CentOS 5 Hardware :: New Monitor; Can't Choose New Resolution?

Dec 5, 2010

I recently purchased the HP w2338h LCD monitor; I previously used HP w1907, which worked perfectly. My graphics card is NVIDIA Quadro NVS 290.

01:00.0 "VGA compatible controller" "nVidia Corporation" "G86 [Quadro NVS 290]" -ra1 "nVidia Corporation" "Unknown device 0492"
01:00.0 0300: 10de:042f (rev a1)

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CentOS 5 :: Cannot Get Proper Monitor Resolution To Display?

Jan 7, 2010

I am having video issue with ubuntu 9.10 and centos 5.4 cannot get resolution higher than 800x600 on Viewsonic vg930m monitor...The first time I installed ubuntu 9.10 worked great, since then no better than 800x600 on both linux distros. Any ideas it is very annoying, like using web browser on a small tablet pc....This monitor works great with opensolaris, though.

Using both distros in virtualbox right now but even if not virtualized install on hard drive I cannot get higher than 800x600...Driving me nuts.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Choose The 'Resolution' & 'Refresh Rate' Within 10.10

Feb 22, 2011

Iam facing difficulty with smaller text size in the latest release 10.10(owing to default Screen Resolution of 1440X900{16:10}).

Surprisingly, Iam not able to choose any other 'Resolution' & 'Refresh Rate'from the corresponding drop-down menus!?(Click on the drop-downs do not provoke any action!?)

Default 'Refresh Rate' is also set to 0Hz.'Rotation' as well is fixed to NORMAL only?

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Ubuntu :: Screen Resolution - Only Choose 800x600 ?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a good Asus monitor in which I can have a resolution of 1280x800 when using Mac Os (I have a Power Mac G4). However, when I try to have a better resolution with Ubuntu, the only resolution that it lets me choose is 800x600! There are no choices. I tried the "detect display" button but it doesn't change anything.

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Ubuntu :: Karmic Choose Screen Resolution Feature?

Jun 21, 2010

One thing I loved when I checked out the live cd of Lucid was the fact it had a nice drop down list with lots of screen resolutions to choose from, does Karmic have that same feature?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded From 10.04 To 10.10 - Can't Choose The Right Screen Resolution

Dec 9, 2010

I just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10. However, the screen resolution is changed and the I can't choose the right resolution.

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General :: Xorg Setup - Display The Screen To Choose Horizontal And Vertical Settings For The Monitor

Nov 21, 2010

This is my third SLackware install. I installed 10,12, now 13. the Xorgsetup has changed I think, it does not display the screen to choose Horizontal and Vertical settings for the monitor. In addition, how can I set the Refresh rate?

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Ubuntu :: How To Choose Winrar Prompt To Choose Action

Feb 16, 2010

I was extraction some file through command line then I encounter on notification from winrar. This file exist what u want to do
I don't want that winrar will prompt me to choose action. Everytime whenever this situation occur it will overwrite / skip that file
Syntax I am using for unrar
rar e -pmypassword filename

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CentOS 5 Server :: What Storage Type To Choose?

Jun 21, 2011

We new have server with VmWare ESXi4.1 and we created virtual machine with CentOS5.6.This CentOS5.6 virtual machine will be used as webserver. We need to backup all files and have access to these files. We are going to keep all websites, databases, backups on data storage (NetApp FAS2000 series).

We have two options to how to use this storage:

1: We can mount storage volume directly to CentOS5.6 by NFS.

2: We can add storage via NFS to VmWare and then add new virtual disks to CentOS5.6 by VmWare vSphere client.

What option would you recommend to use? Which option is better, faster and more secure? My thoughts:If we mount storage volume directly to CentOS5.6 so we can access .snapshot directory there is all snapshots. So it's easy to access all backed up files. NetApp has snapshot system and we can schedule to make snapshots automatically, so we don't need to setup any additional backup utilities in CentOS5.6. But we don't have any NetApp snapshot restoring software license so copy/paste from .snapshot directory is only option.

If we add storage to VmWare firstly (by NFS) and then add new virtual hard disks to CentOS5.6 by VmWare vSphere client so we have to setup rsnapshot(or any similar utility) to make backups in CentOS5.6. But NetApp will also make backups of .vmdk files. So it's like double backups, lol :) If storage crashes so we screwed in both ways, I think.

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Fedora :: Set Monitor Resolution To 1280*800 In F13?

Nov 5, 2010

I have a 22'' monitor. And I would like to set resolution to 1280*800. This is the resolution set in Windows in my computer in another disk partition. So I dont understand why I can't do the same in Fedora 13. The default resolution is 1680*1050, but everything looks too small. Other options I can choose are uselesnes because it distort everything.

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OpenSUSE :: KDE On High Resolution Monitor ?

