Ubuntu :: Uncheck Work Offline In Firefox?

Apr 4, 2011

When I try to access the internet after I turn on my machine I get a message that I cannot access the internet due to my work offline is checked. After I uncheck it and try again, still no luck.

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Fedora :: Firefox Sets Itself To Work Offline?

Nov 19, 2009

I don't start a network connection when my machine boots FC11 64 bit. When I start the connection and the Firefox browser, I always find that Firefox has set itself to work offline. I use File->work offline and uncheck that box. This fixes the problem, but only till the next reboot. Even if I exit Firefox "in an orderly manner", the next time it will have set itself to work offline.

I had this problem in previous Fedora versions. I read about two solutions on the web. One was to write a script that removed a file called extensions.cache before Firefox ran. The other was to type about:config in the address bar of Firefox, acknowledge the warning message, and use the right mouse button to togglethe value ofoolkit.networkmanager.disable from "false" to "true".Are either of these good solutions? What exactly does "network manager" do? I think of it as the gui under System->Administration->Network, but it must be more.

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Software :: Firefox: Changing Work Offline Default?

Jan 29, 2009

I'm running FFx 3.0.5 on Debian Lenny and like many people before me, I am annoyed with the Work Offline setting being the default setting. I have perused the previous threads on this topic and found two solutions:

1. shut off the Network Manager daemon

2. change the settings in prefs.js

I have shut down the Network manager but to no effect The relevant setting in prefs.js is:

user_pref("browser.offline", false);

how I can change this setting to default to Work Online?

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Fedora Networking :: Network Manager Is Turned Off, But When Do That Firefox ALWAYS Has WORK OFFLINE Checked?

Apr 4, 2009

On my Linux box, (which is a proxy, webserver, mailserver, etc. etc. etc.) I use static IP's. Network manager is turned off, but when you do that Firefox ALWAYS has WORK OFFLINE checked. I could use Network Manager but that's not really the right way, cause I need the servers to work in level 3, etc. as well...Anyways, anyone know a way to make FF behave if I use Static IP without NM?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Is Always Offline When Start It?

Aug 27, 2010

when i upgraded my PC to 10.04, i had to add a new entry to the network interface file so it would connect to the Internet (auto etho etc.) since then firefox 3.6.3 always as being offline. each time i uncheck it then next time its offline again.

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Ubuntu :: Need Offline Java Plugin For Firefox 4?

Jul 19, 2011

I installed xubuntu 11.04 recently. I need offline java plugin for firefox 4.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Always Starts In Offline Mode, Internet Is Fine?

Jul 23, 2010

I don't have any connection issues, but Firefox always starts in offline mode. I can uncheck it and everything works fine. If I close and reopen it Firefox switches back to offline mode.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Starts In Offline Mode - How To Make It Online By Default

Oct 16, 2009

How to make firefox online by default. It always starts in offlin mode.

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Ubuntu Networking :: After Install - Lost My Internet Connection - Wired Network - Work Offline

Apr 18, 2011

After i install it i lost my internet connection . i got a message " Wired Network " " you work offline ". i use cable ADSL ,.... my Pc information HP Pavilion 6700 running with both Window 7 & Ubuntu 10.10 note... my network connection work correctly on W7.

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Uncheck Usb Drive

Aug 17, 2010

im installing fedora13. I need to install it as multi boot. I used a live cd to load up the live version of fedora on my computer and i started the installation setup. The problems im facing are: I cannot uncheck my usb drive when the setup asks me where do i need to install fedora. When i select "shrink current system" it shows my hard drive but says it has 0 bytes. I cannot proceed further because of the above problems.

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Networking :: Uncheck Workoffline Permanently ?

Oct 13, 2010

I am using fedora 12.every time when i start my browser which is firefox 3.5.4 ,i need to unchecked WORK OFFLINE. is there any way to permanently unchecked this.

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Programming :: Unable To Check / Uncheck Any Box

Apr 12, 2010

I'm messing with a JTree, I need one that has checkboxes to check/uncheck options, and (later) textboxes to edit options....but for now, the checkboxes don't wanna play. Here's the source:

package Habitat.EnvCtrl;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;import MailPopper.hlprs.CheckBoxNode;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.swing.JDesktopPane;
import javax.swing.JInternalFrame;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTree;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode; .....

The rtree builds (albeit I have a superfluous extra checkbox in there I don't know where it comes from...) but I cannot check/uncheck any boxes.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Uncheck Update Box In Software Manager / Enable This?

Jun 23, 2011

I've run in to a weird problem where i cant uncheck the "pre-released updates" box...I had recently checked it to get a glimpse at what kinds of updates would be available with the option checked so i tried it and updated my repository. The problem is now i cant uncheck it again or any of the options for that matter. Is there a way to reset the repository settings to default?

