Ubuntu :: Way To Start Xfce When Using NX Or X2Go?

Oct 31, 2010

I noticed that when using NX or X2GO if I start xfce4 using /usr/bin/startxfce4 it looks different and not as "pretty" then the console.How can I start XFCE using something like X2GO or NX and have it look the same as if I booted it up using a monitor.

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Server :: Finding X2go Log Files?

Dec 8, 2010

Where does x2go log the time at date of client logins? or dosnt it log anything? i have searched far and wide, and even contacted the x2go dev mailing list, but i have found no answer anywhere.

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Debian :: Xfce Won't Start?

Feb 13, 2010

Deleted gnome completely after deciding on xfce.I am going directly to my login prompt on startup instead of going automatically into xfce desktop.What command do I use at startup to launch xfce? How do I get to go to xfce automatically on startup

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Debian Multimedia :: Start And Stop Xfce When Want?

Aug 24, 2011

I am trying to make a web server with debian 6 and i want a xfce dsektop when i need to open files,extract,navigate but to be able to turn it off when i dont need it (to save ressources).I already installed it with aptitude install xorg and aptitude install xfce.

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Fedora :: Xfce - Somes Apps Can't Start?

Jul 7, 2011

I installed xfce fedora 15, some apps can't start or take a long time to start, like catalyst control center (sometime start, sometime no) , ibus (take 3-5s delay), crossover games register (can't start)..

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Debian :: Xfce-session Does Not Start After Boot?

Dec 15, 2010

This morning I did a minimal install of Debian to test out xfce and lxde, purely out of curiosity.I tried LXDE first. For various reasons I wasn't entirely pleased, so I removed it and installed xfce4 in a vanilla openbox session. Upon reboot, I was greeted with the CLI. I generated a new xorg.conf file to see if the transition to xfce had altered it, but was greeted with the CLI again after another reboot. I manually started X with 'startx' and noted that the xfce session manager was installed. The xdm session manager, however, was not.Installing xdm fixed the problem, kind of. I am now greeted with an xdm login screen rather than an xfce session login screen. What can I do to have xfce-session be my default login screen?

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Debian :: Display Manager To Auto Start XFCE On Boot?

Jul 8, 2015

I'm not using one atm, tried "exec startxfce4" in my .xinitrc but didn't work.

System is Debian Stretch.

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Debian Multimedia :: Xfce Takes A Long Time To Start?

Feb 6, 2010

When I log into an Xfce session, the splash screen indicates the "starting window manager" step with a busy cursor for about 10 seconds or more. Mind you this is a 2.8 GHz Core 2 Duo machine.I have tried logging out, mv-ing ~/.config/xfce4 from a tty console, and logging back in, but the problem persists.I am running Xfce from squeeze.

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Software :: Make Nvida-settings Start Automatically In Xfce?

Jun 13, 2010

I've looked at the Arch wiki entry for configuring NVIDIA cards/drivers, and I found that you can put the command nvidia-settings --load-config-only into your DE's session startup configs to make it launch automatically upon login. However, I can't seem to figure out how to do this under Xfce. I've already tried modifying /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml with the following:

<property name="Client4_PerScreen" type="bool" value="false"/>


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Ubuntu :: Applications That Are Made For XFCE Work On ANY Distro That Has XFCE Installed?

Jul 9, 2010

Like for instance, if I have Ubuntu Lucid Lynx installed with XFCE, and it has an applications made for XFCE. will the applications also work on say some other distro like, Wolvix, that is an XFCE-based distro~????

What I am trying to say is: Do applications that are made for XFCE, work on ANY distro that has XFCE installed?

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Server :: X2go Server That "passes On" Clients To Secondary Server?

Nov 18, 2010

I am trying to set up an X2go server, that lets clients log in on a remote server. the idea is that a school uses old computers as thin clients, and a small server loads an image onto the clients, and then lets them log into a big server in germany using X2go. Does anyone know where i can find a guide or some documentation that would show me how to do

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Panel In Xfce - How To Replace Xfce Panel With Gnome Panel

Jul 29, 2010

Is it possible to install Gnome-panel in Xfce? I'd like to completely replace xfce-panel with gnome-panel. It is possible the other way round so maybe this way too?


I tried xfce4-XfApplet-plugin but it doesn't work the way I would like to.

