Ubuntu :: System Intermittently Freezing - Usage Python

Nov 30, 2010

I have a bit of mystery regarding my system intermittently freezing. First off, the info. I using/running: Ubuntu 10.10, 64bit version (clean installation) Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8500 @ 3.16GHz (not overclocked) 6GB RAM Nvidia GTX260 Nvidia proprietary drivers 1TB Western Digital HD (32MB cache) Now, the problem: A while ago, I started experiencing intermittent system freezes that would last for 2 or 3 minutes and happen about once every 45 to 75 minutes.

The Gnome System Monitor (GSM) would show 100% CPU utilization, but top, htop, and conky only show about 11% usage. I pulled up the process list in GSM. However, I had issues, for the obvious reason, when bringing it up when the CPU was spiking. Even when I could, it only showed the usual suspects (Firefox, Deluge, Ktorrent, and Xorg) running the high single digits. This was backed up in top, htop, and conky. I also checked the RAM, but usage was down around 25%, with nothing in the swap.

I checked the messages log, but there was nothing there. Nor in dmesg. At least not that my limited Linux admin skills could find. The freeze just happened, so I've attached them in their entirety. I've come to suspect that Python is the cause. It happens most often when I have Ktorrent or Deluge going. I used to use Deluge, but moved to Ktorrent to test if Deluge itself was the problem. They're both written in python though, and both seem to cause the slowdown. It also happens when other python-based programs are running, such as the updater, but not as much or as bad. Things I've tried to fix the problem:

- Clean install (first time in over 18 months)
- Updated Nvidia driver by adding a repository
- Updated Deluge by adding a repository
- Enabled backports.
- Gave my PC the finger

This is driving me nuts. If it was just BT clients, I'd only run those at nights, but it's also parts of Ubuntu itself that relies on python, which I really think is the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Python Consumes Extremely Lot Of Ram Usage?

Apr 6, 2010

i noticed few times that my ram usage in gnome increases high. So i found that python is using more than 500 MB Ram. Normally i didn�t notice this python. What does it do?

I am not sure, but i think that these increasing has something to do with skype/empathy (i think it grows after using this programs...

So, i killed the process and ram usage is normal.

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General :: Unix - Monitor Average CPU Usage And RAM Usage On One Process System?

Nov 15, 2010

Is there any way to monitor one process' CPU usage and RAM usage over time on Linux? I am trying to change to a cheaper VPS and need to work out what level of CPU and RAM I need!

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Fedora :: Memory Usage For Python Climbing?

Jan 14, 2011

check out the system monitor you can see the memory usage for python climbing.

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Fedora :: The System Intermittently Crashes, The Screen Freezes And Nothing Works?

Jan 10, 2010

I love it but I have a problem that someone can hopefully help me troubleshoot. The system intermittently crashes, the screen freezes and nothing works except the mouse pointer which can be moved but not used. Is there a way for me to diagnose this

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 System Is Freezing

Apr 24, 2010

I have a clean install of Kubuntu 9.10 running on ext4 partitions (root and home). Kernel: 2.6.31-20-generic-pae.Freezing is becoming a way of life! I first thought it was my main browser (Seamonkey) but freezes have occurred even when it's not open. It usually occurs when computer is left unattended for a while.I'm not sure if it's the desktop crashing, no ides how to check logs especially as I have to reboot to gain access.

Mouse and keyboard work fine, I can use ALT+F4 to close windows and ALT+F2 to restart. But programs freeze, KMenu won't open, Taskbar is frozen, no HD activity.Where do I go from here?9.10 seems OK on my laptop but that was a upgrade from 9.04 and I don't usually leave it open unattended for any periods of time. I did a clean install of 9.10 after an upgrade was having the same problems.

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Ubuntu :: KDE 4.7 Freezing Up My System

Aug 11, 2011

I installed KDE 4.7 (minimal desktop install) on my desktop computer, running Ubuntu 11.04, and every time I go to log in with the KDE Plasm Workspace, my computer all of a sudden freezes up after about a minute of working fine. My mouse slows down incredibly and eventually comes unresponsive to keyboard, power button, and mouse click input. The mouse can move, but it's movement isn't fluid, and it can only move a little bit. Can anyone help me? I have also had problems with KDE 4.7 on other computers as well, but this desktop I am using is almost brand new. :/

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Ubuntu :: System Freezing After Sometime / Stop It To Do So?

Oct 11, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 9.10 alternate version, but the problem is it is freezing after sometime. mouse stops working, not keyboard activity nothing else.

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Ubuntu :: Turn Off Screensaver As Its Freezing System

Dec 5, 2010

Xubuntu 10.10.I need to turn off my screensaver as its freezing my system when it activates.I have tried to go into > settings > screensaver but it locks my system up as soon as the screensaver options page comes into view.I don't really need a screensaver so is there any way to turn it off via the terminal or any other method.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox And XChat Freezing System?

