Programming :: Programming A Game For Console?

Sep 25, 2010

What I want to do is create a game like an old DOS game, but on the debian linux console. I don't know much about linux yet, but I know C. What would be the best library for doing something like this?

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Programming :: Game Engines Or Game Studios?

May 6, 2011

Do you know any game engines or game studios that can make adventure games, for instance in the style of Myst (1st person) or in the style of old Sierra games (3rd person), like King's Quest, Space Quest, etc.?I've seen AGI Studio, but it is too old, I'd like to use more modern graphics (although there is no need for 3D).

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Programming :: Bird Eye View Game Shadow

Mar 25, 2011

I've been working on this console-based game (in c) in which the player walks around touches floating orbs which do things etc. And I want to make it so that an object on the map blocks the sight of the player, which is something I haven't tried until now. This is the part of the code which handles this sort of thing :

void uncover(int shadow)
int wp,
pp, // point placement
mp, // maximum pp value // (that's what she said)
lp; // light placement .....

This <works> but isn't very nice. What I would like to do is to change the third to last if statement, which is really more of a geometry problem, which could be frased as :
given points (x,y) , (plist[pp].x,plist[pp].y) and (wp,hp) create a conditional which tests weather or not point (wp,hp) is within the shadow cast by light-source (x,y) being blocked by an object at (plist[pp].x,plist[pp].y), [with some width, ~1]
but there isn't a geometry forum, and it's somewhat more related to programming.

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Programming :: Game Graphics Short Inquiry?

May 28, 2011

I have all of the code written for a text based game but how big of a leap is it from text to graphics? lets just say a 2d engine. Is this a fairly easy task or would it be a bit of effort? I've never done anything with graphics before and would just like a quick idea of how much of a project is graphics vs functionality.

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Debian :: Console Chess Game In The Repositories?

Jul 24, 2010

Here I foudn this link to it:[URL]... Nice idea for system administrators, bored, using their screen over SSH or imagine even, competiting with his collegue during the day with some chat line added to this console chess debian

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Programming :: Redirect Console To Telnet

Jun 4, 2010

My hardware is the FriendlyArm mini2440 Samsung board. I run our main application from init.d/rcS. It uses printf's to display continuous program debug information that can be seen on the serial ttySAC2 console. I would like to be able to remotely view this information by a telnet connection when needed. What is the best way to accomplish this? The telnet user can possibly activate some script or program. I saw there is a ttysnoop program that I could not get to compile.

There must be a simpler way. There must be several ways. Instead of using printf I could do something else. I do not want to use a normal log file to the flash file system. I had thought of using a ram file in /var directory but it would complicate matters as I would need to limit its size and the telnet user needs to view the program's printfs in a real time fashion.

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Programming :: Add Graphic To Console Application?

Aug 1, 2010

I want to write an application with an interface similar to those used in non-GUI linux installation programs. It is not really a pseudo-graphic. Does anybody knows an appropriate library?

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Programming :: Get Console Font Color

Jun 20, 2011

I've coma across a problem I have not been able to solve myself. Is there a function in the linux API similar to GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo() on Windows? refer to:

I only need to get the current color settings of the active terminal.

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Programming :: Writing Console Application?

Jul 7, 2010

I'm trying to write a simple, console based application in linux, in c++. I know how to start in Eclipse and I have some experience in c++ from Windoze. I would like to ask, if there is some tutorial available on writing console apps. I mean, I know from using linux that there are two conventions on using parameters in command line (-v and --version for example).

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Programming :: Import OS - Hiding XTerm Console

Mar 29, 2011

I have this simple code written in python:
import os
os.system("xterm -e 'ls /usr/lib'")
Is there anyway I can hide the xterm window that is opening ?

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Programming :: .py File To Run In Terminal As A Console Program

Sep 3, 2010

i create a file with .py extension and run it then on windows it opens up directly in command prompt, but wat to do if i wish to do the same in ubuntu, i.e. i want the .py file to run in terminal as a console program, which does not happen as such.

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Programming :: Writing To Console From Kernel Module

Mar 2, 2011

I'm currently doing a tutorial for writing kernel modules. Right now I'm still at the very beginning, i.e. writing my helloworld stuff.

But what I like to do now is to write stuff onto the console, and I don't get it. According to my tutorials I can print stuff on the console using the printk()-function as long as the priority-level of the macro used in printk() is lower than the console_loglevel (how can I find that value out btw?).