Dec 5, 2010

I have a dell latitude with intel i7 nvidia NVS 3100M and screen 1920x1080 resolution, using KDE 4.4 stable suse, well with high resolution monitor I found some problem usng kde:

1- I can change the font dimension by system settings but if I bigger the font the dimension of Kmunu doesn't change so the result is big font in small container, ugly and difficult to use

2- I can change the font dimensions in KDM splashscreen but the window where username and password is shown doesn't change, result is big unreadeable font in a small case

3- I cannot change the tabs and theyr font dimensions in chromium and firefox, result very small tabs

4- Icons in system tray and Kmenu and other icons remains always small even if I bigger the panel

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Ubuntu :: How To Clone Monitor Resolution For TV

Jun 23, 2010

How to change the resolution of my tv to be the same as the monitors. I mean cloning ..

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Ubuntu :: How To Reset The Monitor Resolution

Aug 26, 2010

just installed ubuntu10.04 has set monitor resolution to 800x600 i need 1920x1080 i have been at this for two days now and getting absolutely no where , i could set this on windows in 5 minutes , why does it need to be so hard on ubuntu, i really prefer ubuntu to windows but problems like this really can drive one to despair. i have tried so many different web sites and follow instructions but keep getting command not found which i dont understand why. here is an example of something i tried in terminal xrandr --output VGA --mode 1920�1080 --rate 50 i get warning: output VGA not found; ignoring.many other things i have tried come up with command not found .

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Ubuntu :: Configuring Resolution Of Second Monitor?

Oct 15, 2010

I have a laptop with an "ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series" video device. I have trouble configuring the second VGA monitor attached to the laptop to 1024x768 resolution. It is always stuck on 2560x800. My xorg.conf file is as follows:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "amdcccle Layout"
Screen 0 "amdcccle-Screen[1]-0" 0 0
Option "DefaultServerLayout" "dualscreen"


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Ubuntu :: How To Freeze Monitor Resolution

Jul 25, 2011

Just installed 11.04 on a box that it is on a kvm switch. As long as the switch is connecting the monitor to the booting Ubuntu box, the resolution of the monitor is detected OK. However, if for some reason I am working on a different box and the KVM switch is routing K V and M inputs to the other box, then Ubuntu defaults to what seems a botched VGA setting (i.e. it chops off top and left sections of the display).While in this "VGA" mode if I log out and log in, it re-detects the resolution ok.Is there any way to force Ubuntu to use a specific resolution no matter what? In this way, if I am working on a different box while waiting for Ubuntu to load, when I switch the resolution will be OK.I tried the only thing I can think of and this is to set the "good" resolution as "default" for "all" monitors, but it has no effect.

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Ubuntu :: Increasing The Monitor Resolution?

Aug 14, 2011

I was playing around with the NVidia settings control panel today and I saw that its Resolution dropdown was giving me options for


My monitor supports up to 1440*900. When I selected one of the higher resolutions, it didn't look very sharp, and the text was somewhat fuzzy and lacked clarity. Was this rendering being done by the graphics card but 'compressed' by the monitor?

The status said 'switched to metamode'. I tried searching but found nothing - what exactly does MetaMode mean? I'm more interested in understanding what was happening, only experimenting with the higher resolutions. What monitor and resolution do you have?

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Debian :: Monitor Won't Display Native Resolution?

Aug 12, 2011

I recently installed Debian. I have a monitor plug in to my laptop and i cant get my monitor to display its native resolution.

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Debian Hardware :: Cannot Change Monitor Resolution

Jan 27, 2015

I have a fresh installation of Debian 7.8 on my Dell Precision notebook. Somehow I failed to configure Xorg in a proper way. I do have X up and running, but I can not change my monitor resolution. Here is my graphics card.

Code: Select all$ lspci | grep VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Radeon HD 8800M Series

I tried to follow suggestions from Debian Wiki, somehow nothing really worked (https://wiki.debian.org/AtiHowTo)

Code: Select all# aticonfig
aticonfig: No supported adapters detected
Code: Select all# X -configure
Terminated with an error, below is the Xorg.0.log file
Code: Select all[   227.953]
X.Org X Server 1.12.4


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Fedora :: Screen Resolution With External Monitor?

Aug 28, 2009

I installed FC11 on my laptop T43 and the video card is ATI Mobility Radeon x300. Now I have a problem of screen resolution with external monitor:

When I do presentation, I have to mirror the two monitors and both set to 1024*768, which is not perfect.

I remember that when I use RHEL 5 desktop edition, The system can automatically detect the external monitor and set it by itself ----- The laptop uses 1400*1050 and the external monitors such as projector uses 1024*768. But I haven't found such feature on FC11.

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Fedora :: Second Monitor Not Showing Proper Resolution?