May 8, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 11.04, Natty Narwhal, 64-bit. I've been using it since Alpha, and Firefox and xChat have always frozen my system. I update daily, so I know I'm on the newest updates, yet they still freeze my system. I've tried doing a total uninstall on both of them and reinstalled to the same freezes.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Freezing In System And Windows 7 / Sort It?

Jan 20, 2010

This is happening pretty often. when in ubuntu, usually while i'm browsing the web, my browser will go dim then a box will come up saying something along the lines of missing resources. the thing is, all my desktop icons will then turn to red x's and no text characters on any further boxes will show. when i restart it says grub error and takes one more restart to finally come on. i got fed up with it and switched over to windows 7 where my browser also froze and my computer froze up.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse And System Freezing/lagging/hanging?

May 7, 2011

since installing 11.04 on a computer that was running 10.04 perfectly, the system hangs for a split second every 10 seconds or so. If you make little circles with the mouse pointer you will see it jump position when the computer hangs briefly. If you are listening to audio or watching video then this also hangs for the same very short length of time.

I had the exact same problem when I tired going to 10.10 and so had to go back to 10.04. I was hoping it may just be an issue with that version but it seems not. The computer is: 1.6GHz Intel Core Solo, 1GB Memory, the motherboard is a Jetway Mini ITX board with integrated Intel graphics. It has no problem running the 3D stuff in Unity (or any of the old gnome desktops). Changing to 2D or turning off desktop effects in 10.10 does nothing to solve the problem. 10.04 seems to be the last time Ubuntu worked properly with the computer.

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Fedora :: My System Start Freezing

May 31, 2011

I just did a fresh install of Fedora 15 last weekend. Since then I haven't had any problems with it except of course a few bug reports every now and then.Today, out of the blue, my system start freezing, giving me no choice but to hard reboot.As a particularity when the system freezes I can still move the cursor on the screen but everything else seizes to respond.It happens every time within 10 minutes after reboot, and even sooner if I launch the internet browser (behaves the same with both Firefox and Epiphany) or if I open a video file.

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OpenSUSE :: System Monitor Is Freezing

Jan 30, 2010

GNOME system monitor is constantly freezing and not responding when i click on first tab 'System' Do somebody knows some workarounds for this issue? It's the same on freshly installed system and also on updated GNOME 2.28 from stable repository.Sometimes on second or third atempt it is working, but i cannot accept such an level of unstability and bugs, discovered on daily basis of testing openSUSE 11.2. There are much more very basic issues in this release which are normal for beta stage, but not for almost 3 moths old system...

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CentOS 5 :: System Lockups And Freezing?

Dec 20, 2010

I have a fresh install of CentOS 5.5 on small thin client system with a 80G HDDs, 1 GB ram [URL], I have run into an issue where the system just locks up and freezes and I can no longer access it, cant ping it, cant use webmin and cant view its web pages. The system seemed to be running fine unitl I left it to do some updates via webmin as it informed me there were 118 updates. I really only use the system as a LAN captive network server, and it is currently in the testing phase for this setup. The install went on with no issues and it ran fine, but now every so often within 12 hours it just locks up and I have to reboot. kdump shows no logs so I am finding hard to work out what is going on. but have installed it on 5 of my servers 4x ibm x335 and this . I intend to use the mini server for a captive portal system displaying advertising and promotions to wireless clients.

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Ubuntu :: Keeps Freezing - Corrupts File System After Hard Shutdown

Jan 6, 2010

Ok, this just started happening with ubuntu 9.10.

When it first happened, I didnt know what to do so i accessed all my data, backed it up in a diff partition, reformated my drives and reinstalled a clean 9.10. But now, every now and then (i think its when i use frostwire and have other programs running) my ubuntu keeps freezing up, it becomes non-responsive to anything i do, so i have to do a hard shutdown, after which, when i reboot, it is not able to mount /home, so i run FSCK and it fixes it, but ive done this about 3 times now, its starting to get a bit annoying, i dont know if anyone else has this problem, or if its a known bug. Here are my specs:

Running: Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 64 bit
3 Sata HDD: 1 TB, 750 GB, 350 GB
4GB Ram
2 Nvidia 7900GS
with a Pentium core 2 duo @ 3.0GHz

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Ubuntu :: Chromium And Firefox Crashing Nautilus - Freezing System

Nov 9, 2010

I've got a fun one for you. What makes absolutely any attempt to view a flash video crash Ubuntu 10.10, both in firefox and chromium? Lately, firefox began doing this. I switch to chromium, same thing. Also, the system completely locks up after about 30 minutes online if I can get the thing to work at all. When this happens, the rounded edges of all windows disappear, the menus become unresponsive, and any attempt to open the system monitor to end the offending process results in an "Unable to fork new process, system resource unvailable" something like that.

