General :: Slackware 13 + Gnome Gsb2.2. Freezes On The Screen?
Jun 10, 2010
Some program's like Adobe Reader, Open Office and some other, when opening them, the screen is not readable an attachment )My hardware is:Code:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller:Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)It did not happen on the same hardware with OpenSuse or rhel5 installed
I have been using slackware since version 10.1 and really like it. I have never had a problem until lately, version 13.1 has been stable as a rock for me. The first 2 or 3 updates to current ran well but then the problem started. After installation Slackware would get to the splash screen and bring up the first picture of a disk drive then just hang and never go any further. I do have a good burn on the dvd, have checked the md5 and burned at 4x. then slack 13.37 does the same thing. this is on 4 different computers with several different video boards.
Just installed Fedora 12 stable release without checking office/productivity, server, or developer "package options". Running Gnome.Used yum to get Amarok on here, and it freezes almost immediately every time I try to open it. The splash shows, a program shows up on the window-manager panel labeled "KDED Glob..." and the system freezes. Mouse, keyboard, all unresponsive. I had FC12 Beta on this exact system and Amarok worked fine. Noting that KDED Glob is probably part of KDE, and that I did not install KDE, I thought maybe Amarok depends on a KDE component that the repo did not pick up as a dependency. Tried to install as much of the mainstream KDE components as I could, with no change.
I installed Slackware 13.1 a little bit ago, played around with it, performed an upgrade with Slackpkg, messed around with some settings, and chose a new theme. I had set the runlevel to 4 and when I rebooted after choosing a new login theme the screen just went black at the point where the login prompt should have appeared. I couldn't even get into the CLI. Using a LiveCD, I set the run level to 3 again and was able to log in, but when I try to start X the screen goes black and freezes again, so I believe my new login theme is the culprit. Is there a way to change to the default login theme from the CLI?
so, I compiled the kernel yesterday and used the config from doing make oldconfig,etc
its the vanilla kernel with BFS, BFQ[*], Tuxonice, aufs2, & squashfs-lzma patches after compiling and rebooting I have noticed that the mouse freezes whenever the pc cpu is running high cpu % this didnt happen before with any other kernel and as I said, I used the config Has anyone else had issues with kernel? hardware is amd athlon64 3300+ 2.4ghz 1GB RAM, on 32bit Slackware -current I am going to compile the vanilla kernel now and see what happens.
Full install of slackware. then i use these instructions to install drivers:
Install nvidia driver in Slackware Linux
Before begin the nvidia driver installation, you must make a copy of the original /etc/X11/xorg.conf as a backup. Use the copy command example below:
If you choose to install the nvidia driver that you download from nvidia website, you must close kde or x-window and install the driver from Linux command line terminal.
Copy the driver to the directory that you placed all third party software such as /usr/local/src. This is not necessary, just a good habit. To install the driver, run the nvidia driver with the sh command like in the example below.
Now, you just need to answer all the questions to configure nvidia driver and the nvidia installation program will do the driver and kernel installation for you.
When i startx the computer freezes with an underscore in the top left hand of screen and i can't switch between tty's.
I know the pc and card work fine with other linux and win os's.
I got Slackware 13 installed with GNOME SlackBuild v2.26.3 I am trying to find where the wallpaper of power resuming screen is siting on, I mean, after the power was resuming (after hibernation mode for example), you have the screen where you should type your password to logon back to the system, so does someone one where is it?
i had tried to install ubuntu karmic koala and recently unbuntu TLS 10.04 along with windows 7 but every time i login the screen freezes. i dont know the details, my PC consists of a 160gb HDD, 1gb RAM with pentium dual core processor. i even tried knoppix live cd version. is this because ubuntu is installed along with windows?
Compaq Laptop Celeron Processor 2 megs ram and 1.4gig clock Downloades and burned umu 10.4 desktop i386
At boot it goes to a purple screen with Ubuntu and five dots changing from white to red. After while it went to a blank screen and would not come out with ctrlA;tF1 or ctrl alt Backspace. had to power cycle to get out.
Had an old Ubuntu 6.10 ISO from a while back and it boots nicely. How to get the ubuntu 10.4 Demo up and running?
I have been installing these updates on Fedora 12 and so far, my computer now has 3 more fedora sub-versions "not sure if that IS their name". So when I first boot the pc, the 3 versions appear. Normally, that wouldn't seem like a problem "although I don't know why don't the new ones simply delete the old ones"..However, the new ones don't work. Only the oldest form which I installed through a CD is the one that works. The others just cause the computer screen to flash a couple of times and freezes.
My screen is frequently freezing and even the keyboard or mouse doesn't work. I've been told to read the logs, But I don't know where thy are or what to look for?
In my corporate environment, I'm required to run a Windows machine that acquires a VNC session on a machine in the server farm. My windows machine is dual head with different resolution monitors ( 1600x1080 on left and 1920x1200 on right). If I create a VNC session that spans the monitors, then maximizing a window in the VNC session causes it to stretch across both my monitors.
Instead, I want a "maximize" event to behave like it does on my windows machine -- I only want to maximize to the display that the window is on.
How can I define what, what I'll call, "maximize regions"? Regions in the VNC graphical plane where when I click "maximize", the window only expands to the region it currently ( and mostly) resides in.
Can I do this in gnome, X, xrandr, or some other magical interface?
Then by issuing lynx --source url | bash command as root i could install gnome.There was no error during installation.Then after reboot i try to log to gnome by issuing gdm command.It ask my user name and password. Then there was a light blue colour screen and it become bright green colour .There was no error massages.I try several times and got the same result.I am using commercial nvidia driver .What could be the error.What should i do next.
