Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Won't Load After Installing 11.04?

May 22, 2011

ve got this issue.The history of this notebook is:came up with windows vista preinstalled with a recovery partition.Installed windows 7 without removing the vista recovery partition. While doing this partitioned the hd in this way:

/dev/sda1 recovery
/dev/sda2 windows 7
/dev/sda3 backup space (ntfs)


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Ubuntu :: Can't Load Windows XP After Installing Studio?

Mar 4, 2011

After installing Ubuntu in a partition of my HD, I cannot load Windows XP. It hangs in the logo page (the blue tracking keeps moving forever). When I try Safe Mode it hangs in the I have read many posts in this and in other forums, but could not solve the issue yet. I am posting here my Boot Info Script's results:


My Windows installation is in /dev/sda1, and my partition with all my files are in /dev/sda5. I am not sure if that is supposed to be that way, but in the "Drive/Partition Info" section it say sda1 starts at 63, while in the "Boot Info Summary" section it say that sda5 "starts at sector 63" too.

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Installation :: Can't Load Windows 7 After Installing Ubuntu / Resolve This?

Oct 16, 2010

I have Windows 7 on SSD and have installed Ubuntu on a separate HDD.
When the PC boots, I get the boot manager menu, if I choose Windows 7 it fails with error "no such device or partition".

I can mount the SSD and see all the Windows files still there, I think that the boot manager just needs to be pointed in the right direction but not sure how.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cant Boot Windows 7 / Getting A Black Screen And Windows Does Not Load?

Mar 21, 2011

i have just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a pre installed windows 7 system. Ubuntu is working really well but the only problem is that when I try to boot into windows,

I get the windows sign and then I get a black screen and windows does not load. It seems to be an easy problem to solve because I can actually boot windows 7 in

safe mode with no problems at all! The problem is there when I try to boot windows 7 normally. To be honest I only need windows for a project that uses MSQL server.

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Ubuntu :: Will Not Load After Installing New Cpu

Feb 13, 2011

I have recently changed cpus in my dell e520 from a Celeron 346 to a core duo q6600. after switching the two I can no longer access my 32-bit Ubuntu 10.1 partition, the splash screen loads and then after that a garbled mess of pixels appears that somewhat look like my windows 7 desktop.I have already tried reinstalling Ubuntu by usb as well as cd, but to no avail. I have also tried installing mint-Linux 10, but only to have the same problem.

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Ubuntu :: Won't Load After Installing ATI Drivers

Sep 1, 2011

The open source drivers don't work with HDTVs right so I needed to install ATI drivers

Im so upset because I FINALLY got Kernerl 3.0 working, but now recovery mode won't even work with the ATI drivers

I installed driver 11.8, my card is a 5770. Is there anything I can to do boot it up and somehow remove the bad drivers?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Load 10.04 After Installing Fedora?

Jul 26, 2010

I download the latest Fedora live disc to try it out for a little while. I decided to install it to my hard drive to have both Ubuntu and Fedora. I went through the process and had it compress Ubuntu (I guess it moved the files together but I'm new to this so I can't be sure.) Now when I have the startup screen to pick either Fedora or Ubuntu, Fedora works properly but Ubuntu gives me Error 13. It can't find the kernel. I went into the command line and went to where I knew Ubuntu was saved (hd0,0 and Fedora is hd0,2) and ran cat /etc/issue to check that it was there (read somewhere online to do that) and it returned with: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

I think all I have to do is edit the pre-boot options or something, as they are way different looking than Fedora's and I think they may just be insufficient.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Load After Installing Win XP?

Jul 4, 2010

I had to erase a swap partition on a hardrive that has ubuntu in order to install windows xp on another hardrive. After I did it win XP loads on both hadrives. How do I get to Ubuntu and how can I make another swap without having to reinstall the whole ubuntu?

