CentOS 5 :: Error 'noapic' When Start Centos?

Apr 8, 2009

i restore Centos from backup file,after i have finished,i start centos, it can't start and repost error: IO-APIC + timer doesn't work! Boot with apic=debug and send a report. Then try booting with the 'noapic' option

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CentOS 5 Server :: VsFTP Iptables Wont Start Get Error - CentOS 5.5

May 11, 2011

i am currently trying to install vsFTP onto my new linux server and btw i just started using linux today this is my first time using linux so i got the ftp installed good it got downloaded and everything then i went to open a port for my server for vsFTP i used this comand to open it "-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT" then i closed it by pressing ESC then :wq! and it brought me back to my comand line again so now when i try to start the ip table thing with the comand "service iptables start" then when i execute that comand putty respondes with this "Applying iptables firewall rules: iptables-restore: line 1 failed [FAILED]"

The install Guide im using: [URL]

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CentOS 5 :: How Do I Boot Into Rescue Mode With Noapic Kernel Argument

Sep 5, 2009

I installed ubuntu on a second hard drive.Nowhere did the fracken ubuntu installer ask my permission to over-write my mbr but that's exactly what it did.I'm booted off the rescue CD trying to restore the mbr to how centos left it (I'll add ubuntu to grub manually) but I can't boot into rescue.linux rescue results in a kernel panic suggesting I need the noapic argument. Makes sense, I needed that to install and need that in grub.linux rescue noapic boots into the installer, not rescue.How do I boot into rescue mode with the noapic kernel argument?

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CentOS 5 :: CentOS 5.5 Start Error On Xen DomU "Installation Not Started" ?

Dec 22, 2010

I installed CentOS 5.5 x86_64 on server as xen dom0. When i try to install CentOS 5.5 x86_64 as guest (hardware virtualization) i see "Kernel panic"...Installation not started: i see install cd's boot menu, press Enter... that's all.

Dom0 kernel: 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5xen, xen 3.0.3
Only standart installation, repo's and update's...

Code: 8b 72 40 48 8d 4c 24 1c 48 8b 7a 20 ba c4 01 00 00 e8 5f 77
RIP [<ffffffff8008192f>] cpuid4_cache_lookup+0x256/0x356
RSP <ffff81010fc75d60>[code]....

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Ubuntu :: Easy Way To Always Start With Noapic?

Jan 4, 2010

To boot into Ubuntu 8.10, I have to boot with noapic. Is there an easy way to always boot with this command. And don't worry, I have fair bit of computer know how, just moving from windows to ubuntu.

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CentOS 5 :: Application Won't Start - Error ?

Sep 29, 2009

I'm trying to get an application started, but it just keeps throwing this error:

I know it's a Perl Error and the proper module is installed, but I'm assuming it just can't find it.

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CentOS 5 :: UGS NX 6.0 In 5.5 - ERROR: Unable To Start NX

Sep 22, 2010

I have upgraded from Centos version 4.x to 5.5 and my installation of UGS NX 6.0 was installed under Centos 4. NX was working fine in Centos 4, but when I try starting it under Centos 5, I get the following:

ERROR: unable to start NX Check: X windows is running, :0.0 is valid, and X display has been authorized on :0.0.

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Start Session Due To Internal Error / Do That?

Apr 5, 2009

I am new to CentOS and need this urgent help.

On my machine, I am not able to login using any of the user account or root. It's showing this message:

Then comes another message:
YOur session lasted for less than 10 seconds. Try logging using Failsfe.
session_child_run: Could not exec /etc/X11/xinit/Xsession default

I tried to use the failsafe as well, but nothing seems to work.

Would someone please help me regarding this issue?

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CentOS 5 :: Timeout Error Occured Trying To Start Mysqld Daemon?

Mar 10, 2009

I have Centos 5.1 and im a total newbie. I have managed to get it running with Apache and PHP but after I install mysql it fails to start with the above error. I have removed it as well using YUM and reinstalled it but it still will not start.

