Debian :: Can Only Access Internet Wireless

Jun 6, 2010

Over the past month my windows PC has been playing up, I therefore am using Debian on LiveCD to get used to Linux (before I wipe Windows completly). Ever since I downloaded Debian I havent been able to get the internet (wireless) working, well recently i have, but not for long... After 2 weeks or so of me pratting about, I found out sort of what the problem is, or how i can sort of solve it temporarly. My USB wireless card is Realtek RTL8187 and it recognizes it and works by default, Im sure its nothing to do with that, although KNetworkManager will never connect me, says Failed to decrpy WEP (in dmesg), even tho it's the correct HEX key, so I use Wireless Assistant 0.5.7 which does connect me, with the same key network-manager wont. Other than this I would manually set it and 'dhclient wlan0'.

So, to sort of get internet I will first connect to the network (obviously) and once connected, I will ping, which usually will come back unknown host after a few secs, UNLESS I ping google, and quickly set the access point again, manually. So after i ping google i type "iwconfig wlan0 ap [ACCESSPOINT]" and google will reply, for roughly 3-5 seconds, and it dies again. After a few more frustrated days I decided I will test this to the max, so I simply spammed "iwconfig wlan0 ap [AP]; sleep 3; ect ect (over 50 times) and tried to update aptitude, epic fail. It took 3 attempts and over 20 mins to get 11% on packages (after i deleted the default sources.list and just added ftp server).

I personally think it's to do with the new Mac80211 drivers as the old ieee80211 stack drivers seemed fine for others and on BT3. Yesterday I downloaded Ubuntu to see if it would connect, it also uses Mac80211 drivers, but it DID connect with network-manager, but is very poor and dies after abt 20 secs max. Im not a big fan of Ubuntu but if worst came to worst I would have to install it (because crap net is better than none at all). My Windows PC is on the verge of death so I really could do with solving this.

Also, what older versions of debian, pref LiveCD's (if any) come with the old ieee drivers? If none what other Linux distro's (old or new) use the ieee drivers? (except BT3). Im quite new to linux so please dont mention compiling stuff, as the LiveCD doesnt have make by default. Also please note I can only access internet wireless so I cannot download extra stuff on wired net to see (although i could on Windows).

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Cannot Access Internet Via Wireless

Mar 27, 2010

I'm having trouble setting up my desktop pc to access the internet via my wireless router. i have tried to set it up in networkmanager (it shows as connected when clicking on the NM icon) but when loading firefox or when trying to update opensuse i just cannot get a connection.

opensuse ver: 11.2 (kernel:
device: Atheros AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter
driver/kernel: ath5k
unique id: 00:0b:0
pci id: 00:0b:0 0200: 168c:0013 (rev 01)

I have tried using the 'getting your wireless to work' guide, please see below for results

wireless lan: atheros ar5001x+ wireless network adaptor
bus: PCI
class (spec):
class: network controller


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Ubuntu :: No Wireless Internet Access?

Jun 15, 2010

I have a dual boot in windows 7 and ubuntu. WiFi came with windows 7 but doesn't work at all in ubuntu.There are no drivers in my hardware drivers. I use one of those laptops that came with a built in atheros wireless adapter.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wireless Internet Access?

Sep 17, 2010

I cant connect to the internet with my wireless( or my lan for that matter, but i mainly want to use my wireless). I am going to follow the ticket provided by one of the sticky threads [URL]

1.Machine Brand and Model
Actually i am using a computer i built myself using following components
AMD Phenom II x4 965 CPU
ASRock 890FX Mobo


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General :: Can't Access Internet By Wireless Or Cable

Apr 23, 2010

I have installed Mint 8 on my HP Presario lap top. When booted up using XP I can connect to the internet wirelessly with no problem. But, when I boot up with Mint 8 I receive a msg that there is no connection to the internet. I then tried by hooking up to the router with a cable and it still shows "not connected to the internet" msg. I tried rebooting while hooked up with the cable and same result.

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Ubuntu :: Can`t Access The Internet - PPPoE Over Wireless

May 31, 2010

I have problem to access the Internet, with Ubuntu 10.04. In Windows I access the Internet in this way: Create a PPPoE Connection (with username and password), after this connect to a Wireless Network called WebSTAR (I have Wireless modem in my family PC), and connect to PPPoE Connection. After these steps the Internet works fine. .But I have same problems with Ubuntu. First I see the Network named "WebSTAR" but I can`t connect to it. And I try many times to join the Internet with "sudo pppoeconf" command in Terminal, but didn't work.

