Slackware :: Can't Boot - Start X The Screen Goes Black And Freezes

Apr 6, 2011

I installed Slackware 13.1 a little bit ago, played around with it, performed an upgrade with Slackpkg, messed around with some settings, and chose a new theme. I had set the runlevel to 4 and when I rebooted after choosing a new login theme the screen just went black at the point where the login prompt should have appeared. I couldn't even get into the CLI. Using a LiveCD, I set the run level to 3 again and was able to log in, but when I try to start X the screen goes black and freezes again, so I believe my new login theme is the culprit. Is there a way to change to the default login theme from the CLI?

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Freezes At Black Screen After Update

Mar 12, 2009

Tried the DVD install for 10. Install went fine other than it take for freakin ever, but after an 1 hour install, the update wanted to install 1675 or so updates. I let those updates install. 5 hours later the updates were done. Rebooted and now it freezes at a blank screen right after the 3 scrolling bars. System is older AMD 3000+, 1 GIG RAM with NVidia 5700 video card.

I did try and search some. But the only thing I could find was something about editing my grub file for a scan=sync setting (the information was basically gibberish to me. No clue what it was talking about or how I would edit a file on a system that won't boot). I tried to recover mode off the live CD. It had some options that said you could type Linux command line arguments, but whenever it got to the sysimage it says Linux isn't a command.

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Ubuntu :: System Freezes With Black Screen And Message

Sep 10, 2010

I'm using ubuntu 10.04 and it worked fine but recently I'm getting the following message -
(process:343) GLib_Warning** : getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id(0).

This message comes with a black screen and then no key stroke works and everything totally freezes. then I've to force restart using power switch. This message appears when I'm using internet. I'm using pppoe broadband connection. Without internet it works fine. I'm getting the same prob in Linux Mint 9. I've googled for this problem and almost everywhere it is said that this message appears in booting time and after a few moments everything becomes quite ok but my problem doesn't match with them. I don't get this message in booting time. I get this message when I'm on internet.

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Ubuntu :: Multi User Logout Freezes With Black Screen

Aug 26, 2010

I have Lucid setup for multi user. Whenever 2 users are logged in and one logs off, it freezes on a black screen. It looks like it logs off OK and is on its way to the main login screen but never gets there. I found some older posts describing this problem but no solution. I tried to post to that thread but got a message saying I was not permitted. I am new to Linux and am struggling to figure out how to problem solve issues in Ubuntu.

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General :: Acer A0A 110 Has A Black Screen During Boot Up Along With A Black Cursor?

Dec 8, 2010

I turned on my Acer laptop and during bootup it seemed normal. After it passed the blue Acer logo, all I could see is a black screen and a black cursor outlined in white in the shape of an X. Thinking it would be a one time thing, I turned it off still was a black screen.

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Slackware :: Slackware Current Freezes At Splash Screen / Fix It?

Mar 16, 2011

I have been using slackware since version 10.1 and really like it. I have never had a problem until lately, version 13.1 has been stable as a rock for me. The first 2 or 3 updates to current ran well but then the problem started. After installation Slackware would get to the splash screen and bring up the first picture of a disk drive then just hang and never go any further. I do have a good burn on the dvd, have checked the md5 and burned at 4x. then slack 13.37 does the same thing. this is on 4 different computers with several different video boards.

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Fedora Networking :: Screen Goes Black / Mouse Freezes / Caps-lock Blinks

Dec 14, 2009

I keep starting up the computer and I'm not able to get far (although it's not always at the same time) before my screen will go black, except it shows the mouse/cursor - but it's frozen, and then the caps-lock light starts blinking and I can't do anything or get it to recover. It ONLY occurs after I log in to wireless network. Using a wired connection, this problem never occurs.How do I stop this and diagnose this?I've tried, in the boot-startup to choose an older kernel version, but the same thing occurs! And this was working for months and now is not.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Of Old HP Laptop (running Natty) Freezes And Eventually Turns Black

Jul 28, 2011

The screen of my years-old HP laptop (running Natty) freezes and eventually turns black. Ctrl-Alt-F# works to switch to the terminals. My fan is even louder than usual. I spend some time fooling around with ps and kill and shut down some of the most resource-consuming processes, which quiets the fan a bit, but tty7 still shows a black screen except for my mouse pointer.