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General :: Centos 5.3 - Unable To Start Sshd Service - Shows Error

Oct 5, 2010

In centos 5.3 i am unable to start sshd service shows error starting sshd :/etc/init.d/sshd:line102"7182 illegal instruction $sshd$ option

Same error while starting the httpd service.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Timeout Error Occurred Trying To Start MySQL Daemon

Jun 2, 2011

I have a VPS running on centos-5-x86 and mysql server went down two days ago this is my mysql server log

110602 18:28:09 mysqld started
InnoDB: The log sequence number in ibdata files does not match
InnoDB: the log sequence number in the ib_logfiles!
110602 18:28:14 InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally!
InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.


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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Error Installing CentOS 5.2 On ICH7R With 4 SATA HDDs RAID 5?

Feb 15, 2009

The installer can't see my raid controller (I assume) as I'm getting the following error:"Error opening /dev/mapper/isw_jbhgjgjj_Vol0: No such device or address"It just sees them as 4 individual drives: sda, sdb, sdc and sdd.Please note that I have set up the RAID 5 in the controller bios interface and the image name is Vol0, which it seems that it tries to load but for some particular reason it can't.I have also tried different bios settings and nothing worked.

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CentOS 5 :: Booting CentOS V5.2 Fails With GRUB Error 13: Invalid Executable Format?

May 5, 2009

I'm trying to install a dual booting machine with OpenSUSE v11.1 32bit and CentOS v5.2 64bit. I installed OpenSUSE first and allowed it to install and configure grub in the MBR and after that I wanted to proceed with CentOS v5.2. The installation went fine with two notable exceptions:- when I had to configure grub installation parameters, CentOS offered me only 2 solutions: either install it on the MBR of the first hard disk or not installing it at all. Other distributions are more flexible allowing you to install it in the boot sector of the root partition for example. Because I didn't want to ruin the existent grub onfiguration, I reluctantly accepted not to install it for CentOS assuming that I could manually configure the entry later in grub's menu.lst file.

- when I was presented with the options for software components installation, I've clicked on virtualization category/function because I intend to use the machine as a VMware host. There was no guidance on screen at that point and I blindly assumed that by choosing the virtualization function I would get necessary tools and drivers that will help me further on. It seems that this was a wrong move as you can see it below.

After completing the installation, I tried to search for a template or guiding on how the menu entry in menu.lst should look like but the grub directory was empty, not surprisingly because I've told CentOS earlier not to install it. Using the files in the /boot directory from the CentOS installation I tried to improvise a menu entry but it's not working. The boot stops with famous Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format. Using the file command to check what kind of files I'm trying to load as kernels I'm getting :

marte:~ # file /mnt/vmlinuz-2.6.18-92.el5xen
/mnt/vmlinuz-2.6.18-92.el5xen: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Tue Jun 10 19:20:51 2008, max compression


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CentOS 5 :: Succeed To Install Vmware Workstaion 7.1 On Centos 5.5, But Have Run-time Error?

Jul 2, 2010

[URL]VMware Workstation 7.0.1 Release Notes has a list of supported OS:[URL]According to that, RHEL 5.4 is listed as supported for both host andguest but CentOS 5.4 is only for guest. This is quite strange and, ifit is true, that could be a serious issue.I succeed to install vmware workstaion 7.1 on centos 5.5, but have run-time error:

[root@ ~]# /etc/init.d/vmware start
Starting VMware services:
VMware USB Arbitrator [ OK ]


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CentOS 5 Server :: Mysql.X86_64 V5.0.77 On CentOS 5.3 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access Denied

Oct 21, 2009

This is my first post, I hope I'm the the right place. I installed mysql mysql-server php-mysql perl-DBD-mysql libdbi-dbd-mysql via "yum install -y" on a server running CentOS 5.3 X86_64 The install completes successful with no errors, but once I start mysqld via "chkconfig --level 35 mysqld on" ; "service mysqld start" There are no errors in /var/log/mysqld.log netstat shows mysqld listening on 3306 and localhost is in /etc/hosts


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CentOS 5 :: Error Installing Mod_ssl On Centos 5.7. A Package Conflict

Sep 23, 2011

Error installing mod_ssl on centos 5.7. Do not install the mod_ssl module says there is a package conflict, some way to fix it?. is a 64-bit


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CentOS 5 :: One Centos 5.5 But 2 Different Start-up GUIs?

