Ubuntu :: Nothing Appears After Compiz Uninstall?

Jun 1, 2011

I have unstalled (part of) copiz and now my desktop is completed empty, no icon whatsoever. I can I restore to my old seetings. I have tried compiz --replace and got the following message:compiz (core) - Fatal: Couldn't open display

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Ubuntu :: How To Uninstall The Compiz

Oct 27, 2010

How do i completely remove Compiz?

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Ubuntu :: Way To Uninstall Compiz

Apr 26, 2011

Ubuntu 10.10
It looks like the compiz is making my computer very slow.

On other pc which is even older, I run 10.04 and there seems to be no compiz installed.

Can I simply go to synaptic and unistall all compiz parts or will that somehow completely break or stop booting my 10.10?

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Ubuntu :: How To Uninstall Completely Compiz

Apr 5, 2011

I want to uninstall compiz but I have some problems. When I completely remove the package with Synaptics, compiz is still installed on my computer! Few days ago I installed compiz following this website [URL] and it probably explains why. Now how do I revert the process? How do uninstall everything? I tried sudo apt-get remove compiz* but it tells me the it cannot locate compiz-check (even though it is installed)

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Fedora :: Launch Compiz Fusion Icon The Screen Just Goes White And Nothing Appears

Oct 24, 2009

I wanted to have some cool effects in my desktop and have just installed compiz fusion in fedora 11 (kde) but when i launch compiz fusion icon the screen just goes white and nothing appears.

My laptop is dell xps m1330.

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Fedora :: How To Uninstall Compiz- Can't Login

Jun 23, 2011

I wanted to know how to uninstall compiz which I installed on my Fedora partition, and now that I logged out, I cannot log in, because every time the desktop loads, large errors come up that bring me back to the login screen. I try to load gtk-2 that allows compiz, but that takes me back to the login screen without an error message, which I consider is wierd. Is there anyway that I could uninstall compiz, ccsm, fusion, and similar plugins from my ubuntu partition, or atleast kick them off the start-up program list so I can uninstall them the next time I log in (successfully)

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Ubuntu :: Any Configuration File / Do I Have To Uninstall Compiz-core Complete?

May 25, 2010

as my laptop is getting older and slower, I deactivated the nice window effects. System -> propieries -> appereance -> no effects.But Ubuntu reactives them after the next reboot!Is there any configuration file or do I have to uninstall compiz-core complete?

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Ubuntu :: When Turn On The Computer, The GRUB Menu Appears, Press Enter, Then A Little Flashing Underscore Appears On The Screen?

Dec 21, 2010

I recently removed Winblows Vista from my laptop and replaced it with Kubuntu 10.10 (I left the recovery partition on there, just in case). When I turn on the computer, the GRUB menu appears, I press enter, then a little flashing underscore appears on the screen in the top left hand corner. After a few seconds, the Kubuntu logo appears and I can log in.But yesterday I replace Kubuntu with Ubuntu 10.10. The Boot process is the same, but the little flashing underscore in the top left hand corner flashes for about 10 seconds longer then Kubuntu 10.10 did, and then a few paragraphs of text appears for a few seconds, then I am logged in automatically.Is this "unusual" boot process anything to worry about, or am I just being a noob.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Uninstall Firefox Nor Can Uninstall Chromium

Jun 19, 2011

I cannot uninstall Firefox, nor can I uninstall Chromium; one always stays if the other is uninstalled. For example, if I remove Firefox, Chromium will appear in its place and vice versa. This has got to be one of the weirdest bugs I've ever seen on Ubuntu! So, how can I uninstall both web browsers?

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Won't Work Using The Compiz Ppa

Feb 19, 2011

As said here: [URl] I want the sphere deformation, but that needs the PPA apparently (I can't find it anywhere in the default compiz Ubuntu 10.10 ships with.) Compiz starts, but it says it can't load plugin 'decoration.'

Backend : ini
Integration : true
Profile : default
Adding plugins
Initializing core options...done
Initializing move options...done
Initializing resize options...done
Initializing place options...done

compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'decoration'

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Fedora :: Change Default Window Manager To "compiz-manager" Compiz Wrapper?

Nov 28, 2010

I spent *#@$ hours trying to figure out how to change my default window manager to "compiz-manger".I tried using gconf-editor and .gnomercAnybody has an idea how to do this?

