Debian :: Console Chess Game In The Repositories?

Jul 24, 2010

Here I foudn this link to it:[URL]... Nice idea for system administrators, bored, using their screen over SSH or imagine even, competiting with his collegue during the day with some chat line added to this console chess debian

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Slackware :: After Rebooting The Game Works, But On Ending The Game Several Notification Boxes Remain?

Jun 1, 2010

This game is Java based. After rebooting the game works, but on ending the game several notification boxes remain. If these boxes are not closed in the reverse order that the game opened them, it is no longer possible to close them. Only by killing the Java processes can these notifications be made to close. Also after playing the game, even if all these notifications are closed it is many times necessary to kill the Java process(es) in order to get the game to load again at a later time. I am currently using Slackware 1.30, but a similar problem has existed in several of the past releases.

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Programming :: Programming A Game For Console?

Sep 25, 2010

What I want to do is create a game like an old DOS game, but on the debian linux console. I don't know much about linux yet, but I know C. What would be the best library for doing something like this?

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Programming :: Game Engines Or Game Studios?

May 6, 2011

Do you know any game engines or game studios that can make adventure games, for instance in the style of Myst (1st person) or in the style of old Sierra games (3rd person), like King's Quest, Space Quest, etc.?I've seen AGI Studio, but it is too old, I'd like to use more modern graphics (although there is no need for 3D).

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Debian :: Install Just A Game From Kde 4.5?

Mar 2, 2011

I read about a game called kajongg at [URL].I don't see it available in the debian testing repositories, I guess because its part of kde 4.5 which is not yet in use by testing. Is there some way to install this game in debian testing?

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Ubuntu :: GNU Chess Won't Compile

Aug 14, 2010

I'm trying to compile GNU chess from the website, and I get this for the output:


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Debian :: Run The Game By Typing Dangerdeep In The Terminal?

May 30, 2010

I wonder if anyone has managed to get this game working? Looks interesting... I tried to install it on my Testing amd64 having read about it in linuxjournal and in the link given there. But no luck...

I downloaded the x86 & x86-64 installer with:

wget [URL]

Then according to the guide:

chmod u+x dangerdeep-0.3.0-linux-installer.bin

Then I tried to run the installer from the user terminal but it informed that it was necessary to run it as root. After installing it with

# ./dangerdeep-0.3.0-linux-installer.bin

I typed in dangerdeep in the user terminal which returned:

$ dangerdeep

dangerdeep: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

found information in Synaptic that the library libgl1-mesa-swx11 is also known as libGL or

But installing it with # aptitude install libgl1-mesa-swx11 results in the removal of libgl1-mesa-glx, and when trying to run the game by typing dangerdeep in the terminal, it still complains about an error while loading shared libraries

it looks a bit tricky to get this game running on Squeeze so I reinstalled libgl1-mesa-glx.

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Debian :: After Upgrading Game Doesn't Work / Fix It?

Jun 18, 2011

I have trouble with launch game on Debian 6(repo testing). code...

How to fix this trouble?

P.S. English — is not my native language.

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Ubuntu :: Finding The Online Chess For 11.04?

Sep 1, 2011

What is the best online chess for ubuntu 11.04?

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Software :: Chess Programs For Beginners?

Jan 10, 2010

Could someone recommend a chess program for linux which is playable for a beginner? I'm not looking for something which can beat a grand master but something that has difficulties which go down to a beginner level. Even better if it makes human like mistakes. Hopefully someone's looked into this and knows about it.

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Debian Configuration :: How To Best Manage Partitioning When Install Programs Not From Debian Repositories

Dec 4, 2010

How to best manage partitioning when install programs not from debian repositories?I just discovered that Debian installs applications not from repositories to /opt and /lib. Both directories or folders reside in root (/) partition.Having made my root (/) partition (which is only around 500MB) -- more than sufficient for holding a couple of linux images but NOT good for holding application.What is the best solution for resolving this? It's annoying and worrying that my system always reminds of a close to full capacity root partition.

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OpenSUSE :: WARNING - Unable To Download List Of Repositories Or No Repositories Defined

Feb 9, 2011

I am running Suse 11.1 64bit, with KDE, recently I received a pop up on my screen, "something about update problems", I used Yast 2 and selected online Update and it couldn't find updates for Nvidia and froze at that point. I dis-enabled that repository and refreshed all of the remaining Repositories individually and it seemed to work. I then went to the repositories listing and selected "Add" and selected "community" repositories and received the following: WARNING Unable to download list of repositories or no repositories defined. What is my problem? How do I acquire the list of community repositories? I can live with out the Nvidia repository for now but would eventually like to get it back.