I finally decide to shut it down altogether, but then I think to myself, "Self, you've used the power switch to shut down before in this situation, but shouldn't there be a more proper way to do it in the terminal?" So I try shutdown, I have trouble with it, it proceeds to get hopelessly tangled up, and it looks like it's frozen up in mid-restart when I throw up my hands and decide to go for the old power-switch-for-five-seconds method after all. Now when I start the computer and select Ubuntu from GRUB, I get this:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot 10.04 Disc - Boots To A Purple Screen Then It Goes To A Black Screen With A Load Of Writing Nothing Else Happens After Screen

May 12, 2010

I can't seem to get Ubuntu to run on my old Dell Dimension 2300. It boots to a purple screen then it goes to a black screen with a load of writing nothing else happens after this screen. [URL] Could someone advise how I can get it to work?

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Hardware :: HP W1907 19" Flat Screen Slackware 12.1 Black Screen After Lilo Prompt?

Feb 27, 2010

I just went out and bought a 19" flat screen LCD monitor. Plugged it in and it is not working correctly. When I start the computer the bios info will show up on the screen, then it goes to the screen that let's you choose an O/S if you were to dual boot. After clicking "enter" it will show the first line of the boot then it goes off into horizontal colors then goes black. I have search many different posts and googled but nothing is giving me a hint at this.I changed the xorg.conf to match the refresh rates to match the monitor but that did not work, and did not really think it would considering the point this monitor goes out on me. running: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller:

Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 315PRO PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter

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Ubuntu Installation :: Shows Multiple CPU Overtemp Messages And Freezes With Totally Black Screen

Jan 20, 2010

I burnt the Ubuntu 9.10 ISO to CD and installed on a freshly nuked Dell 2350. It is pentium 4 at 1.8 MHZ with 512 RAM. Just a spare machine I have sitting there. Install went fine, restarted box, boot from hard drive. I get the little white Ubuntu symbol on a black screen and then a black screen with un-occupied white tool bars at top and bottom of screen and a functional mouse pointer, then nothing. It freezes there.

If I restart by holding the power switch in it occasionally shows multiple CPU overtemp messages and freezes with totally black screen. I can run the CD live and everything works like a champ. I'm going to like Ubuntu once I have this sorted out. If I boot from CD and choose the run from first hard drive option, everything loads and works fine. I was able to remove CD, update and save preferences, etc..

On one occasion, I was able to restart and boot from hard drive and it worked fine but usually it freezes at previously mentioned black screen with white bars top and bottom with mouse pointer. Please excuse my ignorance as I have very little knowledge of the inside workings of computers. I didn't even know about burning ISO's or changing boot orders until reading online. For what it's worth, the computer worked fine with no known hardware problems when it was running XP. It also is completely stock with no mods or added/replaced hardware.

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Ubuntu :: Black Screen On Start?

Oct 17, 2010

what it is, is I installed Maverick fresh (not an upgrade) and it now will go to were it says ubuntu, and has the loading dots, and it stays at a black screen after that. The 'thinking' light for my computer is not activationg. it is installed on a 20-30 Gb partition, on a dual boot with windows 7. I had had Lucid installed a while ago, but it was lost when my harddrive was wiped a while back. My specs:

Computer: Lenovo g555
CPU Type: AMD Athlon II Dual-Core
CPU Speed: M320(2.1GHz)
CPU L2 Cache: 1MB
HDD: 160GB


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Ubuntu :: Start Up Goes To Black Screen?

Jan 12, 2011

Well my problem is described simple as that Black screen on start up. y laptop became a bloodless zombie after I installed BOCHS, Avast 32 bits (forced architecture) and the one I think may be the problem: Driver Manager or something like that wich is PySDM I think. This one is supose to configure mi Hard disk to automount.

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Ubuntu :: Black Screen On Start Up?

May 15, 2011

To start this is on my mom's laptop which is a Gateway NV78.

It was running fine with Ubuntu 10.10 but I like to do a clean install of the latest version when it comes out and I am home. I torrent the 11.04 desktop 64 bit releaee and strangely the screen is just black but it appears to load. Then I try to the 64 bit alternate install which appears to work fine. Unfortunately, the screen is black when loading past GRUB and plays the Ubuntu sound. To test if it is loading I type in my password and hit enter and the Ubuntu log in sound plays but still nothing on the screen.

I thought no big deal I will just install 10.04.2 and use the alternate download. I download it on the desktop running Windows 7 and use the USB installer the Ubuntu website recommends. It installs fine but the same problem occurs with a black screen.

At this point I think to reinstall again but this appears at the top of the screen.

