Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia Legacy 96 - Starting Gdm - Xserver Fails

May 26, 2011

I recently installed the Nvidia proprietary drivers and I have a problem starting gdm. Xserver fails, only throwing a warning concerned to xkbcomp, something about ralt having two symbols... but just a warning anyway. Then, after waiting the screen flash between the tty and a black screen a few times;

i'm on the tty, from where I can "startx" without problem. I tried using the nv driver and gdm worked.. so i think it has relation with the nvidia drivers... If I start gdm from the tty, instead of using the startx command, then gdm appears but if I try to log in.. all freezes up.. Here's my xorg.conf generated by nvidia-xconfig: [URL]

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Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia Legacy 304 Under Jessie Is Broken

Feb 2, 2015

I recently updated my Debian Jessie and somehow that update broke my Debian. I have a Gtx 465 and this has been working fine under Jessie for a year.

After the update I no longer have X running. I tried removing all the Nvida stuff and reinstalling 304-legacy which did not get the Xserver back. I also tried to install Nvidia 304 driver binary but this time it refuses to compile ;( So I am out of luck at the moment.

I am runing Jessie Linux 3.18 Nvidia 465 Gtx Intel Cpu

Code: Select all     built-ins
[    41.306] (==) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
[    41.306] (II) The server relies on udev to provide the list of input devices.
        If no devices become available, reconfigure udev or disable AutoAddDevices.
[    41.306] (II) Loader magic: 0x7ff757496d80

[Code] .....

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Debian Multimedia :: Xserver-common=2:1.11.0-1 Broke Nvidia Driver

Aug 30, 2011

xserver-common (2:1.10.4-1) was upgrade today in Sid to xserver-common (2:1.11.0-1) breaking my nvidia driver ( There is a temporary fix as showen below.

Section "ServerFlags"

Option   "IgnoreABI" "true"


Some problems do exist and downgrading may be a better option.

I need to look at bugreports at nividia but not sure how. LOL guess it's time to google.

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Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia-glx Dpkg-divert: 'extensions/libglx.a' Xserver Error?

Feb 7, 2010

I just wanted to post this in the forums for anyone else that was having the same issue. I looked all over the internet for 4 hours and could not find a solution and finally figured out what to do. Maybe this will help save some time for someone else.

Removing nvidia-glx ...
dpkg-divert: error checking `/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libglx.a': No such file or directory


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Debian Multimedia :: Starting Gnome With Nvidia Non-free

Sep 29, 2015

After my last package upgrade (Under Testing/Sid), gdm refuse to starts and immediately gives the Gnome message :

Oh no! Something has gone wrong. GNOME-shell

This error appears before I can choose this account to login. GDM or Xorg doesn't give any useful log.

After uninstalling nvidia non-free drivers, I'm now able to boot with nouveau.

Any way for having non-free drivers working again?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 - Drivers For Legacy NVidia Card

Nov 22, 2010

Got a Gforce4 Ti 4400 graphics card. After installing 10.10 everything works but not optimal:
I cannot choose any visual effects under appearances. I don't have a NVIDIA menu. Can't use any of the features. When looking in the 'additional drivers' section, nothing shows up. Looking at some threads, I tried what is described in: p {margin-bottom: 0.08in;} [URL]

However, the result is crap. As described further down that thread, my screen goes to crap. So, re-installed everything again and I am now wondering if I should just give up. Not my nature though so here is my question:
My card is supported with the Legacy NVIDIA driver: 96.43.xx driver
Latest version on their website:
Version: 96.43.19 Certified
Release Date: 2010.11.16
Operating System: Linux
Language: English (U.S.)
File Size: 15.7 MB

This file is a .bin file. So what should I do. I read something like if you don't use something from the repository you have to re-install it every time Ubuntu's kernel is updated. However, does the driver in the repository support my legacy card. Is it wise to install the certified driver and how do I do that?

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Debian Hardware :: When The Nvidia Legacy Drivers Are Going Into Squeeze

Feb 13, 2010

Does anyone know when or if the nvidia legacy drivers are going into Squeeze? I tried the ones in the Sid repos but ran into unresolvable dependencies. Lots of people were telling me that testing works just fine so I've been trying it out, but to be honest I've run into quite a few problems of this nature. I admit that I'm running a real Rube Goldberg mix of older and newer hardware on this box, but I wouldn't think it would be this much of a problem.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Switch The Primary Within NVidia's Xserver App?

