Ubuntu :: Wtd Melbourne Newbi User System No Go Anymore?

Jun 15, 2011

recently installed ubuntu 10.10 on a new clean pc and added to laptop to run along side windows, solved a few installation issues on the laptop. the pc was running great up to 2 weeks ago, now kernal lost, have busybox inframfs, researched ubuntu forums tried numerous things grub menu, help list commands, reloaded from live cd/usb etc etc and have done my head in, info overload, haven't looked at programming info since 13 on commodore 64's Is there some one here in melbourne who is willing to have me bring the hardware to your place to help get it running again

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - User Interface (UI) Disappeared + Compiz & OpenGL - Cannot Control Anything Anymore

May 19, 2011

I blew my UI (Unity) and dont know how to get it back. I wanted to set my Desktop cube using Compiz and selected OpenGL, but this blew my whole UI away and I cannot control anything anymore. From the empty screen I opened the application console using crtl + F2 There, a Login shows up but I do not know how to login (yeah LOLing here too). Username and my Password didnt make it. I could also not setup any new root password there. What data is needed here? Root, Username? Ubuntu 11.04 ubuntu ubuntu Login:

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Ubuntu :: Hibernation Not Possible Anymore On Lucid System

Jun 4, 2010

A few days ago, after I made some changes on my lucid system, hibernation is not possible any more, that is, if I choose hibernation, everything seems to go fine but at the next boot, the image is not read by the kernel and normal boot happens. Hibernation is very important to me, what can I do go get it back ?

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Ubuntu One :: Can't Start U1 Anymore Neither From System Nor From Myname Menu

Nov 23, 2010

I can't start U1 anymore neither from System nor from myname menu.I don't see anymore the U1 checkbox neither in my directories nor when I right click.I use nighlies repository and I suspect that everything happend after the last update (three o four days ago).I tried to reinstall from synaptics but no way.Macicada does not start as well.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.04 To 10.10 - Access The System Settings Anymore?

Dec 5, 2010

I was running 10.04 on my Asus EEE PC. Today I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10, but with lots of regrets. The complete desktop changed. I don't even know how to access the system settings anymore. I just wanted to start up the Twonky Media server from my personal folder again, which resides in my personal user folder, but I cannot find the folder at all! Shame on the Ubuntu team to throw around the user experience so much. The Ubuntu Linux distribution has gone back to a nerdy level, I hoped it had recovered from that. Make-the-user-feel-at-home! Is that so difficult?

Where is my Favorite group, where is my System group, where is my personal Home user folder? I'm sure I can find them on my own, but it's a shame that my user experience has been taken into a rolercoaster. Why make it so difficult on the user Ubuntu, why?

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Fedora :: Gnome-system-monitor Won't Close Anymore

Aug 1, 2011

Since one of the recent updates, I cannot close the System Monitor anymore. Opening it, no problem. All processes are listed just fine and I can force close anything that gives me trouble but... When I want to close System Monitor again, nothing. Qtrl + Q, the X close button at the top right, Alt + F4... all do nothing. And although each time I see some disk activity, there is nothing in the logs.

Another thing I notice is that both dbus-daemon and gnome-system-monitor use about 40% CPU time each, taking the system to 100% CPU usage all the time.Luckily, I have System Monitor open so I can select the process gnome-system-monitor from the list and hit Terminate Process. I did not find anything about it in these forums. Anyone noticed this too or am I the only one?

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Red Hat :: 5.3 Hang At INIT - Unable To Boot System Anymore

May 23, 2010

After a kernel update action, it seems that I'm unable to boot a system anymore. First off, after installing the kernel, and trying to shutdown to boot to the new kernel, the system replied with INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel. Kernel update was performed from to the following versions 2.6.18-128.el5.img -> 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5.img . The system is a VMWare virtual machine. When trying to reboot, the system passes GRUB, starts initializing and after loading the dm it stops for a few seconds at the message Waiting for new devices, show the following message:

Setting up new root fs no fstab.sys, mounting internal defaults. After this and a few other messages, it displays : INIT: version 2.85 booting INIT - No more processes left in this runlevel INIT: Id "x" respawning too fast : disabled for 5 minutes And then it just hangs. This is the output of my inittab:


The system boots into failsafe, but still shows the errors mentioned.

