Ubuntu Multimedia :: Yahoo Chess Applet Started But No Gameboard Visible?

May 24, 2010

I wanted to play yahoo chess, but when I joined a chess game, i got a blank gray window with the words saying applet started and that is all. What do I need to do? I am using ubuntu 9.04 i think. On a system 76 computer.

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Ubuntu :: Nm-applet Not Visible In Xfce?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm trying to switch from my legacy network configuration scripts (/etc/network/interfaces) to NetworkManager, but I haven't been able to start the nm-applet in Xfce. I'm running 10.04 with the latest updates. I have purged and reinstalled all NetworkManager related packages and still nothing.

If I start nm-applet from a console, I get the following output:

adrianp@frost:~$ nm-applet
Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".
/home/adrianp/.themes/Murrina-Forsaken64/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:50: Murrine configuration option "scrollbar_color" is no longer supported and will be ignored.


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OpenSUSE :: When System Starts, The Bluetooth Monolithic Applet Is Always Started?

Apr 14, 2011

When my system starts, the bluetooth monolithic applet is alwaysstarted. I'm not using any bluetooth devices, so there's no need to runit but I can't find where to stop it from loading.I ran chkconfig andit's not there.[URL]

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Ubuntu :: No Sound In KDE When Started By Startx While Working Fine When Started By Kdm/gdm

Dec 14, 2010

I recently installed KDE in my ubuntu 10.10. To access KDE, I want to use
startx /usr/bin/startkdeBut using it disables sound in KDE (Sound is working fine in GNOME). It doesn't sound for anything like login sound, totem, mplayer or any other playerBut when I press Alt+Ctrl+F1 to change to virtual console, the playback resumes from where it was in time and when coming back Alt+Ctrl+F7 and the time in totem (or any other player) doesn't move. While log out also it doesn't play logout sound and doesn't logout, so I have to press Ctrl+Alt+F1 so that logout sound play then it exits.When starting KDE by kdm or gdm, the sound works normally. But I don't want to login again using kdm or gdm and not to use root user to start kdm or gdm.I don't know what is the difference between when KDE is started by startx or by kdm/gdm where the same user login in kdm/gdm as that for startx

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gyachi No Voice-chat For Yahoo Messenger?

May 1, 2011

whats missing in gyachi to make voice-chat work?

In synaptic:



everything is green.Video-Chat works, simple chat too. On updated lucid lynx 32, acer aspire 57322G.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Pidgin Video & Audio Disabled For Yahoo?

Jul 9, 2011

I am using Xubuntu 11.04.

I am able to use google talk (through browser) for both audio and video calls.

Also I am able to use Skype for Audio calls. I am able to receive video from others, but they are not getting my webcam data.

So, I tried pidgin, I used pidgin audio calls, earlier in Xubuntu 10.

But When I am trying to use my yahoo id in pidgin, I am unable to use audio video calls. The menu is disabled. When my buddies trying to call, I am not getting call .

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Debian Multimedia :: Pidgin: No Protocol For Yahoo And Msn?

May 8, 2010

Recently, I fully upgraded my Lenny Desktop (to 5.0.4). Now I am unable to add yahoo and msn protocol in pidgin. I can't see those options in Pidgin>>Add Accounts dropdown. Several times I cleaned the old config files and reinstalled it. Still nothing to my avail

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Debian Multimedia :: What Would Yahoo And Aol Messengers Plugins Be?

Jan 30, 2011

After some research I found that telepathy-butterfly is the msn plugin for empathy. What would yahoo and aol messengers plugins be?

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Ubuntu :: GNU Chess Won't Compile

Aug 14, 2010

I'm trying to compile GNU chess from the website, and I get this for the output:


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Only 1/ 6 Of My Music Visible?

Nov 24, 2010

I just installed Banshee v1.80 on Ubuntu 10.10 and was looking to import my music from my external HD. I pluged the HD in and copied all of the music in it to my music folder, (ALL 2,604 SONGS).I then went into banshee and set the folder for my music library to be /home/matt/Music, where i put THE 2,604 SONGS.Banshee started to scan the songs, all the way up through THE 2,604th. After it was finished i navigated to all music in the banshee side pane and there was only 394.