SYSLINUX 3.86 20-04-01 EBIOS Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al

The screen is just stuck there with a blinking cursor and if press any keys it beeps several times.

TL;DR Installed 11.04 then black screen. Installed 10.04.2 then black screen. Install 10.04.02 again and error message.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Black Screen On Start Up?

May 15, 2011

So I got Ubuntu installed alongside my Windows, but now when I start I get a message on my monitor saying about input not being support or something; usually happens if the resolution isn't supported. If I hit random buttons eventually Ubuntu will start up, but I don't want to be doing that every time I remember when I had an older version of Ubuntu a screen would appear where I could pick to start either Ubuntu or Windows, so I assume that's what's going wrong.

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Ubuntu :: When Want To Start ITunes / Screen Is Getting Black?

Aug 11, 2010

l have install Itunes through wine , but the problem is that when a want to start iTunes the screen is getting black !?And also when l try to uninstall the screen is getting black.

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Fedora :: Kernel Won't Start / Screen Is Blank, And Machine Freezes?

Sep 9, 2010

I have Fed 12, running on kernel I have newer kernels installed, but they will not boot into X.

The updater installed the kernel I can boot into runlevel 3. But if I then give the command startx, I almost get an x-window, I can see the top and bottom, ermm, wadjecallems, beams, but the screen is blank, and then the machine freezes. I can only switch off.

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Ubuntu :: Get A Black Screen With A Blinking Cursor After Start Up

May 5, 2010

A few weeks ago I installed Ubuntu 10.4 beta on a pc. I upgraded it to 10.4 RC and 10.4 final release. I think it was after upgrading to 10.4RC that I started having a problem during startup. Here is what happens:
I turn the pc on the bootstrap process occurres, then the grub screen comes up I let ubuntu boot. For a few seconds I get a black screen with a blinking cursor. The Ubuntu splash screen flashes on the screen for maybe a second or two. Then I'm dumped to the command prompt on TTY1.

At this point I can log in with a username and password type startx and I'm at the ubuntu desktop. If I log off I'm back at the command prompt on TTY1. If I press alt-ctrl-F7 at the command prompt this is what I see, these are the last four lines of text: init: ureadahead-other main process (742) terminated with status 4


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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot From Cd \ Purple Screen With A Couple Symbols At The Bottom, And Then The Screen Goes Black?

May 27, 2011

'm trying to duel boot windows 7 and ubuntu 11.04 on an Acer Aspire 5736, but when I try to boot from the cd (which I burned with InfraRecorder) it first goes to a black screen with a blinking under score in the corner, then to a purple screen with a couple symbols at the bottom, and then the screen goes black and nothing else ever happens

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Slackware :: Black Screen After Logout?

Jan 7, 2010

After updating my Slackware-Current (there was kernel and glibc package updates), I just get a black screen with a blinking "_" in the top-left corner when I logout.

I checked /var/log/kdm.log and found these errors:


I've found a workaround: uncommenting "TerminateServer=true" in kdmrc.

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Slackware :: KDE Black Screen On Maximize?

Jul 16, 2011

I'm running Slackware 13.37 64bit on an HP 2945 Laptop. KDE 4.5.5. I have a NVIDIA driver installed (270.41.06) and running KDE at 1200 x 800. I've upgraded to 13.37 about 2 months ago. I started noticing an issue with the windows in KDE pretty much upon start up. If I have multiple windows open and try to maximize a window or drag a corner of the window to a large size, the screen within the windows goes black. Also any menu in the windows goes black. If I resize back down the issue goes away. Or as stated before, if I have only one window open the problem doesn't exist.

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Slackware :: Screen Goes Black On Startup?

Jul 19, 2011

HP laptop with Intel graphicsunning Slackware current with a kernel.Booting with the "nomodeset" kernel parm works but X gets stuck with a 1024x768 resolution. When booting without, the screen goes black after a few pages scroll by, just at the point where the console switches to a higher resolution. Changing to a different console didn't help, so I blindly log on and type startx, and the screen comes back to life with KDE running at the higher 1366x768 resolution, I try a few apps, the webcam, suspend to RAM, resume, and everything is now working flawlessly so it doesn't look like an X issue.At this point I can change to another console (or exit KDE altogether) and the screen is back on at the higher resolution. Looking at the X log and some dmesg output makes it seem that starting X possibly replaces, reloads or unloads a driver? If this is the case, how can I prevent the conflicting driver from loading in the first place?Quote:

dmesg |grep drm
[ 11.481967] [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810
[ 11.637941] [drm] MTRR allocation failed. Graphics performance may suffer.


