Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 64bit Low Graphics Mode Cannot Get Display To Work

Aug 19, 2010

I had some crackling sound I thought I would remove some ALSA drivers and re-install them. Somehow, in the process, my computer rebooted itself and I am stuck with the classic "ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode".

Attempting to actually get graphics does not work. A CTRL-ALT-F7 yeilds the ubuntu loading screen with dots filling but it stays there eternally. I can however access my console login and am able to execute terminal commands.

I have tried a few things to no avail such as:

sudo apt-get update
sudp apt-get install nvidia-current

I run a Nvidia Geforce250.

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Ubuntu Installation :: NVIDIA Graphics Driver - Graphics Mode Option Via The Start (GRUB)?

Jan 26, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu (9.10) and noted that in order to successfully run the trial off the CD I had to test in "safe graphics" mode. I have an NVIDIA GEforce 6600 GT card - which was discovered by Ubuntu in the first few minutes of the trial and so I activated the recommended driver and continued to test. After a successful trial I installed Ubuntu (dual partition Ubuntu / Windows XP), however, it seems the install didn't activate the required driver (as part of the process) and so I'm unable to get into my newly-installed Ubuntu at all. All I get is a flashing tty screen asking for my username and password - however it's erratic and won't recognise what I type. So - I'm stuck in a catch-22 as there doesn't seems to be a safe graphics mode option via the start (GRUB?) menu list.

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Ubuntu :: 3D Acceleration Does Not Work - Low Graphics Mode

Sep 4, 2010

For some reason after updating, somewhere my system is messed up where my 3d acceleration doesn't work. I found a workaround though, I can get it to work when I reboot, and manually select my OS at the grub2 menu by pressing enter. It doesn't work all the time this way, but most the time it does allow 3d acceleration to work almost normal. If I let the grub2 timer count down to auto select it will never be 3d accelerated, and prompts me it's going to run in low-graphics mode and I'm given an option to Restart X. Ok that's one part of it...

Now with my workaround say I got 3d acceleration to work, when I go to System > Preferences > Appearance : and for Visual Effects I select "Normal" (was on none). It will apply fine, until I reboot it gets set back to none. So I'm having to manually put everything back (graphics) every time I boot, this is a horrible bug. Then onto another aspect of this wonderful update. All my letters and numbers on the keyboard are normal, except when I use control and ALT, they don't seem to be mapped correctly because I can't use any of my Keyboard Shortcuts.

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Ubuntu :: Usb Does Not Work When Booting Into Low Graphics Mode?

Aug 12, 2011

Does any one know how to force the usb ports to work under low graphics boot mode? The mouse and usb memory stick both do not work.

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Debian :: Getting Graphics Mode To Work

Aug 15, 2010

I decided to use Debian for my system at work, and while trying to set up the system this weekend I've run into a major problem trying to start X11. I'm not very experienced with Linux, so there is probably going to be some huge gaps in my knowledge as I've only used Ubuntu on my netbook with only a little terminal work, so bear with me. As background info I'm using a Radeon HD 4350 and an nForce 4 board with an Athlon XP 3200 ( I think). Yeah it's some ghetto hardware but it's good enough for what I need to do at work.

Anyway, I successfully install Debian using disc 1 here, and did the Advanced Installation. As a note, I installed Debian once using the standard install, but I was trying to run a few X commands that I only found out after reinstalling need to have X-server running, which it obviously isn't in single user mode. This shouldn't be an issue since I rewrote the partition table and am not using the drive for anything else. After the install finished and I restarted the computer, after the kernel loaded my screen shows wither "Not Support!" or "Input not supported." depending on which monitor I'm using. The first message comes from a cheap Japanese tv so the engrish is understandable, but from what I can tell it's the same error message for both. First guide I tried following was this one. I completed all the steps, and my xorg.conf is currently set at those values. For people who don't want to read through the whole thing:


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Ubuntu :: Using Safe Graphics Mode It Doesn't Work?

