Debian :: Add Repositories Not From Cd-rom Media?

Mar 13, 2010

I decided to try Debian 5.0.4. I download from debian site CD1 iso image wich is enough to install Debian. After installing Debian my /etc/apt/source.list looks: # deb cdrom: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.4 _Lenny_ - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20100131-18:53]/ lenny main
deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.4 _Lenny_ - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20100131-18:53]/ lenny main

deb lenny/updates main deb-src lenny/updates main deb lenny/volatile main deb-src lenny/volatile main

Then I try to install Synaptic. I enter apt-get install synaptic and get error because this package is in some other debian cd. There are 30 CDs with packages. I can not download all 30 CDs. Is there a way to change /etc/apt/source.list file so it can be posible to download some package cointed in some of 30CDs from some offical debian web repository and not from cd-rom media.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Software Repositories - Cannot Access Installation Media

Feb 18, 2011

I cannot update my SLED 11 because I have the next error message about a half of my software sources:

I checked if software repository is correct - yes, it is. For example (just one of many):

The message is the next:

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Debian Configuration :: How To Best Manage Partitioning When Install Programs Not From Debian Repositories

Dec 4, 2010

How to best manage partitioning when install programs not from debian repositories?I just discovered that Debian installs applications not from repositories to /opt and /lib. Both directories or folders reside in root (/) partition.Having made my root (/) partition (which is only around 500MB) -- more than sufficient for holding a couple of linux images but NOT good for holding application.What is the best solution for resolving this? It's annoying and worrying that my system always reminds of a close to full capacity root partition.

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OpenSUSE :: WARNING - Unable To Download List Of Repositories Or No Repositories Defined

Feb 9, 2011

I am running Suse 11.1 64bit, with KDE, recently I received a pop up on my screen, "something about update problems", I used Yast 2 and selected online Update and it couldn't find updates for Nvidia and froze at that point. I dis-enabled that repository and refreshed all of the remaining Repositories individually and it seemed to work. I then went to the repositories listing and selected "Add" and selected "community" repositories and received the following: WARNING Unable to download list of repositories or no repositories defined. What is my problem? How do I acquire the list of community repositories? I can live with out the Nvidia repository for now but would eventually like to get it back.

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Debian :: Iceweasel Extension / Debian Repositories Vs Mozilla

Jul 13, 2010

I've been wondering what's the advantages and disadvantages of installing an iceweasel extension from the debian repositories vs the website. I can thus far see that extensions installed from the repositories can't be uninstalled from inside iceweasel. Is there any difference? Are they installed in different places? Are they always accessible to all users? Any difference at all?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Any Repositories That Could Add From Newer Ones / Other Distro Repositories.

Jan 9, 2010

I just installed ubuntu because the newer versions were not working for me. So I installed 7.10 and there is no repositories that are still up. Is there any repositories that I could add from the newer ones or other distro repositories.

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Debian :: Could We Have Some Amstrad Emulator Into Repositories?

Jan 21, 2011

It would be great to have those emulators too

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Debian :: Upgrade To SID With No Other Default Repositories?

Apr 22, 2011

Currently on testing and wanted to upgrade to sid. Just wanted to confirm that sid currently does not have things like security/backports/volatile/etc. Am I correct to assume that Debian Sid's source list will looks something like this:

deb [URL]
deb-src [URL]

With no other default repositories?

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Debian :: Having A Mixture Of Trusted And Untrusted Repositories?

May 29, 2011

I have a repository that isn't signed (and would be a pain to get the administrator to sign)need to use APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated to install anything from this. However, packages from this repository may have dependencies that I want to download from the main Debian repository and I don't want to install these if can't be authenticated.Is there any way to configure apt-get to allow packages to be unauthenticated from one repository, but forces authentication for all others or am I forced to manually download the dependencies and install myself in this scenario?

