Ubuntu :: Graphics Glitch - System Moniter Doesn't Display

Apr 22, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10. When I open my system monitor I get a fuzzy box full of jumbled patterns and colors. Also internet and music notifications in the upper right hand portion of the screen appear in the same way. I am attaching a screenshot of the problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: UNR Graphics Glitch - No Desktop Environment

Oct 12, 2010

I upgraded the UNR from 10.04 (which worked ok) to 10.10. Now, if I log in with the UNR session I get a weird graphics glitch (see attached screenshots). The panels are transparent and all the icons are invisible, though drop-menus seem to work (see: Unity02.jpg). Also, the side panel is transparent and does not display any icons (see: Unity01.jpg)

My system: MSI s420 laptop
video: radeon xpress 200M
cpu: dualcore intel of some sort
ram: 2 GB

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Graphics Glitch On 9.10 With Older Laptop

Jul 1, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu Karmic Koala onto my old IBM Thinkpad (I THINK it's an X23 model, but don't quote me on it). The only reason I went with the older, obsolete version is, honestly, it's the only one that will run on it. That said, I love it and see no reason to go back to Lose-dows full time (I'll still get a Windows machine in order to learn the inner workings of it... thinking of going back to school for a tech job, so the knowledge will do me good).When I bring up various windows (most disturbingly, my system monitor), I get a bizarre glitch. It's hard to describe, so I'll give a screencap.

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Ubuntu :: Radeon / System Monitor Visual Glitch?

Feb 13, 2010

While pretty, in a plaid way, my System Monitor screen is less than helpful. This started after I upgraded to 9.10 and applied more recent updates. From what I've read, the glitch is Radeon based. I have a Radeon 7000 card which itself has 32mb of ram, but I told my computer a couple years ago to think it had 128. I've tried the suggested short term fix in the linked thread (change the driver in /etc/X11/xorg.con to "vesa") but it didn't work.

I have two related requests: What can I try to solve the System Monitor glitch? How do I reset my settings back to knowing my video card's real capacity?

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Fedora :: Screensaver Doesn't Kick In Or Display Doesn't Suspend/sleep?

Jul 25, 2009

Anyone noticing intermittent problems with the screensaver not kicking in or the display not sleeping? This is in gnome under F11.I have the Power Management Preferences set to put the display to sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity and gnome screensaver is configured for 5 minutes idle time.On a regular basis, I'll leave my computer come back anda) the screensaver hasn't kicked inorb) the screensaver kicked in, but the power management features didn't kick in to put the display to sleep.It seems to be an intermittent problem and usually it goes away after I restart X, but then at some point it comes back. In the past, I've gotten in the habit of being logged in for weeks/months at a time but I find that I can't go more than a few hours without logging out and back in or else the screen won't go to sleep.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid 10.04 - Bad Video Graphics Display

May 17, 2010

I just installed 10.04 Lucid Lynx and have a serious graphics problem. I've attached a picture to show the problem.
Some Background:
Pentium 4 3.06GHz
ATI Radeon 9600

I installed via liveUSB but had to choose the "nomodeset" option by pressing F6. Otherwise after the Ubuntu boot screen the graphics went like that in the attached image. The installation went fine (took less than 15 minutes!) but after the reboot the graphics problem returned. I can't see anything and the system is useless this way. I can't post up any logs (I'm typing this from the liveUSB).

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Fedora :: How To Add Systrm Moniter To Top Bar

Jun 26, 2011

I just dumped Ubuntu to try F-15. Was using natty for acouple of weeks, was installed on new comp. I found videos a little choppy so going to see how this works out.My question is how can I add the systrm moniter to the top bar. I was able to do this on natty using tips on tweaks and fixes.That took me a while to type the commands correctly so hoping to get commands for dummies version.Also is it possible to get CPU temp readings as well?

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Fedora :: Display Graphics From Service?

May 28, 2010

I have a service running as root. This service doesn't have a main graphical screen, but if there is an error it has a pop up box that lets the user know. Of course the user wouldn't be logged into root so how do I get the graphics to show up on a different users desktop?

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Fedora :: Moniter The Ink Levels In Printer?

Jul 10, 2009

I'm new to Fedora and must say I love it. Previous Debian and Arch user but feel at home now. I'm after a difinitive answer for this issue as I can't seem to find what I need anywhere. I'm running Fedora 11 kde 4.2.4 with an Epson Photo Stylus RX425 printer / scanner combo connected via usb. Is there any way to moniter the ink levels in this printer? I'm tearing my hair out.

