Debian :: Why Cannot Access IRC On FreeNode

Sep 18, 2010

Just from recently I cannot access #debian IRC on freenode.

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Software :: Cannot Connect To FreeNode Via TOR Using SASL?

May 30, 2010

I tried to connect to FreeNode via TOR and directed to this web site.I have registered and verified by nickname with nickserv on FreeNode.Then I downloaded the XChat SASL plugin from here.I set it up the way it told me to.When I try and connect to the hidden service I am rejected being told I need to use SASL. What could I have done wrong and how can I find out>

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Software :: Irssi Won't Connect To Freenode

Feb 3, 2011

why irssi won't connect to freenode (I am in the process of configuring it and username has been set).


15:09 -!- Irssi: Looking up
15:09 -!- Irssi: Connecting to [xx.xx.xx.xx.] port 6667
15:12 -!- Irssi: Unable to connect server port 6667
[Connection timed out]

My network connection seems fine. I have not any issues at all with ethernet/wireless so I am not sure what is causing this. Irssi worked fine on fedora before switching to arch.

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Ubuntu :: Connect To Freenode Using Empathy But It Always Gives Network Error

Apr 29, 2010

I'm trying to connect to freenode using my Empathy but it always gives me network error (on and The steps I took were the simplest ones: Edit > Accounts Add...Protocol: IRC Network: FreeNode Nickname: pedrosanta Real Name: Pedro Santa Start session This is very, very strange. Anyone got this too? Can you shed me some light on what's happening or how can figure that out? FYI, I'm using the Portuguese version.

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Slackware :: Freenode, And Irssi: Slackbuilds For The Perl Modules?

Feb 8, 2010

With the latest Freenode changes SSL connection is now possible which presents no problem, particularly with rworkman's ca-certificates slackbuild, But configuring sasl for the password to nickserv presents a bit more of a challenge as 3 perl modules are required: Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum, Crypt::DH, Crypt::Blowfish and Math::BigInt. I have not packaged perl modules for slackware before and I guess there is always a first time but can I ask if anybody has already neatly packaged up the required perl modules? I suspect they will be very popular with Freenode slackware irc users...

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Debian :: Way To Create Wireless Access Point In Debian

May 30, 2011

i keep reading about hostapd but i never figured out how to get the daemon working properly, heck i haven't figured out how to get the ethernet card ti bridge to the wlan card through command line

ps the wireless interface i want to set up as an access point is an SMC usb card that uses the zd1211rw firmware, i checked and it supports AP mode.i was told that you don't have to put the card into master mode all you have to do is configure the hostapd.conf daemon correctly and start the daemon, it will automatically brodcast an ap without an further configurations.

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Debian :: Access Apache From Outside

Jan 29, 2016

I have a host system which is running Ubuntu and a guest system which is running Debian_squeeze on qemu VM. I need to send created traffic from Ubunto to Apache2 web server which is running on Debian. I made a bridge, and I can access internet from Debian, but this access is limited! I can just open some URLs not all of them! My question is how I can access the webserver from ubuntu?

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Debian :: Access Tomcat On WAN

Mar 9, 2016

I've assign to access our tomcat server outside WAN, My problem is I've never used debian or linux distro before sad right? , Here's the situation right now.

1. Tomcat is already running thru local, we can access anytime.
2. Our Dev team is the one who install and configure the Tomcat
3. Tomcat is assigned thru port 8088
4. 8088 is already open (I've tried using this port thru IP camera and we successfully open it)
5. When we switch over to our tomcat we cant open the port 8088

how to access our tomcat from WAN?

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Debian :: Access Server Through Ssh?

Dec 5, 2010

I want to acces my debian server through ssh.

I have a firewall at home which wont allow connections from alot of ports including 22, 80, 8080 To fix this on LAN i made ssh listen on port 1234 (found on isp forum that it didnt block that port and it's easy to remember ), that works at home, also on the wired network in school.

So I think the school blocks the ports of the wireless network except 22, 80, 8080.

Now my first idea i had to fix this is to install hamachi. which I will be testing the next week.

(easy problem: i have this .sh file in my cron.hourly & init.d, they wont do their job. I didnt set any permissions but i made them with root, those files update my ip to freedns)

I also cannot get onto my website, when i am not in my LAN...

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Debian Configuration :: Can Access SSH Through NAT?

Mar 2, 2010

we have moved and in the new apartment there's a connection with no external IP. Can I somehow access ssh from outside? There's absolutely no chance of granting a port from the ISP's side.

