Debian :: How To Change Access Banner

Feb 4, 2010

to be more secure, i would like to replace Debian Banner relating OS version etc by another one

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Debian :: Remove The Personal File Sharing Banner In Nautilus?

Oct 1, 2010

I do not, and will not, use this feature. This banner to open the configuration is just using up space.

I am sure that this is very simple but I can't seem to figure out how to get the bugger off of Nautilus.

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Debian :: Why Access Time (atime) Does Not Change On Read

Oct 10, 2010

I have a question about the atime attribute. I wonder why the atime is not updated when the file is read. It is update only the first time the file is read.

For example:
antec:~# touch test
antec:~# stat test


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Debian :: Removing The "Personal File Sharing" Banner In Nautilus?

Jan 27, 2011

I've been searching on google but the only solution seems to be to change the name of the files (which didn't work). Is there any way to remove the banner? I'm not 3yrs old I know how to share files and don't need to be reminded where i can receive files.

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Ubuntu :: SSH Banner Repeats Itself?

May 5, 2011

I performed an apt-get upgrade and now my SSH Welcome Banner looks like the following. You'll notice that the banner repeats itself. The bottom half is acutally "static" and doesn't change. The top part is what I would normally see. How do I remove the bottom portion of the banner? Or modify the banner? Using Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS


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Red Hat :: SSH Banner Escape Codes?

Sep 22, 2010

I have modified /etc/issue with the following:

Today is d @
So when logging in locally you get todays date and time. I want this for SSH users as well


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Fedora :: Banner Sheet Cannot Be Disabled On F12

Dec 20, 2009

My F12 is connected to a Xerox DC432 printer on the network. The problem I'm facing is that banner sheet cannot be disable. The configuration setting on Administration->Printing showed that banner is off by default. "/etc/cups/printers.conf" file also have "JobSheets none none". I had the same problem with F11. Is there any step I'm missing? It doesn't seem to be problem of the printer itself because I could do this on a Windows OS.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Odd Ssh Banner After 9.10 > 10.04 > 10.10 Upgrade?

Oct 13, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.10 via 10.04 from 9.10, and now I'm getting an odd banner when logging in via ssh. I checked my /etc/sshd_config and it looks like Banner is disabled by default (commented out), and PrintMotd is set to no.


myuser@mylocalbox:~$ ssh myremotebox
Linux myremotebox 2.6.35-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 20:32:27 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Ubuntu 10.10


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Fedora Security :: Can't Get Kde Login Banner To Display On F12

Dec 8, 2009

I'm trying to secure a workstation according to the DISA STIG and updated this machine from f10 to f12 to take care of a lot of kernel and openssl vulnerabilities.

I've gone into the Login Manager by running /usr/bin/kcmshell4 kdm --lang en_US as root, turned off themed greeter to enable the Dialog tab and inserted the login banner in the Greeting field. I checked the Xresources file in both /etc/kde/kdm and /etc/X11/xdm and the xlogin*greeting: field has my banner.

However when I restart the machine I am not prompted by the banner and when I select a user I am not prompted by the banner.

I'm not sure if this could be the issue but I get errors when launching kcmshell4:


I have to sudo -s from the user with uid 1003 to root. does this need to be run from real root?

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Ubuntu :: Ssh Banner With The Number Of Currently Running Processes?

May 18, 2010

I would like to do the following: Create a banner for any user logging in through ssh which warns him/her about the number of processors being used already by other users (or conversely the number of free processors). For example, if a user logged in he would then see a message like: Warning! 7 out of 8 processors are in use.I already figured out how to do a banner and with ps -e -o pcpu I can get all processes' %CPU usage. I think I would like to count the number of processes which have more than 90% CPU usage and output this number ("7" in the example) in the banner

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Ubuntu Security :: Edit Ssh Banner Via Non-ssh Connection?

Jun 14, 2010

I have changed my sshd banner in /etc/motd code...

However, I would also like to change the banner that someone sees if they attempt to use another method of connecting to my ssh server (telnet, for example). Currently, this is what happens code...

Where do I edit the telnet/ssh banner, so it isn't so easy to fingerprint my os/ssh version simply by using something such as telnet?

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Ubuntu :: How To Turn Off Nautilus Media Banner

Jul 23, 2011

The file browser Nautilus displays a banner with a statement about what type of media is connected, what files are stored on the media (music on a CD, movies on a DVD, photos on a camera, etc.) and a button to open the suggested application when I insert or connect media to the computer and choose to open it in the file browser. I did not find this behaviour useful, yet. (There already is the pop-up window that is displayed when media is inserted or connected which asks what application to open.)In a specific case, where I connect my cellphone to the computer there are two notices:"The media contains digital photos [Open F-Spot Photo Manager]" and"These files are on a digital audio player [Open Banshee Media Player]"It is little useful. One is okay, but two notices take up too much screen space for displaying files.

