I'm trying to recover my rpmdb after canceling the installation of a package (dumb, I know). After clearing /var/lib/rpm/__db* and running rpm -vv --rebuilddb I still get an error error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Invalid argument (22). What should be my next step?
I installed Wicd from the Slackware DVD and was successfully connecting to the internet for the past few weeks.I do not know if the following caused my problem or if it is something else that I did:All of a sudden (probably something that I did) the wpa_gui screen started to appear on my desktop. I just closed it.Today, in a moment of stupidity, I said "Who needs this wpa-gui thingy?! I know, I'll just use pkgtool to uninstall it. Then, if I need it, I'll just use pkgtool to reinstall it!" So, I did. After my next reboot, you guessed it, no wireless.
Wicd seems to do everything it used to do, except connect. I get the error msg "Connection Failed: Unable to get IP address." I see my 'connection' listed and it is still set to "Automatically connect to this network" but it doesn't.So, is it the wpa-gui app that I 'uninstalled' or is it something else that I might have done?
After making many updates via pup, including FreeNX, my FreeNX installation has broken. It worked flawlessly before the update. Now when I try to connect my client connects, I see the NoMachine splash screen and then I lose the connection with the following details:
Info: Display running with pid '3404' and handler '0x1a037e'.
NXPROXY - Version 3.1.0 Copyright (C) 2001, 2007 NoMachine.[code]......
I have created aprtition calls /dev/sdd4 and used mount comand I changed /etc/fstab added the new partition to that file as recomanded on http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-disk-format/
Now when I reboot my pc I get an error message
( fsck.ext3: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/sdd2 [failed] An error occurred during the file system check. Dropping you to a shell; the systme will reboot when you leave the shell. Give root password for maintenance (or type Cntrol-D to continue) )
When I type the root password it is on read-only I cant chage any file.
Servlet were working. The next to last yum upgrade broke servlet. I now get a error 404 Object not found!
The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.
I have not been able to find any docs on how /usr/share/java/tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api.jar or /usr/share/java/tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api.jar are connected to apache httpd.
use to be mod_jserv then a tomcat.conf but can't find on centos distro.
After updating and installing Mysql's TOP, yum broke. When trying to clean, update, or install, the following error occurs:
dingle@its:/home/dingle# yum update There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was: No module named cElementTree Please install a package which provides this module, or verify that the module is installed correctly. It's possible that the above module doesn't match the current version of Python, which is: 2.4.3 (#1, Sep 3 2009, 15:37:12) [GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46)] If you cannot solve this problem yourself, please go to the yum faq at: [URL]
I tried to resolve by reinstalling the dependency, didn't work either: dingle@its:/home/dingle# rpm - [URL] Retrieving [URL] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] package python-elementtree-1.2.6-7.el4.rf.i386 (which is newer than python-elementtree-1.2.6-5.i386) is already installed
How can I rebuild YUM appropriately so it will operate correctly?
After installing the latest updates (the second round of updates since the upgrade from CentOS 5.5 to 5.6), Evolution mail barely works on my KDE desktop.After I do manage to get it running, then exit the program and log out, bonobo-activation-server and a couple of evolution process invariably continue running, and must be killed manually.The program generally does not start at all using the desktop program icons. If I make sure bonobo and all evolution processes are dead, I can generally get it started using the command line, but it complains with this error message:
[edfix@eagle ~]$ evolution --component=mail ** (evolution:6324): DEBUG: mailto URL command: evolution --component=mail %s ** (evolution:6324): DEBUG: mailto URL program: evolution libnm_glib_nm_state_cb: dbus returned an error. (org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown) The name org.freedesktop.NetworkManager was not provided by any .service files
I tried reverting to the previous kernel (2.6.18-238.5.1.el5), but no improvement. System data is at [URL]
I am running CentOS 5.6 on my servers (auto-updating to the latest patches). A couple of days ago, a number of updates were applied: glibc-common-2.5-58.el5_6.4.x86_64 glibc-2.5-58.el5_6.4.x86_64 nscd-2.5-58.el5_6.4.x86_64 glibc-headers-2.5-58.el5_6.4.x86_64
This update broke a software tool from Xilinx (FPGA compiler). I rolled back all of the above, to 2.5-58.el5_6.3, and the tool works OK. I get: /home/cad/xilinx/ISE13.1/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/unwrapped/map: symbol lookup error: /home/cad/xilinx/ISE13.1/ISE_DS/ISE/lib/lin64/libXst2_Core.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5boost7archive6detail17basic_oserializerD2Evmake[2]: *** [map] Error 127
So the title pretty much sums it up. She is running a pangolin performance which came with lucid while I am running a pangolin performance which came with karmic and i upgraded to lucid (bought before her). For some reason hulu always worked for me, so I was trying to fix it on her computer too, but somehow one of the commands I told her to run made her computer not be able to recognize that her built in webcam exists anymore.