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Debian :: Cannot Access NTS Partitions

Dec 5, 2010

I can not access NTS partitions .

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Debian :: Other Users Cannot Access Internet With FF

Mar 8, 2010

Debian 5.02 on an AMD 64. I removed iceweasel and installed Firefox. On my account, I can access the net ok from FF, but when I login as another user, I cannot get out.

During the iceweasel removal, I suddenly got dumped out. Trying to recover I ended up restarting the box. I then again went to the root and 'aptitude remove iceweasel' and it came back ok. Then I installed FF per [url]. This worked fine on my 32 bit laptop btw. I even added a guest acct and FF worked, but not so on my 64 bit box. Any ideas on where to go?

And the reason for FF was that some media was not playing with iceweasel as it was perhaps too old? I didn't think 3.06 was that old myself, but when I installed FF, the sites that weren't playing fired right up.

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Debian :: Can Only Access Internet Wireless

Jun 6, 2010

Over the past month my windows PC has been playing up, I therefore am using Debian on LiveCD to get used to Linux (before I wipe Windows completly). Ever since I downloaded Debian I havent been able to get the internet (wireless) working, well recently i have, but not for long... After 2 weeks or so of me pratting about, I found out sort of what the problem is, or how i can sort of solve it temporarly. My USB wireless card is Realtek RTL8187 and it recognizes it and works by default, Im sure its nothing to do with that, although KNetworkManager will never connect me, says Failed to decrpy WEP (in dmesg), even tho it's the correct HEX key, so I use Wireless Assistant 0.5.7 which does connect me, with the same key network-manager wont. Other than this I would manually set it and 'dhclient wlan0'.

So, to sort of get internet I will first connect to the network (obviously) and once connected, I will ping, which usually will come back unknown host after a few secs, UNLESS I ping google, and quickly set the access point again, manually. So after i ping google i type "iwconfig wlan0 ap [ACCESSPOINT]" and google will reply, for roughly 3-5 seconds, and it dies again. After a few more frustrated days I decided I will test this to the max, so I simply spammed "iwconfig wlan0 ap [AP]; sleep 3; ect ect (over 50 times) and tried to update aptitude, epic fail. It took 3 attempts and over 20 mins to get 11% on packages (after i deleted the default sources.list and just added ftp server).

I personally think it's to do with the new Mac80211 drivers as the old ieee80211 stack drivers seemed fine for others and on BT3. Yesterday I downloaded Ubuntu to see if it would connect, it also uses Mac80211 drivers, but it DID connect with network-manager, but is very poor and dies after abt 20 secs max. Im not a big fan of Ubuntu but if worst came to worst I would have to install it (because crap net is better than none at all). My Windows PC is on the verge of death so I really could do with solving this.

Also, what older versions of debian, pref LiveCD's (if any) come with the old ieee drivers? If none what other Linux distro's (old or new) use the ieee drivers? (except BT3). Im quite new to linux so please dont mention compiling stuff, as the LiveCD doesnt have make by default. Also please note I can only access internet wireless so I cannot download extra stuff on wired net to see (although i could on Windows).

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Debian :: How To Disable Internet Access

Oct 31, 2010

I want to disable internet connection on my laptop but I want to keep the local lan connection. What would be the less hasssle way ?

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Debian :: No Root Login Access?

Apr 3, 2011

I can't get in as root. User is no problem but when I su or login for root I get "setgid". I also have a corrupt ssh key which is preventing sshd from starting. This seemed to happen all at once.

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Debian :: Cannot Access Some Of The Tables Or Back-up Them?

Aug 15, 2011

Recentrly my servers mysql has updated and now i have problems with my phpbb database. I cannot access some of the tables or back-up them. I did some research and founded that becouse of the update, my old my.cnf has been replaced and lost setiings for innodb. I founded the file, but i don't know how to make it work.
I do not have a back-up of the old my.cnf

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Debian :: How Does File/io Access Work

Aug 26, 2011

I'm trying to understand how file/io access works.

If I have this:

Filesystem            Mounted on
/dev/sda1             /
/dev/sdc5             /backup
/dev/sdb1             /database

And I access a file in /database, does the system access the disk containing /database directly, or does it go to /dev/sda1 disk for access to /, then finds a pointer to /dev/sdb1 for /database and then moves on to the correct disk?

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Debian :: Can't Access Mysql After Install

Jun 5, 2010

I've just installed mysql-server (apt-get install mysql-server) in my debian vps, it ask for password of which i had provided. However after the install finishes, i run the command "mysql -u root -p", i entered my password but says "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES".