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General :: Disable CUPS Print Banner?

Feb 16, 2010

I have cups 1.4.1 on ubuntu that act as print server that receive print request from Oracle Applications 11i on hp-ux and sends them to windows clients.

Clients printers are from different vendors like Samsung, HP and Kyocera.

Some printers print request with Cover Page with content of "job-id job-name job-originating-user-name job-originating-host-name job-billing" like Samsung ML-2250 or HP Laserjet 1100

but in Kyocera print without banner.

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General :: Warning Banner For GNOME Users?

Jan 10, 2010

cd /etc/X11/gdm
awk '/^#?Greeter=/


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Programming :: Script To Generate SSH Banner MOTD?

Apr 18, 2010

I want to automate my System-installation. So i try to make a Script that will generate the /etc/motd. Now i have the Problem that the script has some variables and after the "Hostname, OS, HW, IP" the "stars" are anyware, but not there they should. The most problem is the $OS this string can verry long or verry short be. Fedora release 12 (Constantine) or RedHat 5.4 i can do that after the variables place the "stars" on the write position?



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Ubuntu :: Configure SSH To Display A Warning Banner At Login

Aug 27, 2010

configure SSH to display a warning banner at login

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Red Hat / Fedora :: RHEL6 Login Banner With Cancel Button Not Working

Jan 25, 2011

Having a little issue with creating a login message banner in RHEL6 that uses two buttons. One for Accept which logs the user in. The second for Cancel which immediately logs the user out. I've modified the /etc/gdm/PostLogin/Default file to have the script, posted below, and it worked perfectly fine in RHEL5. But in 6, when you click Cancel, the user is still able to log in. It even states in the system logs that the user cancelled the login.As you can see, I have the script using the 9th field of the user's env to get the PID, and using the kill command to end the process, which should be logging the user out right away if they click the Cancel button. This works in 5 without issue (though I used -f5 in RHEL5, had to move it to -f9 for RHEL6).

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Ubuntu :: Change Volume Name Now Can't Access?

Feb 12, 2010

I wanted to change the name of one of volumes/partitions from "New Volume" to "Photos". I had two "new volumes" and it was getting confusing. Thinking this would be an easy process I went into nautilus (gksudo nautilus) and right-clicked on the icon representing the volume, selected Rename and typed in "Photos". I now cannot access that volume from Ubuntu but I can from Windows XP (where it is still labelled "New Volume). When I try to access it I get the error message: "Cannot mount Volume. You are not privileged to mount the volume 'New Volume' " This is the readout from fstab:


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Ubuntu :: Access Nautilus And Change It?

Nov 12, 2010

I just recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my Acer Extensa 4200 laptop. At first all seemed well. My wifi worked for the first time since installing Linux on this machine when I purchased it a year ago. Now come the problems,and as a technically challenged 62 year old, I am at wits end! When I got to "Places" in the Gnome Panel, instead of going to a file folder. It opens Firefox! Where instead of folders and files, I see an index of files. If I click on one of them, once again Firefox opens another index of links to files. What gives? Is this something to to with Nautilus, which I don't know how to access? If it is, how do I access Nautilus and change it?

Then my Firefox has no image, video, map etc. search options. When I google something I get only WEB searches, nothing else. I google my address and I get whatever information is on the web, but nothing. No maps or images. The same for my doctors office. There is no way to get a map or directions. What gives. Are my settings all screwed up or what? I resort to buying a windows machine! I deleted windows on this machine shortly after purchase. I always had SOME problems with Ubuntu, but this is ridiculous. It seems that wireless is the only thing that works

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Ubuntu :: ISP Change Blocks Nameserver Access?

Jan 29, 2011

I just switched ISPs from a local vendor to Wild Blue. All my Windows boxes adopted automatically. My Ubuntu 10.10 workstation can find no sites, period. My old resolv.conf said:

# Generated by NetworkManager
domain (<- my old local ISP)
search (<- my old local ISP)
nameserver (<- correct IP V4 address for my router's front end)

This has not changed, and I guess my IP stack is searching for domain addresses on, which don't exist there. After many hours trying to speak with WildBlue Tech Support people, I've decided that domain search questions are beyond their ability to comprehend or discuss. If I could ascertain the domain(s) to search I'd just edit the silly file.

Has anyone else connected with Ubuntu 10.10 on WildBlue?

