Ubuntu :: Rsync Appears To Copy Unnecessarily?

Dec 6, 2010

I'm having to rebuild my home server following a failed upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 . All data lives in /shared on this server, the contents of which are mirrored weekly to a USB HDD which is mounted at /backup, using rsync:

sudo rsync -av --progress --delete /shared /backup

I recovered the contents of the backup drive to the rebuild server's /shared directory using the cp command with the archive flag set to preserve ownership, timestamps etc. Everything looks fine to me. However, when I do a test rsync (adding -n to the command above) then it looks like rsync wants to recopy everything, and I'm at a loss to see why. For example, below is a test on the subdirectory /shared/backgrounds. The file attributes look identical:


chris@quadra:~$ ls -la /shared/backgrounds
total 8112
drwxr-xr-x 2 chris chris 4096 2009-04-12 11:06 .


Is there some condition that rsync can detect that I can't see? Is rsync sensitive to the way the HDD is mounted? (the USB HDD is actually mounted at /media/backup, and /backup is a soft link to this.)

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Ubuntu :: Copy Over Network (rsync,scp) Slows Down System

May 27, 2010

I have a newly installed Dell Optiplex 755 with Ubuntu 10.04 (64-bit) and I am having serious issues with network copying. Whenever I start rsync och scp with larger amounts of data my system becomes practically unresponsive (all types of apps grey out) until those processes are completed. Cpu stays at below 10% and I have lots of free memory and such .

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Ubuntu :: Partition The New Drive & Just Copy The Contents Using Rsync?

Jan 26, 2011

I just installed a new HD on my system with multiple HD's already. I have a drive with two versions of Ubuntu & would like to copy the complete drive to the new drive along with all the contents & partitions of the Ubuntu drive.

1 - Could I partition the new drive & just copy the contents using rsync?

2 -If I copy all the contents over could I just reinstall Grub & edit fstab & be good to go?

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Ubuntu :: Rsync Copy Results In Incomplete File

May 26, 2011

Using Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS. I'm new to Ubuntu and testing Rsync. I successfully copied 3TB of data from a Win7 machine to an MDADM Raid5 array. All appears to be fine. Used a Win app for the copy. I then deleted a 250GB folder on the Raid5 array and recopied the data using Rsync. Rsync was executed via a Putty session on a WinXP machine. The source was an eSata attached drive (same drive used for the big 3TB copy) and the destination was the same Raid5 array. That copied just fine. I bit verified it with a Win7 app. Perfect.

I then used the following Rsync script to copy a single 26GB file from that same eSata drive back to (what I intended to be) the Raid5 array:
neil@ANTECUBSV:/mnt$ rsync -r -a -v -e ssh --delete /mnt/disk1/Test/ /mnt/Test
sending incremental file list
created directory /mnt/Test
./ C_VOL-S300-b001.spf
sent 3020267622 bytes received 34 bytes 50760800.94 bytes/sec
total size is 3019898880 speedup is 1.00
neil@ANTECUBSV:/mnt$ cd raid

Note that only about 3GB copied. No error messages were posted to the putty session. I made a mistake in the Rsync command, creating the Test folder directly in the mount folder rather than the Raid array, as I intended. That is a little strange, yes, but I would not think it would cause a partial copy? The /mnt folder is on my system drive, which had about 34GB available space before the copy, so comfortably would have had 6GB or so after.
The eSata disk is mounted as /mnt/disk1
The Raid5 array is mounted as /mnt/raid

I then recopied the file to the correct intended destination on the Raid5 array, which has about 400GB free space (plenty).
neil@ANTECUBSV:/mnt/raid$ rsync -r -a -v -e ssh --delete /mnt/disk1/Test/ /mnt/raid/Test
sending incremental file list
deleting 2010-07-05 Backyard Birds/Thumbs.db
deleting 2010-07-05 Backyard Birds/
sent 11105775462 bytes received 34 bytes 50366328.78 bytes/sec
total size is 11104419840 speedup is 1.00
neil@ANTECUBSV:/mnt/raid$ df -h