Jul 4, 2010

Currently Monitor 0 is the TV (S-video). I want it to be my Monitor. My attempts to change this are failing Seams I'm just tripping over some little thing:

Unbuntu 10.04
Graphics - NVidia 7600
Displays - 2
- Samsung LCD (DVI)
- TV (S-Video)

I do not see how to switch the primary within NVidia's xserver app. Background Info: In order to get the TV out working, I disconnected the Monitor and booted the system - The TV-out then worked for the first time. Reconnected the monitor and rebooted again - both worked..but TV is Monitor0. All other options failed me when I set this up the first time

Current xorg.conf
# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 1.0 (buildd@palmer) Fri Apr 9 10:35:18 UTC 2010
Section "ServerLayout"


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Debian Configuration :: Xserver 2:1.7.7-7 Fatal Error Nvidia.ko?

Oct 19, 2010

I just made the latest safe upgrade on debian squeese and everthing seamed fine untill i made a reboot. i tried starting an xserver after that none was started on boot. {worked fine before}the output below when starting xserverstartx --:3

Xorg-server 2:1.7.7-7
Parse error on line 13 of section files in file /etc/x11/f86config
Igonring obsolete keyword "rgbpath"


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: NVIDIA XServer Settings - Black Screen Of Death

Dec 11, 2010

I had Ubuntu 10.04 running fine. Then I got curious about NVIDIA XServer.

"ATI Technologies Inc RV380 [Radeon X600 (PCIE)]" - Video Card

I opened it up, clicked a settings change, and said OK.
It said you need to update your blah blah blah.
Then it said blah blah blah doesn't exist.
Then it said it would create it for me.
Then I said REBOOT!

Now I get a black screen of death.

The only way I can get anything to happen on my monitor that comes from this computer is to boot into the Install Disk and say "TRY UBUNTU".

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Debian Configuration :: Unable To Uninstall Xserver-xorg-video-nvidia

Apr 1, 2014

I am running Debian 7.0 Wheezy amd64...I installed Debian's nvidia driver earlier but I was having a few issues with OpenGL. So I removed those drivers using "apt-get remove nvidia*" and installed proprietry NVIDIA's driver from their website.Now the issue is, my apt-get/synaptic does not work anymore because it is trying to remove xserver-xorg-video-nvidia and failing to do so.

Code: Select allThe following packages will be REMOVED:

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 4 not upgraded.1 not fully installed or removed.After this operation, 17.8 MB disk space will be freed.Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y

(Reading database ... 194280 files and directories currently installed.)Removing xserver-xorg-video-nvidia dpkg: error processing xserver-xorg-video-nvidia (--remove): subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 128.Errors were encountered while processing:  xserver-xorg-video-nvidia.E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)I have tried apt-get install -f to no avail.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Location Legacy Nvidia-xconfig Or Using Nvidia-gfx-71 In 9.10

Jan 2, 2010

I have 9.10 running on an old computer with a Nvidia Vanta-graphics card. Unfortunately these appearently aren't supported by 9.10, since the oldest nvidia drivers in the repository for this build are nvidia-gfx-96, while vanta seem to supported up to nvidia-gfx-71. After some hours of following tutorials, fiddling around and testing I managed to install the 71-drivers. But, the nvidia-settings require nvidia-xconfig to be around, which is embedded with later driver-builds but not with 71.

Fortunately I found a tar.gz at this page, so I downloaded it... but -and here is finally my question- where am I supposed to extract it to and are there other things I should do to get it working? Or, if I'm overcomplicating things, feel free to give me directions on what to do. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything on Ubuntu 9.10 and nvidia-gfx-71, hence I'm messing around for hours by now.

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Ubuntu :: Xserver On 10.10 Is Not Starting?

Oct 11, 2010

I had a Ubuntu 10.04 upon which I had nvidia Proprietary Drivers,Now After upgrading the distribution to ubuntu 10.10, instead of getting to the login screen i get on the tty1 Terminal. upon logging in from tty1 and running xstart it says "Fatal error X server failed to start" how do I fix this?

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Debian Multimedia :: Xserver Eating Memory?

Nov 21, 2010

I have installed Debian Lenny today from netinst cd. It all went good, hen I installed some basic utilities, daemons and libraries like dbus, hal, libgtk2.0, libasound2, alsa-utils, htop (for checking system load). Then I installed with commandaptitude install -R xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-input-mouse xserver-xorg-input-kbd xserver-xorg-video-intel xinit xterm twmI used -R to pull less dependencies. When I ran startx X Server started, and I got on twm. But when I checked on htop, my memory usage was 175MB, and before starting X Server it was only 25MB. Why is X Server using so much memory on Lenny? I also have Debian Sqeeze on a different partition, it uses so much memory with all gnome services running+ iceweasel and amsn.

