Ubuntu :: Unable To View The Files On External?

May 16, 2010

I own an HP Mini with Ubuntu Netbook Remix, and a Western Digital 500 GB Portable External Hard Drive. I recently started to not be able to view the files on my external, with the message:

Unable to mount the volume 'Elements'.

Details Failed to open $AttrDef: Input/output error Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Input/output error NTFS is either inconsistent, or you have hardware faults, or you have a SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot into Windows TWICE. The usage of the /f parameter is very important! If you have SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first you must activate it and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g. /dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentation for the details. I don't think I have any SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware, and I definitely don't run Windows.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To View .php Files In Web Browser

Jan 11, 2011

I've been having a common problem that most users get when trying to view .php files on a web browsers. I feel like I've tried everything including clearing the cache. This is the read what when typing this commands.


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General :: Unable To Own Previously Saved /home Files On New External USB Drive

Nov 2, 2010

I have just had to reinstall my OS (Sabayon) onto a new and larger hard drive (dying old disk). I quickly saved all my old docs in /home on an external USB drive (formatted and then created an ext4 file system) before the swap and installation.

After getting the new disk running I connected the USB external disk. First I could not access the drive at all, but that seems to be fixed. Now I want to bring all my files back to my new /home folder but apparently they (especially the former MS Office .doc, .xls, etc files, not so much the OpenOffice files) are �read only� and I don't have permissions anymore. I am able to create directories on the external, and can move files back and forth, but don't seem to own many of them.Sabayon automatically mounted my external disk in /media/disk, rather than /mnt, so I've left that alone for now. After searching here and elsewhere for info, I tried a few things (below): For access I added a line to /etc/fstab:


/dev/sdb1 /media/disk ext4 noauto,rw 0 0

Here's what I've done to try and fix ownership already:

in /media I:


# chmod 775 disk

which gives output of:


media # ls -l
total 4
drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 1 21:30 disk


I'm not sure what the �total 4� refers to since there is only the one directory �disk� inside /media but I assume that's not part of this issue... Does adding umask=0 have anything to do with this, and if so where does that go?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't View External IP Links To Http Server On Same Machine

Sep 1, 2011

I have an apache server running on my ubuntu machine. I can view them using my local ip ( And my friends can view the things hosted on my server using my external ip (example but when a friend links back to me to show me what they are looking at and share the moment, I can't view the link, it simply redirects to my router login page.

I had an older linksys router and this could work fine. I could click on the links with my external IP and it routes back to my server for viewing.

Remember to note that I am on the machine that has the server, and I'd like to be redirected out and back to it so we can share pictures back and fourth without me having to replace the external IP address with my local one just to view that link in the browser.

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Server :: Bind Receives NOTIFY For External View But Not Internal?

Jul 12, 2011

I have two DNS servers, one local and one remote, and I am trying to get them to talk to each other using views.

The problem I'm having is that the remote server can talk to the local one and receive zone files, but if I update the local server internal view, the remote doesn't receive the update. Here is my config:


key "external" {
algorithm hmac-md5;
secret "xxxxx";
controls {
inet allow { localhost; };


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Software :: Use Traceroute To View Hop Count Between Machine And A Specified External Host

Nov 3, 2010

I'm trying to use traceroute to view hop count between my machine and a specified external host but no matter what I give to it, it provides me the same output:


What am I doing wrong? Should I be disabling DNS caching? Is there a property I haven't set correctly? Just a small FYI, but I dual boot this computer with Win7 and it's tracert works fine. UPDATE: I also ran the command from a different network and it worked fine. I'm assuming I need a port forward then?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Additional Software To View External Esata Drive

Sep 5, 2011

I attached an external hard drive to an esata port, when i go to my computer to open the drive, i right click and open in a new window i get install additional software, there is no application installed that can open files of this type block device(inode/blockdevice) di you want to install one install or not do i install the software? I authenticated in dolphin saw the files and folders then unmounted but should i install the software and is it safe or just unnecessary?

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Ubuntu :: Evince Fails To Open Pdf External Links In Non-gnome System - Unable To Open External Link

Jul 17, 2010

Evince in non-gnome systems is unable to open external link. The error msg it shows is


Unable to open external link The specified location is not supported. I have already googled it, however it only says it is a bug, without any solution available. Evince in gnome systems however work just fine. Is there any way evince can use sensible-browser to open external links?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To View Side And Top Bar?

Jun 27, 2011

I am unable to view rop bar abd side bar after editig the compiz setting how to show the normal screen with top and side bar

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Ubuntu :: How To View Pdf Files

Nov 15, 2010

how i can view pdf files

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Ubuntu :: How To View CAJ Files In 11.04

Jul 24, 2011

How to view CAJ files in Ubuntu 11.04?? A CAJ file is a CAJViewer Full-text Database file.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Unable To View Webpages Without Refreshing

Jan 24, 2010

So I have a laptop that I installed 9.10 on recently and for a bit everything was going fine. I have done a few updates over the course of the past week and for a couple days now I have got a huge problem. I am unable to view web pages without having to refresh them over and over until it finally loads. I thought this issue was only with Firefox and I researched the issue and ended up disabling ipv6 in FF. To no avail.

Synaptic Package Manager also will not connect to the internet. It will receive the list of updates but as soon as I click install it sticks on Downloading File 1 of XX. Since it wasn't limited to Firefox and there is debate on whether ipv6 slows down connectivity, I have disabled it system wide. Also to no avail. I have confirmed this to be so with wired and wireless connections to my router.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To View Harddisk Space?