I also would like to know if kde keeps a history of installed packages..since i couldnt uncheck the box i went ahead and installed everything thinking it might let me uncheck it afterwards (stupid i know), but seeing as how im pretty newbie, i dont want to take the chances of some package breaking

the box im referring to can be found here code...

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General :: Uncheck Option To Synchronize Clock With UTC?

Apr 7, 2011

how to uncheck option to synchronize clock with UTC. This option is being asked at installation time. I couldn't remember text correctly but above text will give you hint. how can I uncheck that option using command.

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CentOS 5 :: PC / Desktop What Services To Stop And Uncheck?

Jul 29, 2009

Just installed 5.3/gnome.I am on pc/desktop with only wired internet connection via routerto dsl-modem. The OS sets-up the "eth0" automatically.For just this type of setup what services can I disable and uncheck ? In System>Admin.>Services I unchecked and disabled bluetooth,isdn,pcscd and sshd. Should I disable sendmail, avahi-daemon, portmap,rpcidmapd,rpcgssd and.apmd(no laptop)? Goal is to minimize unneeded services and improve security. The wiki article on securing CentOS did not cover this.Under System>Security Level Configuration I allow ftp,Mail(smtp), and WWW(HTTP). Is the ftp allowed ok for my pc/desktop?

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Ubuntu One :: Uncheck The Sync Option In Nautilus, The Loader Next To It Spins Endlessly?

Dec 16, 2010

I have been having some issues with Ubuntu One. I am running Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick. For some reason, Nautilus tells me that Ubuntu's default Videos folder (there is data in this folder) is synced on Ubuntu One when it is not. I have checked on the Ubuntu One website, and the site says the Videos folder is not synced (Ubuntu One's website does not show the Videos folder under "my synced folders"). When I attempt to uncheck the sync option in Nautilus, the loader next to it spins endlessly, or Nautilus gives me an error that it can not sync the folder.

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Networking :: DNS Lookup Doesn't Work, Ping, Firefox Will Not Work Properly?

Apr 23, 2009

I have this annoying problem since day one.I am testing out Red Hat RHEL5, everything is fine except DNS look up.If I ping www.google.com, it doesn't work, ping ip address it all works;if I bring up browser, put www.google.com it doesn't work, can't find the name, however, simply put ip address there it works.My DNS seeting seems ok, and the DNS works from Windows box.

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Slackware :: Get Rtsp:// In Firefox To Work \ (adding Entries In :config Does Not Work)?

Feb 2, 2010

I have followed the instructions at http://www.vcn.bc.ca/~dugan/setting-up-slackware.html (under "Making Firefox Perfect"), but I still get the error message"Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (rtsp) isn't associated with any program."

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Ubuntu :: Check Or Uncheck Boxes That Say 'Source Code' In Software Sources Window?

Nov 7, 2010

Should I check or uncheck boxes that say 'Source Code' in Software Sources window?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Uncheck Proposed Or Usupported Boxes In Kubuntu Updates Sorftware Sources

Aug 1, 2011

In KPackageKit I can't uncheck the 'Proposed updates' or the 'Unsupported updates' boxes in the 'Kubuntu updates' section of the 'Updates' tab of the 'Software Sources' window (brought up by clicking on the 'Edit Origins' button in the 'Settings' tab of 'KPackageKit'). [URL]

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OpenSUSE Install :: Uncheck Show_desktop Mouse Pointer Changes To Moving Circle?

Nov 28, 2009

I am creating an openSUSE 11.2 Kiosk image. I have everything pretty much locked down but when I go into the gconf-editor under /apps/nautilius/preferences/show_desktop and uncheck the check box my mouse pointer changes to the circle icon that looks like it moves in a circle. Sortta like the busy or what it does during boot. Hard to describe by typing it out but if you make that change you'll see what I am talking about. I had this setup like this in previous versions of openSUSE so I am not sure what it is doing or what else I need to do to make the mouse pointer just the arrow like normally. I don't want the users to be able to right-click on the desktops to get a menu nor add icons so unchecking the show_desktop has served my needs.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Connection: 'Work Offline' - "No Network Connection"

Oct 31, 2010

I have the "Work Offline" problem: when I boot up, the icon on the toolbar tells me I have "No network connection". This is not quite true, since I can access the first page of any website - only subsequent pages are inaccessible. I get a message saying that Firefox is offline. However, when I uncheck "Work Offline" in the File menu, it makes no difference to this behavior.

