2010

I just upgraded to lynx but my nvidia drivers only say "173" and "recommended" as the two options. no idea which version the "recommended" one is but that's what is enabled. I did an update but still it does not show the 195 drivers that I thought I read were shipping with lucid.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Nvidia Drivers For 11.3?

Jul 15, 2010

the url to the nividia drivers for 11.3. They are not yet in the community repos.

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Fedora :: F11 To F12 Doesn't Seem To Like Legacy Nvidia Cards?

Nov 18, 2009

Greets all and congrats on the developers on bringing us another great version of Fedora. My box has an Nvidia GForce4 MMX 440 SE 64MB SDRam. I downloaded and updated from F11 to F12 last night. Before I went to bed It booted to a blank screen, GDM didn't want to start. I decided to investigate in the morning and went to bed. The first problem I found was that the F11 Legacy Nvidia Drivers were causing a problem, so I had to remove those. I also did an update with yum to get everything 100% updated. Then rebooted, more problems. GDM did NOT want to start for anything. More investigating found that the culprit was this nouveau kernel mod. Well, I had the xorg nouveau driver installed and I thought that this might be one in the same so I removed the xorg one with no avail, the nouveau kernal mod still loading. Seems that they are different and one is used for the xorg server and the other is used for the framebuffer console. I had to pass nouveau.modset=0 to the kernel at boot time to rid myself of the framebuffer. GDM starts now and I have resinstalled the xorg Nvidia nouveau driver though I have not tested it as of yet. Is there a better way at disabling the framebuffer boot up then by passing things to the kernel?

Edit: I take all that back. Upon further tinkering, reading, and investigation. The problem seems to be two fold: 1) The legacy nvidia drivers pissed and moaned about permission so I removed them. 2). This one I over looked and was causing me most of my grief. I didn't change the xorg.conf video driver from nv to nouveau. I did this and it works fine now. It seems that the "Linva-config-display" And I am sorry that I do not know exactly what this is at the moment. But this would automatically change the video driver from nvidia to nv if I manually changed it in the xorg.conf file after I removed the nvidia drivers. So I ASSUMED(my big mistake) that it would automatically see the nouveau driver and replace the nv with that. I was very wrong. After I added it manually, I rebooted and it runs fine now.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VNC Screen Sharing And NVidia Drivers?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a laptop and desktop both with basic installations of 9.10 (Karmic). And, they are networked with a Mac running OS X 10.6.2. Screen sharing simply worked right from the beginning, to and from the Mac, and of course to and from both Ubuntu installs.

Except there was no feedback from one Ubuntu desktop screen being shared. Mouse clicks, mouse movements, and keyboard presses all seemed to have their correct effects. It was just that the results were not fed back to the remote screen.

During troubleshooting, I de-activated (removed) the nVidia accelerated graphics driver (version 185) that had been installed with 9.10 (Karmic). Then screen sharing started to work with the proper feedback to the remote screen.

I tried the pre-upgrade nVidia driver (version 173) and again no feedback from the screen being shared. De-activate the driver and again screen sharing started to work with feedback.

The bottom line seems to be no nVidia proprietary drivers if I want remote screen sharing to work. But this desktop is primarily used as a HTPC with a HDTV monitor. No games. No 3D. Screen sharing is probably more important, but essentially what am I giving up in graphics capabilities by not using those nVidia drivers?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: New Nvidia Drivers Causing Overheating?

Mar 6, 2010

BlizzPlanet reports that people are seeing their nvidia graphics cards overheat when running the Windows 196.75 driver and playing 3D games. I have to wonder whether I fell afoul of this issue. A week ago I installed the 195.36 nVidia proprietary Linux driver on my Karmic Koala system, after adding the PPD nvidia-vdpau repository to my sources.list. I restarted so the new driver would take effect... and was surprised to see the graphics chip temperature soar to over 130 degrees Celsius. It fried itself. When I opened up the case, I checked the card's fan, and it spun freely, and I'd not heard any noise of the sort that accompanies a dying fan. I'm sticking with 190.53 for now. Has anyone else seen overheating difficulties with the 195.36 driver?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Nvidia 256 Drivers And Lucid 10.04 Theme

Jul 9, 2010

OK, I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and since upgrading to the 256.35 drivers from the ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates ppa the ambiance and radiance themes have gone funny. For example the scroll bars and buttons are now very white and when hovering over the time it goes a very bright colour. If I return to the 195 drivers the problem goes, but the 256 drivers have better video vdpau performance. The problem occurs regardless of whether compiz is enabled. The login screen is also affected. My gfx card is an 8600m gs.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Install Nvidia Drivers Forced To Run In Low-res

Aug 27, 2010

10.04 64-bit
NVIDIA GeForce 8500GT 256MB

So I kind of had ubuntu working, but then I tried updating to the newer nvidia drivers and I broke it. I had to uninstall/purge nvidia so as to get ubuntu past the black screen/no signal to monitor...

I had been using a "Broadcom B43 wireless driver" which used fwcutter to extract firmware from various source files. I have never been able to get this install working with nvidia drivers and am about ready to try anything (including yet another reinstall).

**Nvidia drivers 96, 173, & current cause my system to freeze, lock up, reboot, fail to boot, etc. You name it and it's happened.**

I tried using synaptic, jockey and the terminal to install nvidia drivers. Then I tried adding the swat ppa and installing through System-Admin-Hardware Drivers to no avail.

Every time I start my PC it displays this window.

And when I open Hardware drivers this is what appears.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Signal After Removing Nvidia Drivers?

Sep 16, 2010

I executed the following and after a restart I have no signal in my monitor:


sudo service gdm stop
sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia*

How can I fix this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Nvidia Site And Downloaded The Drivers?

Jan 23, 2011

I'm having another go at ubuntu!I have Ubuntu 10.10 running (a fresh install).I went to the nvidia site and downloaded the linux drivers for it, (it's a .run file).So I try runnig it via the terminal, it goes great untill it mentions that I need to exit the X Window system?

So I tried pressing ctrl+alt+f2 (switches to a root terminal?) and tried runnig it from there but no luck either

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: NVIDIA Drivers: No Devices Detected

Jun 6, 2011

I'm having issues getting the nvidia-current drivers working with a GeForce 8400 graphics card on Ubuntu 10.10 (x64). After running nvidia-xconfig and restarting, X fails to start with an error: No devices detected.

Here is my xorg.conf:


# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 260.19.06 (buildmeister@builder101) Mon Sep 13 04:59:45 PDT 2010
Section "ServerLayout"


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