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Ubuntu :: USB Modem 9.10 - Nothing Appears To Be Working

Feb 23, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu long ago, and I just loved it =), but I have been quite disappointed about the drivers support of some components, for example: I have a USB Modem ZTE MF622, my ISP is TMN. I have read about people that have configured it Ubuntu 9.04 and with another ISP, but when it comes to Ubuntu 9.10, nothing appears to be working.

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Ubuntu :: USB Drive Appears As Read-only

Mar 6, 2010

I have a Coby MP3 player which functions as a USB drive. It has always worked fine, both on Ubuntu Karmic and on the Windows (booted from another disk).

Now, in Ubuntu, it appears as read-only (but it works fine when I boot into Windows on the same machine). How can I deal with this? It's not a matter of my fstab, which I have never manually edited; the USB device is always auto-detected.

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Ubuntu :: USB Key Icon Appears Three Times?

May 12, 2010

Upon mounting my USB key the icon in the bottom right corner displays 3 times. I had this problem already with Karmic, and I hoped that with Lucid it will fix itself.

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Ubuntu :: Command Prompt Appears Instead Of Gui?

May 16, 2010

When i boot to ubuntu 10.04 lts. command prompt appears instead of gui interface is this a bug. I had made a new installation of ubuntu 10.04 lts 64 bit.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Appears Twice After Upgrade

May 21, 2011

I have ubuntu installed through wubi on me windows xp machine.

I updated to 11.o4.

However, on startup Ubuntu has two generic and two recovery logins now.

All of them work, but I like having just one of each.

Is one maybe a partitioned install now.

How do I check and how do I get rid of one.

I would keep the partitioned one. If that's what happened.

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Ubuntu :: Nothing Appears In Terminal When Type Into It?

Jul 9, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 and I've been running into a bizarre scenario. So when I open a terminal, I can type commands into it. Then I open a tab (by pressing Ctrl+Shift+T) and can type into it normally as well. But when I close the tab (going back to the original terminal), I suddenly can't type into that terminal -- no characters appear on its command line. It is not a severe issue since if I jump to another window (say Firefox), then come back to that terminal, I can suddenly type again. Also as far as I know this seems to be the only scenario to which this problem occurs. Has anyone ran into the same issue?

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Ubuntu :: Home Partition Appears To Be Full?

Mar 14, 2010

I mount /home on its own partition that it is 20GB wide.I used 8GB in /home/b. /home contains just /home/federico & /home/lost+found (which appears to be empty).Strangely the partition appears to be full. I kept deleting files (and deleting also the Trash) but after I while my partition was full again.I do not use a swap file on this partition.

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Ubuntu :: The File Extension .pdf Appears In The Filename?

Apr 2, 2010

How to make sure that when I save a pdf file, the file extension .pdf appears in the filename? Its a silly little thing, but annoying. The file browser recognises it afterward as a pdf file though, it opens with document viewer ok.

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Ubuntu :: Anyway To Stop Terminal Appears On Screen

Apr 4, 2010

Every time I log in, a terminal appears on my screen. Previously, I attempted to embed a terminal as part of the desktop but I have deleted all the scripts and packages used, yet the terminal still appears. It is not an embedded terminal, but it does not have the panel at the top. It appears as a window on the lower panel of my screen. Is there anyway to stop this from appearing, so I can then attempt to start over with embedding a terminal in the desktop?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Router Appears Down But Can Ping It

May 20, 2010

Every three or four weeks my router and cable modem will appear to go down. Not only can I not access the internet or web, but I can't even access the router and modem's admin pages ( and respectively). However, I can successfully ping (forgot to try pinging the modem ip).

Hard resetting both by unplugging them for about a minute or so and replugging them fixes the problem. This is what Roadrunner says to do any time connectivity is lost. This problem also used to occur on Windows as well, except that on Windows I could still browse to both the router and modem's admin websites and restart them remotely. On Ubuntu (both 9.10 and 10.04) I have to manually unplug them since I can't bring up the admin sites in a browser.

I'm not sure how to go about troubleshooting this issue, and why Linux seems to require a manual hard reset whereas it could be solved on Windows with a remote restart. I wouldn't have thought the OS would even have anything to do with that.