The problem is on my Ubuntu Dell desktop, which is connected to the internet with cable broadband via a D-Link router (wired connection). It has worked fine up till now. I use Ubuntu 10.04 and Firefox 3.6.11. I am writing this on my Ubuntu Dell laptop which is wired to the same router, so I assume the problem is not the router. I have tried various strategies suggested in threads on these forums, including editing about:config, changing "allow" to "deny" in some lines of /etc/dbus-1/system.d/NetworkManager.conf and changing from Automatic (DHCP) to Automatic (DHCP) Addresses only, but no luck so far. The contents of ifconfig are:

Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 001:aa0:91:a7:51
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets: 0 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 carrier: 0
collisons: 0 txqueulen: 1000
RX bytes: 0 (0.0 B) TX bytes: 0 (0.0 B)

If I comment out "auto eth0" as well, it makes no difference. If I uncomment both lines ("auto eth0" and "iface eth0 inet dhcp") then I lose the internet connection altogether.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Update - Update Manager Check Packages Again After Uncheck

Nov 6, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 10.10, and im triying to update, when i uncheck the packages that i dont want and click on the "install updates" button in the update manager, the update manager check it again and download the packages that i dont want

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Crashing / Get It To Work?

Jan 25, 2010

Firefox crashes every time I run it. I ran Firefox through the terminal and I got this code...

I tried reinstalling the program, but the same thing keeps happening. I think this started after I ran the last set of updates.

Could someone help me fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Java Won't Work With Firefox 3.6?

Jan 28, 2010

I downloaded Firefox 3.6 from the Mozilla website, and installed Java Runtime and Java Browser Plugin from Ubuntu Software Center, but Java will not work within Firefox, it works with Firefox 3.5.7 installed from the repositories, but I really want to use Firefox 3.6. I've even tried UbuntuZilla, without any success. This is annoying as I visit a lot of Java enabled websites.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 3.6 Cannot Work Java

Feb 25, 2010

Problem : Cannot get Firefox to work with Java
Firefox version : 3.6
Firefox Plugins : Java not showing in Firefox plugins
Operating system : Ubuntu 9.10 (Linux)
Java install :

Instruction : I have tried to follow the instruction from the lnks but still cannot get it to work.

Links: [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Does Any Thing Other Than Firefox Work

Mar 30, 2010

Having been given a P4 computer "not running fast" had xp on it.I decided that the time had come to improve on Microsoft so I added an extra 1gb ram downloaded ubuntu, burn off a cd and set to work loading this computer with Ubuntu

Try 1 failed, boot of disk but stalled
Try 2 failed boot off disk but full of errors.
Try 3 from within windows, yes we have Ubuntu dual boot with a fresh install of XP, looking good took it off the work bench and plugged into my KVM system. Reboot.Err where is {Ubuntu} bit like a rabbit and hopped off the drive
Try 4 Boot up from inside windows only this time a full reformat and full install of "Bunny" {well it has hopped off once} so from now on, I shall call ubuntu Bugs after bugs bunny that well known cartoon fool. (What's up Doc)

Low and behold I now have a fully ? no! a working version of Bugs now running.Test it on U-tube, download install plug-in all working, let the kids now on it to try it out.Yip, bebo , facebook run A OK, and the built-in sound card works, great I can play a bit of music.At this point things start to fall apart.Rhythm-box, it will not play any of my mp3 files that I put on the hhd, it tells me but I downloaded the whole CD from Ubuntu web site.And when I try other things to download to play music I get the following message or same as.Now the last thing I want to learn is a complete new language.If bugs can not play standard mp3 files like every man and his dog has, what is the point in having a poor rated file player.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Firefox Does Not Work In 8.04?

Apr 15, 2010

Yesterday I tried to update Firefox from 3.0.19 to 3.6 using this instructions: [URL]

Installation went without problems, but now I can not start Firefox! The FF icon in the taskbar changed to a globe and says "Namoroka - FF pre-release" but firefox doesn't start by clicking onto it. I tried to manually remove all firefox packages and reinstalling either 3.0 or 3.6 but same problem again. I also installed epiphany too, but it shows the error "epiphany cannot be used at the moment, because initialization of mozilla failed".

I want to use the new Firefox (or old one, if 3.6 not possible) in Ubuntu!

P.S.: Now I'm writing with FF from my Windows installation under Wine.

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Ubuntu :: Getting Java To Work In Firefox?

May 5, 2010

Right now I'm running Firefox 3.6.4. In ~/.mozilla/plugins I have a link to the Java plugin. I'm using Java version 6 update 20.

For some reason, Firefox will not acknowledge that I have the Java plugin installed. It won't show up under Add-ons > Plugins, and if I go to a web page that requires Java, it says I don't have it installed.

I've even moved my ~/.mozilla/firefox directory, allowing Firefox to create a new empty preferences directory, and Java still won't show up.

However, Java shows up just fine in Firefox 3.5. How do I get Java enabled?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Doesnt Work, Others Do?

May 16, 2010

i've come to replacement my 80 yr old fathers win98 machine with lucidFirefox 3.6.3 says 'connecting to .....' when accessing a webpage (eg his home igoogle page,bbc.co.uk ) and then times out .It all works with opera and links2 and pings are the usual times and its doing DNS . I've added and to /etc/resolv.conf for good measure FF its configured NOT to use a proxy ( Im fed up looking and checking !) and ive tried the 'detect settings automatically'this is a 'mission critical' step. Going to linux is a big enough change , so getting FF working will be a deal-breaker

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