Debian :: 8bpp For Game But 8bit Gnome Is Too Dark To See?

Apr 23, 2010

I'm running amd64 squeeze. I recently installed a game through wine that requires 8 bit color mode. when gnome desktop runs normally (24bit) it looks fine but when I stop gdm and startx -- -depth 8 the desktop, menu's and everything appears so dark(brownish) that I have to be two inches from the screen to to make anything out. I've searched google and here for gnome color palette but I can't find anything remotely similar to my problem. I'm not even sure if its a problem with gnome, x or the video card. I'm running a radeon x600, and the xorg.conf (that I had to generate with xorg -configure) mentions the radeon driver and rv380 radeon x600 pcie since I haven't installed the ati drivers I'm assuming its using the debian package one.

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Ubuntu :: Got A Dark Font Color And Hard To Read On The Dark Background?

Aug 26, 2010

I'm using the shiki colors theme from the repos right now. "Shiki-Noble" to be specific. When typing something into Firefox's URL bar the internet addresses have got a dark font color and are hard to read on the dark background. Here's a screenshot: FF.jpg

I've had similar issues with other themes and Firefox's URL bar before.

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Fedora :: Can't Find Gnome Game Mahjong?

Nov 28, 2010

I have been looking for the mahjong game for gnome. I tried yum install mahjong. I got the error message no packages.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Same GNOME Game Missisng In Lucid?

May 5, 2010

How do you install the game 'same GNOME' in Lucid?It was my 8 yr old nephew's favorite game. It's not in Synaptic or Ubuntu Software Center for Lucid.

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Ubuntu :: Removing An Uninstalled Wine Game Shortcut From Gnome-Do?

May 10, 2010

I Installed wine and starcraft recently, which I have been able to run before but It didn't like my new computer. Whatever, Starcraft 2 comes out soon and I have played my fair share of broodwar, so i decided to uninstall it. I removedarcraft from wine and then wine itself, however my Gnome-Do still has the shortcut/iconor starcraft when I type it in. Im guessing i need to go into gconfig-editor to fix it, but Im not brave enough to venture in without any advice before hand.

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Slackware :: After Rebooting The Game Works, But On Ending The Game Several Notification Boxes Remain?

Jun 1, 2010

This game is Java based. After rebooting the game works, but on ending the game several notification boxes remain. If these boxes are not closed in the reverse order that the game opened them, it is no longer possible to close them. Only by killing the Java processes can these notifications be made to close. Also after playing the game, even if all these notifications are closed it is many times necessary to kill the Java process(es) in order to get the game to load again at a later time. I am currently using Slackware 1.30, but a similar problem has existed in several of the past releases.

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Debian Installation :: Radeon HD 4670 - Display Completely Dark In X

May 22, 2011

I want to get Debian stable working on an iMac 11,2 (previous model):

1/ Same problem as this one, but I solved it by installing the fglrx-driver
2/ New problem: magic mouse and wireless keyboard don't work - solution: install .38-kernel from backports
3/ New problem: fglrx for .38 requires linux-headers.38 requires linux-kbuild.38...

So again stuck with the vesa-driver. I'm quite happy with the wireless mouse and keyboard working, so I'd rather stay with linux-image.38.

Two possibilities:
1/ I get the radeon-driver working
2/ I get the fglrx-driver working

I'd prefer the first method, but as you can see in the log (infra), there's a version mismatch between the kernel and the radeon-module. Any ideas how to get around this?

Using the radeon-driver gives me the following EE's in xorg.0.log.old:
(EE) RADEON(0): [dri] RADEONDRIGetVersion failed because of a version mismatch.
(EE) RADEON(0): Acceleration initialization failed
(EE) RADEON(0): clock recovery failed
(EE) RADEON(0): channel eq failed
(EE) GLX error: Can not get required symbols.

The las error is also shown as the only error when I use the VESA-driver; so clearly that is not the problem. I have tried without an xorg.conf, and the following xorg.conf won't work either:
Section "Module"
Load "glx"
Load "dri"
EndSection .....
I also tried the radeonhd-driver, but that doesn't change anything.

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Debian Configuration :: Console Dims On Booting And Stays Dark

Oct 25, 2015

Since moving my debian server over to a Gigabyte H97N-WIFI motherboard the console dims on booting and generally stays dark. Strangely the screen the brightens up if I go to an emergency shell, but if the boot runs successfully I don't see the resulting login prompts. Also, during the boot process the messages to the console are too dark to see.

I've tried the i915.invert_brightness=1 fix mentioned here [URL].... but that seems to have no effect. I'm assuming that this has something to do with moving to intel graphics as my previous hardware had a radeon graphics card and didn't display this problem.

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Programming :: Game Engines Or Game Studios?