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Debian :: System Doesn't Boot Anymore - Grub Rescue

Feb 18, 2012

My system doesn't boot anymore, when I turn on the laptop, instead of the normal grub screen, i get the following:

"error: file not found
Entering rescue mode...
grub rescue> _"

I tried also to make a bootable usb w/ unetbootin but all the distros failed to load w/ a syslinux boot error message so I really need to fix the existing debian installation to get access to my files i need for the university, it's debian stable (6.0.4) on hp mini 210 ....

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Debian Multimedia :: System Beep Doesnt Work Anymore?

Nov 21, 2010

I have a problem which is a great inconvenience to me. I want to say that I've been searching for the answer for a week and couldn't find anything but problems similar to mine which were unresolved.I used to have debian lenny, but one day i decided to reinstall my operating system and upgraded to sid, so I have a fresh install of debian sid with gnome.
The system beep no longer works on gnome.

What I mean, when i move to terminal(like ctrl+alt+f1) it works great, it also works when i type 'beep' in gnome-terminal. but it doesnt make a sound when i e.g. press ctrl+G, when i am being called on irssi, when i press backspace in gnome-terminal. These things used to work in Lenny, and I really need them (especially this hiliting in irssi). I would go back to Lenny if i didnt need some software that is not present for that version of debian. The pcspkr module is loaded

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General ::safely Use Grub Rescue> In Fedora 16 - System Does Not Boot Anymore?

Sep 5, 2011

When i boot my PC, i get this in my Fedora 16 distro. I have tried as following but none allowing me to boot anymore.

Grub loading.Welcome to GRUB!

error: file not found. Entering rescue mode...

grub rescue>
grub rescue> ls
(hd0) (hd0,gpt3) (hd0,gpt2) (hd0,gpt1)
grub rescue> ls (hd0,gpt2)/
./ ../ lost+found/ memtest86+-4.20 grub2/ System.map-3.1.0-0.rc3.git0.0.fc16.i686 config grub/ vmlinuz- elf-memtest86+-4.20 initramfs- initramfs- System.mpa- config- vmlinuz-

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Fedora :: Mount 15 Partition - Suddenly Shut Down During An Update - System Won't Boot Anymore

Aug 8, 2011

I recently switched from fedora 14 to 15. Today my computer suddenly shut down during an update, as I thought it overheated I decided to clean the cooling system and reapply thermal paste. However, now the system won't boot anymore ("kernel panic - not syncing : VFS: unable to mount root FS on unknown-block").

I would like to either solve this booting problem, or mount the fedora 15 filesystem and recover some files. Whichever is easier.

I have another drive with fedora 14 (antec below) which boots fine:


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General :: Difference Between Regular User And System User (and Groups)

Sep 28, 2010

What is the difference between creating a "regular" user and creating a "system" user on Linux?

For example:


adduser john


adduser --system john

Similarly it seems there are normal groups and system groups. Doing an internet search and reading man pages does not give much information on the whole concept of system and regular user/group.

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Ubuntu Servers :: System Users - Proftp Works With Only 1 System User?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm niomi and I'm the first account with sudo. I add an account, bob. niomi can get in reliably on active mode. (maybe relevant?: passive doesn't work) bob is jailed to his home directory, niomi is in ftp-special which gives her access to /. bob can't log in and his shell is set to bin/false. What could have gone wrong?

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General :: Files (system & User) Created After Login To System In RHEL 5.0?

Jun 4, 2010

How to find, what are the files (system & user) created after login to the system in RHEL 5.0?
Any single command available?

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General :: Security - Let Any User Perform Administrative Tasks On A System Irrespective Of His / Her Privileges On That Particular System?

Sep 26, 2010

I often get responses from people who first say: "Are you sure? You want your network to be exposed to the outside world?" I am not experimenting on a Production Server of NASA or any Security Concern Department. Friends, there is no harm in experimenting on your personal computer or on a test computer which is isolated from the production environment. Look at hackers! What do they do? If they don't know how security is breached then how would they come up with security measures?