Note that only about 11GB was copied, and this was confirmed with an ls -l command. Now I am correctly copying the file to the Raid array but it is still incomplete. I then copied the file back to the /mnt folder to see if the problem reproduces:
neil@ANTECUBSV:/mnt/raid$ rsync -r -a -v -e ssh --delete /mnt/disk1/Test/ /mnt/Test
sending incremental file list
created directory /mnt/Test
sent 26327927554 bytes received 34 bytes 56558383.65 bytes/sec
total size is 26324713984 speedup is 1.00
neil@ANTECUBSV:/mnt/raid$ cd /mnt/test

This time I got my full 26GB file. Why I might be getting inconsistent results? This is quite troubling of course. I'd also be interested in basic a command line Linux diff app (that does file directory as well as bit level checking) if one is available.

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Ubuntu :: Use Rsync To Copy ONLY Home Directory And No Files?

Jun 1, 2011

How can I use rsync to copy ONLY the my home folder (and nothing inside of it, just the folder name) to another machine. I've tried things like


rsync -av /path/to/src /path/to/dest/



rsync -av -f"+ */" -f"- *" /path/to/src /path/to/dest/

This last option recursively (through the -a switch) copies only folders, including all subfolders. If I try


rsync -v -f"+ */" -f"- *" /path/to/src /path/to/dest/

nothing is copied (not even my home folder.

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CentOS 5 :: Find And Rsync For Remote Copy?

Jan 14, 2011

This command would copy the files to the local directory,find /mnt/nas -type f -ctime 1 -iname '*.avi' -exec rsync -av {} /mnt/Mythbuntu

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General :: Rsync To Copy Directory Tree From NAS Drive ?

Apr 10, 2010

I have a WD world book edition 1TB NAS drive, and just purchased an acomdata 1tb drive and connected it to the NAS via USB. If I recall I think the WD NAS has a ext_ or some type of linux filesystem on it, and the acomdata has a ntfs filesystem on it.

What I want to do is copy over certain directory trees of the NAS to the USB attached drive. I usually use MS synctoy to sync folders from my windows pc to the NAS drive, and MS richcopy to make the initial transfer from PC to NAS. For this operation though, since it is taking place entirely on the NAS and its connected drive, I thought that rsync would be the best option, and it is available on my NAS drive.

Last night I entered in rsync -avr /movies/* /usb1-1share1/ to copy the entire "movies" dir to the drive, which shows up as usb1-1share1 on the NAS drive. It copied most of the directory tree ok, but a lot of the folders were empty, so this morning I tried rsync -Carv --ignore-existing /movies/* /usb1-1share1/ to try and get all the files missed, without recopying the 24GB that did make it across. This also managed to copy a few more GB over, but not everything.

I am running the command from an ssh session on the NAS using putty on my PC, in as user "admin" which should have all rights over these folders. There is a bunch of errors in the command window like this: rsync: failed to set times on "/shares/usb1-1share1/movies/classics/fulldvd/First Blood DVD/.VTS_01_2.VOB.RxdjWZ": Operation not permitted (1)

I want to restart another session and get the files it missed, but I want to find out what I am doing wrong first. Should I be doing this as root user? am I missing some switches or just plain doing it all wrong?

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General :: Files Seem To Take Up More Space In Destination After Rsync Copy?

Feb 9, 2010

I have recently purchased an external hard drive in order to backup my home partition. In my PC I have a "1.5T" drive with several partitions on it, containing OSes and the home partition. The home partition is 1.3T according to df, the external drive contains one partition that spans the entire disk,df reports it as 1.4T in size. Both partitions are ext3. When I use rsync to copy files from the home partition to the external partition, the external disk becomes full, despite the destination - supposedly - being larger than the source. I don't understand why copying files from one partition to a slightly bigger partition should need more space than on the source partition. Does anyone know what is happening ?