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Debian Multimedia :: Second Xserver Has No Connected Output With Radeon DIS

Mar 26, 2016

My notebook thinkpad w500 has two video cards, intel / radeon. When i test some 3d games by wine or some videos by mpv using dri_prime=1 to dynamic enable radeon card, the game/video window always tearing, see bug report [URL] ....

So I try to start second xserver directly use radeon card, command like this:

$xinit /usr/bin/openbox-session -- :1 -ac -configdir radeon (/etc/X11/Xwrapper.config already changed to allowed_users=anybody)

I put 20-radeon.conf into /etc/X11/radeon, which is:
Section "Device"
Identifier "radeonGPU"
Driver "radeon"
BusID "PCI:1:0:0"
Option "DRI" "3"

If i just put 20-intel.conf into /etc/X11/radeon (just use intel IDG), the second xserver runs ok. Just using radeon DIS the second xserver started without any conntected output. run DISPLAY=:1 xrandr could confirm that, all disconnetted, so it's black screen on second xserver vtn, and default xserver vt7 still ok.

Am i missing something to config second xserver using radeon DIS, or it's not possible...

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Slackware :: Fluxbox Not Starting - Error - Couldn't Connect To XServer

Sep 7, 2010

I've just recently install slackware 13.1 on IBM R40e laptop but every time i try to start fluxbox with
startfluxbox it just comes up:

However xdm works.

The specs of the computer:
IBM R40e 2684 L9G
2.4GHz Intel celeron processor
128MB ram
ATI radeon 330M 16MB integrated
30GB hard drive
DVD rom drive

I'm not sure if it's of any use but here's my xorg.conf file:


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Debian Multimedia :: Xserver-xorg-core BROKEN - Can't Install

Feb 19, 2010

I have Lenovo 3000 n200. I'm new in debian, but it's great to me! I wan't to stay with this distro, but i Can't upgrade this to testing or unstable version. Lenny have too old packagges for me. All versions of squeeze (downloaded or upgrade from lenny) is broken. I can't run xorg. For about 2 weeks i'm serching for answer and i only found that this is xserver-xorg-conf. That's true this is the package that is broken, but cannot install this.

When i upgade system the synaptic package manager write me one package is broken (xserver-xorg-conf), so i delete it and install one more time. This same problem. So i downloaded and i have this same problem. When i restart system i cannot run xserver and gnome.

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Debian Multimedia :: Wheezy Warning: Keep Xserver-xorg-core 2:1.10.2-1?

Jun 19, 2011

I experienced this problem on Friday but didn't have time to write a warning.A couple of days ago, xserver-xorg-core 2:1.10.2-1+b1 reached Testing before a corresponding dependency (recommendation), thus breaking the hardware acceleration. The issue is (better) described here (1) by a developer.A possible solution is to keep (2) the previous version (2:1.10.2-1) or, if you already installed the faulty one, to grab the former version from Debian Snapshots (3) and downgrade the package.Because the error was a simple path change, one could also keep the new version of xserver-xorg-core and link the DRI Mesa modules to the directories that are inspected now (as described here [4]).The issue has already been addressed (5) and a new version should appear in Testing shortly.[URL]

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Fedora :: F11 To F12 Doesn't Seem To Like Legacy Nvidia Cards?

Nov 18, 2009

Greets all and congrats on the developers on bringing us another great version of Fedora. My box has an Nvidia GForce4 MMX 440 SE 64MB SDRam. I downloaded and updated from F11 to F12 last night. Before I went to bed It booted to a blank screen, GDM didn't want to start. I decided to investigate in the morning and went to bed. The first problem I found was that the F11 Legacy Nvidia Drivers were causing a problem, so I had to remove those. I also did an update with yum to get everything 100% updated. Then rebooted, more problems. GDM did NOT want to start for anything. More investigating found that the culprit was this nouveau kernel mod. Well, I had the xorg nouveau driver installed and I thought that this might be one in the same so I removed the xorg one with no avail, the nouveau kernal mod still loading. Seems that they are different and one is used for the xorg server and the other is used for the framebuffer console. I had to pass nouveau.modset=0 to the kernel at boot time to rid myself of the framebuffer. GDM starts now and I have resinstalled the xorg Nvidia nouveau driver though I have not tested it as of yet. Is there a better way at disabling the framebuffer boot up then by passing things to the kernel?