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General :: Moniter Out Of Range Error / Fix This?

Jul 30, 2010

I just installed Debian lenny 5.0.5 and when i start it up the monitor just displays a 'out of range' error. im using a Radeon HD 5570 graphics card and a lG W2353V-PF monitor.

what do i have to do to fix this problem?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 64bit Low Graphics Mode Cannot Get Display To Work

Aug 19, 2010

I had some crackling sound I thought I would remove some ALSA drivers and re-install them. Somehow, in the process, my computer rebooted itself and I am stuck with the classic "ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode".

Attempting to actually get graphics does not work. A CTRL-ALT-F7 yeilds the ubuntu loading screen with dots filling but it stays there eternally. I can however access my console login and am able to execute terminal commands.

I have tried a few things to no avail such as:

sudo apt-get update
sudp apt-get install nvidia-current

I run a Nvidia Geforce250.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Hooked Up LCD TV As Moniter And Now Video Quality Sucks

Feb 4, 2010

I hooked up my laptop via monitor cable to the L.C.D. T.V. and ran a patch I found on Ubuntu forums because it wasn't showing up on the T.V. After that it asked me what screen resolution I wanted I entered it and then the screen worked! However, now when I play movies on either the T.V as a monitor or just on the laptop itself it comes out with bad video quality now. It sucks because that was the purpose of hooking up my T.V. as the monitor was to watch movies and videos I have downloaded.

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Fedora :: System-config-display Just Ruined Display?

Jun 29, 2010

I did not have any /etc/X11/xorg.conf, so I read on these forums that system-config-display would create one for me. I ran system-config-display and it created an xorg.conf. But now my display is all messed up!! So, I deleted the xorg.conf and nothing changed. Why on earth would the display still be messed up if I deleted the file that was causing it?? Does system-config-display change somethign else?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Display A Full Screen With An Nvidia Integrated Graphics Controller

Nov 5, 2010

I have recently upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10. However the bottom of the screen is cut off with only a trace of it visible. I had similar problems with version 10.04 where both and top and bottom of the screen were not displayed.

I have noticed that version 10.10 does not use the proprietry driver the previous versions used.

In desparation I have tried Kubuntu but the results are still much the same.

Does anyone have any idea how I can display a full screen with an Nvidia integrated graphics controller.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unclaimed Display Controller 82852/855 GM Integrated Graphics Device?

Jul 9, 2011

I really wanna use the OS. I wiped my laptop and installed it but I can't change my screen resolution (it's stuck at 1024 X 768 and my refresh rate is at 0 HZ) I tried installing a driver that was for both the i9xx and i8xx chipset family but it doesn't look like it helped anything. I want to be able to play World of Warcraft Wrath of The Lich King but when I try it the way the computer is now the the frame rate is really really slow. I also need to fix my audio because there's crackling that comes from the speakers often. I attached a screen shot of what I get when I enter the command: sudo lshw -c video Changing the resolution isn't the problem so much as the fact that I can't change the refresh rate from "0 HZ" to anything higher so that my game will play smoothly. I would also like to put compiz fushion on my laptop as well but I don't believe it will work unless I resolve this problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Graphics - (login?) Screen Just Shows Rolling Display Like An Out-of-tune Analogue TV

Jul 2, 2010

I tried installing 10.04 via Wubi on a friend's notebook and have hit problems with the display. The installation seemed to proceed OK (took ages to download / install - left it running overnight) until it came to boot to Ubuntu. The GRUB menu appears OK, but choosing Ubuntu leads to a blank screen with some icons at the bottom, which is displayed for a few seconds, then the (login?) screen just shows rolling display, like an out-of-tune analogue TV. I suspect that I need a graphics driver or something? The notebook is a logiQ notebook, with 128MB SiS Mirage-3 graphics.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Intel 865G X Graphics Card Will Not Display 1600X900

Mar 17, 2010

I have a Dell Dimension 3000 with an integrated Intel 865g graphics card that I am trying to use in X on Centos 5.4 i386. The "810" driver (what Centos configures by default) works, but will not display at 1600x900. Strangely enough, it will actually work at higher resolutions such as 1600x1200, but 1600x900 fails, even with 915resolution and 855resolution. The "intel" xorg driver (included with Centos) locks up the entire machine when starting X, so thats a no go as well.

