Ubuntu :: Remotely Kick Off A 100% Automated System Update?
Jun 17, 2011
I have a client that needs 5 machines updated. They are all running Ubuntu 9.04. Long story short, I can only log in over VPN for the time being (as they're in another city).
That said, is there any good way to remotely update the systems without the need to remain logged in (e.g.via SSH)? I'd like to simply kick off the updates and check back in at a later time.
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Apr 23, 2010
What would be the best way to have automated system backups? I'm trying to get it so my Xubuntu box automatically backs up the entire system including user settings on regular intervals, what would be the best way to do it? I have 2 hard drives with one that I do not use that I'd like to backup to.
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Mar 5, 2010
I am trying to set up an automated installation system for hardware testing and was wondering if anyone on here can point me in the right direction.I would like it to be compatable with a wide range of OS distros including Ubuntu, Red Hat, CentOS, Suse, Windows, Dos, FreeBSD, etc. If some custom scrypting is required thats fine, but flexibility is key.I am looking into Jumstart and Kickstart right now, but I am not sure if that is what I need.
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Mar 24, 2010
I am looking for an automated backup system and I like bacula. I have 3 Notebooks and a Desktop computer that need regular backup. Now I don't want to let them run all night just to do the backuping, so I was thinking I could use wake-on-lan to have bacula wake up the machines, then do the backups, and shut them down afterswards. While this may work with devices on the ethernet, it won't work with the Notebooks on the wifi. So is it possible to have the Notebooks schedules to automatically wake up from suspend or shutdown ? Or is it possible to interject a shutdown command if it is after a cerain hour and call the bacula director to start the backup now?
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Aug 28, 2010
Rsnapshot is a software written in Perl to make backup of local and remote file system. The well proven rsync is behind this utility. rsnapshot does not need root user intervention to restore the data of a normal user. It does not take much space in your Backup server. It can be easily automated (scheduled) to make life easier. Just setup once and forget it configuration. Basically it takes snapshot of file system (or a part of) in regular interval such as hourly, daily, weekly and monthly.
This can be configured easily through a simple text based configuration file. The above task can be setup in a few easy steps in a few minutes. Two major tasks are configuring rsnapshot and openssh automatic login. To make the backup automatically, we need to automate the remote login in a secured way. This can be done through openssh tools. This scenario depicts backup of desktop (assuming that IP address is data to a backup server. My desktop runs on Ubuntu 10.04 and backup server runs on Debian Squeeze. [URL]
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Apr 6, 2010
I searched a lot but can't find a solution. I'm running a root server without access to screen and keyboard and looking for a possibility to upgrade from OpenSuse 10.3 to 11.2.
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Mar 30, 2011
I am trying to remotely update my dyndns using the commandwget --no-cache h ttp //$USR:$PWD@$DYN_HOST/nic/update hostname=$HST&myip=$MY_IP(the h ttp : // is because I can't post links yet...)when "MY_IP" is my remote computer's ip,but the dyndns seems to ignore this parameter.. It updates the "real" ip that I have in the computer that running that command..I read previous threads an saw that someone used --no-cacheSo I tried that and it did not work for me.
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Apr 21, 2010
So I've got a backup server that has a daily cronjob to back up all my systems. My desktop PC is usually in sleep mode to save power. So my backup server has to wake up the desktop via wake-on-LAN to start the backup job. When the backup script is done, my backup server sends a shutdown command to the desktop to put it back in sleep mode.
The trouble is that SSH is timing out during the shutdown process and waits a ridiculous amount of time before giving up and allowing my backup server to move on to the next backup script. Here's the portion of my backup script for the desktop that does the shutdown stuff:
ssh user@host.lan '/usr/bin/shutdown -p +1'
Here's what cron sends me via e-mail:
Read from remote host host.lan: Connection timed out
real 164m46.280s
user 5m16.160s
sys 1m39.760s
Normally the entire backup job will only take about 5 minutes. But because of SSH timing out, it takes 164 minutes!
As a matter of detail, my backup server is running Ubuntu 9.10, and the desktop is Windows 7 x64 with Cygwin. The -p option for the shutdown command in Cygwin is for sleep mode.
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Apr 28, 2009
I've tried to use the GUI tool for update system in Fedora 10. It listed all of the available updates successfully, but it have not any response when i click the 'Update System' button~
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Mar 25, 2010
I am at my own desktop and I have root access on my own desktop.
I also have root access on a Desktop Ubuntu system ( on the LAN. I need to create another desktop user account on that system.
So I logged into that system with: ssh -Y myself@
Then I did: sudo users-admin
This brings up the Users Settings but the Add User and Unlock buttons are disabled. How do I enable these buttons?