Details : I created the partition on the external drive with gparted; gparted reported it the already have several gigabytes in used space immediately after the partitions creation - I thought at the time that this must be normal. The home partition contains many files of all sorts, including lots of big audio and video files. If you are wondering, for all my important files this external disk is only secondary backup, as they are also backed up to the "internet".

These are the mount points :

/mnt/tmp/ : home partition, /dev/sdb6
/mnt/external/ : external partition, /dev/sdc1

I used rsync to copy the files, I know there are more efficient ways to do this, but I wanted to use the same command that I will subsequently run to sync the backup.

rsync -av --progress --stats --recursive --perms --links --delete /mnt/tmp/ /mnt/external/

Next I tried adding the --sparse switch, as I was wondering if the problem may come form sparse files. I don't know however if rsync would go back and shrink the sparse file by just adding the switch and executing the command. I also added --one-file-system, for good measure. Here is what I ran next :

rsync -av --progress --stats --sparse --one-file-system --recursive --perms --links --delete /mnt/tmp/ /mnt/external/

I tried an fsck on the home partition :

fsck -f /dev/sdb6

This is the output from the last rsync :

rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 4 bytes to socket [sender]: Broken pipe (32)
rsync: write failed on "abcd.avi": No space left on device (28)
rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at receiver.c(302) [receiver=3.0.6]


Looking at the destination after a partial copy seems to indicate that the problem is not symbolic links being "expanded". I have not checked the source filesystem for sparse files, nor the destination to see if these files could be larger there, as this does not seem trivial.

Here is some additional info :

$ df /mnt/tmp/
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb6 1415342836 1414173740 369096 100% /mnt/tmp


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Software :: Rsync Can't Copy Certain Files With Unusual Characters While Cp Can

Aug 20, 2010

On my Ubuntu box, I have a mounted windows share connected via gvfs called graphics. I want to backup everything on a nightly basis from graphics to backupserver/graphics . If I use rsync, it will not copy files that have parent directories with funky characters in them (but the directories themselves will be copied!). Everything else gets rysnced just fine.

...when rsynced over to ...

gives the error:

rsync: mkstemp "/home/administrator/.gvfs/drobo on x.x.x.x/linux_backups/graphics/test/ macdir/.picture.psd" failed: Operation not supported (95)

The directory macdir gets created but there is nothing in there. This happens for all files underneath dirs with funky names. cp -Rf works perfectly! Directory and child files all get copied over no matter how strange the characters get in the directory names.

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Programming :: Using Rsync To Copy Only Certain Folders Within A Directory Structure?

Jun 15, 2011

I am trying to create a simple bash script to rsync some folders within a directory stucture. I am using wild cards, in the rsync source directory structure, but my command always fails. I believe it is the way I am using wild cards within my for loop. Here is my command ;


for seq in `cat test.txt` ; do rsync -nvP /folder/folder/folder/folder/folder/**/$seq /folder/folder/folder/ ; done This always fails, where if I do a ls to the destination, to test the path, it always works.

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Slackware :: Using Rsync To Keep Local Copy Of Stable Tree Up To Date

May 14, 2011

when I installed 13.37 I created a local copy of the entire stable tree (source/ and all the rest) just to have all that stuff around to browse offline.

Now, to instruct myself, I'm trying to use rsync to keep this stuff up to date. But I seem either to have misread the rsync man page or ... well, I don't know. I am issuing the following command and getting the results seen below:


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Programming :: Shell Script To Copy Newly Changed Files With Rsync?

Apr 20, 2010

I've got quite a decent rsync script setup, however I'd like to invoke it whenever there's change to a file. My initial idea was to use find, however this has two major flaws - the first being my particular unix veriant cant understand -print0 which means this doesn't work, the second is that I'm not 100% sure how to put variables into quotation marks so ls can understand the target:


for i in `find /shares/ -mtime -1 -print`; do ls -ltr $i;done

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Ubuntu :: When Turn On The Computer, The GRUB Menu Appears, Press Enter, Then A Little Flashing Underscore Appears On The Screen?

