Networking :: Uncheck Workoffline Permanently ?

Oct 13, 2010

I am using fedora 12.every time when i start my browser which is firefox 3.5.4 ,i need to unchecked WORK OFFLINE. is there any way to permanently unchecked this.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Permanently Uncheck "Keep Aligned"?

Dec 31, 2010

In Fedora 14, is there a setting in Configuration Editor that you can't uncheck, to uncheck Keep Aligned in right click desktop? Or, is there a piece of code that destroys that indelible check? When that box is unchecked, it's back on the next boot. It always messes up my desktop icons.

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Uncheck Usb Drive

Aug 17, 2010

im installing fedora13. I need to install it as multi boot. I used a live cd to load up the live version of fedora on my computer and i started the installation setup. The problems im facing are: I cannot uncheck my usb drive when the setup asks me where do i need to install fedora. When i select "shrink current system" it shows my hard drive but says it has 0 bytes. I cannot proceed further because of the above problems.

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Programming :: Unable To Check / Uncheck Any Box

Apr 12, 2010

I'm messing with a JTree, I need one that has checkboxes to check/uncheck options, and (later) textboxes to edit options....but for now, the checkboxes don't wanna play. Here's the source:

package Habitat.EnvCtrl;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;import MailPopper.hlprs.CheckBoxNode;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.swing.JDesktopPane;
import javax.swing.JInternalFrame;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTree;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode; .....

The rtree builds (albeit I have a superfluous extra checkbox in there I don't know where it comes from...) but I cannot check/uncheck any boxes.

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Networking :: 2 NICs Permanently IP Address

Jun 15, 2011

I have 2 NICs on my ubuntu server.... eth0 has its IP address....but eth1 doesnt.

How do I assign an IP address to eth1 using only commands on the command line?

And I need it to be permanently...

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Networking :: Save Changes With Iwconfig Permanently?

Feb 20, 2010

I am having some problems with my wireless card. If I ping my pc with no activity on it, it just won't respond to the pings. But if I start pinging from the PC and then from somewhere else, everything works perfect. I found out this problem since my ftp service was not responding sometimes. So looking for info and checking some parameters I found the "Power Management" option in the iwconfig command. It's value is "on" so I tried turning it off and It seemed to have solved the issue. The thing is that after a reboot, it returns to it's default value. Is there any way to make this parameter value permanent?

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Ubuntu :: Uncheck Work Offline In Firefox?

Apr 4, 2011

When I try to access the internet after I turn on my machine I get a message that I cannot access the internet due to my work offline is checked. After I uncheck it and try again, still no luck.

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General :: Uncheck Option To Synchronize Clock With UTC?

Apr 7, 2011

how to uncheck option to synchronize clock with UTC. This option is being asked at installation time. I couldn't remember text correctly but above text will give you hint. how can I uncheck that option using command.

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CentOS 5 :: PC / Desktop What Services To Stop And Uncheck?

Jul 29, 2009

Just installed 5.3/gnome.I am on pc/desktop with only wired internet connection via routerto dsl-modem. The OS sets-up the "eth0" automatically.For just this type of setup what services can I disable and uncheck ? In System>Admin.>Services I unchecked and disabled bluetooth,isdn,pcscd and sshd. Should I disable sendmail, avahi-daemon, portmap,rpcidmapd,rpcgssd and.apmd(no laptop)? Goal is to minimize unneeded services and improve security. The wiki article on securing CentOS did not cover this.Under System>Security Level Configuration I allow ftp,Mail(smtp), and WWW(HTTP). Is the ftp allowed ok for my pc/desktop?

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Permanently Disable Wireless

Feb 14, 2010

I don't use wireless on my desktop so i would like it permanently disabled...each time i boot up it's back and receving up to 80mb of data from an unknown connection via wireless (i dont use wireless) so, to avoid any weird connections to my neighboors house or some kid hacking the neighborhood driving by with a wireless router in his truck i'd like to permanently turn off wireless. this is kind of funny because i had a hard time getting wireless to work on my laptop, but this is my desktop where i do not want it. i looked it up and your forum back in 2007 said to type in iwconfig in the shell then get the nickname of the wireless card then to black list the wireless card. i did this but it didn't work, so what do i do now? i have ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Permanently Turn Off WiFi

Dec 16, 2010

I would like to turn off permanently wifi on my ubuntu 10.10 64bit.