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Slackware :: Run Startx Only Getting Black Screen

Apr 28, 2011

I did a fresh install of Slackware64 13.37. All went well. I download the latest Ati video drivers, 11.4, and build the slackware package. Install, and run aticonfig --initial all good. But when I run startx I only get a black screen

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot / Hangs On Black Screen With A Flashing White Dot In Top Left Corner Of Screen?

Jun 1, 2010

After succesfully installing Ubuntu 10.4 x32 and rebooting pc hangs on black screen with a flashing white dot in the top left corner of my screen, i've tried installing it twice with the same results.

my setup is: Asus p5q-e,
4 gig of corsair dual ram,
ati 4850 graphics,
onboard audio.
ahci mode
win 7 installed on intel ssd, and xp on a samsung 320 gb sata 2,
i had this configuration running fine for 2 months without boot loaders,
on pc start up i choose from which hdd to boot from.

i installed ubuntu on the samsung drive where it was recognised fine, wiped it all and installed automatically.

pls let me know if there is anything i missed, and advice if possible in what to do.


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Ubuntu :: After Change Graphic Card Start In Black Screen?

Nov 25, 2010

ubuntu 10.10 64 bit i try to change graphic card it have some problem bit about colour an old i use ship of nvidia gforce 200 series but when i change to nvidia gforce 7900 i login it's show in black screen mode . ubuntu 10.10 name-desktop tty1 name-desktop login: _

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General :: Slackware 13 + Gnome Gsb2.2. Freezes On The Screen?

Jun 10, 2010

Some program's like Adobe Reader, Open Office and some other, when opening them, the screen is not readable an attachment )My hardware is:Code:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller:Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)It did not happen on the same hardware with OpenSuse or rhel5 installed

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Slackware :: Kernel Mouse/screen Freezes In -current?

Sep 30, 2010

so, I compiled the kernel yesterday and used the config from doing make oldconfig,etc

its the vanilla kernel with BFS, BFQ[*], Tuxonice, aufs2, & squashfs-lzma patches after compiling and rebooting I have noticed that the mouse freezes whenever the pc cpu is running high cpu % this didnt happen before with any other kernel and as I said, I used the config Has anyone else had issues with kernel? hardware is amd athlon64 3300+ 2.4ghz 1GB RAM, on 32bit Slackware -current I am going to compile the vanilla kernel now and see what happens.

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Slackware :: Black Screen At KDE Logout With 13.37 64-bit And VirtualBox

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to run Slackware 13.37 64-bit in a VirtualBox virtual machine. My VirtualBox version is 3.2.12. I had to disable compositing to keep the X-Server from reporting a segfault.Now the problem is that on logout from KDE I get a completely black screen. I can switch to a console session and type commands to get the login screen again.

telinit 3
telinit 4

I tried editing "kdmrc" to add the line "TerminateServer=true" but it had no effect on the problem.I had this working with Slackware 13.1 at one time, but I can't seem to get it working properly now even without desktop effects.I'm trying to avoid changing my VirtualBox software since each version seems to just introduce new and different bugs. The 4.X versions are not yet very stable.

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Slackware :: Black Screen On Bootup After A Few Lines (13.37)

May 25, 2011

i just installed slackware 13.37 which worked fine but when i boot it up it runs a number of lines and then the screen just goes black... i can login as root blindly and start x (i THINK, judging from hdd led)... but screen stays black... its a laptop and closing/opening the lid doesnt work either...

i am dualbooting with slack 13.1 which runs fine... it switches screen res at some point during boot (font is smaller) and i would say that is the point where the screen goes black in 13.37...

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Slackware :: Black Screen When Trying To Go From GUI To Virtual Terminal

Jul 28, 2011

I am new to slackware, but not new to linux. I recently installed slackware 13.37, and am enjoying it very much so far. The most annoying problem I currently have is that, after starting X, I cannot switch to a virtual terminal or even end X without having a problem. For instance, from the GUI if I hit ctrl-alt-F1, instead of going to the 1st virtual terminal, the screen fades quickly to black and does not return. I have not been able to make any progress on this problem, so any input would be greatly appreciated.The only thing worth noting really is that I'm using Fluxbox as my default window manager. Other than that I haven't done a lot of modifications to the base system other than installing some basic packages, but I had this problem since booting directly after installation of the os.

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