Edit: I take all that back. Upon further tinkering, reading, and investigation. The problem seems to be two fold: 1) The legacy nvidia drivers pissed and moaned about permission so I removed them. 2). This one I over looked and was causing me most of my grief. I didn't change the xorg.conf video driver from nv to nouveau. I did this and it works fine now. It seems that the "Linva-config-display" And I am sorry that I do not know exactly what this is at the moment. But this would automatically change the video driver from nvidia to nv if I manually changed it in the xorg.conf file after I removed the nvidia drivers. So I ASSUMED(my big mistake) that it would automatically see the nouveau driver and replace the nv with that. I was very wrong. After I added it manually, I rebooted and it runs fine now.

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Fedora Installation :: 11 - Can't Get The Nvidia Legacy Drivers Running

Oct 3, 2009

I can't get the Nvidia legacy drivers running. I've the following packages, which are the right ones for my kernel:


and I added nouveau to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and created a new mkinitrd which boots. But the X11 window system doesn't start up, so I checked if nouveau is loaded and it's really blacklisted. When I manually modprobe nvidia kernel driver I get the following error:


FATAL: Error inserting nvidia (/lib/modules/ No such device

and some warnings from the module that 185.18.36 doesn't support my CPU.

My video card is:


Try to figure this out for two days now. Rpmfusion is really frustrating for me

Adding vmalloc=256m to the kernel parameters and Option "ConstantFrameRateHint" "True" in xorg.conf also didn't help.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Can't Install Legacy Nvidia Driver

Mar 13, 2011

i tried installing the driver through the one click install (SDB:NVIDIA drivers - openSUSE) and through zipper, but system info says that the display driver is nouveau. here are my specs

opensuse 11.4
RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro

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Ubuntu :: Xserver Fails To Find Screen?

Jul 21, 2010

I've been trying to solve the well known problem of Xorg with Nvidia cards. But instead, I've made it worst.

When i try to start gdm, here's what it tells me

: WARNING: GdmDisplay: display lasted 0.152175 seconds
: WARNING: GdmDisplay: display lasted 0.143700 seconds
: WARNING: GdmDisplay: display lasted 0.138337 seconds


I tried to put the more information possible(btw, I'm on a laptop).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Starting Xserver After Upgrade / Error Message That Current Kernel Can Not Be Loaded?

May 21, 2011

I was about to do upgrade from 11.3 to 11.4.I was following the guide I found in opensuse's website. I was to the point where I had to disable all 11.3 repositories and add the 11.4 at that point I forgot to change my nvidia repository ( I have a g210m graphic card).

thus after the upgrade the X could not start at all. I think this was because Yast could not find the nvidia driver.

Using text mode YaSt2 I added the nvidia driver but after restart I can not see and X running. I receive an error message that the current kernel can not be loaded!!!

I also checked in command line if there is something like Sax2.. but I couldnot find anything.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Nvidia Driver Fails To Load In Kernels 2.6.32-23 And Later

Dec 6, 2010

I've been using kubuntu for a while, and I've been having this issue since the release of the 2.6.32-23 kernel. Originally, I thought it was related to my raid array and this bug: [URL] I'm still not convinced they're not related, but there is also apparently the possiblity of an nvidia driver issue. Previously, I rebooted infrequently, and I had a spare hard drive installed, so my grub menu would always appear (as it detected an alternate OS on this drive) and it was trivial to select the 2.6.32-22 kernel. Since I installed all updates, including the -35 kernel, it ran update-grub and now I have to press shift when I reboot. Specs/Summary:

Kubuntu 10.04
nvidia driver 195.36.24
RAID 1 (linux software raid)
kernels installed: 2.6.32-21 -

when I boot with -22 or earlier, everything works great. when I boot with -23 or later, I get the kubuntu splash screen, followed by it switching to tty2, then I get it switched back to where the X screen should be, with the system log displayed, and then it switches back to tty2. After installing -35, I panicked a bit as I'd never had the grub screen not show (not knowing about the shift key), and so I poked around logs and it showed nvidia driver errors. I tried removing my xorg.conf file and rebooted, and I got the desktop to show again. I prefer the nvidia driver as I sometimes use dual monitors.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Nvidia - Driver Is Activated But Not Currently In Use (compiz Fails)

Aug 25, 2011

I have a geforce 8400GS and nvidia-current installed. However, the Additional Drivers app advises that "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system" and that the driver is activated but not in use. I know other people have complained about this problem, but for me this is breaking 3D content and I can't get compiz to work either. When I try to start compiz manually (compiz --replace), I get this error:

Code: compiz (code) - Fatal: Couldn't open display My Xorg has nvidia as device driver. I'm using the NVIDIA X Server settings program to setup my two monitors, so I know that this is what is in use. In addition to the compiz problem (which I can get over), sometimes I can see the desktop background through the active window. It's hard to explain so I'll take a screenshot when it happens again. Things I've tried:

1. Installing nvidia's latest drivers - The installer was extremely picky, constantly complaining about other modules and drivers. After I finally managed to remove everything it didn't like and install it, X wouldn't load.