Oct 1, 2010

It seems that whenever I boot my laptop (hp probook 6450b) without a monitor attached, then boot with a monitor later attached, the configuration gets all messed up.

Currently, if I boot with the monitor attached, right after the blue loading screen (at the login prompt) i get two black monitors and a mouse, with no login screen. Unplugging the monitor shows the login screen on the laptop.

If i boot without the monitor attached, log in, then plug it in, i see the following from xrandr:

Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 2390 x 768, maximum 8192 x 8192
LVDS1 connected 1366x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 310mm x 174mm
1366x768 59.6*+
1024x768 60.0


However, now when I reboot, all settings are lost, and if the monitor is attached, i get the black screen with a mouse at login.

I did notice that when I shutdown, it hangs on "Running guests on default URI", and i get a stack trace. It will keep dumping stack traces, and i have to hold down the power button to force it off.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Monitor Can't Go For Full Resolution

Nov 14, 2010

problem happens after installing nvidia driver.everything was fine.the nvidia driver has been detected and functioning correctly.but my monitor,acer x173w which can go for maximum resolution of 1440x990 but i'm still using 1024x768.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.4 - How To Get Correct Monitor Resolution

Jul 8, 2011

I tested OpenSuse 11.4 as a guest OS via virtualbox on a win7 32bit host. Output to my 16:9 screen was perfect with a plentiful choice of high resolutions. Now with Suse (32 bit) properly installed as the host the only resolutions are 1024X768 and below and I am stuck with 4:3 ratio. My PC is an Intel Atom D945GCLF2 which has integral graphics. The monitor is the VGA input of a Samsung TV.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Not Getting Full Monitor Resolution

May 27, 2011

Got a system that I've been using for a long time now without any problems. Now suddenly it won't use a higher resolution than 1024x768.I never added any mods to the configuration and have not added any software other than recommended updates it quite a while.Any ideas what happened or how to fix it? I checked and the monitor/graphics card will still do upper resolutions with windoze so I'm guessing the hardware is alright.Using OpenSuse 11.3, 64bit, on a dual core athalon with a Sapphire ATI x1600 graphics card and a 22 inch flat screen that is supposed to go 1600 x 1050.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Adjust Monitor Resolution?

Jan 6, 2010

why both ubuntu and centos 5.4 will only give me 800x600 resolution on my monitor when opensolaris immediately gives me 1280x1024?The first time I tried ubuntu it gave me 1280x1024 and now will only make 800x600...This is a viewsonic VG930M Monitor..

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Ubuntu :: Guest Monitor Resolution With Picture

Jan 30, 2010

I simply ran the Guest Additions CD (on VirtualBox), double clicked the x86 (I'm running 32-bit) executable, and got that error.

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Ubuntu :: Connect Pc With Other Monitor It Does Not Keep Screen Resolution?

Feb 11, 2010

so when ppl bring me their computer and i install them ubuntu in my monitor when they take their computer to their home ubuntu does not keep the screen resolution i set for them.

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Ubuntu :: Change Resolution On Duel Monitor?

Apr 15, 2010

I have an asus eee pc with a 7 inch screen. the screen is small and today I attached a 15 inch dell monitor to increase the screen size. the dell monitor is displaying a 720x 400 resolution which results in a very large screen but no more space on the screen. I can select 1024x768 resolution in system,preferences, display. HOWEVER I cannot select APPLY to this resolution because the apply button is not visable on the bottom of the screen because the display is SOOOO big.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Get Maximum Resolution For Monitor

Apr 18, 2010

I have a 30" apple cinema display. The monitor handles up to 2560 x 1600 pixels which is the optimum resolution for this monitor. I found out that most apple monitors have nvidia graphic card.The monitor is hooked up to a motherboard Intel BOXDG45FC. This motherboard has Onboard Video Chipset Intel GMA 4500. However, using KDE interface I dont get beyond 1280x800 resolution for the monitor.How can I get the maximum resolution for the monitor?

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Ubuntu :: Set Custom Resolution For Secondary Monitor?

Apr 30, 2010

I just switch from windows to use ubuntu 10.04. I am still learning how to set things in ubuntu.
One of the problem is that I can't set my secondary (external) display to my favorite one. I have 22'' screen (max 1680x1050) but I love to set it to 1280x800.
I follow instruction from this website https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution and my display detail is like this code...

Somehow, I get the new mode in LVDS1 but not in VGA1. How could I add this new mode in VGA1?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Change Monitor Resolution

May 1, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu for a couple of years and always at the 1024 768 screen resolution.

I just finished installing version 10.04. It defaulted to 1280 1024.

I much prefer the 1024 768 because it is better for my older eyes, but when I attempt to change, the screen goes black for a minute and then stays at 1280 1024.

Since earlier versions of Ubuntu did it, this should also, but..

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