Jun 1, 2010

I move to Centos in October 2009 from Windoze and machines with 36 bit words. I now have 3 servers with Centos 5.5, 5.5. and 5.2 plus a laptop with 5.4 and am currently trying to put Centos on a 10.2" Netbook running Win XP.

On two 5.5 servers I notice a different graphical start-up process. One starts, from the text announcement "Centos 5.5 Final" with a blue Centos screen. If one displays the text it is shown with a thick blue Centos coloured border. The other starts up with text and stays in text mode until it has displayed the text log-in prompt and then after a few seconds presents the Centos GUI log-in screen.

My question is how can I make both servers, both ostensibly running the identical operating system, behave identically ?

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CentOS 5 :: GNU GRUB, CentOS Won't Start Up?

Apr 28, 2011

I installed CentOS 5.6 and there was an error, so once it finished, I reburned the cds and installed it again. Now When I start up the cpu, GNU Grub comes up. Version 0.97 (640K lower/2096864K upper memory). How do I get the OS to start up. When i type in boot, I get error 8: Kernel must be loaded before booting".[Moderator edit: Fixed tyop in Subject.]

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CentOS 5 :: Create New RAM Image File To Get Server Load Raid1 Module Upon Start - Mkinited Error No Kernel Available For 'inited-2.6.18-128.el5"

Nov 12, 2009

I'm trying to create new RAM image file to get my server load raid1 module upon start, I was following redhat documentation & it suggested to use the following command mkinited --with=raid1 inited-raid1-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r) However after running this command I'm getting this message No Kernel available for 'inited-2.6.18-128.el5"

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CentOS 5 :: System-config-kickstart Error In CentOS 5.3?

Apr 10, 2009

I tried to run system-config-kickstart when after full installed CentOS 5.3,it report error as following,does anyone face the same problem?

[root@localhost ~]# system-config-kickstart
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, kernel-module, priorities, protectbase,
: versionlock


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CentOS 5 :: Wine Installation Error In Centos / Solution For This?

Dec 4, 2009

I download the xxxx.tar.bz2 file
extracted it,
when i run ./configure under the directory i get the following error code...

i even followed the link http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit
also http://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?p=28622&sid=17383eb0b922b2c230238f9ab50b265a. and several googling.
i think the architect of the OS and the wine is not matching.
So guide me to solve the above problem.

the output i get on "uname -i"


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CentOS 5 :: Installing CentOS 5.5 On An Old PC -- Query On An Error Message?

Oct 24, 2010

I'm trying to install CentOS 5.5 on an old Pentium 4 desktop PC I have, which is not being used for much other than being a MTA, and I want to migrate this functionality onto the CentOS platform for stability (Windows is a perpetual nightmare. I partitioned a spare 20GB to experiment with, and I want to install CentOS into here to play around with first so I can move my files around between Windows and CentOS, until I'm happy all of the stuff is gone, then I can scrub the Windows partition and claim the space for CentOS.

So, I've downloaded and burned the DVD and tried to install. I start the install with no args from the main install menu, and the process goes through some probing and then comes up with the "Welcome to CentOS" menu. I go through this, and then it tries to start X Server. It fails, and falls back to text mode. I get the "Welcome to CentOS" screen again, and then proceed through it. I set my keyboard layout to UK, then this message comes up at the bottom of the screen:

"_X11TransSocketINETConnect() can't get address for localhost:6001: Temporary failure in name resolution"

then on the next line: "Cannot open display :1" If I force the install to text, by typing "linux text" at the first menu, I get about the same way through, but the install just hangs doing nothing, and no disc access to the install disc.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Getting Start W/ Centos Networking \ Ssh Commands But Not Setting Up A System And Stuff?