Feb 28, 2011

I've just installed Ubuntu with advanced partitions. I'm not able to view my secondary disc space. I've used the command sudo fdisk -l

and this is what I got

Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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Ubuntu :: Unable Users In The Network To View?

Apr 23, 2011

I am currently tinkering with my SMB configuration in my home server. My purpose is to enable users in the network to view, browse and edit files I decided to share. However, I would like them to do just plain old connect and open the folders without the server asking them for a username and password.

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Red Hat :: Unable To View Network GUI In EL5?

Oct 4, 2009

I am not able to view the GUI for network in the RED HAT EL5. Below will be the error msg:

Component: system-config-network
Summary: TB0a0f70ae maindialog.py:602:hydrateProfiles:TypeError: sequence item not a


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Ubuntu :: How To View The HTML Files

Aug 7, 2010

I just downloaded libgtk2.0-doc at the gtkmm docs to help me with some programming. I've found where the libgtk2.0 documents are (/usr/share/gtk-doc/html) and I'm not for sure where the gtkmm docs are.

My question is: what is an easy way to view all of these HTML files? I know on Ruby you can run gem-server and you can see all of your RDocs from localhost on your browser. Is there an equivalent to that on Ubuntu for gtk-doc?

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General :: How To View SWF Files In Ubuntu

May 26, 2011

I have to view .swf files and I downloaded Gnash using Ubuntu Software Center but when I try to view the file it doesn't work.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To View Windows File System

May 23, 2010

Installed 10.04 within windows. When i bring up Ubuntu i am unable to view the windows files. What am i not doing or .

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To View Video On The Internet?

Jun 28, 2010

i'm unable to view video on the internet. how do i fix it?

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Ubuntu :: How To View Windows Partition Files

Apr 25, 2010

How can i look at my windows files? I have xubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: View 11.000 Text Files Quickly?

Oct 13, 2010

I need to view 10.858 text files by this friday to see which ones I need (searching file contents is not a solution), I was wondering if anyone knew any way/program to quickly view them as if they were, for example, images? And, optionally, to be able to save them to a different location from there? It doesn't necessarily have to be for Ubuntu as I also have WinXP and Vista, but it would save me having to transfer those couple of gigabytes to another computer.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To View Shockwave Files

Oct 29, 2010

i cannot view shockwave games on firefox..it says missing plugin..but does show any to install..

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General :: View Hidden Files In Ubuntu 11.04?

Jun 26, 2011

Is there a way to make the system display hidden files in the home folder when you open it? I know you can select "Show Hidden Files" in the view menu but having to do this every time you want to see or access hidden files and folders is annoying!

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Debian :: How To View .la Files

Jul 4, 2011

About the Debian release plan of .la files removal.


I also saw that list that is being talked about in that wiki entry.


Does anybody know how can one look in his/her system and find how many individual .la files are installed ?

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Software :: How To View Flv Files

Jul 21, 2011

I have some flash video files with extension .flv which I originally viewed successfully in iceweasel. I then downloaded them for future access (there is no copyright issue with these BTW), but I cannot play them back. Is there a debian package which will view flv?

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Slackware :: Can't View Files On 13.1

May 13, 2011

I recently had Pardus 2011 Installed and i moved a pile of files from my extra hard drive and cleaned it and moved files back onto it. The music files/folders wont show up on SlackWare but if i flip in a ubuntu live cd or run pardus they show up just fine. But here is the kicker. If i for example one of the cd's was a band from in town where i live. If i hash check the torrent so it is seeing if the files are on my computer to share. It will show them if you show directory and if you use Dolphin you cannot see them at all. Is there some kind of setting somewhere i have tried the action of showing hidden files.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To View Updates,update Status?

Jul 4, 2011

I want small facebook tab like widget on my desktop.It is available in kubuntu.Is there any way to create it??I should be able to view updates,update my status etc

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Software :: Unable To View Hosted Websites?

Mar 31, 2010

I have ran into a really strange issue. for some reason when I go to view any website that's hosted on my slackware 13.0 box it comes up with cannot be displayed, but when I rename the current index.php or index.html to backup then create a whole new index.php or index.html with just a few words or some basic html it will display but once I start adding in other coding for images or stuff like that, it goes back to page cannot be displayed

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Software :: Unable To View Php Pages In LAMP

Apr 24, 2010

I am trying to configure LAMP stack on RHEL 5.0

These are the versions I am using.

- Apache 1.3.42 from http://apache.oregonstate.edu/httpd/..._1.3.42.tar.gz
- PHP 5.2.13 http://www.php.net/downloads.php
- MYSQL 5.0.90 http://www.sfr-fresh.com/unix/misc/mysql-5.0.90.tar.gz/

I have configured and installed as per directions successfully, but I am unable to view PHP or HTML webpages. Seems like I am missing some small thing.

These are the details of my LAMP Stack. I have attached my httpd.conf hereby.

[root@server bin]# hostname
[root@server bin]# grep -v ^# /etc/hosts server.red.com


When, I am trying to view file in Mozilla or IE, it is prompting me to "save to disk" or "open with" options.

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Ubuntu :: Make All Files Visible On Grafic View?

Jun 19, 2011

I just reinstalled from scratch the new Ubuntu 11.04, and now I would like to copy in single evolution files with my profile etc.. from a back up. The problem is that such files are not visible on the graphic view, and I dont' want to go on the terminal.
Does anybody know how to make all files visible under "/home/<my login>/.evolution?

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