But it doesn't work for me. Even if I use KERN_EMERG it still gets only logged, but not printed on the console and I thought KERN_EMERG get always printed...

Here's my code:



Everything works fine. But as soon as there are any blanks in mystring, e.g.


I always get


Why do I get this error and how can I insert string with blanks?

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Programming :: Detect A Keypress Event In A Console Session?

Oct 27, 2010

Is any way to detect a keypress event in a console session? Preferebly without needing the application to be running in the foreground

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Programming :: Read Console Output From Remote Server?

Jan 20, 2009

when the user clicks a button (assume war application) and the action'system.out.println' a message, how can I *remotly* read this message (read the message from a different computer instead of the server)?when I use the eclipse, I can read it from the console but if I'm in adifferent location, how can I see this message remotely?I'm thinking about remote debugging (JPDA), however, it's very difficult to configure in order to make JPDA run. I tried based on tutorial of google search, bug failed.I wonder if remote debugging can actually solve my problem. If not, is there any other to solve

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Programming :: Console Window Size - Why Ioctl Always Return 0 Width

Jul 1, 2010

I use ioctl to get the console window size (the SSH window). I use the following code:
struct winsize ws;
int returnValue = ioctl(pCommandStructure->terminal, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws);
int numberOfColumnsOfTerminalWindow = ws.ws_col;
When I debug on linux pc, it gives me the correct window width. But after I try it on router (this is my enventual place where my code shall run), ioctl always give me 0 width, that is, numberOfColumnsOfTerminalWindow == 0. but the returnValue is 0 which means that the function call succeeds.

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Programming :: Redirect Out Data From Console To Application Like Html / Web Pages

May 14, 2010

How system call internals could be known ? I mean for example if i take the example of write system call of linux kernel, where i can find out the code of write() system call in the kernel source tree ? The problem is write() system call directly write on console.If we want to write the data on some web page then write() system call will not do that ? How to redirect out data from console to application like html/web page?

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Programming :: 3D Programming - Difference Between JOGL And C++ OpenGL Programming?

Aug 27, 2010

I am interested in learning 3D programming. The thing is, I would hate to put too much effort to learn something that doesn't have future and is dying. My favorite language at the time is Java. My goal is professional programming.

So I have several questions:
1. Should I learn JOGL or start learning C++ and do C++ openGL programming?
2. Is there a big difference between JOGL and C++ openGL programming?
3. Is it worth to learn openGL? Does it have a future?
4. Is it a big difference between openGL and directX coding?
5. If choosing Java, then JOGL or LWJGL?

Why and what is the main difference between them?

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Programming :: Get Console Window Width - Why Ioctl Always Return 0 Width

Jul 1, 2010

I use ioctl to get the cosole window size (the SSH window).

I use the following code:

When I debug on linux pc, it gives me the correct window width. But after I try it on router (this is my enventual place where my code shall run), ioctl always give me 0 width, that is, numberOfColumnsOfTerminalWindow == 0. but the returnValue is 0 which means that the function call succeeds.

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Slackware :: After Rebooting The Game Works, But On Ending The Game Several Notification Boxes Remain?

Jun 1, 2010

This game is Java based. After rebooting the game works, but on ending the game several notification boxes remain. If these boxes are not closed in the reverse order that the game opened them, it is no longer possible to close them. Only by killing the Java processes can these notifications be made to close. Also after playing the game, even if all these notifications are closed it is many times necessary to kill the Java process(es) in order to get the game to load again at a later time. I am currently using Slackware 1.30, but a similar problem has existed in several of the past releases.

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Programming :: Groovy Scripting - An Object-oriented Programming Language For The Java Platform ?

Mar 7, 2010

Groovy is an object-oriented programming language for the Java platform. I do not have experience in Java, only perl and shell scripts. Recently I have been asked to maintain a software written in groovy (also to make enhancements). So can I learn groovy without knowing java language. or isit I have to learn java before venturing into groovy.

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Programming :: Searching For Video Or Screen Cast Which Shows Device Driver Programming?