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Permissions For Windows Access

Jun 20, 2011

I am using Ubuntu after a BSOD error. Ubuntu is awesome, I can access all my windows files, however, I need to access my programs on windows. Here's what happened - I accidentally changed permissions after getting a virus. I then tried to do a system restore and during that process the computer crashed. When I try to boot to windows in every possible mode, I am always left with the dreaded blue screen of death.

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Ubuntu :: Change Opera Speed Dials / Don't Have Enough Access

Dec 26, 2010

I love to use opera & especially like the speed-dials.. the file I need to edit is 'standard_speeddial.ini' however I do not have enough access & have no idea how to get it (& I have tried as well).

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Ubuntu :: Change Alt+F Key To Not Access File Menu In Terminal

Aug 16, 2011

I want to change the Alt+F key in terminal to not access thefile menu (can't think of what it is called but File, Edit, View, the top). Alt is bound to access the first letter of the names in the file menus. This eliminates the Alt+F shortcut to move forward a word. I don't even mind so much if I permanently remove the alt binding to access the file menus.

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Networking :: Unable To Change The Ssh Port Access Is It From /etc/sshd_config?

Jan 27, 2010

I have a WRTG54S Linksys router and Fedora 11 on my Asus EeePC and I would like to be able to access my Fedora remotely via ssh however I'm not sure which info and were do I need to change it in my router, also I want to be able to change the ssh port access is it from /etc/sshd_config ? My internet connection at home is via cable modem and with a connection that is always on. (no dialer)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cant Access BIOS When Trying To Change Settings To Load Through USB

Jun 7, 2010

Im trying to test out Ubuntu while running Windows currently, once i got the ISO image installed into my USB device by following the steps on the Ubunto site, i rebooted my PC and tried to get into BIOS to change the setting to boot through the USB device.

but i was unable to open BIOS.

this is all i saw in the bottom right side of my screen as far as commands to open some thing before my PC would boot through my Cdrive and load Windows.

L> BIOS Setup/Q-flash

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Ubuntu :: Change Write Access Of Files Inside A Folder?

Jan 17, 2011

ok trying to use grip but it keeps giving me this messageCode:No write access to write encoded fileso i have a folder in my home folder called flac and i want to modify the folder so that all files within can be written toi have tried

chmod -R 777 flac/*


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Hardware :: Change BIOS Setting To Enable To Access A Live Cd Or Dvd?

Jul 31, 2011

I would like to be able to change my BIOS setting to enable me to access a live cd or dvd to try some Linux Distros. At the moment ,when I access the BIOs ,it willl not stay as adjusted ,it ignores the settings ,it goes to default.

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Ubuntu :: No Access To Home - All Profile Settings Disappeared After Password Change

Aug 9, 2011

after a period of 3 months I had to change my ubuntu account password on my workstation.

Immediately after the change it seemed to work fine, but when I rebooted all the icons on the desktop, my personal data and themes account settings were gone.

I got an error that there was a problem with a file in my home directory. (I think .ICAccount or like that) I don't remember the correct name, because I bypassed it using chmod 755 on my home directory.

No I dont get any error message but the files in my home folder and all settings are still gone.

There is a README.txt in my home folder:



From the graphical desktop, click on: "Access Your Private Data"

From the command line, run: ecryptfs-mount-private

I can mount it by using the command but that doesn't fix the settings problem and the data that was previously stored on my Desktop doesn't apper. I also dont want to have an encrypted home directory. I didn't use that before. I'm using the whole disk LVM encryption that I applied using the alternate installation cd.

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Debian :: Debian Squeeze / Gnome Icon Themes Don't Change

Feb 8, 2011

I installed Debian Squeeze with Gnome today. I'm unable to change from the default icon theme. I can change themes, but the icon theme remains default.Things I've tried:

- I've made a new user account.

- .gtkrc-2.0 in my home is auto-generated, .gtkrc.mine does not exist.

# -- THEME AUTO-WRITTEN DO NOT EDIT include "/usr/share/themes/Darklooks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" include "/home/haunted/.gtkrc.mine"


- I've tried installing a theme into my /home/.themes.

- I've reinstalled gnome-settings-daemon.

- Tried changing themes then doing a full reboot.

- Cursed it periodically.

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Debian :: Way To Create Wireless Access Point In Debian

May 30, 2011

i keep reading about hostapd but i never figured out how to get the daemon working properly, heck i haven't figured out how to get the ethernet card ti bridge to the wlan card through command line

ps the wireless interface i want to set up as an access point is an SMC usb card that uses the zd1211rw firmware, i checked and it supports AP mode.i was told that you don't have to put the card into master mode all you have to do is configure the hostapd.conf daemon correctly and start the daemon, it will automatically brodcast an ap without an further configurations.

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