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Fedora Networking :: Access Wireless Internet - Air Card On 10?

May 8, 2009

I am building a CarPC which I'd like to have wireless internet access on. I have Verizon phone service so if there is a Verizon air card (not wireless card, an air card so I can have constant access without having to search for hot spots) that would work with Fedora 10 I would be very happy. I don't really know where to start and I can't find too much on Google, so I'm just looking for what options are available.

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General :: How To Install Wireless Drivers Without Internet Access

Jan 5, 2011

I have a wireless card that needs the Broadcom B4311 Rev. 1 driver but I don't have a way to download that driver since I don't have wireless access since the driver isn't installed. I'm running Linux Mint Debian x64.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Internet Access Via New Wireless Setup?

Feb 10, 2010

Running Ubuntu 9.10 Ive just got my wireless connection working after first having got the wired eth0 connection working.

With the wired connection I could SSH into my server through my firewall/router (via a forward). I can run up VNC, from there firefox, browse the web - all is well.

I have now setup the wireless connection, using a static IP, and I can likewise SSH into my server. I can run up VNC. I can ping my router. I can log onto it via VNC. I can browse to my router. But I cant browse the internet.

But I cant ping The reason is there is no host lookup service. Nslookup eventually says no servers could be reached.

So specifically, if I ping Im told "unknown host". If I do an NSlookup on it I get timeout, no servers could be reached. However if I ping I get responses.

I see no relevant entries in my firewall log.

Unfortunately I cant traceroute because the package isnt found - and of course I cant install it because I have no internet !

Strangely (to me at least !) if I then tunnel through SSH and browse the web, I have no problems. It works ? I know I am browsing through my SSH tunnel because whatsmyip gives the IP of my router at home, not where Ive SSHd in from. I can surf just fine.

why I cant do host lookups any more (and this did work with my wired connection, but whether its related to my change to wireless, or static IPs or both I cant be sure - it certainly appeared to happen at the same time). And, more to the point, what I need to look for/do to rectify it ?

As a bonus Id be interested in why I can SSH and browse via tunnelling but not direct from my server (via VNC). Just for interests sake !

if config reports :

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:90:4b:27:ae:17
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::290:4bff:fe27:ae17/64 Scope:Link


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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Wireless Router Or Internet

Apr 18, 2010

I have a dual-boot desktop with Windows 7 and Ubuntu.Problem: Linux does not recognize my D-Link DWA-131 Wireless N USB Adapter. So, I can't access my wireless router or the internet.D-Link has a Linux driver for the DWA-131 posted on their website URL...that includes a readme file with long, strange, convoluted instructions on how to install the driver.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection But No Internet Access?

Dec 6, 2010

I had been happily using a wireless connection for about two weeks. The connection then went down for a few days. Since it came back up, I can connect to the network, but cannot access the internet. Other users of the network can both connect to the network, and access the internet, though people have experienced the same problem as me the last time the network went down (they could connect to the network but not access the internet). I have tried deleting and re-starting the connection, to no avail. I have looked around the forums, but haven't found anything that can help: do any of you have any suggestions? I am malarial and at the end of tether.It is not a problem with Ipv6, which is set to ignore, as it was in the past when the connection workedI am running Ubuntu 10.10 on an X61 Thinkpad. Below is the output of iwconfig, route -n, lspci, and what happens when I ping other network

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1d:72:9e:09:8f


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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Access Internet Using Firefox When Wireless

May 3, 2011

I just loaded Ubuntu 11.04 onto Acer Aspire 5100 computer. I can access the internet through Firefox when I connect ethernet lan cable but it doesn't work when I use wireless connection. Although I do get the indicator in top right that says my wireless connection was established. Why I can't access internet with Firefox in wireless mode? I tried toggling the wireless switch in front of Acer but that didn't work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Wireless Connected But No Internet Access

Aug 26, 2011

I have installed ubuntu 10.04 and STA wireless driver. I am using a wimax modem, the wireless is connected (have IP addresses) but I do not have access to the internet.I also have installed a windows XP as a guest OS (ubuntu is the host) on vmware. By using a bridged network connection, I am able to access internet. So I guess the problem is related to the ubuntu wireless driver.

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Networking :: Connected To Wireless Network But No Internet Access?

Sep 17, 2009

if i'm connected to my wireless network it only gives me internet acces for a few minutes. The connection with my network stays but i have to close it back of and reconnect before i get back online.

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Networking :: Share Internet Through A Wireless Access Point?