- I know of right click on networking icon, but I need to do it every time system starts. - I also know of "ifconfig wlan0 down" but this again need to be done every time.

What should I do do turn it off permanently (disable) ???

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Ubuntu Networking :: Change Eth1 Mac Address Permanently 9.10?

Jan 22, 2010

how can I change eth1 mac address permanently in an easy way?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Permanently Delete One Particular Wireless Network

Jul 30, 2011

I'm wanting to permanently delete one particular wireless network. I don't want to merely disable auto-connect, I want it to not even show up in my list of available networks. Is there a way to do this? I'd like to still be able to connect other wireless networks. I'm using Ubuntu 11.04.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Installed Realtek Drivers Permanently?

Sep 1, 2011

I've had some hiccups with my the wired connections on my new ASUS M5A88-M motherboard, ethernet card is a Realtek 8111E. The default drivers keep giving me an unstable connection - keeps starting and stopping. I figure it must be the drivers since the connection is fine when I boot to the windoze os. I went here and downloaded the "LINUX driver for kernel 2.6.x and 2.4.x (Support x86 and x64)" file. Untarred and ran the .sh. Checked and the result was almost a mirror, if not better, than when I did speedtest on the windoze os. I read this thread here which gave me some insight. The .sh appears to have replaced a r8169 driver with the one I downloaded, r8168. But when I restart, it reverts to the r8169 driver.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Uncheck Update Box In Software Manager / Enable This?

Jun 23, 2011

I've run in to a weird problem where i cant uncheck the "pre-released updates" box...I had recently checked it to get a glimpse at what kinds of updates would be available with the option checked so i tried it and updated my repository. The problem is now i cant uncheck it again or any of the options for that matter. Is there a way to reset the repository settings to default?

I also would like to know if kde keeps a history of installed packages..since i couldnt uncheck the box i went ahead and installed everything thinking it might let me uncheck it afterwards (stupid i know), but seeing as how im pretty newbie, i dont want to take the chances of some package breaking

the box im referring to can be found here code...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Huawei E160 With Lucid - Still Not Working Permanently

May 5, 2010

The problem, I described here [URL] is still active. The final brought no solution...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Changing Namesevers In Resolv.conf Permanently?

Sep 22, 2010

My Internet connection runs slow and jerky, but can be fixed by using the Google public nameservers instead of the default one in this file. Problem is, the changes keep being reverted, even when I chmoded the file to have read-only permissions by everyone.

How can I change the nameserves permanently?

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Make Network Icon Permanently Visible

May 22, 2011

hello guys, i had a problem regarding my network icon missing. two days a go it just work fine and I'm using this desktop pc almost 6 months with no problem.just yesterday the network icon suddenly disappear.I've put the notification area it doesn't solved my problem. well this is odd, because when I go to the terminal and "nm-applet" their the network icon appears from where it is and became visible BUT when I close the terminal/terminate the terminal it disappears. HOW CAN I PUT BACK THIS NETWORK ICON VISIBLE AND PERMANENTLY VISIBLE?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Disable Dvd/cd Rom , Usb Ports And Wireless Cards Permanently?

Jul 16, 2011

Disable Dvd/cd rom , usb ports and wireless cards permanently in acer laptop. I no longer need those..

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OpenSUSE Install :: Uncheck Show_desktop Mouse Pointer Changes To Moving Circle?

Nov 28, 2009

I am creating an openSUSE 11.2 Kiosk image. I have everything pretty much locked down but when I go into the gconf-editor under /apps/nautilius/preferences/show_desktop and uncheck the check box my mouse pointer changes to the circle icon that looks like it moves in a circle. Sortta like the busy or what it does during boot. Hard to describe by typing it out but if you make that change you'll see what I am talking about. I had this setup like this in previous versions of openSUSE so I am not sure what it is doing or what else I need to do to make the mouse pointer just the arrow like normally. I don't want the users to be able to right-click on the desktops to get a menu nor add icons so unchecking the show_desktop has served my needs.