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Debian Multimedia :: Game Crashes When I Try To Play With Sound / Fix It?

Jan 22, 2011

I have been trying to play this game and it immediately crashes whenever I try to play sounds. The only other sound in this system I have are the sounds for the bash/dash terminal.

So my questions are:-

a. How do I test if the sound system is working alright.
b. Do I need to increase some kind of priorty/niceness to sound systems to make sure they get the available resources (cpu, memory ) whatever it needs ?

On the same topic, while I was searching on the Net I got this link .

I know this is actually for people who want to make sounds/music but can some of these ideas/instructions be useful for me as well ?

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Debian :: 8bpp For Game But 8bit Gnome Is Too Dark To See?

Apr 23, 2010

I'm running amd64 squeeze. I recently installed a game through wine that requires 8 bit color mode. when gnome desktop runs normally (24bit) it looks fine but when I stop gdm and startx -- -depth 8 the desktop, menu's and everything appears so dark(brownish) that I have to be two inches from the screen to to make anything out. I've searched google and here for gnome color palette but I can't find anything remotely similar to my problem. I'm not even sure if its a problem with gnome, x or the video card. I'm running a radeon x600, and the xorg.conf (that I had to generate with xorg -configure) mentions the radeon driver and rv380 radeon x600 pcie since I haven't installed the ati drivers I'm assuming its using the debian package one.

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Slackware :: Play Chess Using Either Eboard Or Xboard?

Apr 9, 2011

I've tried starting them both, xboard won't even start. I googled e and xboard slackware and only got links to the mirrors in the first couple of pages, I skimmed through the man pages, but I couldn't figure out how to get either of them working. All I could do is start a game in eboard using play vs the computer - play vs generic program, but then the computer doesn't move. How should I invoke the game to get it working?

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CentOS 5 :: Install Xboard And Chess Engines?

May 8, 2011

How to install xboard and chess engines like gnu chess, crafty etc. or which repo must be additionally enabled on Centos 5.6?

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Debian :: Iceweasel Extension / Debian Repositories Vs Mozilla

Jul 13, 2010

I've been wondering what's the advantages and disadvantages of installing an iceweasel extension from the debian repositories vs the website. I can thus far see that extensions installed from the repositories can't be uninstalled from inside iceweasel. Is there any difference? Are they installed in different places? Are they always accessible to all users? Any difference at all?

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Debian Hardware :: Get Game Controller Like Playstation / XBOX For My Computer?

May 29, 2010

I was wondering is it possible to get a game controller like the Playstation or XBOX
for my computer?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Any Repositories That Could Add From Newer Ones / Other Distro Repositories.

Jan 9, 2010

I just installed ubuntu because the newer versions were not working for me. So I installed 7.10 and there is no repositories that are still up. Is there any repositories that I could add from the newer ones or other distro repositories.

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General :: Loading Java Chess Games Chokes

Apr 16, 2011

I've tried Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Firefox and Google-Chrome. Loading chess games in Chesslab by Game Colony almost always chokes (Chrome shows the "He's Dead, Jim" page). Never happens in Windows.

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Debian :: Game Performance - Impossible To Play - Open But Everything Is So Slow And Choppy

Feb 20, 2011

My last laptop was replaced (I gave it to my step-dad, his laptop broke and I bought myself a new one).

I am running Squeeze (as I was on my other laptop) and everything is fine except for the games. On my other laptop games like OpenArena and Warzone 2100 ran perfectly fine, but on this laptop, they are impossible to play. The game will open, but everything is so slow and choppy that it takes a couple of minutes to even move the cursor to the exit game buttons.

My current laptop is an HP ProBook4525s with the current specs:

AMD Athlon Dual-Core P340 2.2 GHz processor
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 Graphics Card

I'm not sure what other information to put here, I've tried searching how to fix this and most people say to lower the resolution and details for the games but that doesn't work, heck, even Tux Kart is too slow to play!

When I installed squeeze I was informed that I didn't have the rtl8168d-2.fw firmware for my laptop, I'm not sure if that helps here at all (can't seem to find what it is for, the only things that google gives me are very technical with fixes that involve re-compiling the kernel).

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Debian Multimedia :: Alter Audio Volume Whilst Playing A Game?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a Dell laptop and have multi-media buttons, some of which control the audio volume. But once a game is running like Sauerbraten, I cannot control the volume. The controls within the game are relative to the master volume, so if the volume is too low, I have to exit the game to adjust it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Yahoo Chess Applet Started But No Gameboard Visible?