The reason that this is so hard is that I don't remember which commands I told her to run, but one of them was the instructions from post #5 on this page: [URL]. But I don't know how messing with flash stuff could have possibly screwed up her computer detecting her webcam. The drivers are definitely installed for webcam, however when she 'locate uvcvideo' it tells her that permission is denied, so the problem might be that her computer isn't giving her the permission to access the webcam drivers to use the webcam, just an idea.
For the last week or so, I've been getting the following warning whenever I do an update. Is it expected, or should it be bugged?
Code: Finished Transaction Test Transaction Test Succeeded Running Transaction Warning: RPMDB has been altered since the last yum transaction. Updating : pulseaudio-libs-0.9.21-1.fc12.x86_64 1/53 dd_wizard
Every time I use YUM from the CLI the following message shows up: Code: Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum. ** Found 1 pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows: wine-common-1.2.0-1.fc13.noarch has missing requires of wine-core = ('0', '1.2.0', '1.fc13') What is this? How to deal with it?
I have Ubuntu 9.10 running on Dell Dimension 8400, 1 gig ram, Pentium 4. No other OS installed. Last night I decided to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.0.4 through Upgrade Manager with the upgrade button. The upgrade ran over an hour and errored in the "Installing the upgrades" step with the following messages on the Terminal screen:
"rpmdb: Program version 4.8 doesn't match environment version 4.7. error: db4 error (-30971) from dbenv->open: DB_VERSION_MISMATCH: Database environmnet version mismatch error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - (-30971) RPM failed to open database, cleaning it up..."
I went to bed without doing anything. This morning at 7:30am EST I checked the status of this and nothing changed to the screen it was still stuck on this error with progress bar at 4 minutes in Upgrade Manager. I can move my mouse and even open Firefox 3.6.3 to search for issues within Ubuntu environment so I am not frozen. I haven't tried anything else yet.
When trying to do an update or upgrade, I get the following:
Running Transaction Warning: RPMDB has been altered since the last yum transaction. Traceback (most recent call last):
I have tried yum clean all, yum clean metadata, rpm --rebuilddb, and even removing /var/cache/yum. yum info and yum list both work fine. Naturally, this yum problem is preventing me from updating my system.
I am trying to keep a VPN connection open between two Ubuntu 8.04 LTS servers, one in Holland and one in China. Unfortunately, because the connection in China is not great, about 1 time a day the connection drops. I have therefore devised a script, to be started by crontab once every 5 minutes, that checks the connection and if necessary restores it.
I have a dual boot system with Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows Vista. Today I upgraded Vista to Windows 7, and GRUB is no longer working. The usual problem, I know. Searched forums & Web and found many instructions for restoring GRUB manually or by using the Ubuntu Live CD.I tried the Live CD first. All the instructions say to boot to the CD, open a terminal, and enter: sudo grubI get an error message: command not found.Then I tried the manual method, which (after mounting the relevant partition) includes the instructions:
Reinstall the boot manager by typing "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sdX", replacing "X" with the Ubuntu drive's letter, and then hitting "Enter." For example, "/dev/sda" is the Ubuntu drive for most users.[This step appeared to work fine.]Then: Restart the computer into your Ubuntu system.Alas, the computer restarts to sh:grub and I don't know how to get from there to either Linux or Windows, or what to do to fix this problem. At this point I have no working system on that computer
I've got a 80 MB sql_acii backup database from our previous crashed down open solaris pc. I am trying to restore it to the postgresql of Fedora 13 but this error appears:pg_restore [custom archiver] could not uncompress data: incorrect data checkpg_restore*** aborted because of errorProcess retured exit code 1
I'm using Webmin, and Webalizer plugin. Days ago, webalizer works fine. But starting from yesterday, Webalizer no longer generate reports. And when I try to generate report manually using webmin, I get this message: Code: Running Webalizer to generate report from [URL]..
.. Webalizer failed! See the output above for details. Because I didn't get any details on that message, I run webalizer manually using command:
Code: # webalizer -n mydomain.com And as result, I got this message:
Code: # webalizer -n mydomain.com Error: Unable to restore run data (10) I have few domains in this machine, and for all domains I got the same result. Anyone has any idea(s) about what happened and how to cure it? Few days ago I think I tried to install Perl-Small-XML using CPAN and failed. And I installed awstats too. Don't know whether it's related or not.