Dec 21, 2010

I recently removed Winblows Vista from my laptop and replaced it with Kubuntu 10.10 (I left the recovery partition on there, just in case). When I turn on the computer, the GRUB menu appears, I press enter, then a little flashing underscore appears on the screen in the top left hand corner. After a few seconds, the Kubuntu logo appears and I can log in.But yesterday I replace Kubuntu with Ubuntu 10.10. The Boot process is the same, but the little flashing underscore in the top left hand corner flashes for about 10 seconds longer then Kubuntu 10.10 did, and then a few paragraphs of text appears for a few seconds, then I am logged in automatically.Is this "unusual" boot process anything to worry about, or am I just being a noob.

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General :: Run Rsync On Server A To Copy All Files From Server B When They Are Newer Than 7 Days

Jun 14, 2011

I want to run rsync on server A to copy all files from Server B when they are newer than 7 days.(find . -mtime -7) I don't want to delete the files on Server B.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Advanced Rsync - Make The Rsync Set Or Keep The User And Group Affiliations?

Nov 17, 2010

Thought I'd post it here because it's more server related than desktop... I have a script that does:


This is used to sync my local development snapshot with the live web server. There has to be a more compact way of doing this? Can I combine some of the rsyncs? Can I make the rsync set or keep the user and group affiliations? Can I exclude .* yet include .htaccess?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Rsync Gmail / Run Rsync --recursive --times --perms --links --delete?

Jan 7, 2011

When I run rsync --recursive --times --perms --links --delete --exclude-from='Documents/exclude.txt' ./ /media/myusb/

where Documents/exclude.txt is

- /Downloads/
- /Desktop/books/

the files in those directories are still copied onto my USB.


I used fetchmail to download all my gmail emails. When I run rsync -ar --exclude-from='/home/xtheunknown0/Documents/exclude.txt' ./ /media/myusb/ I get the first image at url.

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Server :: Rsync Execution - With Crontab - Have Given Full Path To Rsync Too

Apr 12, 2011

I have a tiny shell script to rsync files between two servers and remove the source files.

This script works fine, when it has been initiated manually or even when the rsync command is executed on the command line.

But the same script doesn't work, when I try to automate it through crontab.

I am using 'abc' user to execute this rsync, instead of root, as root login to servers are restricted in all of our servers, by us.

As I mentioned earlier, manual execution works like charm!

When this rsync.sh is initiated through crontab, it runs the first command(chown abc.abc ...) perfectly without any issues. But the second line is not at all executed, and there is no log entry i can find at /mnt/xyz/folder/rsync.log.

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Software :: Run Rsync To Download Files From A Server Without Rsync Daemon?

Sep 18, 2009

I just tried to sync files from one server to another. After the sync process, I found the files are bigger than original ones.

I looked up the web and found someone mentions the rsync daemon. So I have to run the daemon on one server before I run the rsync?

The command I used is rsync --partial --progress -r source destination

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Server :: Rsync Can Not Rsync Files With Include Filter

Jul 21, 2010

use rsync to cp such files and dirs under /var/www/html/mydir directory but these two files(/dir4/1.html /dir4/2.html) cant rsync to dest mechine.

rsync configure file,below...

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Server :: Rsync Fails In Cron - Ssh Key - For Rsync?

Dec 8, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server and Postgresql 8.4. I have a .sh script that is run by cron every other hour. That works fine. The .sh script includes an rsync command that copies a postgresql dump .tar file to a remote archive location via ssh. That fails when run by cron; I think because it is (quietly) asking for the remote user's password (and not getting it). I set up the public/private ssh key arrangement. The script succeeds when run manually as the same user that the cron job uses, and does not ask for the password. I am able to ssh to the remote server from the source server (using the same username) and not get the password prompt (both directions), so why doesn't rsync work? I even put a .pgpass file in the root of that user's directory with that user's password, and the user/password are identical on both servers.

I think the problem is rsync is not able to use the ssh key correctly. I tried adding this to my script but it didn't help.


Here is the rsync command embedding in the .sh script.