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Debian :: Access Rights /var/log/exim4?

Jun 13, 2010

Having never used it, I did an apt-get remove --purge exim4this morning. Deborphan doesn't show any orphaned packages. But, I see a 44K file lingers as per below.

rooster@royrogers:~$ su
Password:rooster@royrogers:~$ su


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Debian :: Can't Access 2nd Dvd Drive From Computer?

Jan 22, 2011

My problem is that the OS does not show my 2nd DVD drive (slave to the first one).I tried editing fstab as per man pages, and as per several instructions I got using google, but to no avail. In the end, I reinstalled Debian with a data CD in the 2nd DVD drive, hoping that the presence of media would "force" Debian to recognize the drive - but this did not help. In the end,as I am completely clueless, please help me to help the OS recognize and provide access to the 2nd drive.

Here are a few things that can help explain better- > 1. see the attached picture file for "inside" the Computer. Note the Slave DVD drive does not appear.Screenshot of Computer Icon on Desktop showing that only the Primary DVD drive is visible - and not the Slave DVD drive.
Screenshot-Computer.png (26.38 KiB) Viewed 212 times

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Debian :: Best Way To Limit Access To NTFS

Jan 25, 2011

I managed to auto-mount NTFS partitions in my server.

But I want to limit access to this partition to a select few.

What's the best way, easiest way to do this.

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Debian Configuration :: How To Access Windows DNS

Jul 28, 2011

I have a windows based Domain Name Server (DNS) and I have a debian pc connecting to this network, obtaining an ip address via a DHCP server. I can ping any machine on the network using the ip address however I would like to be able to ping other machines on the network using their host names. For example I would like to be able to type... ping machine1HostName ... instead of ... ping To do this I realise I need to tell debian to access the windows DNS but how can I do this?

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Debian Multimedia :: VNC Client That Can Access A Mac?

Dec 2, 2010

Does anyone know of a VNC client that can access a mac (OS X 10.6)? When I try Vinagre, I get the message:
Authentication method to host <ip address> is unsupported. (30)

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Debian :: How To Change Access Banner

Feb 4, 2010

to be more secure, i would like to replace Debian Banner relating OS version etc by another one

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Debian :: Can Not Access Any Microsoft Site ?

May 7, 2010

I have Debian Lenny and I use Google Chrome for internet surfing. When I try to open a web page for any Microsoft site (microsoft dot com, msdn dot microsoft dot com, etc) it times out and never shows the page nor I get 404. All I get : "Waiting for www dot microsoft dot com" .

I have a Window XP VirtualBox machine within Debian with nic card as bridge and I can connect with no problems.

What could it be?. DNS look up addresses in Debian and Windows virtual are the same.

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Debian :: Unable To Access Harddrive

Jan 26, 2011

I'm unable to access my harddrive, I added the following line to /etc/fstab

/dev/sdb2 /mnt/harddrive ntfs user,defaults 0 0

in terminal I ran fstab -a

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Debian :: Disable For A User The Access To Usb Pen?

May 15, 2010

I want to refuse access for some users to usb pen and audio. In previous releases (debian, ubuntu , debian-based ..) , it is enough to remove the user from the group.

that is in /etc/group

with theses lines : bela can heard sound, but not geol, for bela and geol the usb pen is automatically mounted. But not for nobody else. It is NOT the case in the new release, I mean, even if I remove a user from the plugdev group, the usb pen is automatically mounted for that user.

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Debian :: Can't Access System Settings - Wheezy

Jun 8, 2013

Every time i click 'System Settings', it says that it is Starting, but nothing else happens after that. I can access 'Advanced Settings', but not 'System settings'. A

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Debian :: Nginx Php-fpm Permission - Access Denied

Dec 15, 2015

I have installed Nginx with PHP-FPM on Debian 8 to learn more about Linux permissions. Nginx is run as www-data user.

I have created a simple PHP script that outputs the date. I have set the permission as 000 (no permission at all) and it is root:root. How come I can still run this script in the browser without getting access denied? The script is inside a folder with world execution. When removing the world execution permission, the script can't be run. How does this all connect to each other?

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Debian :: Two Computers Suddenly Cannot Access Depositories

Mar 9, 2010

I have two computers, running Debian Lenny 5.0.3, suddenly they cannot access the Debian depositories and even when typed, the site does not come up! I used another hard disk with a different distro and one of the computers, and it did access the debian site. Any reason for this?

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