May 29, 2011

This is the crap I get when I try to use Google Earth (see attachment please). I've tried using safe graphics mode-- it doesn't work. When I installed it it says it was not a trusted package and now that it's installed, I cant find it in Synaptic Package Manager nor Ubuntu Software Center. I originally downloaded it as a deb from google.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 11.04 64bit - Getting Wireless N Mode To Work

Aug 25, 2011

I have a built in wireless card that is capable of connecting to my network on the Wireless N protocols. However it will only work at G speeds. It shows it's connection speed at 54mbps and when i set the network at N only mode it could not even connect. How do I get it to connect at the faster wireless speeds? I need the faster speeds as I have a media server on my network. This is the hopefully relevant information you'll need from my network

sudo lshw -C network
description: Wireless interface
product: AR928X Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express)
vendor: Atheros Communications Inc.
physical id: 0
bus info: pci@0000:08:00.0
logical name: wlan0
version: 01
serial: 00:22:5f:a6:b6:22
width: 64 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pm msi pciexpress msix bus_master cap_list ethernet physical wireless
configuration: broadcast=yes driver=ath9k driverversion=2.6.38-11-generic firmware=N/A ip= latency=0 link=yes multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11abgn
resources: irq:17 memory:d1200000-d120ffff

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CentOS 5 :: Graphics Card Can't Work After The System Resume From 'suspend' Mode

May 18, 2009

My computer have ATI X600 graphics card installed, and I installed CentOS5.3.

Every time I suspend my computer and then resume it, it seem the graphics card can't resume and the monitor says 'no signal', but the system still responses, I can use keyboard.

Is there any configuration I can't do to make it resume normally? I've searched a lot in Google but can't find out any one else run into the same problem.

Information about the card:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Running In Low Graphics Mode?

Mar 24, 2010

I am getting the following upon booting up after upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 Beta:

Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode. The following encountered. You may need to update your configuration to solve this

(EE) intel(0):[drm] failed to set drm interface version
(EE) intel(0):Failed to become DRM master
(EE) intel(0):failed to get resources:Bad file descriptor
(EE) intel(0:Kernel modesetting setup failed
(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.

I then press the OK button (no other option given). Then I'm presented a menu with the following options:

(x) Run Ubuntu in low-graphics mode for just one session
( ) Reconfigure graphics
( ) Troubleshoot the error
( ) Exit to console login
( ) Restart X

Cancel and OK buttons. I choose OK and the system seems to boot ok.

I'm not sure what is wrong or how to go about solving this one.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Boot Into Low Graphics Mode

Sep 11, 2010

Installed ubuntu successfully on the hard disk through live CD. My machine is a ASUS K40IN, with Graphics card GEForce G102M. Can't get ubuntu to run normally so I have to access through terminal in recovery mode. I need to install the drivers for the graphics card so I can run ubuntu in some form of gdm, otherwise I'm pretty much blind since I'm not too good with code.

/etc/x11/xorg.conf does not exist, so I can't use the exploit to get me to low graphics mode.

If there's a command I can enter into grub to run me in low graphics mode, anyone? I'm keeping [URL] and [URL] threads in view, since it's very possible I'm running into the same problems. I have the nvidia driver loaded on my ntfs usb stick ready to transfer and install but I can't seem to mount it proper. FailsafeX graphics mode does not work. I get a blank black screen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Runs In Low Graphics Mode

Feb 16, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu on a laptop that is running windows 7. I accidentally tried installing a piece of software from the software centre before setting up my network. When I boot Ubuntu it now runs in low graphics mode only.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Running In Low Graphics Mode ?

May 20, 2011

Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode.Your screen, graphics card And input device settings could not be detected correctly. You will need to configure these yourself. ( If we press OK ) ( A dialogue box appears.) What would you like to do

*Run ubuntu in low graphics mode for just one session
* Reconfigure graphics.
*Troubleshoot the error.
*Exit to console login.
*Restart X. cancel/ok

(If we cancel Commands appear like this

Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS johnson-desktop tty2

johnson-desktop login:-

(If we press OK another dialogue box appears.)plz help me for solving this problem

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Boot From Usb In Safe Graphics Mode?

May 30, 2010

how to enable boot in safe graphics mode in the bootable USB that I created for 10.04 by following the instructions in the download page.

Currently when I boot from USB and select installation, the monitor goes off. So I guess safe graphics mode is the way to go.