Aug 8, 2010

I started using Arch just a few days ago. forward traffic to the Wireless access point I created on arch. i am using cable internet (ppp0) which I want to share via a usb wifi adapter running as a WAP. I followed the instructions in this link to enable the AP mode. Afterwards I followed the instructions provided in the Arch Wiki to forward the traffic but because of my inexperience I am still unable to connect to the internet. Here is the output of iptables -nvL :


Chain INPUT (policy DROP 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
77 31312 ACCEPT all -- lo *
0 0 DROP all -- * * state INVALID


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Software :: Wireless Internet Access - Installing The Programs

Jan 9, 2011

What distro is the easiest for a new person to get started? I also need wireless internet access. I've tried to do this once before with linux (mandriva as I recall, I gave up)before and had problems installing the programs that would allow that. Also are there Linux versions that I could install on my pocket PC?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Wireless AP Configuration - Doesn't Have Internet Access

Aug 7, 2011

I'm trying to setup a wireless AP with my old asus eeepc, so it can act as a repeater to connect my android device on the other end of the apartment. I've already created the Wireless Access Point using hostapd. It took very little configuring, just changed from mode 'a' to 'g' and changed the channel from 60 to 1 and It was all set. Next I setup a dhcp server. Also simple enough using yast.

Up to this point, I was able to connect my android device to the newly created wireless network. However It doesn't have internet access. I guess I have to configure iptables for this, but I find it incredibly confusing! Here are a few specs to help with any examples: The laptop is connected to the internet through eth0 with IP Hostapd is using wlan0, and I'm pretty sure it created mon.wlan0 So, to sum up, when I connect my android device to the network I can, for instance, see what ever pages apache is currently serving on the laptop, but can't access the internet.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: 11.4 Realtek 8187B WEP WiFi - No Access To Internet

Mar 24, 2011

I just installed SUSE 11.4. In short - my adapter is working, authenticated on the selected AP, I can ping the AP, but I have no access to the outside world. Here's the command line output:

xaoc@FOREST:~> dmesg ...
[795.517345] wlan0: authenticate with 00:01:38:e2:39:8c (try 1)
[795.533595] wlan0: authenticated
[795.638329] wlan0: associate with 00:01:38:e2:39:8c (try 1)
[795.640960] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 00:01:38:e2:39:8c (capab=0x431 status=0 aid=3)
[795.640964] wlan0: associated .....

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4004ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 2.118/5.169/16.063/5.454 ms
xaoc@FOREST:~> ping -c 5
connect: Network is unreachable

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Ubuntu Networking :: With Encrypted Wireless Connection Not Able To Access Internet

Jan 26, 2010

With Encrypted Wireless Connection Not Able to Access Internet - no pings, internet browsing, etc. However, without encryption I am able to browse the internet. I need encryption ..

I am pasting diagnostics collected by shell procedure

Code: V0.6.2.0 (Rev: 1.193, Build: 2010/01/20 21:22:30 UTC)
--- Which type of your network connection should be tested?
--- (2) Wireless connection (WLAN)
--- What's the type of networktopology?


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Ubuntu Networking :: Config Of A Wireless-N USB Adapter And Access Internet

Apr 13, 2010

I spent $70 on a brand-new Wireless-N adapter for my Ubuntu computer in hopes that I could get it to connect to the main router in the house and get me internet access. However, the driver install CD is designed for Windows and thus will not run. I have tried to get it to set up, but it takes no action when plugged in and I am still without access to the internet. what I can do to get my computer connected and save me from having wasted $70?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To Wireless Router But No Internet Access?

Oct 27, 2010

At work, we (like almost everyone) are still full-on windows. I am currently trying to get away from windows because I am not a fan. my current windows machine (different from my Ubuntu machine) is accessing the wireless network fine, and there are no obvious problems there. Also, my Ubuntu machine can access my wireless network at home, so I know there are no driver issues. I set up the connection for the Ubuntu machine, and it seems to be connecting OK. I can ping internal IPs and by all statuses, the connection to the router is functioning. However, when I attempt to load a web page or ping a domain or external IP, it fails. I tried to ping the IP, thinking if that worked, it's probably the DNS, but pinging both domains or IPs fails. I have looked around at forums and posts, but none of them seem to match my issue (that's probably not true, but I am struggling to see the commonality).