If my question reads... "How to let any user perform Administrative Tasks on a Linux System irrespective of his/her privileges on that particular system?" then I would not get the right answers in the first place. They will say... "You are letting everyone destroy your system... are you sure you want to do that?" My question is: Why should we restrict ourselves from experimenting even if it sounds weird to other people?

I give you an example where it is desirable to let an unprivileged user perform certain tasks. You want to know if there are any employees in your office who are storing videos in their home directory and filling up the disk space to a great amount. You have a department called "Command Center or Data Center Operations or Help Desk" call it whatever you would, whose work is to monitor such activities, and you create an account "monitor" for them to monitor such activities but they are not able to do them:


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General :: Dell Studio 1535 Screen Resolution - System Won't Get Past The Loading Screen Anymore

Aug 4, 2010

Unfortunately my experience in the Unix* based world up to this point has only been using web servers and administrating them, no GUI experience of any kind so I am completely unfamiliar with the setup and entire usage of Xorg or any other Window manager at this point. The issue I am having is with the screen resolutions I am being allowed to chose for my Dell Studio 1535 running Fedora Core 13 and the KDE 4 desktop GUI, thus my issue since I am not really familiar with how to run a Unix* based GUI in the first place.

The basic information, if there is more needed just advise what and what command gathers that info (or what conf/log I should look into in order to find it). Laptop is a Dell Studio 1535 Video is the Mobile Intel GMA X3100 ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics. LCD interface is the LVDS.

So far it seems to give me modes for 1024x768 and on down, nothing above this. I believe I am supposed to use the radeon driver being that is the type of card it is but every time I change the xorg.conf file to use this instead of vesa the system wont get past the loading screen anymore upon reboot and nor can I seem to find a way to bring up a command line so I can hit up the Xorg.0.log to see what is wrong or change the xorg.conf file back to the original driver it had listed.

I am going to assume this is a missing driver or something else it hangs on but without being able to get access back to the system and having to rebuild it again (re-install via live CD) I am basically out of luck at this time. Sorry for the rather poor post but I do hope to receive some basic directions on where to go from here with this issue

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OpenSUSE Install :: Build A Multiseat System (Build A Six-headed Six-user System LG #124)

Oct 1, 2010

I am trying to build a multiseat linux system(Build a Six-headed, Six-user Linux System LG #124). I am posting some outputs output of lspci | grep VGA

00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] (rev a2)
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G98 [GeForce 8400 GS] (rev a1)
ls /dev/input/mouse*
/dev/input/mouse0 /dev/input/mouse1 /dev/input/mouse2
more /proc/bus/input/devices


I am having trouble in configuring xorg.conf. I am running Suse 11.3 desktop on my PC. Also, I have one onboard nvidia graphics 6150SE and I have put one nvidia 8400GS 512Mb in the 16X PCIe slot for the additional seat...

So kindly tell me what should I do now or what things are missing ?? For any further info abt my PC plz tell me to post outputs(specify the commands for the same..)

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Ubuntu :: 9.1 - System Did Not Put Root User

Jan 5, 2010

I started to use Ubuntu 9.1 today. It's the first version of linux I'm using. So my problem is that I always got a message in terminal, that says "are you root?", when I try to do something with apt-get. Well i tried to install a root, but it didn't work. One thing I almost forgot. Root is the Superuser that should be put on, when I installed the current version of ubuntu right? I don't understand how could it happen that the system didn't put the root on.

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Ubuntu :: Creat New User In System Correctly?

Apr 6, 2010

I got problems with new user in ubuntu...I've created a new user in ubuntu..but i got blank screen ( there was no icon ) when i used it (...and i didnt know why..

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot After Upgrade - System Ask For User Id

Jan 2, 2010

I have dual boot (wubi) Windows XP. It was working smooth until I upgrade ubuntu 9.10. At the boot screen I choose Ubuntu, then it ask me wich version, then it freeze. I tried the recovery version, but then it ask me for a user ID login and password. At this point I'm able to enter the user , but it don't type anything on the password and keep asking me to enter the user id and password again, and again.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Start The Cod As A Specified User On System Boot?