When the power twitches, and X is displayed on the current tty. the display resolution is somehow lost. When the system is rebooted and X restarted, the resolution displayed (and the best offered) is 800x600.My resolution of choice is 1280x1024, and none of the configuration files appear to have been changed.The X resolution is unaffected if another tty was displayed at the time. (I am often working on two or three consoles as well as what X is using)In the past it has been sufficient to comb through the file system and delete all the temporary files and caches that seem to be associated with X. I have never been sure if this was actually any sort of solution to begin with, but in any case it no longer seems to work.
I was messing with some boot loaders which accidently disabled grub and I was remained with windows 7 boot loader only.How can I restore grub?I am using Opensuse 11.3
I used deja dup to backup my home folder today so I could restore it after reinstalling 11.04. now, it starts to restore, but gives me this error every time: Code: Calculated hash: ac14ae0a7bf52c1ea0d851cec864df9e1c06b54e Manifest hash: 4173054c0b0c8ce1154af5b5caae2a7591652765
Have been using mint 11 for past few weeks with no problem but failed to boot correctly. menu appeared giving options for booting but kept returning to this menu without going further so I opted to go for safe booting option, after loading a few files it asked for password but kept giving me the message incorrect password so I could get no further. Fortunately I had a cop of clonezilla and was able to restore a backup from a second hard drive but would be grateful for any observations anyone would like to make about this (in case it happens again)
I used Ping Linux 8 months ago to create a ghost-like image of my primary partition. (Windows 7 on NTFS) The image is on the second partition of my hard drive (Western Digital 250 gig). I need to restore now, but Ping is unable to mount the volume. In fact, it will not mount any volume or perform any new backup. I made sure nothing has changed in Bios options since I created the backup. Does this imply that is not the appropriate tool to work on NTFS system?
I have create a LVM volume in mirror 1 method, with two hard drives, In that one disk is get failed. How can I manage the data availability and also what I need to do next?
I have 4 different servers with exactly the same hardware. I set up one of them to have a centos install with all the basic stuff I'd like running on each one. I then created an image of the harddrive with the operating system, and stored it on an external drive. I used dd to copy the external image to one of the new machines. It worked fine, everything booted up as normal and with a few tweaks everything was great. The problem is that the drive is rather large (500gb) and it takes days for dd to copy it over. I decided to try a different route, I booted to a usb (using the linux distro on the ultimate boot cd pre-loaded with gparted). There are two partitions on the external drive, a small (100mb) partition which can easily be copied over with gparted, and the larger 480+gb lvm partition.
Gparted doesn't support lvm, so I used fdisk to create a new lvm partition on the new machine, and then pvcreate/vgcreate/lvcreate to re-create the same volume groups/logical volumes that are in the image on the external harddrive. I rsync'ed all the information over from LogVol00, and made the same swap partition LogVol01 (which took WAY less time). I disconnected the hard drive and renamed the volume group to VolGroup00 (initiall I named it differently, since linux doesn't like having the volume groups named the same). I can mount the LogVol00 partition and see all the files as they should be. But when I try and boot up, it doesn't even go to grub, I just end up with a blank screen and blinking cursor. How to make the drive bootable? Alternatively, a better strategy than using dd to restore this image??
I installed 10.10 on my machine a few months ago and everything was great. However, as of one month ago, every so often when I boot up my computer I get no sound in Ubuntu. This is not an easily reproducible error, as far as I can tell, but is a pain to fix. The previous times this happened I messed around, tried some commands shown in other help threads, and then eventually re-adjusted the "Profile" setting for the output devices in the "Sound Preferences" utility, which brought back the sound. I have never conclusively been able to determine the source of the problem, or how to resolve it. Now it is happening again and I have been unable to restore the sound with my primitive methods.
I just came back to the tiny village where I live to be near my workplace, and am missing my family - I just want to eat my dinner and watch some Buzzcocks with sound* - can anyone help please? Ideally I'd like to identify the source of the problem, fix it, and make sure it does not happen again.
During my travels of the forums I came across a troubleshooting script thing which I ran. The output, if it is of any use, is located here:[URL]...*Alright, this is a bit melodramatic, but the alternative is booting up in Windows, and no-one wants to see that happen,
After completing the installation of Fedora-FEL edition, I cant boot from my hard disk. "No bootable device found " error appears.
I have one Windows XP & 2 Linux installation in my disk. I tried to restore grub using "setup (...)" command.but same error repeats. Even I cant restore Windows XP using "fxmbr" command in... recovery console .
But I can boot from that drive by "chainloader" command in grub. code...
Running above command in grub terminal boots my hard disk ("hd1" is my "unbootable disk")