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OpenSUSE Install :: GRUB - Can't Load Up Ubuntu After Installing 11.3

Aug 17, 2010

Now I installed Opensuse on my system which already had Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7 on it. Whilst Opensuse's replacement Grub correctly identified Windows as an alternative system it did not do the same for Ubuntu. I've been tinkering around in menu.lst (after taking back ups) and I can't ever get Ubuntu running - I either get a Grub error 15 (file not found) or error 17 (unable to read partition). By booting on a live CD I can see that all the information is still there, I just can't for the life of me figure out how to get to it from Grub! Did Opensuse move the partitions around during install?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: GIMP Won't Load After Installing Plugins

Jul 21, 2010

I decided not to use Photoshop in wine on my computer but to only use GIMP because I heard there is so many free plugins on the internet that makes it function almost exactly as Photoshop.I install plugins but then GIMP wont open at all.I did a complete fresh install of 10.04 because I was having this GIMP problem after installing gimpshop and installing Photoshop 7, I figured it was the Photoshop that caused the problem

So now with a complete fresh install GIMP still wont work with any plugins installed.is there something i need before I can add any plugins or whats going on?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Installing Nvidia Mx200 Driver - X Will Not Load ?

Dec 31, 2010

I am trying to setup a computer with xubuntu 10.10 for my dad. It is mostly working, but flash animations/games run somewhat poorly. I think I might be able to fix this by using the non-free nvidia drivers, but I cannot seem to get them installed.

Sysinfo reports that the video card is an nvidia geforce mx200, so I downloaded the nvidia 96 driver package from the repositories, ran the configuration program, & rebooted. As you may guess, x did not load.

I have been working on this intermittently for a few weeks, & I do not remember everything I might have tried to fix it, but here is what I am sure of:

Sysinfo reports that the video card is an nvidia geforce mx200

when i try "sudo modprobe nvidia," I get the message "FATAL: Module nvidia not found." "sudo modprobe nvidia-96" gives no such error.

When I check the Xorg.0.log, I find:

The nouveau driver does not seem to work either, but if I remove the xorg.conf file, x works okay. How to get Flashplayer running more smoothly.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Onto A Windows System Without Erasing Windows?

Mar 11, 2010

installing ubuntu onto a windows system without erasing windows. I know there is wubi, but I ask you whether also with the ubuntu live cd I am able to install ubuntu, into a separate partition, without erasing windows.

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General :: Unusual High Cpu And System Load After Installing Reddit?

Apr 10, 2011

After installing reddit, my ubuntu stuck with high cpu usage and system load.

8634 reddit 20 0 12180 8960 2572 R 12.1 0.9 0:00.51 paster
8611 root 20 0 23756 17m 3816 R 11.8 1.7 0:00.99 paster
8613 reddit 20 0 23200 17m 3908 R 11.8 1.7 0:00.96 paster
8617 reddit 20 0 15072 11m 2688 R 11.8 1.1 0:00.69 paster
8620 reddit 20 0 14372 10m 2680 R 11.8 1.1 0:00.66 paster


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Ubuntu :: Pre Set Windows 7 As Default Load

Nov 8, 2010

i just reinstalled linux on partition (ubuntu) and i remember last time i did it i was able to set windows as default load and with a timer so that after 3 seconds windows would load and not ubuntu default right now is ubuntu load after 10 seconds.

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Ubuntu :: Install X64 Windows 7 Will Not Load?

Dec 18, 2010

so after i managed to install ubunut x64 my Windows 7 will not load...

my partition table looks like this:
Partition File System size
/dev/sda1 ntfs 100.00 MiB
/dev/sda2 ntfs 445.66 GiB
/dev/sda3 extended 20.00 GiB
/dev/sda5 ext4 19.12 GiB
/dev/sda6 unknown(swap?) 895.00 MiB
unallocated unallocated 1.02 MiB

currently I was using GParted to find this out. I think the Grub boot loader is pointing to the wrong partition for windows. This is because a few months back I had an uncessesful atempt to install ubuntu w/o grub and tried to use the windows boot loader.