My entire online routine goes like this: open terminal, su to admin account to enable ufw (which will not run at boot no matter what I try), su to normal, limited account, open web browser, things explode (or work for 15 minutes before freezing completely.)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Operating System Crashing / Freezing After New Install

Feb 16, 2011

I have a fresh install of Maverick on a Toshiba r700 laptop PT310A-05N011. I am experiencing constant freezing. The computer will without warning completely freeze. Can not move the mouse or even drop to a tty shell. After about 5 seconds the fan will spin up to full speed. I then have to do a hard shutdown. Every time this has happened i have been connected up to a wireless network with firefox open while actively surfing the net. This issue did not happen before I installed the wireless driver (Broadcomm proprietary, downloaded through ubuntu Additional Drivers).

I'm not sure how relevant that is though as 90% of what i do on this laptop is surfing and i installed the driver a few hours after install. This freezing does not happen in windows 7 and I have left it running prime95 overnight once in both 7 and ubuntu without error. Does anyone know what this may be, how i might resolve it or steps I can take to diagnose it, logs i can check?

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Debian :: Diagnose System Freezing Up On Slackware?

Apr 12, 2010

i recently switched from slackware to debian because my laptop kept freezing up on slackware, and now it's doing the same on debian on slackware i would get this error in syslog: "hpet: compare register readback failed" at the exact time of lockup, which would leave me with a blinking capslock led indicator, and a completely frozen system (not even magic sysreq sequence would do anything) now on debian, same symptoms only there's nothing in syslog, and no blinking capslock led hardware is: i7 720q intel pm55 chipset nvidia gt 240m laptop model is lenovo ideapad y550p this will occur both in X and at the console i am using my own kernel as the default kernel doesn't support my ethernet adapter i have tried disabling hpet at boot, but there was no difference i have tried the patch posted here

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Fedora :: Totem / Xine Freezing System

Sep 25, 2009

xine freezes completely and totem freezes when I resize video. Sounds like a library problem.

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Fedora :: System Keeps Freezing During Start Up And Shutdown?

Jul 21, 2011

I've just installed F15 KDE Edition, and as the title tells, I need to keep pressing F2 and/or Enter to make the system go through the boot up process, otherwise it freezes as long as i keep it without my interference !! and then it takes relatively long time to start the GUI, and when I switch to the console (using ALT + CTRL + F3 for example) and try to write the login or the password, there seem to be some 'bouncing' effect, that if I'm to write the login 'root', I get something like 'rrooott' ... however, this doesn't happen in the GUI .....

I have a multiboot system, with Windows7 and Linux Mint (based on ubuntu 10.4) installed along side. While Windows7 doesn't have any problem with my hardware, Linux mint has also some issues that cause the performance of media players to degrade (sound and video tearing) and cause repeated freezes to some applications (a game actually, 'wesnoth') until I press a key or move the mouse.

I have AMD Athlon 7750 dual core 2.7 GHz system, with 3GB DDR2 800 Ram, and embedded ATI Radeon HD 3200 with about 512 shared memory.

one more thing, when I booted off the live image to run the install program, I booted into the video failsafe mode (not sure of the exact name, but I think you got it, no mode setting) and passed the option 'noapic', so I suppose this options are still passed whenever I boot mysystem, as I get the text version of the progress bar during startup, rather then the graphical fedora logo ( i.e no mode setting) ..

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: System Is Freezing Often So Trying To Narrow Down

Sep 3, 2010

I have Intel DG31PR motherboard. But Yast - Hardware information lists it as D945GTP. How this can be corrected? My system is freezing often so trying to narrow down the problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Nvidia Update Caused System Boot Freezing

Jun 14, 2010

I had Ubuntu working perfectly until I installed updates for the proprietary Nvidia drivers.Now Ubuntu freezes at the Ubuntu loading screen. Im using Ubuntu 10.04 64bit.I used to know how to access the terminal at bootup but I no longer remember.

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Debian Configuration :: Double Mounting Cause System Freezing?

Oct 31, 2015

I have been working with Linux for some time now and moved from "crash-dummy fedora" to LinuxMint and now I'm on Debian 8.I ... The system is freezing and the only way to get it out of freeze is to kill tty7, I log into tty2 as root(which can startx) and kill tty7 via pid...

At first I thought it might be that I have 10 virtual NICs on 1 physical NIC, but after removing them it still freezes after a few minutes of running. Now I am wondering if double mounting/bind causes issues,

Example: drive2 is mounted to profile2/MyStuff, but I also "mount -o bind" a folder inside profile2/ MyStuff/.opera to profile2/.opera..

This is what I mean by double mounting. Does double mounting cause freezing ?Because I have not double mounted, and it hasn't froze yet. and to be honest, I am double mounting/binding several config folders like .mozilla etc...Drives are SSDs, and I created a complete other drive with LinuxMint and it froze the same way after mounts.