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Ubuntu :: Just Won't Login Anymore - "run In Low Graphics Mode For One Session" Doesn't Work

Jul 21, 2010

I've been using ubuntu for months now and it was really frustrating dealing with hardware issues. Just when I thought everything's going ok, today, when I boot up, I am greeted by the following error: "Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode your screen, graphics card, and input device settings could not be detected correctly, you will need to configure these yourself."

Selecting "run in low graphics mode for one session" doesn't work. It looks like it's loading something but nothing. I tried various options like "reconfigure X" and none of them works. I can login the console find though. I have a backup from a month ago but I've changed a lot since then.

Ubuntu 10.04
HP G61 laptop
ATI Radeon HD 4200

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 With Blank Screen - No Safe Graphics Mode?

Jul 18, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 installation takes me to a blank (monitor away) screen. I have followed Google searches and forums and have tried all the nomodreset & radeon.setmode=1 stuff on command line and have failed. If you press F6 on the menu and play with the options you would see that half the options do not work even if you select them. Why even have "nonodreset" as an option when it does not do anything? Did the developers not once wonder that having installation that is not based on grapic driver (that is text based or safe mode based) would be the way to go. Go ahead and Google "Ubuntu installation blank screen" and you will see that this is a pretty massive problem.

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Installation :: Steps For Installation Guide Of Fedora 8 64bit On Text Mode?

Mar 4, 2009

Can you give me a step by step screenshot procedure in installing Fedora Version 8 64bit?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04/Nvidia- Continually Defaults Back To Low Graphics Mode

Jul 8, 2010

10.04 and Nvidia video card.

This sequence:

sudo apt-get purge nvidia*
sudo apt-get install nvidia-current
sudo update-alternatives --config gl_conf (not sure what to choose, I just pick an option at random)
sudo ldconfig
sudo nvidia-xconfig

and then restart gets everything apparently working correctly, with my desktop spread across two monitors.

However, after two or three computer restarts, it 'forgets' and defaults back to low graphics mode and all the common error messages mentioned in multiple threads here, with my second monitor just duplicating the primary monitor.

Under System-Hardware drivers it says Nvidia_current is activated but not in use, regardless of whether it starts normally or in low graphics mode.

What's up? It's a pain to have to go through that sequence over and over again, and then restart my computer every two or three days, and leaving the computer on 24/7 isn't an option. power saving and all that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get Kubuntu Boot Screen At Startup - Low Graphics Mode By Default

Jul 19, 2010

I wanted to update my NVIDIA Drivers from the default to 256 (or whatever the latest is on their site). After the upgrade from their site and installing it through a command line, I've had trouble. For some reason, whenever I boot, I get the Kubuntu boot screen, even though I run plain Ubuntu. Also, after I boot it defaults to low graphics mode, and I have to hit "restart X" to make it run normal. Even then, visual effects won't enable, and games won't run, because apparently the "hardware device cannot be found". My attempts to revert back to old drivers have been unsuccessful; It says it's running the recommended right now, but I still have all these problems.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Graphics - (login?) Screen Just Shows Rolling Display Like An Out-of-tune Analogue TV

Jul 2, 2010

I tried installing 10.04 via Wubi on a friend's notebook and have hit problems with the display. The installation seemed to proceed OK (took ages to download / install - left it running overnight) until it came to boot to Ubuntu. The GRUB menu appears OK, but choosing Ubuntu leads to a blank screen with some icons at the bottom, which is displayed for a few seconds, then the (login?) screen just shows rolling display, like an out-of-tune analogue TV. I suspect that I need a graphics driver or something? The notebook is a logiQ notebook, with 128MB SiS Mirage-3 graphics.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Best Graphics Card To Work With Lucid 10.04?

Jun 20, 2011

Last month I installed a newer MoBo + CPU and PSU, (See system specs in my signature) and moved from Maverick to Lucid 10.04.