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Ubuntu :: Appears KDE 4.5 Not In Stable Update Channels?

Aug 16, 2010

I'm running a standard 10.04 install with Gnome, but wanted to try out KDE 4.5 since it just came out. Now I installed KDE through the normal software channels and this installed 4.4.5. The question is how do I now upgrade to 4.5 as it appears 4.5 isn't in the stable ubuntu update channels?

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Ubuntu :: Change The Name That Appears In The Upper Right Corner On The Top Bar

Sep 12, 2010

I wanted to know how can I change the name that appears in the upper right corner on the top bar. I set it up in the first install with my dad's name, but now I'm using the laptop so I want it to display my name. I managed to delete his profile and make a new one with my name, but the top bar still displays his name.

I want to change it from Guy (my dad) to Mike (yours truly)

I'm running Ubuntu 9.04.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 To 10.04 Upgrade Appears To Have Hung

Oct 31, 2010

I upgraded a machine this morning from 9.04 to 9.10 and it went off without a hitch. I then began another upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 and it appears to have hung. Everything worked fine up through getting new packages, but when installing the upgrades; it got to Unpacking replacement javascript-common ... it opened a terminal window and stopped. It still says about 20 minutes remaining but it's been saying that for about half an hour. Is there any way I can get it to resume? What do I do now?

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Ubuntu :: Unity Expose Appears To Be Not Working

Nov 3, 2010

I have a netbook with Ubuntu 10.10 with the netbook unity desktop. I have read that clicking the Ubuntu logo top left of the screen should open an 'expose' style switcher of all running applications. However when I click the logo it simply opens a menu screen with large icons labeled Web, Music, Photos & Videos, Games, Email & Chat, Office, Files & Folders and Get more Apps. See attached.

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Ubuntu :: Rsync Appears To Copy Unnecessarily?

Dec 6, 2010

I'm having to rebuild my home server following a failed upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 . All data lives in /shared on this server, the contents of which are mirrored weekly to a USB HDD which is mounted at /backup, using rsync:

sudo rsync -av --progress --delete /shared /backup

I recovered the contents of the backup drive to the rebuild server's /shared directory using the cp command with the archive flag set to preserve ownership, timestamps etc. Everything looks fine to me. However, when I do a test rsync (adding -n to the command above) then it looks like rsync wants to recopy everything, and I'm at a loss to see why. For example, below is a test on the subdirectory /shared/backgrounds. The file attributes look identical:


chris@quadra:~$ ls -la /shared/backgrounds
total 8112
drwxr-xr-x 2 chris chris 4096 2009-04-12 11:06 .


Is there some condition that rsync can detect that I can't see? Is rsync sensitive to the way the HDD is mounted? (the USB HDD is actually mounted at /media/backup, and /backup is a soft link to this.)

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Ubuntu :: A Gedit Window Appears On Startup?

Dec 13, 2010

ubuntu 10.10/wubi/asus 1201ni have installed screenlets via synaptics and added two screenlets to my desktop.i added screenlets to the autostart menu, pointing it to a folder inside my documents folder, where the launching icon of this software is located.since then, after reboot a gedit window appears on my desktop and says the following :

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]


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Ubuntu Installation :: Desktop Appears But Nothing Responds?

Jan 10, 2011

After making a new install of Maverick, it lets me login but then drops me on a desktop that is empty apart from the menu and taskbar. That's not a problem in itself, but nothing responds when I click it. The mouse pointer moves, but I can't click anything. Before logging in, I can click stuff on the login screen, so the mouse as such works.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox - When Click On The Tab That Appears - It Just Closes

Feb 1, 2011

While using my laptop, (touchpad) if I click on a link in a web page, sometimes it will open in a new tab, other times it will not. I would prefer it to never open in a new tab unless I ask it to. BUT, the really annoying thing is that when I click on the tab that appears, it just closes. I think this is a bug because sometimes the tab says something about java with some strange characters mixed with it.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Menu Only Appears When USB Is Plugged In?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm having an issue where, after having just installed Xubuntu, the GRUB menu fails to appear when the USB stick I used to install it is not plugged in. Without it, pressing ESC brings me to the Windows 7 (OS dual-booting with) special menu.Is this standard behavior?Is the default timeout zero? Can I adjust GRUB to display for a long enough time to make a decision?

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