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Debian :: Possible To Change Repositories And Add Just Libjpeg8 Module

Sep 26, 2015

I've installed Debian 8.0 Netinst ISO on my old Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop to upgrade it for banking access requirements. I've installed the 32 Bit Jessie (Debian 8.x) and I am trying to get GWintree installed from the .deb file on the Internet. It was missing libtiff4, and I contacted the author about the missing lib. He rebuilt GWintree for Ubuntu 14.04, and uploaded the new .deb file. Now, when I try to install the deb with gdebi, I get another missing lib named libjpeg8, which is a runtime module. libjpeg8 is not available in Jessie, but is available
in Stretch (unstable) & also SID.

Is it possible to change my repositories, and add just the libjpeg8 module and get GWintree installed. That assumes there aren't other missing libs as well. If not, what is the best way to get libjpeg8 backported to Jessie? Who does this type building? GWintree worked well in Squeeze & Wheezy! I hope I can get it working in Jessie.

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Debian :: No Access - No Repositories - Can't Get Gnome Or Xwindows

Jul 1, 2011

I just downloaded and installed netinst version debian I've had ubuntu before, and several usb live versions...but I really wanted to learn how linux works, and it was suggested I get debian. I've been unable to get anything accomplished, other than the basic install. Can't get gnome, or xwindows. Seems to me like I need more repositories. Need a Desktop! But mostly, I guess, I need a browser so I can hook up to here!

My computer is:
Dell Latitude 2100
2gb ram
Broadcom BCM4312

I tried to get Xterm. Went su, then apt-get install's able to 'read' everything, but then no matter *what* I try to install, I get this same answer : E: Unable to locate package xterm

So I research, and it seems like I'm lacking in repositories. Here's my sources.list. I made a backup. I'm having to *type* everything in, on this computer, until I can get a browser working on the linux machine. So if there are typos I have ethernet cable hookup. I know from past experience sometimes this broadcom wireless card can be a problem. For now, I just want *anything* to work, and get some kind of hookup, so I can finish installing. I've reinstalled 3 times, with iso...

Here's my sources.list. Until I hear from one of you'all, I'm gonna look for a better one, and then vi edit it in here...

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Debian :: Obtain Build Dependencies That Are Not In Repositories?

Feb 28, 2010

Lets say that I want to compile a program that is in the unstable repository and I have testing (or also if I am using stable and want to compile something from testing), I know that I have to put the deb-src repository line of the repository from which I want to obtain the build dependencies by ussing apt-get build-dep packagename but my question is: what if it's not in the repositories at all? How does one go about obtaining these dependencies?

I don't know much about this topic but I know how to use dh-make with dh_make --createorig and I also know how to do dpkg-buildpackage but not more than that.

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Debian :: Console Chess Game In The Repositories?

Jul 24, 2010

Here I foudn this link to it:[URL]... Nice idea for system administrators, bored, using their screen over SSH or imagine even, competiting with his collegue during the day with some chat line added to this console chess debian

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OpenSUSE :: Error - "Unable To Download List Of Repositories Or No Repositories Defined"

Jan 30, 2011

I am running Suse 11.1.I do the following:

Click on Software Repositories
Click Add
Click Community Repositories
Click Next.

I receive an error, "Unable to download list of Repositories or no repositories defined."

in the /etc/YaST2/control.xml the external repository

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Debian Installation :: Can't Download Files From Any Repositories / Sort It?

Apr 29, 2011

I am still having trouble installing Debian 6.0.1a (Squeeze) from either CD #1 (KDE version) or netinst version. I tried for a few months to install Squeeze with KDE desktop; now I am trying to build a server, which seems easier (no and KDE problems to worry about.)

Part of the problem common to all my failed attempts (about a dozen!) seems to be that the installer tries to get packages or updates/upgrades from repos but for some reason fails.

I have a commercial all-in-one dslmodem/router/firewall which has very, very limited monitoring capabalities, just enough to show that the PC in question contacted the expected repos (I tried several in different regions) and also shows that no DNS requests failed during that time frame. I did try decreasing the security of the commercial firewall, but that seems to make no difference. I did try to save the install logs, but they didn't fit on a floppy. Any idea what could be going wrong?