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Ubuntu :: Update Xfce 4.6.1 To 4.6.2?

Jun 1, 2010

I using Xubuntu 10.04 with Xfce 4.6.1 and i want to update an 4.6.2. After some hours of googling i find nothing... no way to simple update xfce official/unofficial repository for lucid not exist and basic way for update x/ubuntu from auto.

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Ubuntu :: Any Word On XFCE 4.8 Ppa?

Jan 27, 2011

I don't think that the regular 10.10 or 10.04 repos have XFCE 4.8, so I was wondering if anyone has any information on a PPA for XFCE 4.8 or that.

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Ubuntu :: Xfce Panel Is Gone?

Feb 9, 2011

I was ******* around with wine, and when i tried to run a certain game.... The xfce panel vanished! It's simply gone! Rebooting didn't help.... And when i tried running it from a terminal i got this:Quote:

/usr/share/themes/Murrine-Sky/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:45: Murrine configuration option "scrollbar_color" is no longer supported and will be ignored.
/usr/share/themes/Murrine-Sky/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:51: Murrine configuration option "hilight_ratio" will be


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Ubuntu :: Take A Screenshot Under XFCE

Mar 28, 2011

I have Xubuntu with a minimal XFCE 4.6 installed. How to take a screenshot under XFCE?

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Ubuntu :: Clamav Gui For XFCE

Jun 17, 2011

I've Xubuntu and I'm looking for a Clamav Gui for XFCE.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - GDM And XFCE Clash

Jun 13, 2010

I have 10.04 xubuntu on an old laptop I'm using and have had a problem since the last update I ran. I use aptitude to keep my stuff up to date and ran an update this morning as normal. After the update I used it for a while longer without problems before restarting. When I logged back in my window decorations preferences had been set back to default, but the panel I have at the top of the screen was still there in it's normal state. After everything had loaded though it looked like there was a GDM session running as well, with the standard gnome top and bottom panels on the screen.

The XFCE panel still works fine, but the top GDM one will sometimes pop out over the top of it, as if autohide is enabled, it isn't though. I was somewhat confused as to how this happened so thought I would log back in again and make sure I just had an XFCE session running from the session selector. (My normal setup is to have the auto-startx disabled so that you have to login in a shell and manually startx - just a preference of mine). So I undid this comment and went to login in the GUI and select my session.

When I did my usual username and password would not grant me access, nor would my root password - very worrying. After making sure I had typed it properly I gave up and had to revert to a rescue shell to re-comment out the auto-startx. When I did this I could log back into the shell OK and startx manually as normal (for me). I don't know what updates were performed, but I'm pretty sure it's the update that triggered this behaviour,the only other thing I did was install spotify. Is there a way to track a previous update in aptitude?

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Ubuntu :: Start Synergy On Startup Wont Start Automatically On Server

Oct 13, 2010

Im trying to run synergy on startup. This works fine on the client, but it wont start automatically on the server. I put this line in an entry in startup applications:


but still no dice.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Adobe - When Click On Icon In Start Menu Or On Desktop It Fails To Start

Oct 27, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit, downloaded Adobe reader '.bin', from the terminal

It extracted and asked me for a installation location, to which i put [~]

It then finished the installation.

But when i click on the icon in the start menu or on desktop it fails to start, when i also click on a .pdf document it also fails to start!

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Slow - Start Up Time Is 30 Minutes But It Usually Doesn't Start Up At All

May 4, 2011

I did a clean install of Ubuntu 11.04 64bit and the start up time is abnormally slow. If I start up the computer and don't press anything, the start up time is 30 minutes but it usually doesn't start up at all. It just boots into a purple screen, no splash, then it sits there and the computer doesn't have any loading lights flashing.

I had a similar problem with 10.10, but I assumed it would go away when I did a clean install of 11.04.

I can't get a read out of what's going wrong because when I press Esc it doesn't display anything, though weirdly it can sometimes get the start up process moving. I have also found that pressing enter really fast can sometimes help and something that seems completely oxymoronic, if I press the power button while it's starting up that can make it work, but nothing works every time.

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Ubuntu Servers :: MySql Database Won't Start - How To Make It Start

May 4, 2011

I have a mysql database and i use it with apache for my webpages. And I guess it dosen't start when the computer starts so I have to manually start it with "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start" This returns fail so i went to '/var/run/mysqld/' and the folder was empty. I don't know if this is the problem or not. How can I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Play CD Audio In XFCE?