May 24, 2010

I wanted to play yahoo chess, but when I joined a chess game, i got a blank gray window with the words saying applet started and that is all. What do I need to do? I am using ubuntu 9.04 i think. On a system 76 computer.

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Debian :: Add Repositories Not From Cd-rom Media?

Mar 13, 2010

I decided to try Debian 5.0.4. I download from debian site CD1 iso image wich is enough to install Debian. After installing Debian my /etc/apt/source.list looks: # deb cdrom: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.4 _Lenny_ - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20100131-18:53]/ lenny main
deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.4 _Lenny_ - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20100131-18:53]/ lenny main

deb lenny/updates main deb-src lenny/updates main deb lenny/volatile main deb-src lenny/volatile main

Then I try to install Synaptic. I enter apt-get install synaptic and get error because this package is in some other debian cd. There are 30 CDs with packages. I can not download all 30 CDs. Is there a way to change /etc/apt/source.list file so it can be posible to download some package cointed in some of 30CDs from some offical debian web repository and not from cd-rom media.

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Debian :: Could We Have Some Amstrad Emulator Into Repositories?

Jan 21, 2011

It would be great to have those emulators too

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Debian :: Upgrade To SID With No Other Default Repositories?

Apr 22, 2011

Currently on testing and wanted to upgrade to sid. Just wanted to confirm that sid currently does not have things like security/backports/volatile/etc. Am I correct to assume that Debian Sid's source list will looks something like this:

deb [URL]
deb-src [URL]

With no other default repositories?

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Debian :: Having A Mixture Of Trusted And Untrusted Repositories?

May 29, 2011

I have a repository that isn't signed (and would be a pain to get the administrator to sign)need to use APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated to install anything from this. However, packages from this repository may have dependencies that I want to download from the main Debian repository and I don't want to install these if can't be authenticated.Is there any way to configure apt-get to allow packages to be unauthenticated from one repository, but forces authentication for all others or am I forced to manually download the dependencies and install myself in this scenario?

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Debian :: Possible To Change Repositories And Add Just Libjpeg8 Module

Sep 26, 2015

I've installed Debian 8.0 Netinst ISO on my old Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop to upgrade it for banking access requirements. I've installed the 32 Bit Jessie (Debian 8.x) and I am trying to get GWintree installed from the .deb file on the Internet. It was missing libtiff4, and I contacted the author about the missing lib. He rebuilt GWintree for Ubuntu 14.04, and uploaded the new .deb file. Now, when I try to install the deb with gdebi, I get another missing lib named libjpeg8, which is a runtime module. libjpeg8 is not available in Jessie, but is available
in Stretch (unstable) & also SID.

Is it possible to change my repositories, and add just the libjpeg8 module and get GWintree installed. That assumes there aren't other missing libs as well. If not, what is the best way to get libjpeg8 backported to Jessie? Who does this type building? GWintree worked well in Squeeze & Wheezy! I hope I can get it working in Jessie.

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Debian :: No Access - No Repositories - Can't Get Gnome Or Xwindows

Jul 1, 2011

I just downloaded and installed netinst version debian I've had ubuntu before, and several usb live versions...but I really wanted to learn how linux works, and it was suggested I get debian. I've been unable to get anything accomplished, other than the basic install. Can't get gnome, or xwindows. Seems to me like I need more repositories. Need a Desktop! But mostly, I guess, I need a browser so I can hook up to here!

My computer is:
Dell Latitude 2100
2gb ram
Broadcom BCM4312

I tried to get Xterm. Went su, then apt-get install's able to 'read' everything, but then no matter *what* I try to install, I get this same answer : E: Unable to locate package xterm

So I research, and it seems like I'm lacking in repositories. Here's my sources.list. I made a backup. I'm having to *type* everything in, on this computer, until I can get a browser working on the linux machine. So if there are typos I have ethernet cable hookup. I know from past experience sometimes this broadcom wireless card can be a problem. For now, I just want *anything* to work, and get some kind of hookup, so I can finish installing. I've reinstalled 3 times, with iso...

Here's my sources.list. Until I hear from one of you'all, I'm gonna look for a better one, and then vi edit it in here...

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Debian :: Obtain Build Dependencies That Are Not In Repositories?

Feb 28, 2010

Lets say that I want to compile a program that is in the unstable repository and I have testing (or also if I am using stable and want to compile something from testing), I know that I have to put the deb-src repository line of the repository from which I want to obtain the build dependencies by ussing apt-get build-dep packagename but my question is: what if it's not in the repositories at all? How does one go about obtaining these dependencies?

I don't know much about this topic but I know how to use dh-make with dh_make --createorig and I also know how to do dpkg-buildpackage but not more than that.

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