The "fbdev" driver works but, once again, won't display 1600x900, because that resolution doesn't work properly with the version of the intelfb kernel module that Centos bundles. Fedora Core 12 works perfectly fine at 1600x900 on the machine. I think that if I could get a newer xorg installation (or perhaps just a driver) going under Centos, it might fix the problem. I couldn't find any 3rd party repos containing such packages. I'd really rather run Centos on the machine, due to the package stability (yes, I see the irony here).

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General :: Dell 1905fp Moniter Settings For XFdrake Pclinuxos 2010 AMD 64?

Jun 29, 2011

i am having trouble configuring XFdrake with my dell 1905fp moniter,or is there a problem with pclinuxos 2010. it started by about a month ago and it wouldnt boot. after reading on the net i ran fsck and everything ran ok. i have the same problem again. i ran fsck again, but this time it didnt work. i found out about XFdrake and ran it, again same command line screen. it is a configuration error, or is there another problem. is there any way of setting a fail safe or what would be the recomended action to take.if the pclinuxos 2010 has to be re-installed its not really a problem.

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Ubuntu :: Using Safe Graphics Mode It Doesn't Work?

May 29, 2011

This is the crap I get when I try to use Google Earth (see attachment please). I've tried using safe graphics mode-- it doesn't work. When I installed it it says it was not a trusted package and now that it's installed, I cant find it in Synaptic Package Manager nor Ubuntu Software Center. I originally downloaded it as a deb from google.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 8.04 Vs 9.10 - ATI Radeon 9000 Graphics Card Doesn't Recognize

Jan 20, 2010

I have an ATI Radeon 9000 Graphics card that Ubuntu 9.10 doesn't seem to recognize no matter what I do. Knowing that its an older card and that ATI stopped support for it a while ago, I was wondering if anyone knows if I would have better luck on Ubuntu 8.04. I can't get 3d or opengl to work, or install the correct ATI Driver.

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Hardware :: Karmic Doesn't Recognize Graphics Card

Dec 5, 2009

I have recently installed Karmic to a portable hard drive (WD elements 500gb) so that when it is plugged in the grub can boot and i can go into ubuntu 9.10 and when it is out windows 7/vista dual boot screen shows. When in ubuntu, there is no driver for my 'NVIDIA GeForce 9200M GS' graphics card available so i am stuck with the no effects mode and the games are poor.

Previously i had this same setup (but with jaunty) and the graphics card worked well, i could have all the wobbly window effects etc, but now i can't have anything.How could i get a driver for this?BTW, it is running through USB 2.0, although it is very fast.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Display Doesn't Work?

May 22, 2011

Not sure how to explain it.. if I line up my screen perfectly with the light it absorbs just about enough light to make out the outline of the login screen.. seems like the pixels are setting the right colors but the light in the screen isn't turning on if that is possible. If I enter the GRUB menu and load 2.6.35-28-generic it works fine.. the latest doesn't though... so the question.

1) How do I fix this for the latest version?

- or -

2) How do I auto-load the 2.6.35-28-generic version permanently?

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Fedora :: 13: Nouveau & Dual Head - Doesn't Get A Signal From Graphics Controller

May 26, 2010

I've got a "little" problem with fedora 13: dual head with nouveau is not working. gnome-display-properties recognizes two displays and i can configure it (left, right, mirroring, ...) but first display is always in standby. Seems it doesn't get a signal from graphics controller. Desktop seems to work fine (can move the mouse pointer on the other screen into "the black hole"). I use Fedora 13 x86_64.


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Ubuntu :: Display Doesn't Load After A Restart?

May 25, 2010

I have a huge problem I can't move with. I bought an Asus N61JV laptop and put Ubuntu on it. There was a proprietry software (graphic card booster from nvidia) that asked me to restart the laptop afterwards. I did so, however, the laptop won't boot at all not. It doesn't respond to anyhing, I only hear it working. All I can do is turn it on and off. I'm getting desperate, I've had it for like 2 hours! Please help me, I'm almost crying. I'm not an experienced UNIX user and I totally don't know what to do. It boots until the point where I see Ubuntu writen and then the display like turns off. I can't even put windows there, it dosn't react to f9 or anyhing.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Doesn't Display A Login Box?