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Debian :: Repositories Not Installing - Broken Packages Error

Jun 4, 2015

I've been trying to install a few programs with the basic Debian repositories on my Jessie edition, but I keep getting a "broken packages" error and "cannot be installed" error, and the programs won't install.

I went to other repositories, e.g. Mint and Ubuntu, and with these included in my sources.list file, I was able to install the desired programs.

If the programs are listed in Debian and the dependecies as well, why would they not install?

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Debian Configuration :: UK Lenny Repositories Address Needed?

May 13, 2010

My sources list for updates is a bit wonky as in needs the correct uk repositories listed, for Lenny main, could someone point me to where I can find the uk repositories so I can enter then in the software sources option from the menu?

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Debian Configuration :: Synaptic Package Manager Repositories ?

Aug 2, 2010

I'm rather new to Linux...especially Debian. I've been running Kubuntu for about 1 month now and I wanted to try out Debian as well. So I installed it on a laptop (Downloaded the 6 DVDs). Now, how do I add some repositories to Synaptic so I can update my software? Also, is there a list of repositories? So far, every time I want to install something I need to insert one of the DVDs.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome 3 Final Release To Repositories?

Mar 22, 2011

I am wondering about when Gnome 3 is released, how long until it's in the "stable" repositories?I have generally used Ubuntu, but I don't like the Unity interface they are pushing out in the next version, so I am greatly considering simply using Debian. Debian also is my first consideration because Ubuntu is based off it.But, I want to try the Gnome 3 interface first. I already have Debian installed and updated, and am now simply waiting on the GUI.

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Ubuntu Security :: Installing Clamav From Debian Repositories?

Jun 4, 2011

ubuntu 10.04lts, want to upgrade my clamav from 096.5 to the 097 scan engine. the ubntu repositories have only the 096.5 release, while the debian repositories have the 097 package. set the repositoriy path in the synaptic package manager, and made sure the checkbox was checked. can't see the clamav package.

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Debian :: Synaptic - Software Sources Will Not Show Repositories

Nov 27, 2010

I recently installed Debian Squeeze and trying to get all the goodies installed I had in Lenny. Synaptic, software sources and software center now fails to display and allow selecting from /etc/apt/source.list. When using Synaptic and I chose "Settings" then "Repositories" I now get a message "repositories changed, click reload button" when I do it just reloads and displays downloading 34 packages as it has since first install. Normally I would get a window where I can select or deselct sources from /etc/apt/sources.list, I also recollect it asked me to insert the DVD I installed the OS from but it does not do this now as well.

When opening "software sources" it prompts for root or allows if I have prevoiusly used root but just stalls and then quits. When using "Software Center" and selecting "Edit" then ""Software Sources" I get same results. I verified sources.list exists, backed it up and made a few changes to it and still no results. This most likely has happened since I used smxi to install nvidia driver shortly after install. Installing the debian modual driver suplied would not work. I have since tried installing GoogleEarth same way I did with Lenny without results. I also used smxi with report it would not build. Anything simple like Users and groups I have yet to configure properly that would cause this? I have yet to make any changes except add 2 users.

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General :: Install More Recent WM Version Than The 1 In Debian's Repositories?

Apr 24, 2010

1. I'm trying out ratpoison (a windows manager). It's cool, but a few commands weren't working - I now think that it's because Debian delivered ratpoison 1.4.3 (Feb 2008), while development has issued two more releases (the latest being 1.4.5). Should I (or should I not) install the later release?

2. IF I do, I need to figure out how to convert the tar.gz to a debian package

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Debian :: Install WineHQ In Testing / Wine Alternative In The Repositories?

Jul 16, 2011

I noticed that WineHQ doesn't exist in the Debian repositories. Or is there a Wine alternative in the repositories? If not, how can I install the latest stable version of Wine ?

it says here that some .deb packages need to be downloaded and manually installed, but I don't know how to install them...