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Ubuntu One :: Uncheck The Sync Option In Nautilus, The Loader Next To It Spins Endlessly?

Dec 16, 2010

I have been having some issues with Ubuntu One. I am running Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick. For some reason, Nautilus tells me that Ubuntu's default Videos folder (there is data in this folder) is synced on Ubuntu One when it is not. I have checked on the Ubuntu One website, and the site says the Videos folder is not synced (Ubuntu One's website does not show the Videos folder under "my synced folders"). When I attempt to uncheck the sync option in Nautilus, the loader next to it spins endlessly, or Nautilus gives me an error that it can not sync the folder.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Permanently Mapping And Viewing Windows Shares(outside Of Nautilus)?

Nov 11, 2010

I'st just installed 10.10 on Virtual Box. I'm trying to map some windows drives (On the host) permanently. Using Places->Connect To Server etc I can connect to my windows box no problem and see the directories etc in Nautilus (2.32.0) all ok.But rebooting the system results in my having to log in again - I've looked atis that the only what to get this to work permanently?Also, and more importantly K-Develop (And possibly others) can't see this mapped drive when I want to open a file from it? What would be the problem here?

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Ubuntu :: Check Or Uncheck Boxes That Say 'Source Code' In Software Sources Window?

Nov 7, 2010

Should I check or uncheck boxes that say 'Source Code' in Software Sources window?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Uncheck Proposed Or Usupported Boxes In Kubuntu Updates Sorftware Sources

Aug 1, 2011

In KPackageKit I can't uncheck the 'Proposed updates' or the 'Unsupported updates' boxes in the 'Kubuntu updates' section of the 'Updates' tab of the 'Software Sources' window (brought up by clicking on the 'Edit Origins' button in the 'Settings' tab of 'KPackageKit'). [URL]

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Update - Update Manager Check Packages Again After Uncheck

Nov 6, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 10.10, and im triying to update, when i uncheck the packages that i dont want and click on the "install updates" button in the update manager, the update manager check it again and download the packages that i dont want

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Set Alsamixer Permanently

Jun 24, 2010

I set alsamixer every time after login. I also did alsactl store but it doesn't work.

How to get rid of that?

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Ubuntu :: Permanently Disable A Key?

Apr 2, 2010

So I just installed Ubuntu on my second laptop, however I ran into a problem. The F9 key is going crazy. I'm not exactly sure what is causing it (I've already popped off and cleaned the keys) but if I could find a way to just disable it I'd be very happy.

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Software :: Permanently BAN Grub2 ?

Jan 12, 2011

So grub2 snuck into my upload list.

Is there a way to force APT to never, never, ever, never, ever, even in the slightest EVER consider even thinking about possibly touching the satanic filth that is grub2?

I'm growing weary of the same loop... grub gets flagged for upgrade to grub2, I don't notice it, system breaks, boot rescue disc, remove grub2, restore original grub, move on with life.

I thought by purging grub2 and setting grub to manual maintain (apt-get install grub after it is already installed) would be enough, but apparently not so. So is there a way to ban this package? Seriously I'd rather start using Windows again than use grub2. To this day I have never successfully booted anything with it and it just sends me into a rage when I see the crap grub_rescue pop up after it sneaks in an update.

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Server :: How To Permanently Set Shmmax

Jun 10, 2010

For Oracle installation, I need to set kernel.shmmax parameter to 8416559104

According to the manual I did the following:


when I check the value

It looks OK, but after reboot there is the default value 3294967296 again.

The system is 64-bit SLES11.

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Debian :: Rc.d Permanently Stopping Processes ?

Feb 21, 2011

I will be switching to Debian soon and have been forming a large script with a vbox test system to automate my system configuration when I switch.

When I install lamp (Or basically it's equivalent packages) apache and mysql start up automatically.

I could just use update-rc.d to remove the autostart but whenever there's a security or feature update for the package the files get replaced.

In addition, for some reason the system thinks it's a good idea to autostart half a dozen apache2 processes at the same time, sucking up a good 150Mb ram when not doing anything. (Anyone know why?)

How would I stop my system from doing this? Could I "chmod 000" the /etc/init.d files?

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