May 6, 2011

Do you know any game engines or game studios that can make adventure games, for instance in the style of Myst (1st person) or in the style of old Sierra games (3rd person), like King's Quest, Space Quest, etc.?I've seen AGI Studio, but it is too old, I'd like to use more modern graphics (although there is no need for 3D).

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Debian :: Install Just A Game From Kde 4.5?

Mar 2, 2011

I read about a game called kajongg at [URL].I don't see it available in the debian testing repositories, I guess because its part of kde 4.5 which is not yet in use by testing. Is there some way to install this game in debian testing?

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Debian :: Run The Game By Typing Dangerdeep In The Terminal?

May 30, 2010

I wonder if anyone has managed to get this game working? Looks interesting... I tried to install it on my Testing amd64 having read about it in linuxjournal and in the link given there. But no luck...

I downloaded the x86 & x86-64 installer with:

wget [URL]

Then according to the guide:

chmod u+x dangerdeep-0.3.0-linux-installer.bin

Then I tried to run the installer from the user terminal but it informed that it was necessary to run it as root. After installing it with

# ./dangerdeep-0.3.0-linux-installer.bin

I typed in dangerdeep in the user terminal which returned:

$ dangerdeep

dangerdeep: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

found information in Synaptic that the library libgl1-mesa-swx11 is also known as libGL or

But installing it with # aptitude install libgl1-mesa-swx11 results in the removal of libgl1-mesa-glx, and when trying to run the game by typing dangerdeep in the terminal, it still complains about an error while loading shared libraries

it looks a bit tricky to get this game running on Squeeze so I reinstalled libgl1-mesa-glx.

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Debian :: After Upgrading Game Doesn't Work / Fix It?

Jun 18, 2011

I have trouble with launch game on Debian 6(repo testing). code...

How to fix this trouble?

P.S. English — is not my native language.

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Debian :: Console Chess Game In The Repositories?

Jul 24, 2010

Here I foudn this link to it:[URL]... Nice idea for system administrators, bored, using their screen over SSH or imagine even, competiting with his collegue during the day with some chat line added to this console chess debian

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Debian Multimedia :: Game Crashes When I Try To Play With Sound / Fix It?

Jan 22, 2011

I have been trying to play this game and it immediately crashes whenever I try to play sounds. The only other sound in this system I have are the sounds for the bash/dash terminal.

So my questions are:-

a. How do I test if the sound system is working alright.
b. Do I need to increase some kind of priorty/niceness to sound systems to make sure they get the available resources (cpu, memory ) whatever it needs ?

On the same topic, while I was searching on the Net I got this link .

I know this is actually for people who want to make sounds/music but can some of these ideas/instructions be useful for me as well ?

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Debian Hardware :: Get Game Controller Like Playstation / XBOX For My Computer?

May 29, 2010

I was wondering is it possible to get a game controller like the Playstation or XBOX
for my computer?

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Debian :: Game Performance - Impossible To Play - Open But Everything Is So Slow And Choppy

Feb 20, 2011

My last laptop was replaced (I gave it to my step-dad, his laptop broke and I bought myself a new one).

I am running Squeeze (as I was on my other laptop) and everything is fine except for the games. On my other laptop games like OpenArena and Warzone 2100 ran perfectly fine, but on this laptop, they are impossible to play. The game will open, but everything is so slow and choppy that it takes a couple of minutes to even move the cursor to the exit game buttons.

My current laptop is an HP ProBook4525s with the current specs:

AMD Athlon Dual-Core P340 2.2 GHz processor
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 Graphics Card

I'm not sure what other information to put here, I've tried searching how to fix this and most people say to lower the resolution and details for the games but that doesn't work, heck, even Tux Kart is too slow to play!

When I installed squeeze I was informed that I didn't have the rtl8168d-2.fw firmware for my laptop, I'm not sure if that helps here at all (can't seem to find what it is for, the only things that google gives me are very technical with fixes that involve re-compiling the kernel).

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Debian Multimedia :: Alter Audio Volume Whilst Playing A Game?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a Dell laptop and have multi-media buttons, some of which control the audio volume. But once a game is running like Sauerbraten, I cannot control the volume. The controls within the game are relative to the master volume, so if the volume is too low, I have to exit the game to adjust it.

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Debian Multimedia :: Dark Theme Vs Light Theme

Aug 4, 2011

I enjoy using vim from lxterminal with the black background, as well as awesome with its dark theme. I configured xfe manually to be darkish, and i use darklooks as a GTK theme to suit it as well. I could say all my desktop looks pretty dark, which my eyes thank me for. I also use redshift.But problems come along when surfing the web. Most web pages (including this one) have very bright styles. They are not the problem themselves, but switching from my windows hurts my eyes since it's a quick change to a much brighter screen.What would you do, either:

1. Use everything with a brighter background and putting the screen brightness a bit lower. (changing the GTK theme to clearlooks, using lxterminal with a white background, etc.)