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Debian Hardware :: Latest ALSA Drivers Installation From Repositories?

Mar 2, 2011

I have an Asus A52J, my problem is that automute is not working well when I put on my headphones. There's solution for that in latest alsa source but I prefer to install it from repositories, I don't want to get my system dirty with make installs. Is there a way to get alsa packages version 1.0.24 as a package? It is safe and clean to install them from alsa page sources?

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Debian :: PACKAGE MANAGER Crash - Stuck - Dead - How To Reset Or Clear Repositories

May 15, 2011

The package manager is scrambled in my Ubuntu 11.04. It started with the repositories list being scrambled with multiple entries. Now when the Package Manager is launched it just accesses the hard drive forever. I did give it a half an hour just in case so it clearly stuck in a loop of some kind.

What I'd like to know is: Is there some way to reset, clear, turn off or de-select the added Repositories list from the command line (terminal.) This seems to be the only way since the Package Manager gets stuck. Keep in mind that I'm only slightly competent with Linux and have no idea where the Debian Package Manager data is located or how it works. If I go poking around without at least some guidance I may make things worse.

The problem seems to be spreading. Got stuck again while saving this message. Turned off the system, rebooted to recovery mode and did a file system check. Okay for now. Switching to clean OS on other partition.

I'll check for answers there but it's only Ubuntu 10.04 and I'd very much prefer to have 11.04 working and not have an effectively dead partition and don't want to loose everything on it with a re-format and 2 day re-install process (no installation disk.)

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OpenSUSE Install :: All Repositories Are Labeled "11.3" Repositories

May 22, 2011

I recently installed 11.4 32bit on my computer at my summer home. I carry a DVD with all my /home data. Then today I noticed that all my repositories are labeled "11.3" repositories. Everything works. Here is the output from "zypper lr -d"...

# | Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh | Priority | Type | URI | Service


What is the correct method of moving to the 11.4 repositories?

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Debian :: Debian Testing Vs Debian Stable With Testing Repositories?

Feb 28, 2009

I am a ubuntu user but I want to go to the next level to use debian because what I heard of it, but I get confused to what to install on my computer do I install debian testing or debain stable with testing repositories.

- I want to use this system to the home use only.
- I want to use the newest packages because the stable packages is too old to use.
- What about using more than one repository i.e stable with testing with unstable at the same time (the same sourcelist)
- Is the testing and unstable sid packages good enough for the home use?

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Ubuntu :: Change The Mounting Point Of A Usb External Drive From '/media/disk' To '/media/Movies'

Jan 16, 2011

I was trying to change the mounting point of a usb external drive from '/media/disk' to '/media/Movies'

Here is were the stupid part takes over... I right clicked on the desktop icon for the device and selected Properties. From there I selected the Volume tab and in there I changed the mounting point to '/media/Movies' It accepted it and said the changed would take place when I unmounted it and remounted it. However, when I did this it now says it cannot be mounted as it says mount_point contains invalid characters usually /

Unfortunately, now I cannot get back into the properties to remove my error.

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Software :: Media Streaming Between WMP And Media Players (preferably Amarok)?

Aug 20, 2010

I recently put Linux back on my laptop (Vector) and I am trying to get any of the media players on it to recognize and play the music on my desktop, which is running Windows 7 Ultimate with WMP streaming music over my wireless network. I was wondering if this can be done, or if these features have yet, if ever, to be implemented.

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Debian :: All USB Media Mounts As Read-Only?

Jun 16, 2010

All of my USB -- media, flash drives, media players, SD cards -- mount as read-only on my system. Following is a bunch of output from questions I expect to be asked / debug info.

Groups I'm in
gmweezel@computer:~$ groups
gmweezel dialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev netdev powerdev
DMESG output
gmweezel@computer:~$ dmesg | tail
[17532.047289] sd 13:0:0:0: [sdg] Write Protect is off
[17532.047292] sd 13:0:0:0: [sdg] Mode Sense: 45 00 00 00


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