I then realized that it did not work, so I was able to fix it using My Windows 7 recovery tools. So in Grub should it be pointing to /dev/sda1 for windows or /dev/sda2 ?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Load Windows 7 From GRUB?

Jan 17, 2011

I was having problems with a video driver for ubuntu 10.10 64 bit so decided to try and down grade to 32 bit.I kind of carelessly just deleted the ubuntu partition with Gparted thinking that worse case scenario I would still have access to windows 7, since I was running a dual boot. This was a terrible idea and I ran into a bunch of problems. I managed to reinstall ubuntu and it runs fine. However when I try to load windows 7 it justs loops back to the grub screen. Trying to avoid reinstalling everything to get a proper boot

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Won't Load Windows?

May 16, 2011

i installed ubuntu / under /dev/sda1, then installed Win7 under /dev/sda2, as primary. Extended partition and its logicals are for data.

After Win7 installation, i can restore the grub2 for ubuntu, with grub-install and update-grub2. It can even probe the NTFS partition under /dev/sda2. But at restart, when i tried to go to Win7 selection, it does nothing, screen goes black, blank, with a single cursor blinking.
Some data:

Ubuntu Natty 11.04

From /etc/grub/grub.cfg:


menuentry "Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda2)" --class windows --class os {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ntfs
set root='(/dev/sda,msdos2)'


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Ubuntu Installation :: How Can I Get Windows Booter Load First

May 23, 2010

I have Windows 7 as my main OS on the C drive, Ubuntu 10.4 as the second OS on my D drive. I installed Ubuntu from outside Win7, not through the Wubi, so I had to format the D drive, change the file system into ext4 so I ended up not seeing the D drive anymore on Win7.

My first question is, how can I get the Windows booter load first?My second question is, if I want to remove Ubuntu, how do I get back my D drive?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Vista Won't Load?

Jun 26, 2010

I supposedly installed ubuntu 10.something into a dual boot with windows vista but now windows vista won't load. It says partition can not be found... and from reading other forums I think it is looking in the wrong place... but i got this document. Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================

=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #4 for /boot/grub.
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb


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Ubuntu :: Editing The Grub / Load Into Windows 7?

Sep 12, 2010

I have finally installed ubuntu 10.4 alongside windows 7.However, the grub doesn't show windows 7 so I can't boot into it.

Attached is a screenshot of "gparted". Windows 7 is installed on "sda2" and Ubuntu is on "sda6". How do I edit the grub to be able to load into windows 7?

And I faced another problem after installation. The pc kept freezing, I couldn't enter ubuntu nor use the live version on my usb stick. It kept freezing.

EDIT: I restarted and it froze again. I had to restart at least times before it allowed me into ubuntu. I'm wondering if it's a hard-disk issue since it's giving me a hard disk error whenever I login. Even though I've been running windows 7 for the past 9 months without any problem.

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Ubuntu :: Set Windows As Default In Dual-load?

Oct 18, 2010

I would like to set Windows to be selected by default when i start my system (which has both Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows 7 installed).Tried some guides online but they suggested for me to change a file in /boot/grub/ named menu.lst but there is no such file on my system...

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Ubuntu :: Grub Simply Won't Load Windows?

May 27, 2010

Grub installed from 9 or 10 ubuntu simply won't load Windows.Ubuntu and GRUB on IDE hdd, Windows on SATA HDD.Installed all default options, just clicked thru install and when attempting to boot Windows XP screen is blank with a blinking cursor in the top corner.Same thing happened earlier when I ran Fedora 11 then 12.Different version of same result.Can't Canonic work with Grub developers to at least make a workable configuration r it's default setup?Searched the web, in a 1000 places same solution is offered: adding a few lines to menu.lst.1) the lines are already there2) this is for the old version of grub.Does grub actually work for anyone out there? Or is it only supposed to work in weird configurations?