2. Reinstall nvidia-current - tried multiple times with no change.

3. Link /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/ to /usr/lib/nvidia-current/xorg/ - didn't make a difference.

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Hardware :: Slowdown With Nvidia's Legacy Driver 173.14.27. Geforce FX 5900 Ultra

Oct 9, 2010

I'm running a Geforce FX 5900 Ultra with nvidias 173.14.27 driver. I'm running slackware 13.1 with kernel

I get a horrible slowdown which is noticeable in emulators such as bsnes and kega fusion. I also think it's responsible for other issues that involve zsnes flickering like mad and hanging. Zsnes will actually crash if I select any filter plugins with opengl output modes.

Kega Fusion slows down to a crawl (we're talking 10 fps) immediately before loading a rom. Playing a rom makes it even slower.

Bsnes has the same kinda slowdown as kega fusion (even worse since it's so cpu intensive) when I activate scanlines or any type of output filter with opengl. Otherwise with no filters and just plain opengl it seems to run fast like it should...

Gens-GS doesn't seem to enable any filters in fullscreen mode... They work however in windowed mode with no slowdown issues...

I've compiled and installed SDL 1.3 from hg repository, then recompiled bsnes just to test it with newer SDL. Unfortunately the problem persists even with a newer SDL version which thankfully for me means I can revert to the older stock SDL without having to recompile everything else haha!

It's funny because I thought these issues were related to the emulators and not the video card drivers. I had these issues for a couple years running ubuntu and trying other distros. When I installed Slackware 13.1 I decided to try my Radeon 9700 pro and kega fusion no longer had this slowdown issue! I switched back to my Geforce and installed nvidia's drivers and immediately had slowdown issues... I'm gonna switch back to the radeon card and test the other emulators but otherwise it'd be nice to know if there's a solution to this issue...

Ok I installed my radeon card: nvidia-installer --uninstall, then updated xf86-video-ati from 6.13.0 to 6.13.2. Even though kega fusion runs fine I get even worse problems with everything else! LOL so I'm going back to my geforce card.

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Ubuntu :: Xserver With Nvidia Doesn't Work 10.04

Nov 13, 2010

It does this all the time whenever I reboot and I hadn't rebooted my PC in months simply because it's a GOD DAMN pain to figure this crap out. I need a REAL fix.

My computer turns off and boots, it goes directly into Recovery Menu. It refuses to boot normally. I load low graphics mode, it doesn't even let me make changes to the configuration file, OR let me have ONE session in low graphics mode. I've tried reconfiguring xserver, re-installing nvidia drivers, STILL the same effing garbage. It's starting to **** me off. I'm mostly a Linux noob, and I hate trying all these "tips" that don't work to make my stupid display work. I use gnome. Any advice, tips whatever to make this work? If you need something, I'll try my best to get it but I'm on my other computer right now so displaying my configuration files will be a pain. :/ Before I installed vesa, low graphics mode wouldn't work because it said the vesa module didn't exist and it also said no screens.

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Xserver Not Working After Upgrading To 11.04?

Apr 30, 2011

I have upgraded to ubuntu 11.04... but after that i m not able to view full graphics of ubuntu.. desktop seems very dull. whenever i try to open my nvidia x server setting from system-> administration it says " You not appear to be using Nvidia X drivers".. Unity is also not working.. using ubuntu old theme,,

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia-xsettings Killed Xserver?

May 30, 2011

i tried to get some glx support to my X11/xfce4 so i read some threads and i just wanted to try out nvidia-settings to check out how far i've come. it told me to run nvidia-xconfig (which i did) afterwards X refused to start at all, so i copied back the old xorg.conf.i know that X has changed a year ago or so and xorg.conf isnt really of any use (so that file is "like" empty, just three lines or so).whatever, now i cannot login to my old xfce4 environment, i get the loginbox and type in password, after 2 secs i get a black screen with some errors (blinks away after half a sec) a black screen with a cursor and then get back to the login screen.

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General :: Xserver Versus Nvidia Geforce Mx 440

Jun 17, 2011

just installed slackware 13.37... i did a bit of configuration by myself but im having trouble making my graphics card running correctly under X.I installed the latest drivers correctly from the nvidia website.

Here's the lspci:


00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82845 845 [Brookdale] Chipset Host Bridge (rev 04)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82845 845 [Brookdale] Chipset AGP Bridge (rev 04)
00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev 05)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801BA ISA Bridge (LPC) (rev 05)


Right now with this .conf im able to start up X but find it not accelerated...

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