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Aug 7, 2010
I am trying to setup the most efficient way to remotely administer an ubuntu system. So far I was successful in setting up ssh. I have the server running and made sure it only uses keys to authenticate and changed the default port. I can connect to the ssh-server. This system is behind nat and bots trying to break-in when I forwarded the port. I used the AllowUsers option, which helped in knocking back these rouge connections. I was not comfortable leaving a port open all the time, so I set up logmein Hamachi VPN and closed the ports that were open on NAT.
Now I use Hamachi and am very impressed. I use VNC in VPN. But Vino is slow, I tested x11vnc and it was slightly faster. I also tried to set up freenx but nxsetup file was missing. some one posted that file in the forums and suggested copying to the system but I was not sure if I want to download a script from the forum and use it. So for the time being, I thought I will just concentrate on X11vnc until freenx is fixed.
I would like to create a separate desktop on the server and use it to access remotely. This way we will not have to fight over the cursor (sounds funny but very frustrating). From what I understand x11vnc has this function inbuilt (uses vncserver). I cannot get it to work! when using ssh, at the remote machine's command prompt, if I type "evince xyz.pdf", it does not launch the "xyz.pdf". what am I doing wrong? When using VNC, how can I change between different users on the remote machines? Right now I can only use VNC in one account that I first setup. When I try to change to another user, vnc client goes blank. How can I get as much control of the remote system as possible? Right now I need someone to switch on the remote system and login to their account before I can VNC. Can I use ekiga inside VPN, I use skype right now and it's sometimes terrible with dropouts. I looked around and someone suggested using ekiga as it works very well over lan. How do set up ekiga so that I have a direct connection with the remote system? Is there any client that just takes the IP address and creates a connection? Mumble seems to be the popular choice, it's most suited to LANparties, I just need a connection between two systems. I am trying to set this up to help users with hardly any computer knowledge to use the system without any issues.
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Aug 24, 2010
I'm still pretty new to servers and ubuntu and have ran into something I could see being a problem in the future. On a dedicated remote server I have installed a web server using the "How To Forge - Perfect server set up for ubuntu 10.04 and ispconfig". I have a forum and email up and running and shoutcast radio and teamspeak3 servers also. We can also nx into it if need be. I can reformat the 1T hdd remotely from my provider control panel and ssh is installed at the same time and a new root password is sent via email. The thing is I now realise that by default the file system is written to a 10gig partition.
This might usually be ok but ispconfig uses the /var/www folder on the file system to house the forum I host and the partition is filling up. My mate I co rent with is talking about starting a parrot/bird owners forum and i might eventually like to have a gaming forum as well. I realise I should probably have set things up differently but like I said I am new at all this and tbh the home directories never going to have much in it so theres 900 gig doing nothing. So my question is can I use anything to enlarge that partition remotely? I know theres gparted on disc and all the articles I found say I need to use a disc which obviously is out of the question.
So what I think I need is some sort of partition magic for ubuntu. I would really like to expand it so all my current files etc on it would stay as is. I'm also currently looking into back up methods and wondered if that would be the way to go? Back up my file system and home directories and then reformat and make the partition larger? Or could I copy the entire www folder to a newly created folder in /home and re write the site enabled files to point to it? Would this work and if so what else would I need to edit?
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Jan 4, 2011
Does anyone know or recommend some software or a script to remotely power on a PC from standby to on, or even better from completely off?
I guess the completely OFF to ON is much more complicated - would probably require an extra piece of hardware(?)
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Jan 29, 2010
me using redhat linux.i want to to remotely access a system that have windows OS.I tried to install the utility rdesktop using following command. "yum install rdesktop" the following error occur
"Loading "security" plugin
Loading "rhnplugin" plugin
This system is not registered with RHN.
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May 2, 2011
I'm in a bit of a unique situation here. I have a remote system running two instances of RHEL5.1 (dualbooting) and I need to install RHEL6 on the other partition from the active one. I understand that you can't upgrade 5.1 to 6.0 so I would need to do a fresh install. My basic question are, is there a way to install an OS from an existing OS to another partition? Can anaconda be run from an already installed system? Is it possible to manually install a system just from RPMs?
I've come across things like debootstrap for Debian and haven't found anything similar for Red Hat systems.
As I'm currently in a different part of the country from this machine I would like to achieve this without having to be physically at the box or reboot the machine (reducing risk of being completely cut off from it).
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Dec 6, 2010
If you do, after the completing the test - it will eject the CD.
and how are you going to reinsert the CD to complete your install? you're remote remember ??