After some research i found that this was because only 394 of the songs actually had .mp3 or a similar extension at the end of the file name.I've spent the past hour trying to figure out how to either append the appropriate extension to all the files, or how to get banshee to see the files without any extension, to no avail.

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Ubuntu :: Finding The Online Chess For 11.04?

Sep 1, 2011

What is the best online chess for ubuntu 11.04?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Get .RW2 Tumbnails Visible In Nautilus And F-spot

Jul 26, 2010

How do i get .RW2 tumbnails visible in Nautilus and F-spot.If i rename the photo's (made by my panasonics FZ28 ) to .RAW the thumbnail works but i do not want to rename every photo every time.i guess it has something to do with MIME..seems that i only need to make the extension .RW2 known as the .RAW is already

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Less Colors Visible On The Screen After Upgrading?

Nov 14, 2010

I've just upgraded to Kubuntu 10.10 recently, and everything's working well, except that the screen seems to display less colors than it used to. It's very noticeable when looking at smooth gradients, since there are no smooth gradients anymore.

I'm using a laptop with a Radeon HD 5650 video card. The drivers seem to be working well, since I can run a 3D game like Nexuiz without any problems. The lack of colors isn't even very noticeable when playing games, but I can see it clearly in KDE... for example, the window background gradient isn't really a gradient now, just a few different shades of gray next to each other.I've looked around in KDE display settings and ATI settings, but there's absolutely nothing about the number of displayed colors there.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Remote Sinks Not Visible In Pavucontrol?

Feb 10, 2011

So, I've to machines running Ubuntu 10.10. One of them (a htpc) shares its local pulseaudio sinks, and I want the other (a laptop) to direct its audio to it.

So, on the htpc, I've ticked "Enable network access to local sound devices" in paprefs. On the laptop, I've ticked "Make discoverable PulseAudio network sound devices available locally".

The result is that, in padevchooser and pabrowser, the laptop sees the remote sinks. However in pavucontrol they are not visible. If I set one of the remote sinks as default in padevchooser, local applications (tried totem, vlc and spotify) cannot play audio.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Blank Screen When Xbmc Is Started?

May 2, 2010

I've also posted this on XBMC forumsut also posting here to see if anyone else has an idea...I've done a clean install of Ubuntu 10.04I'm running a Zotac Nvidia IONITX-F 330 motherboard with 4Gb ramNvidia drivers 195.36.24I've got XBMC from the SVN and compiled it. (revision 29717)here's the xbmc log file: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/MD2b23RhIf I start xbmc from a terminal window, all I see is a black screen with the cursor.To stop it i have to run

killall xbmc.bin
Heres the output from the terminal window:


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Software :: Chess Programs For Beginners?

Jan 10, 2010

Could someone recommend a chess program for linux which is playable for a beginner? I'm not looking for something which can beat a grand master but something that has difficulties which go down to a beginner level. Even better if it makes human like mistakes. Hopefully someone's looked into this and knows about it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Bars Not Visible At 1920x1080 On Vizio HDMI?

Feb 19, 2010

Im using a Vizio 22" 1080p LCD HDTV has a monitor for my Ubuntu server over HDMI. It works great, except I cannot see the top or bottom bar at any resolution. Id really like to get it working at 1920x1080. Ive been tinkering with the xorg.conf a bit to no avail.

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Disable Visible Cursor In X

Apr 18, 2015

I have a laptop running Debian stable. I have used xfce for a long time, but in an attempt to get away from needing to haul a mouse everywhere, I decided to migrate to xmonad (raw, with no DE), a tiling window manager that is extremely keyboard-friendly. I've also switched to conkeror (not konqueror, mind you), a very keyboard-friendly firefox-based browser. I have completely eliminated my need for a mouse on this laptop and have even disabled the touchpad by blacklisting the psmouse driver. There is still an annoying visible cursor sitting in the middle of the screen upon starting X. Is there anyway to (probably in the X config files) disable the visible cursor, or if not, have its default starting location be the bottom right corner (where it's least visible)?

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Debian :: Console Chess Game In The Repositories?