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Freezing With Kernel

Jan 28, 2010

After migrating from openSUSE-11.1 to openSUSE-11.2 together with a few further online updates including a kernel upgrade to, my system started freezing a couple of times for two days.

I made up my mind googling for "linux freeze", found a hint saying, that causes trouble, fell back to, and voila: the problem is gone. What a relief!

The following describes my system:

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Software :: Adobe Flash With Firefox 4.0.1 Freezing Whole System?

Jun 25, 2011

Flash is causing severe problems on my slackware laptop. It happens pretty much only when I go on ..... and playback starts. Then the whole screen flickers and everything freeze. I have no mouse or keyboard (cursor is frozen) and I need to SSH to the machine to kill the process "plugin-containe" whatever it might be.

SO basically, is there anything to do to prevent such problems?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: ACPI Freezing 5.3 System On ATI690 Chipset

Aug 14, 2009

I'm having a bit of a problem with a CentOS install I'm working on.This computer is an Asus M2A-VM mobo with the latest bios and a fully patched CentOS 5.3 system.The system randomly freezes and I've been able to narrow it down to what i think is ACPI issues with the chipset since the system is rock stable if I use the ACPI=off option in grub. However, when I do, I get messages about OHCI and EGCI controllers not having the correct PCI IRQ or somesuch and my USB don't work. Since this system has a usb keyboard, mice and printer, that's a bit of an issue!The system boots fine but will freeze after a random amount of time, sometimes even during startup (after the X Window system has been opened).

I'm at the end of my rope here as I'm admittedly pretty new to Linux (about 2 months experience although I've succesfully set up 5 systems and a zimbra server in that time - slowly learning when I'm trying to do something) and I've been scouring the net to try and find a solution to no avail.I know this particular chipset seems to be very trouble prone if I look around but the only thing I could find about issues like mine was related to ACPI with the chipset but that supposedly solved in earlier kernel revisions (and I have the latest kernel).troubleshoot the defective part of ACPI on my chipset would be appreciated so I can turn off the offending ACPI "feature".

PS : I also get an error message when booting : ACPI expecting a [REFERENCE] package element, found type F7B953PC

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Ubuntu :: System Monitor CPU Usage Does Not Add Up?

Apr 22, 2010

quite often my computer will slow down, and all the cpu indicators will show 100%. However, when I open System Monitor to see what is using all the CPU, it doesn't show anything much at all. I have attached a screenshot to show what I mean. CPU is running at 91% load, however, I make the total 35% in system monitor.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - CPU Usage In System Monitor

Jan 6, 2011

I am having a slight issue with my netbook (toshiba nb305) Just fully switched to Ubuntu 10.10 from Windows 7 starter so still a little new. I first installed the 32 bit version and everything was all sorts of peachy. But while reading some documentation on my model I ran across a cryptic line that hinted at my cpu being 64 bit. Did a little research on these forums and ran a command in terminal (honestly cant remember it) that listed the specs on my hardware. Sure enough my "width" was listed as 64 bit.

Well just to give it a shot I Downloaded the 64 bit version of 10.10 and Installed it on another partition. Up and running checked over everything. Appears to be normal. But on a whim I went into the System Monitor and noticed not one cpu but 2? Confirmed same situation on 32 bit.
Processor 0: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N455 @ 1.66 GHz
Processor 1: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N455 @ 1.66 GHz

Ok I was a tad bit confused so I was about to do a lil research on it. But then I noticed on the Resources tab that under 64 bit my CPU History graph showed both processors Pegged at 100% With nothing running except for the basics. Under the 32 bit it was reliantly low? I checked the Processes tab in both to confirm there wasnt a unusual process out there jamming up cpu usage but the highest cup listed was the gnome-system-monitor at like 40 est %. Nothing showing up using the CPU that vigorously.

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Freezing On Extended Operations Involving The File System / Hard Drive

Oct 4, 2010

I have a Toshiba laptop that seems to be freezing on extended operations involving the file system/hard drive. (that's kind of a guess on my part). The system has frozen during the last day or two when I:

- try a large file operation with Nautilus
- try exporting a large video file from Kdenlive
- try formatting the disk for a new install of Maverick (I decided that with the new version almost out, I might try upgrading in case I broke my system)

What I see is the screen freezing and the mouse does not move. As I said, I tried installing the Maverick RC from the Alternate CD (I wanted to do a minimal install). The install hung on the partitioning step and the caps-lock key started blinking (though I don't get this in other cases). I have booted into my Lucid live-cd and a Puppy live-cd to try Gparted, with the same results - the system freezes (but the caps-lock key doesn't blink). Puppy HAS performed better generally, for example I was able to complete my large file operation (backing things up!) but it is freezing on the partitioning step.

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