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Jun 29, 2011
I'm not terribly new to Linux, but I am new to the forums, so hear me out! I am in the process of creating an electronic mapwall for our meteorology program, and have designed the computing system from scratch. I have two Linux Boxes, each with capabilities for 6 attached monitors...a total of 12 displays driven from two machines. My intention is to have one machine be the master...it has a touchpanel control. The inputs to the touchpanel will then trigger events for the both the master and the slave machine to display. Each of them has a specific IP address (DNS entry), and are not on a subnet.
Now...is there a way to remotely login to the slave machine and have it display on it's OWN monitors? The code is Java and which works on the master machine to animate directories of .gifs for each of the master's attached monitors. I will most likely have Java execute shell commands for the remote login (ssh), but I believe the answer lies somewhere in the X-configuration. Do I have the machines in an adverse configuration (creation of a subnet would be better)? Lots of questions...lots of desire...few answers!
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Feb 26, 2011
I am presently using Ktorrent .
Previously, I used Transmission & Vuze
Is there a way to automatically ban/kick peers which have chocked?
May be in some other client ?
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May 10, 2011
I am running Kubuntu 11.04 and I use the standard "Blank Screen" screensaver. I want to start a command every time the screensaver starts and to stop it when the screensaver stops.
My idea is to copy the "Blank Screen" screensaver and add a couple of my own lines in the source code ...
but I have some trouble finding the correct files.
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Aug 28, 2010
Whoever has trouble with hplip GUI mode, install not only qt4 but also python-qt4.
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Oct 22, 2010
here is the most importent part of the file setup.shhere link to pastebin:http://pastebin.com/mwQ1UArHand here the part:
chmod 777 ../bin/panel
cd ../bin/panel
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Dec 13, 2009
How can I see which SELinux rule kicks in at a given point. Is there something like debug-mode for SELinux? The problem is that SELinux Troubleshooter does not show any errors at all when denial happens.
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Jan 30, 2011
I am customizing CentOS and doing the entire procedure through ks.cfg file. Everything is been configured properly except the boot label. I would want Boot label to be customized rather than the default one. Is it possible to achieve this using kickstart?
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Jan 18, 2010
I have problem while configuring kickstart installation in rhel 5.2 .
I have followed bellow listed steps.
i, Copied iso.img into my server
ii, # mount �o loop iso.img /tmp/iso # cp -a /tmp/iso/* /tmp/iso_new/ # system-config-kickstart - - generate ks.cfg ( creating kickstart configuration file) # cp /root/ks.cf /tmp/iso_new/isolinux/ ( As suggested by red hat I have copied ks.cgf file into /isolinux/ folder.
iii) mkisofs -R -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o /tmp/new_1.iso /tmp/ iso_new # to create bootable disk
iv) Then started the system using this newly created iso image through HP ILO console and the system got booted successfully with boot prompt.
v) After executing the linux ks=cdrom:/ks.cfg from the boot prompt, we got a error by saying there is no CDROM deducted in your Machine and the installation got terminated .
vi) As per my understanding the ISO image is mounted as Virtual CD-ROM (/dev/scd0) in HP ILO.
Why the we are getting CD-ROM related Error ? How we can avoid this error? Is there any other set of configuration to achieve this ?
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Apr 5, 2010
I have ks.cfg and file.iso burned to a DVD. Both files are at the root of the DVD. Besides that, I also created a folder and keep some drivers in the folder.
I inserted the CD and reboot the server ( which already has a red hat 5.3 that I installed before, I want to erase it using kick start ).
Howver, I just can't get into the much said "boot prompt".
Do we need to press certain hot key during certain stage of reboot?
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Apr 8, 2010
I try to kick off dolphin from regular user account after executing "su -" from terminal emulator inside KDE, but got a error:
Is this something to do with xwindow authorization?
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Jun 23, 2011
I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and when i try to check for updates in the update manager it says:
W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/and471/kaza...source/Sources 404 Not Found
, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/and471/kaza...amd64/Packages 404 Not Found
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Apr 27, 2011
I have a problem in updating opensuse 11.4, when I try to update the system the progress stops in the update window, and no updates appear
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Jan 28, 2011
Yesterday i have installed F14 and then went to the comand line to update the system via yum update. It was about 860MB of updates in 430 packages. The strange thing is that only one package was a delta rpm and all other were normal rpm. Is Fedora giving up on presto or it needs some special configuration?
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Jul 13, 2010
I have a error when i want to update my system via YUMI execute the next command.sh@ yum -y updateYou could try using --skip-broken to work around the problemYou could try running:package-cleanup --problems package-cleanup --dupes rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigestThe program package-cleanup is found in the yum-utils package.
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