Jul 24, 2010

Here I foudn this link to it:[URL]... Nice idea for system administrators, bored, using their screen over SSH or imagine even, competiting with his collegue during the day with some chat line added to this console chess debian

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Slackware :: Play Chess Using Either Eboard Or Xboard?

Apr 9, 2011

I've tried starting them both, xboard won't even start. I googled e and xboard slackware and only got links to the mirrors in the first couple of pages, I skimmed through the man pages, but I couldn't figure out how to get either of them working. All I could do is start a game in eboard using play vs the computer - play vs generic program, but then the computer doesn't move. How should I invoke the game to get it working?

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CentOS 5 :: Install Xboard And Chess Engines?

May 8, 2011

How to install xboard and chess engines like gnu chess, crafty etc. or which repo must be additionally enabled on Centos 5.6?

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Debian Multimedia :: Lxmusic Hides After Started Playing?

Jul 14, 2010

How do I control lxmusic?

It hides the gui interface after I select a music to play -- then I can't pretty much do something about controlling it. It just plays and plays --

What do I do to control it?

I already check the preference and the continue playing and hides is unchecked already.

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General :: Loading Java Chess Games Chokes

Apr 16, 2011

I've tried Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Firefox and Google-Chrome. Loading chess games in Chesslab by Game Colony almost always chokes (Chrome shows the "He's Dead, Jim" page). Never happens in Windows.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Haven't Wanted To Fix It Until Last Night When Started To Install Kdenlive?

Dec 25, 2010

Does anyone else get this when they start up the Software Manager?VLC works fine but I would like to resolve this issue. I haven't wanted to fix it until last night when I started to install kdenlive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Move Indicator Session Applet To The Right Of The System Date/clock Applet

May 6, 2010

I thought I was removing the chat status piece of the indicator applet (I know what it is now, didn't then), but I accidentally removed the whole thing. Now when I figured out how to put it back on the panel, I can't get it back to where it was (which was to the RIGHT of the system date/time applet). How can I do this as well as move the indicator applet that has the volume control in it?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Indicator Applet And Session Management Applet Working

Jul 9, 2010

After some updates I can't get indicator applet and session management applet working, I get these instead:

I tried to pull back any updates, but it changed nothing. I installed older (lucid) versions of these packages:



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Ubuntu :: Conflict Between Indicator Applet And Notification Area Applet?

May 15, 2011

I was using both the Indicator Applet and the Notification Area applets in my panel but realized that very often when I started the system, the icons of these applet appeared mixed. Some items were duplicated (for example the keyboard indicator) where others were missing (sometimes the battery indicator, sometimes the sound indicator, etc). When that happened I had to remove them and add them to panel again.

This seems to be a bug that makes one applet interfere with the other (maybe because there are some items that appear in both but when you add both initially nothing is duplicated but after a system restart the problem happens).After searching for some way to fix this apparent bug without success I decided to remove the Indicator applet and keep just the Notification Area.

It works but then I don't have the sound applet anymore, because it was part of the Indicator Applet.
I searched for a standalone sound applet but I couldn't find any. Do you know of any such applet that I could install in the system? If I can find any it would be fine to me and I would be satisfied using just the Notification Area.

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Debian Multimedia :: Why Every Time Started Gnome / Update-manager Show Error Icon?

Sep 16, 2010

why, every time I started gnome, update-manager show me the error icon?seems like there are errors but if I lunch apt-get update or aptitude update it works great.

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Ubuntu :: Lost Indicator Applet Or Mail Applet?

Dec 21, 2010

Had ubuntu for a few years left came back last month. I lost the indicator applet in the panel. I don't know what I did to get it back. I feel like this is a very very simple thing to fix but I just can't find it. Here is a pic of what i'm talking about.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gnome - PulseAudio Applet For KDE

Nov 15, 2010

I've found this very useful for gnome
[URL] but I was wondering whether it exists the equivalent for KDE; as of today I use this workaround: I've created a file called

HTML Code:
with this content into my
HTML Code:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec[$e]=sleep 30; ksystraycmd pavucontrol
Name=PulseAudio Volume Control
Name[en_US]=PulseAudio Volume Control

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