Feb 19, 2010

I just started setting up a linux box in the office...I have some experience with ssh commands but not setting up a linux system and stuff.The box is connected to our network but I have no clue how to make windows & osx talk with it. How can I go by doing that and also setting up an apache server to be able to connect through network. Right now I have apache/linux/mysql running it works when i go to localhost, but I would also like to let all the computers in office to access it. I would guess that will deal with virtual host which I know how to setup. I just need to setup an IP.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Start Nfs Services And Get Error "Starting NFS Daemon: [FAILED]"

Aug 29, 2011

When I want to start nfs services ,I get this error, Starting NFS daemon: [FAILED]

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CentOS 5 :: Opera Unite On CentOS 5.3 - Getting Error / Fix This?

Jun 17, 2009

I just installed opera unite on my machine and get this error. Can anyone tell me what this might be? code...

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CentOS 5 :: Error Login In VSFTPD. CentOS 5.5

Feb 3, 2011

I installed VSFTPD but when logging ( at command line or browser ) at any user always :

[root@srv vsftpd]# ftp
Connected to
220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5)
530 Please login with USER and PASS.
530 Please login with USER and PASS.
KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type
Name ( system


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CentOS 5 Server :: Reboot The Server With Centos 5.5 The SMB Deamon Doesn't Start?

Feb 22, 2011

when I reboot the server with centos 5.5 the SMB deamon doesn't start?

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CentOS 5 Server :: DHCPD Doesn't Start - How To Make It Start

Sep 2, 2010

I'm configuring a new Centos 5.5 server in replacement of an old W2K server.The topology of our network is simple : one file/dhcp/dns relay server and workstations (PC's and some MAC's) plus network printers and scanners.All the workstations have dynamic IP addresses (easier because a lot of 'dynamic' changes : new persons with their own laptop, ...) and the server and printers/scanners have fixed IP addresses.I edited the dhcpd.conf (see here underneath), I have the file dhcpd.leases but it doesn't start !

ddns-update-style interim;
ignore client-updates;


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CentOS 5 :: PHP 5.2 And Centos 5.2 - Install Error

Feb 13, 2009

When we try to install the php 5.2, it try to install mysql-libs 5.2 that confilict with files from previous mysql installation. We have tryed all kinds of methods found off google and no luck.

Transaction Check Error: file /etc/my.cnf from install of mysql-libs-5.1.31-1.el5.remi conflicts with file from package mysql-5.0.45-7.el5 file /usr/share/mysql/charsets/Index.xml from install of mysql-libs-5.1.31-1.el5.remi conflicts with file from package mysql-5.0.45-7.el5 file /usr/share/mysql/charsets/README from install of mysql-libs-5.1.31-1.el5.remi conflicts with file from package mysql-5.0.45-7.el5
file /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ascii.xml from install of mysql-libs-5.1.31-1.el5.remi conflicts with file from package mysql-5.0.45-7.el5 file /usr/share/mysql/charsets/cp1250.xml from install of mysql-libs-5.1.31-1.el5.remi conflicts with file from package mysql-5.0.45-7.el5


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CentOS 5 Server :: Centos And Xen: Lan Error - Vif0.0: Received Packet With Own Address The Source Address

Jun 18, 2010

I installed the Centos 5.5 and after the Xen. After I put a virtual machine named VM01.Initially it worked properly, I tried everything and it worked.When rebooted, I had problems with the network.I have two network cards eth0 and eth1, but eth1 does not have any ip and I use only eth0.The error that appears is:

vif0.0: received packet with own address the source address

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