May 30, 2010

I did searched you tube but my results were not great.I have 2 books on KernelProgramming.I feel I need if some where I can get a video tutorial which can help me to understand how to develop a Linux Device driver that will be great.I had a look at Greg Kroah Hartmans video lecture of developing patches on ......I have been reading books and a lot of stuff.So I wish if I could get a video lecture that would be better

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Programming :: Timer In Socket Programming - Wait For X Sec After Read() And Then Disconnect The Client Connection

Mar 8, 2011

I have a server listening on incoming client connections. Once the client establishes SSL connection with the server, the server waits on read() from the client. Only Client can disconnect the connection. I want to have a timer in the server program to wait for x secs after read() and then disconnect the Client connection.

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Programming :: Totem Python Plugin Programming: Any Signal For Video Mouse Click?

Feb 9, 2011

I want that I click with the mouse on the video, it paused.I notice that there is "BaconVideoWidget" which I guess is the video rendering widget but it don't have signal named "clicked":

vd = totem_object.get_video_widget()
vd.connect("clicked", vd.hide)


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Programming :: Socket And Timer Programming - Server Doesn't Execute Any Msg Which Client Sent

May 16, 2011

i have a server program which accept multiple client connection and am using polling. like every 2 secs it will look to client whether any data is received after it binded. i have used setitimer but there is runtime error i got.. the server accept all client connection but doesn't execute any msg which client sent.


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Programming :: Headers From Richard Stevens Network Programming Book Not Installing

Oct 27, 2010

I am learning network programming via a book of Richard Stevens.The sample source codes are given here
I downloaded and unzipped the file in /usr/src folder.As per the instructions given in README of downloaded archive I did.

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Programming :: Unix Programming - Single Thread Server Can Support Exactly 2 Clients At Once

Sep 28, 2010

A simple TCP based chat server could allow users to use any TCP client (telnet, for example) to communicate with each other. For this question you should consider a single process, single thread server that can support exactly 2 clients at once, the server simply forwards whatever is sent from one client to the other (in both directions). Your server must not insist on any specific ordering of messages as soon as something is sent from one client it is immediately forwarded to the other client. As soon as either client terminates the connection the server can exit

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Programming :: Unable To Find Description Of Alsa's Programming Language

Dec 19, 2008

I am unable to find a description of alsa's programing language, this sort of stuff:


I need to know what, for example, 'ttable' means and what is its syntax. This seems to be a state secret.

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Programming :: Choice Of Programming Solutions For Collated Document Repository?

Feb 18, 2011

We have documents on multiple workstations and want to collate them into a single repository to provide text search and download. So far we have implemented rsync to copy files from each workstation under a directory for each workstation on a server (incidentally providing a backup) and have set up text search using Xapian with Omega; users access it via a web browser. Still to do is to set up a system to copy files from each workstation's area on the server to the repository.

Many files are duplicated. In these cases we want to preserve the names but keep a single copy of the file;hard links can be used for that.For each file to be copied from a workstation's area into the collated area we need to check whether it is a duplicate (file size and, if same, MD5 sum) and if so, create a hard link to the original rather than create a copy.A system to detect and replace duplicates in the collated area has been written using ruby and postgresql but the developer cannot commit to continuing this work. It does mean we have a postgresql database populated with "fingerprints" of files in the collated area.My first priority is to get the system working; in the longer term whatever is developed must be maintainable; I do not yet know which language skills are available locally.

I am fluent in bash and competent with awk. Ruby looks nice but I have started to learn python and do think it prudent to learn both at the same time. Python's postgresql capabilities are not settled but may be fine for the simple usage required.What to do? A bash solution would run very slowly but could be developed quickly. Language knowledge aside, I have found it difficult to install ruby on the server (CentOS 5.5;installed rvm but "gem" still not installed; seems a very complex system with its own package management).

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Programming :: Socket Programming While Displaying Received Message In File

May 11, 2011

i have problem in socket programming, while displaying received message in file,i got a problem... i cant able to write it in the file.... this is the code....

/* tcpserver.c */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdio.h>

now my problem is run time error i can able to create file but i cant able to write file....log.txt contain nothing.... as here i have give sample code... dont say not initialising function and all.... i have initialised , please only see func1() - my problem is only not able to write msg which i got received from the client..

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Programming :: C++ Programming With Simple RTAI Functions Outputing Words?

Apr 11, 2011

I need help as I am not proficient with Linux C++ Programming. There are two parts which I need to do in the coding provided below.

1. Produce the program so it can output the word "Hey there!" and wait two minute and print the word "See you later!".

2. Produce the program that will output the text "Cool" every 20 seconds by setting a periodic task.

#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
int init_module(void)
printk("Hey there!


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