Newbie here. I'm thinking about going from Ubuntu to Slackware and I just saw on Wikipedia that there is a number of projects that maintain GNOME binaries especially for Slack. So that made me wonder, why is that needed? What if I download a bare version of Slack and then build the standard GNOME version from source? Would that produce problems?
Firefox 4 becomes completely unresponsive for about 5 seconds. It seems to be happening mostly but not exclusively when switching tabs. At first I thought the problem was flash related but I was wrong, it happens regardless of the pages contents. Also, the problem seems to be more frequent as more tabs are open.It's interesting that it happens only on my computer at work (Intel Q33) but not at home (NVidia GTX 570). Both computers run Fedora 15 with Gnome 3 (HW accelerated). I also tried starting in fallback mode but the problem remained.
I have updated Opensuse 11.3 to 11.4. I have also updated to the latest NVIDIA drivers. Now, when Gnome desktop starts it freezes: it draws all the shortcuts on the desktop but I cannot use my wired mouse to click anything as if the desktop has freezed. The cursor shows that something is loading. I cannot also use Ctl + F2 to start xterm... But I can use Ctl + Alt + F12, so the keyboard is working.
All open-source fanatics out there like me hate industry and large companies for being on such a high horse all the time. Well, some of us have stooped to their level (towards ubuntu noobs).
after I installed gnome-do and set it to start at start-up, my computer has started freezing right after gnome-do initiates.what happens is I turn on my laptop and log in, and then when the desktop initiates, gnome-do starts and then immediately the prompt window for the login keyring pops up and then my dekstop environment freezes. I can move my cursor around, but when I click nothing happens and the keyboard is unresponsive. the only option is to hard reboot, but the same thing happens all over again. the curious thing though, is that the notification for connecting to a network is perfectly functional and the system monitor continues to record.
I've both tried installing GNOME 3 on Ubuntu 11.04 (via ppa) and Fedora Core 15, but I can't use GNOME shell up to 10 minutes continuously. It freezes every time. Sometimes I see "Panic occurred". My chipset is Intel 915.
When my wife tries to login to her computer, Gnome usually freezes. Nothing in Gnome responds to the mouse or keyboard and all I can do is go to a console and restart gdm. I can always log into Gnome under my username. I am not sure how to troubleshoot this problem. Presumably it is something in the startup apps or a config file. The quick and dirty method would be to create another user and move her data but this would be a lot of work and the problem might come back.
I have a suspicion that it is related to gnome-keyring. This is because (against my advice) she insisted on an automatic login without entering a password. This was a waste of time as gnome-keyring promptly complained and demanded a password. Many times I changed her settings to ask for a login password but it does not always change the behaviour. When it tries to log in automatically without a password Gnome locks up around the time that gnome-keyring asks for its password. The default language for her is Portuguese and mine is English if that makes any difference.
USB driver bug exposed as "Linux plug&pwn" or this link.Two choices [GNOME, Fedora 14]:
1 - use the gnome-screensaver
2 - use the "switch user" function [gnome menu -> log out -> switch user]
So the question is: which one is the safer method to lock the screen, if a user leaves the pc? Is it true, that using the [2] method is safer?Why do i think this? - The gnome-screensaver is just a "process", it could be killed. But if you use the log out/switch user function, it's "something else". Using the "switch user" function, could there be a problem like with the gnome-screensaver? Could someone "kill a process" and presto...the lock is removed?Could the GDM [??] "login windows process" [e.g.: a picture of it] get killed and the "lock" gets owned?
p.s.: if the [2] method is safer, then how can i put an icon on the GNOME panel, to launch the "switch user" action by 1 click?
i have a splash screen i want to use while gnome is loading (well it is a pic rather than a splash) rather than black screen till gnome i use ubuntu 9.04 or macbuntu as i call it (is looks exactly like a mac) so can i use a image while gnome is loading ?
I was compiling an application called Audacious. One of the dependent packages I needed to obtain was called Glib. After installing Glib (and a package it also required), my GNOME began failing and after rebooting the computer, the login GNOME login screen fails to displaying. Does anyone know what's gone wrong?
Now after installing Glib, restart your computer and your GNOME will have failed. Why the F did this happen?
I am running a SLC 5.2 with a Gnome 2.16 desktop setup for all the class room terminals. Where can I determine the status of the screensaver. The value could then be periodicaly tested within a "cron" script. If screen saver was running then a "skill" could then be called to force a complete logout releasing the terminal for another student.
Recently I've read an interview at Distrowatch, where a topic was the compatibility of Slackware and Zenwalk packages. My understanding was that now they should both be used in both systems.
As Slackware doesn't feature a complete GNOME distribution, my curiosity was about the ability of Zenwalk's GNOME packages play a role there. If so, the second question is how intrusive those packages are considering Slackware 13.1.
I've read some past issues with this and was wondering if anyone else has issues with F12 / F13.
When I logout of gnome or kde on a fresh install of Fedora 13 the panels disapear but I never receive the log on window. I cannot switch to command either the screen is locked completely.
I havn't run updates or anything, the install is nearly out of box except for the installation of kde.. The issue existed before I installed kde, I was hoping it didn't have this issue lol. fat chance of that..
I`m running openSUSE 11.2, with GNOME 2.28 - made a fresh install.
Everything went smooth and nice, and I did not made any changes to my system, when I saw that GNOME System Monitor freezes when clicking on the "System" tab.