Here are the results of "netstat -r":

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * U 2 0 0 wlan0
link-local * U 1000 0 0 wlan0
default UG 0 0 0 wlan0

And here is "ifconfig":

wlan0 Link encao:Ethernet HWaddr 74:f0:6d:XX:XX:XX
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr:fe80::76f0:6dff:XXXX:XXXX/64 Scope:Link


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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Connect To Wireless Network But No Internet Access

Jan 20, 2011

I have had a heck of a time trying to get my laptop running ubuntu to connect to my home network. I have managed to get it to work at my university which would seemingly be more difficult than getting it to work at home, so I know for a fact it isn't a hardware or driver issue. If I try to connect via ethernet cable from my router, it detects that I connected the cable but says "disconnected" and never lets me connect. If I SKIP the router and go from my modem directly to my laptop via ethernet cable it works great.

Using the wireless network tool I can see all of the wireless connections in my area. When I go to connect to my network it prompts me for the WEP key and when I enter it and hit connect it just keeps cycling and eventually times out and finally again prompts me for my WEP key. I know this network works as it works just fine on my Windows 7 partition. Another interesting note - both my wireless and ethernet connections both worked flawlessly and stoopid easily on the live cd but don't after the full install.

If I manually enter in the information for my wireless through IPv4 settings and enter in the Address,Netmask and gateway I can connect to my network - but then I have no active internet connection. Same deal with my wired connection. Is this because choosing this manual method grays out the DHCP?

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Internet Access Through Wireless Campus Network?

Feb 10, 2011

I am trying to connect to the college campus wifi network, but having difficulties in Linux.I am dual-booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10, and I use Google Chrome web browser on both. When I boot into Windows, my laptop connects to the network (as I can see from the taskbar icon) and I can (and currently am) connect in Chrome.However, in Ubuntu, it connects (or so the icon indicates) but Chrome doesn't load any pages.The campus network is unsecured, but once you open the browser, you are prompted with a log-in page (student ID and password) to actually connect.Here is my output for iwconfig:


wlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn ESSID:"sjsu_campus"
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.412 GHz Access Point: 00:24:6C:BC:D3:E0
Bit Rate=54 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm
Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off


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Ubuntu :: Access The Internet At Home With Wireless Using Firefox After Upgrade To 10.04

May 19, 2010

After my "upgrade" to 10.04 I am unable to access the internet at home with wireless using Firefox, but am able to access the router. I am however able to access the internet at work, both use WPA password protection. I was also able to do the updates over wireless at home, despite not being able to access the internet. I am currently at work, and downloaded Google Chrome and did not import settings from Firefox, to see if there were any settings issues with Firefox itself.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up Internet Connection Through Wireless Access Point

Aug 16, 2010

I have successfully set up a cable internet connection in Ubuntu (created a new DSL connection by typing login and password and connected the cable - it worked). But I have no idea how I can set up a wireless internet connection.I have a wireless access point TL-WA501G, laptop and a cable internet connection with fixed IP address.My laptop can see the wireless access point. But I really do not know how to make it all work and what to start from.

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Debian Hardware :: Product Recommendations For A Wireless Access Point & A Wireless Network Card?

Sep 11, 2011

Debian 2.6.32-5-amd64 KDE I have to make one of my computers wireless. i need some product recommendations for a wireless access point & a wireless network card.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Create A Virtual WiFi And Share Internet Access With Many Others?

Dec 25, 2009

There is a new feature in Windows 7 that make u able to create a virtual WiFi and share ur internet access with many others.

I know there is ad-hoc but sometimes it has problems, for example I couldn't connect to my friend's ad-hoc network (he is using Windows 7) but I _could_ connect to the virtual WiFi he created, it appeared just like any other wireless network unlike ad-hoc

so is there any way to create a virtual WiFi and not ad-hoc in Linux?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Installing Wireless PCI Card Driver For Internet Access?

Jun 1, 2010

I am not really that good with linux, yet, I have a smc 2602W v3 wireless pci card, and I want to install it on linux, so I could access the internet, but I haven't found any solutions yet. Btw latest ubuntu desktop version. Info about the card: [URL]

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Ubuntu Networking :: 8.04 Box Plugged Into Wireless Router Cannont Access Internet?

Jun 5, 2010

I have I fileserver on my home network. It has a static IP and is plugged into the back of the wireless router. It is fine on the network but cannot access the internet. I noticed this when I was trying to update my package list. This is what is in /network/ interfaces:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static


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General :: After Install Ubuntu To My Laptop - Can't Access No Network Or Wireless Internet

Jun 1, 2010

I can't get WLAN or wireless drivers for my hp pavilon v5000 notebook

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