2. Use some color theme with uzbl so that pages would look much darker. (like when you set manually the text and background colors in Firefox/Iceweasel)

I would myself go with the second one if most pages wouldn't look that bad when modified that way. For example, many pages use non-transparent images with white backgrounds on white pages, so if you change the background to black not only it looks horrible but it too is a mess.

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Debian :: Install Gnome-mplayer Under Lenny With Gnome?

May 31, 2010

Howto install gnome-mplayer under Lenny with Gnome?

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Ubuntu :: Screen Fades To Dark?

Oct 8, 2010

and am coming from XP/Vista, loving it so far. But there is one problem I am having. After about 10-15 min of me not typing or moving the mouse, the screen dims and then goes to a screen where it asks for my password. This is getting very annoying while I am watching videos. How do I get it to stop doing this all together, I want to be able to leave my brother/friends on my computer and not have to come in every 10 min to type in my password

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Ubuntu :: Graphics - Everything Is Dark Grey ?

Feb 19, 2011

I was changing some settings in ATI Catalyst Control Center on my laptop; when I had my cursor on the contrast slider, the mouse slipped and slided the marker to the far left, removing all contrast; now, everything is dark grey (once I'm at the login screen, the very first bootup screens work) and I am unable to use my laptop.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Going Dark For 10-20 Seconds?

May 28, 2011

I'm having a problem with Firefox going dark (application so busy it stops responding) while it is loading web sites. When I switch to the terminal and do "top", it shows "compiz" and "Xorg" as the most busy applications. I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and Firefox 3.6.17. Anyone have an idea of what might be causing this?

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Ubuntu :: Looking For Dark Icon Themes?

Jul 9, 2011

So I'm looking for a dark icon theme for my grayish Zukitwo theme I'm playing with. Any ideas for dark icon themes? Trying to find one that meshes nicely.

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Ubuntu :: Trash Bin - Doesn't Respond And Goes Dark ?

May 4, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and yes, I am upgraded fully. But every time I go to look at the items in my trash bin, it doesn't respond and goes dark.

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Ubuntu :: Integrated Webcam - Image Is Very Dark

May 6, 2010

I found drivers for the laptop, both the basic and the webcam. The problem is that image is very dark. On my other OS i don't have this issue. PS: My Laptop is = Asus f5rl

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Screen 'blue' And Dark?

May 9, 2010

Just upgraded to 10.04. Screen is now unusable. It's like looking at it through a blue filter. It seems to be averaging the brightness. if there is a large dark area of screen real estate the paler sections getbrighter.The very bizarre thing is, if I switch user, whilst the theme is different, the brightness problem is gone...

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Ubuntu :: Extend Time Before Monitor Goes Dark?

Nov 22, 2010

How can I extend the time before the monitor goes blank. The only setting I have found only gives me 1 minute.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Goes Dark On Cube Rotate?

Dec 22, 2010

Just installed 11.04 (Natty). Graphics card is Radeon 9200When I enable Cube in the compizconfig settings manager and rotate the cube, the cube goes almost black. This happens with both drag and keyboard rotate. The background is fine. Everything is defaults and no other effects are enabled.Also, the entire screen goes dark when "opacity when not rotating" is set to anything but 100%.This worked fine with with my previous version 8.04, though I think it used a proprietary driver.Questions:Should I be using a proprietary driver this card? Apparently you have to install a long list of packages first: XFree86-Mesa-libGL libstdc++ libgcc XFree86-libs fontconfig expat freetype zlib

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Ubuntu :: Skype Webcam Suddenly Got Dark

Jun 12, 2011

I have a Dell E6520 with Ubuntu 11.04 installed. The webcam and everything else has worked like a charm, including webcam in Skype and other applications. Today Skype webcam got VERY dark. I installed cheese and started it up. The screen was dark initially, but auto adjusted to be good again.

However in Skype same problems. So I followed this: [URL] and installed guvcview and tried to set some values. Suddenly I got some exceptions, and now nothing is working. Cheese will not even show anything else then a hint of a lamp that is in the background. I have tried to install many different software to be able to set the webcam, but no success. In some I get an decent image to start with, but then after one second it will go dark again.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Screen Goes Dark After Reboot

Jun 23, 2011

I'm trying to install ubuntu alongside Windows 7 on a HP Pavilion DV3. When I reboot I'm given the option to either boot into windows or ubuntu (this is after running the wubi program from the ubuntu website); when I select ubuntu it says that the installation will continue but the screen then goes very dark like the brightness has been turned right down. In the center of the screen I can faintly see the word ubuntu. I've tried using the hot-keys on the laptop to turn the brightness up but this doesn't work. I've also tried installing from CD but his doesn't work either and I get the same problem. This is my first time installing ubuntu so I'm not familiar with how the installation process works. Also if any other details are needed I'll be happy to give them.

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