May 4, 2010

Whats a way to start the cod server as a specified user on system boot. Whats the best way for me to do this? The cod server is located in the users home directory

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstalling On A Multi-user System?

Aug 12, 2010

To give a scenario, I have an account for myself, my wife, and my daughter;
1. uRock
2. DragonLady
3. LilFireball

On install I have no problem adding myself back to the system,but when try to add the other users who already have a home folder but no logon, I get an error saying the other accounts are already in use, but they still have no way to log on

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Ubuntu Servers :: Send System Logs To Another User?

Dec 3, 2010

We have a backup program that works with HP's ultrium tapes that whenever it's failing it's sending an error to the root's system logs. Now if I run mutt as root I can see the system logs and it's very easy to pinpoint any backup error messages.
Is there any way to copy all these system messages to another user as well so that someone with no root access could run mutt as well and check for these logs daily?

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Ubuntu :: User File System Check When Mounted?

Sep 1, 2011

A non techie friend has helped an even less techie friend by contacting me by email to discuss an ailing laptop. A few emails were exchanged, with more details, and it was not looking good because it seemed that suddenly the CD drive was not responding, nor any USB devices, the wireless icon was gone, but Ubuntu still seemed to work (for now), with wired ethernet also working. I was struggling to think of what could be done, with the favourite routes of Live CD and Live USB apparently gone.

After a few more hours - another email: 'It's now working! After so many reboots it checked disc for errors and repaired itself! Is there some way of doing that when needed anyway?'I see there is 'Disk Utility', and this would presumably fit the bill, but how does it do checks and repair when the damaged file system is being run, and is currently *mounted*? I thought utilities like fsck(?) could only be run on unmounted file systems? Have I misunderstood the disk utility fs check repair function? And anyway, what might be a good answer to my (nontechie) friend's question 'After so many reboots it checked disc for errors and repaired itself! Is there some way of doing that when needed anyway?'

For the record: (quote) It is a toshiba EA60-155 Model number PSA67E-00300C8J. He put in extra ram to install ubuntu. He thinks he may have deleted something! There is a 'trash' file on his USB drive with loads of stuff in it and he doesn't know how or why but because it won't now read the drive on her laptop we cant replace it! (end quote)

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General :: Can't Run Another App With Other RHEL 4 System User / Get It?

Apr 13, 2011

I'm Pab, just like to know, How can I allow a new user to run specific software like sqlplus.


I have an oradb@database user where i can execute sqlplus /nolog command, but when i created a new user named allan@database the bash says....-bash:sqlplus: command not found.

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CentOS 5 :: Adding User To System?

Aug 6, 2009

I've been trying to add a user to the system, so I can use it through samba to access the shares on the server. I'm using "useradd" but the command is not found... with a little search, I was able to find the command "/usr/sbin/useradd username" my question is can someone point me to a guide with basic administration task, I was checking out the wiki on Centos, but didn't find "adding user"; I know Centos has a gui for this, but I would like to stick to shell commands. By the way why some commands are only access through /sbin and others /usr/sbin. I know this probably has to do with your path, but how can I fix this so I don't have to type the whole path every time.

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CentOS 5 :: Allow One User To Reboot System Only?

Sep 8, 2011

I was wondering if anyone knew how to add a user/pass and allow them to issue the reboot command. Ideally, I dont want them to be able to see files/directories or anything else for that matter.I was thinking something along the lines of a chroot jail that has a single script that would call the reboot.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.04 - Change System Display User Name On Prompt?

Sep 22, 2011

Choose Menu System->Administration->Users and Groups

I am able to see my Users Settings as follows:

User name: mike

Then why I still see the following prompt line? code...

If my understanding is wrong, then how can I change it in this way?

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Ubuntu :: User Switcher - Error Initiating Conversation With Authentication System

Apr 19, 2010

When I go to log out or switch user. it takes me to the screen where it asks me to choose user then password...

I get this error message: Error initiating conversation with authentication system..

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Ubuntu :: Prevent System / Gnome To Show User Name(s) At Login Screen?

May 22, 2010

Is there a way to prevent ubuntu/gnome to show the user name(s) at the login screen?

Only asking "username" and not "login as"?

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