Jun 14, 2010

When I booted my computer this morning (lucid lynx 10.04, 2.6.32-21) I found that it showed me a login box, much like normal, but that the text field where I type my username was about a pixel high and disabled. So I couldn't type my username, or password, and had to resort to a tty and links to get here and ask someone for help. I can't find anything on google that looks like people having the same issue and frankly I'm not even sure what is wrong.

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Ubuntu :: Shotwell Doesn't Display All Pictures?

Feb 7, 2011

I've imported my pictures into Shotwell, but not all of them are showing up. For instance, I have an event (White Water Rafting) where 25 of the 48 pictures got imported correctly. The rest of them were placed in this 2008/12/28 folder and this folder is not visible in Shotwell so I cannot move them into the album.

I can manually move the pictures to their proper dates, but how do I add them to the database? One caveat, the pictures are stored in an accessible /home/SHARE/Pictures/Photo directory so my wife and I can both import into the same place and have access (while the kids have read-only access). I placed the .shotwell directory with all of the database information in /home/SHARE/Pictures/.Shotwell and linked our local .shotwell directory in our home folders to this shared location version.

I am wondering if there is a way to:Force the inclusion of these pictures that are not showing up? Force the database to re-create the thumbnails/scan for particular dates or should I remove (rename) the database, move the files to where they should be and re-import the entire structure (minus the "copy to ... " option)

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Fedora :: Graphics In The Program Maple Doesn't Work Properly With The Default Drivers

Nov 1, 2009

I had originally followed the advice at Mauriat Miranda's Fedora Nvidia Driver Install Guide [URL] for installing nvidia's display driver on my HP Pavilion system 64 bit running Fedora 11. I had used his first method which just installs the relevant kernel module kmod-nvidia from RPMFusion. He also suggested an alternate method: obtaining Nvidia's installer NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-185.18.36-pkg2.run and using that. I downloaded it from Nvidia, but I didn't run it.

I recently lost X. This had happened previously after a kernel upgrade, and I just used grub to boot an earlier kernel to recover X, and then installed the upgraded kernel module to fix the problem. But this time, being deeply involved in something else, I panicked slightly, and, using dumb terminal mode I ran the Nvidia installer. It asked me to make various choices and in response to my answers, it decided to compile a new kernel module. This recovered X, but I then compounded things by installing the updated kmod-nvidia.

I realized afterwards that using both methods might create some conflicts, but X seemed to run properly. (I can tell because graphics in the program Maple doesn't work properly with the default drivers provided by Fedora 11.) Since then, when I restart nvidia, I get.


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Ubuntu :: System Running In Low Graphics Mode / Fix This?

Jun 20, 2010

(Consider yourselves forewarned: I'm completely new and will be incredibly stupid. Give me slack. )

So I'm trying to run my S-Video cord from my HP Desktop to my television screen. Everything was set up, then I looked up how to get it to start playing on forums here. I went to my NVIDIA, and when I went to change what apparently had to be changed, it was already set up in the format I was supposed to set it up as. I hit "save", and then restarted my computer, as the step-by-step instructions said. Upon restarting, I got an interesting message saying that Ubuntu had to be run in low graphics mode. I don't know the logistics of my computer, or really anything (it was given to me, and I don't know how to check ) I've been reading some things here, and a few things sounded like what was wrong with me, but when I followed the directions, it got me no where. I'm coming to you to prevent me from chucking this thing out my window .

So, what I'm asking from you:

1)How do I get out of Low Graphic Mode
2)How do I set up my NVIDIA to play to my TV?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Kubuntu Doesn't Display Properly / What To Do?

Feb 26, 2011

I have an Apple iBook (ancient I know) and whenever I boot from the Live CD (Kubuntu 10.10) it boots up in 800x600 (as far as I can tell that's what it is). This would be a problem however it simplely leaves a huge black column on the right side and has a partially duplicated desktop below it.
When I go to display settings it won't let me change to a higher resolution (1024x768 is what the iBook natively runs at).
This is an iBook G3.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Display Doesn't Wake Up After Suspension

May 14, 2011

I upgraded from 10.11 to 11.4 and as far as I can see most things work as they did before. However, I have my machine to "go to sleep" (is that suspension or hibernation?) after 2 hours and when I, now after the upgrade, press the "wake up button" the machine fires up but the screen remains down. Ie, the screen is actually not receiving any signals from the computer? Any setting I can change? It worked fine with 10.11!

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