Jan 4, 2010

I was wondering what most xubuntu users use to play audio CDs in XFCE. My wife's laptop runs XFCE, and I had a time this last weekend getting it to actually play a CD correctly.It had been configured to load CDs in "listen" audio player, but as far as I can tell listen doesn't even play CD audio. There was nothing in the menu that allowed loading a disc.I tried setting it to Totem, which worked ok until the first track ended. It then stopped, and there was no way to make it continue and play the second track, or get a track listing. Odd, since it has an option for audio CD in the menu.Next I tried mplayer, which worked for a while, but had to be started from the command line since I couldn't get a disc to load from the GUI. After a couple of attempts at this, mplayer locked up the whole desktop.

Next I tried VLC, since it usually sweeps in and saves the day when all else fails. Aside from the annoyance of having to make about six to eight clicks to get an audio CD playing, it did work except that the audio skipped badly and after a few minutes it just died and wouldn't play any more.I finally found a program that worked: KSCD. It's a KDE application designed solely for the purpose of playing audio CDs, and it worked flawlessly.I don't have a problem running KDE apps on XFCE if I have to, but I just think it's odd I had so much trouble getting a program that would reliably do something so straightforward and standard, and wondered if I'd missed something obvious that would have been a better solution.

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Ubuntu :: The Best PDF Reader For Gnome/Kde/XFCE

Jan 7, 2010

i am using for few years ubuntu gnome distributions. I am having lot of problems with my Dell Mini 9 and external display, ([URL] and i have lot of pdf books. I tried few readers but adobe was the best one (especially for scans of old books), but still, it can be very slow. Does anyone knows if it make any difference in performance if i switch to KDE or XFCE version? And maybe as subquestion-can i avoid my problems with external display freezing if i switch from gnome to some other desktop version?

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Ubuntu :: Two XFCE Option At Login

Apr 6, 2010

I have installed the xubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu, it seems to work fine, but when I am asked to choose which windows management I want, i have gnome and other, but I 2 xfce which do not seem to be different, how do I remove one to clean my option menu of unecessary options.

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Ubuntu :: Xfce Does Not Mount Other Drives?

May 3, 2010

I like the 20 second boot from press of power button with my new install, BUT I can't mount drives with xfce's thunar. I can mount them with thunar but this way they still do not show up under places or on my desktop. How do I figure out how to mount them properly?

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Ubuntu :: Kubuntu/KDE, Xubuntu/XFCE - Same Or Which Is Better?

Jun 5, 2010

After installing ubuntu, if one wants to try other desktop variants, whether installing KDE-desktop / XFCE-desktop over ubuntu is the same as installing Kubuntu / Xubuntu over ubuntu? If not, what is the difference, which is better?

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Ubuntu :: Nm-applet Not Visible In Xfce?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm trying to switch from my legacy network configuration scripts (/etc/network/interfaces) to NetworkManager, but I haven't been able to start the nm-applet in Xfce. I'm running 10.04 with the latest updates. I have purged and reinstalled all NetworkManager related packages and still nothing.

If I start nm-applet from a console, I get the following output:

adrianp@frost:~$ nm-applet
Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".
/home/adrianp/.themes/Murrina-Forsaken64/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:50: Murrine configuration option "scrollbar_color" is no longer supported and will be ignored.


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Ubuntu :: Difference Between Xubuntu And Xfce

Jul 3, 2010

I have a netbook with Ubuntu 10.04 installed on it, then I installed the netbook-launcher via synaptic. I then installed xfce4 from synaptic (not xubuntu-desktop). What's the difference,if any, between installing xubuntu,and installing ubuntu then installing xfce?I know that the themes, splash, gdm theme, and default apps are different. But is that it? Is my system still effectively Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Xfce/Thunar Will Not Mount CDs?

Jul 17, 2010

I have Volume Management enabled in Thunar, and I have Removable Storage set to "Mount removable media when inserted". If I insert a DVD I get an icon on my desktop and in the side-pane of Thunar and a folder appears in /media. If I insert a CD I get... nothing. I can play an audio CD in gxine or mplayer or Decibel, but I can't browse the contents with Thunar. The same drive is used for both CDs and DVDs.

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