Here is the cron entry:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Copy Files From XP Infact Folders Using TERMINAL In Netbook, Not Copy And Paste Using Mouse?

Jul 9, 2010

just installed ubuntu couple of days back on my netbook. I am still a beginner, enjoying my adventure exploring ubuntu. I have another desktop which runs on XP. I am able to access XP shared folders through my netbook(linux). However, i wanted to copy files from XP infact folders using TERMINAL in my netbook, not copy and paste using my mouse. Are there any commands for it?

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General :: Copy A Read-Only File And Make The Copy Writable With A Single Cp Command?

Mar 1, 2011

How to copy a Read-Only file in Linux and make the copy writable with a single cp command in Linux (Ubuntu 10.04)? The --no-preserve and --preserve seemed to be good candidates, except that they should "and" the mode flags, while what I am looking for is something that will "or" them (add +w mode).

More details: I have to import a repository from GIT to Perforce. I want that all Perforce depot files are Read-Only (that is how Perforce was designed), while all other files that were derived/copied from depot files are writable. Currently if a Makefile tries to copy a Read-Only file then the derived file will also be Read-only. This leads to build-errors when cp tries to overwrite Read-Only file second time. Of course the --force is a workaround here but then the derived file is also Read-Only. Also I do not want to mess with "chmod" after each "cp" command - I will do that only as the last resort.

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Fedora :: Disk Copy Utility - Should Be Able To Not Only Copy Files But Boot Sector And Everything

Sep 1, 2010

I have a 160GB harddrive which I installed a F12, would like to upgrade to a bigger drive, but I hate to have to re-install everything.

Recommend a good disk copy utility? The utility should be able to not only copy files, but boot sector and everything. So I just need to make a copy, change my BIOS to boot from the new drive and run everything as before.

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Debian :: Copy Anything It Says Enough Space Memory To Copy?

Jul 5, 2010

I am using windows xp and debian linux.In windows xp I am having around 25 gb offree memory but in linux if i copy anything it says enough space memory to copy

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Ubuntu :: USB Modem 9.10 - Nothing Appears To Be Working

Feb 23, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu long ago, and I just loved it =), but I have been quite disappointed about the drivers support of some components, for example: I have a USB Modem ZTE MF622, my ISP is TMN. I have read about people that have configured it Ubuntu 9.04 and with another ISP, but when it comes to Ubuntu 9.10, nothing appears to be working.

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Ubuntu :: USB Drive Appears As Read-only

Mar 6, 2010

I have a Coby MP3 player which functions as a USB drive. It has always worked fine, both on Ubuntu Karmic and on the Windows (booted from another disk).

Now, in Ubuntu, it appears as read-only (but it works fine when I boot into Windows on the same machine). How can I deal with this? It's not a matter of my fstab, which I have never manually edited; the USB device is always auto-detected.

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Ubuntu :: USB Key Icon Appears Three Times?

May 12, 2010

Upon mounting my USB key the icon in the bottom right corner displays 3 times. I had this problem already with Karmic, and I hoped that with Lucid it will fix itself.

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Ubuntu :: Command Prompt Appears Instead Of Gui?

May 16, 2010

When i boot to ubuntu 10.04 lts. command prompt appears instead of gui interface is this a bug. I had made a new installation of ubuntu 10.04 lts 64 bit.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Appears Twice After Upgrade

May 21, 2011

I have ubuntu installed through wubi on me windows xp machine.

I updated to 11.o4.

However, on startup Ubuntu has two generic and two recovery logins now.

All of them work, but I like having just one of each.

Is one maybe a partitioned install now.

How do I check and how do I get rid of one.

I would keep the partitioned one. If that's what happened.

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Ubuntu :: Nothing Appears After Compiz Uninstall?

Jun 1, 2011

I have unstalled (part of) copiz and now my desktop is completed empty, no icon whatsoever. I can I restore to my old seetings. I have tried compiz --replace and got the following message:compiz (core) - Fatal: Couldn't open display

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