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General :: Removed Ubuntu - Can't Get Windows To Load Now?

May 9, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10 over the weekend at the request of a friend. Unfortunately it doesn't work for everything that i use my system for daily. So i called my friend and asked him how to remove it. He told me to boot to the cd and delete the partitions and then use the windows cd to fix the master boot record. Piece of cake, until I deleted the partitions and remembered Windows 7 doesn't have a recovery console to repair the boot record....

So now I'm stuck with my computer booting up and showing a grub rescue> prompt and nothing else. I called my friend and all he said was way to go, you're screwed now. Is there a way to fix this without losing everything in my windows installation?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded To 10.4, Windows Xp Doesn't Load?

May 7, 2010

As many people have posted before regarding this issue, i think it was me who messed things up as i believe i incorrectly put grub on the sda1 ? when they asked about grub config during installation i was a bit lost, and even though i went off the help it said if you were not sure choose all of them..

So i am wondering if there is an easy way to fix this. As i am running sata drives on my laptop, so my windows xp recovery option is out... and all i have is a windows image, which i would like to try and repair from ubuntu as i can start ubuntu up.

Here is my boot setup:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #5 for /boot/grub.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 9.x To 10.04, Now Fails To Load Windows 7?

May 19, 2010

I previously had Ubuntu 9.x and Windows 7 installed at my laptop after I decided to upgrade Ubuntu to 10.04.

After the upgrade finished, now at the boot selection menu I am able to select Windows 7, but after it starts it tries to fix some errors and says that it's unable to load. Ubuntu 10.04 loads just fine.

Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x97646c29


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Ubuntu :: GRUB Not Providing Option To Load Windows 7?

Dec 8, 2010

In my ubuntu 10.10 wubi installation, I used to get the option for windows 7. Last week, i added some updates through update manager. After that the windows 7 option is missing. How do i resolve it

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Ubuntu :: Can't Load User Profile On Windows Side

Jan 5, 2011

i have a dual boot set up on my laptop using wubi, but now i can't log on to my windows side, it gives me an error message saying that it can't load the user profile. how do i fix this without using system restore?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Load Windows - Grub ?

Mar 13, 2011

I have just installed Ubuntu, now when logging into my laptop i am able to sucsessfully load ubuntu but i am unable to load the original OS (windows 7).

The grub 1.9 bootloader gives me the option

When selecting this option it goes to a black screen with a - in the top left of the screen then the grub screen re-appears

I have ran the boot_info_script.


Boot Info Summary:

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04, No Option To Load Along Side Of Windows 7?

Jun 19, 2011

The only options I get for loading Ubuntu 11.04 on my HP 2000-219DX Laptop is: 1. completely remove windows 7 and download Ubuntu, or 2. Manually partition the HD. I'm no computer wiz and am fairly new to GNU/Linux so I really don't know what the problem might be. I need the windows os for work but would prefer to run the Ubuntu distro for personal computing. I have the same problem with Ubuntu 10.10, so no Ubuntu for this laptop until I can get this problem solved.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows XP Won't Load In Dual Boot - Error 17?

Jan 18, 2010

I managed somehow to successfully install a dual boot with Ubuntu 9.02 and Windows XP. Ubuntu was on a PATA drive and the WinXP was on a SATA drive. The SATA drive was configured to boot first. As I was having problems with Ubuntu I booted into WinXP, re-formatted the PATA drive, then restarted the computer and installed Ubuntu 9.10. It all went well.I rebooted the machine and the following message was on the screen:

GRUB Loading stage1.5.GRUB Loading, please wait....Error 17

I rebooted, changed the boot order so that the PATA disk (Ubuntu) started first, then the SATA(WinXP). Ubuntu loaded up the dual boot screen.I chose WINXP, but I was greeted with a black screen.I rebooted again and chose to load Ubuntu, which it did without a hitch.what I should do to restore my access to WinXP? Or should I start again? If so, how?

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