I was running Natty 11.04 64bit up until a couple of days ago, but that was locking up like mad. I did a fresh install of 10.04 over the whole HDD yesterday...though cannot recall it asking me if I wanted 32 or 64bit...will neeed to check)

I'm using an ATI Radeon (Sapphire?) x1650 PRO graphics card - but borrowed from a friend as my previous card wouldn't fit in the upgrade motherboard. Ubuntu is running quite fast with it but often stutters when on Firefox or Chrome. With Natty the system would lock up at least once an hour, with Lucid - at the moment it's only locked up once in 6 hours... I'm assuming this is just problems with Ubuntu and not the card. I get no odd lines or color on the screen.

I'll need to give this card back at some point... I'm wondering if people could suggest other cards (Nvidia/ATI or other) that are known to work happily with Ubuntu 10.04. I've got a budget of around �40, but then I'm not gaming so guess shouldn't need anything too high spec. (My PSU has a PCI-E connector if needed...though doubt it will be!)

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Debian Installation :: Cannot Get Graphics To Work

Mar 26, 2016

I have a new Thinkpad P50 and can't get the nouveau firmware to load and can't figure out how to switch to intel graphics. I cannot get the graphics to work other than in basic 640x800 mode. Here is the situation:

hellyj@debian:~$ lspci | grep VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Device 191d (rev 06)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 13b0 (rev a2)
hellyj@debian:~$ lspci | grep^CGA


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Fedora X86/64bit :: Install Skype On A 64bit Fc14 And The 32bit Doesn't Work

Feb 16, 2011

I am trying to install skype on a 64bit Fc14 and the 32bit doesn't work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 64bit To 32bit - Ati Drivers Don't Work?

Mar 22, 2010

Short of the story is I have an AMD64bit system for my 'server'. I find that there is lacking package support for ubuntu 64bit. Some apps I want to install work fine on 32bit ubuntu but not in 64bit ubuntu. More importantly the 64bit package for my ati drivers don't work, however they do on a 32bit version of ubuntu.

It would make sense to do a fresh install of ubuntu 32bit to avoid problems like this in the future. However my server has been running for years.. since ubuntu6. And it is highly customized. It would take too long to configure my server from scratch, I really want to avoid that. So I'm wondering, next time I do a dist upgrade.. say from 9.10 to 10.04. Is there a way I could trick the update manager in to upgrading to 32bit packages/kernel etc?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Will A 32bit Backup Work On 64bit System?

Feb 5, 2011

I am thinking about upgrading to 64bit Ubuntu 10.10 because I have heard it's good for gaming and makes things run smoother. Also, I know it's the new thing and I'm going to have to switch eventually. Point is I don't want to loose my data with the clean install and I was wondering if I backup my current system, which is 32bit (assuming there is a backup utility, I thought I saw one) will I be able to load that on my new 64bit install?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Work Correctly With Firefox 3.5 And F11 64bit?

Aug 15, 2009

Can anyone get the website below to work correctly with Firefox 3.5 and F11 64bit?[URL]...All I see is the background scrolling slowly and jerkily, none of the buttons at the bottom work. Reboot into Windows 7 and IE8: the same site is fast, smooth, the buttons work and the product details appear correctly in the centre of the screen.

I've tried disabling all adblock /pop up block options, ensured all javascript options are enabled and no change. Could this be a problem with the 64 bit flash player (installed from leigh's sticky thread) or a problem with OpenJDK?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Live CD Boot Fail "Cannot Display This Mode"

Aug 28, 2010

Trying to boot Ubuntu 10.04.1 live CD and I get nowhere because the screen just stays black, with a monitor OSD alert saying "Cannot display this mode."

Is there a consumer version of Ubuntu available for regular people to use? I searched on the fourms and any post about "cannot display this mode" advises users to edit configuration files, or go into command line mode... what is this, 1991?

What is the real solution to this? Or is Ubuntu not made for consumer users? What other options do I have besides Mandrake?

The Ubuntu screenshots looks swell, nice graphic design of the user interface, pretty, but they should make the installer/live CD actually work like any other OS in 2010 first tho'.

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Ubuntu :: Catalyst For 10.04 64bit And Switchable Graphics

Aug 31, 2010

I just got an HP dv7t Select Edition. I dual boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu. On Windows, I'm able to do a lot to customize graphics settings and switch from a mobility 5650 and the integrated Intel graphics to save battery life. how do I correctly install the proprietary ATI drivers for Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit? I tried installing using the "restricted driver" pop up after first installing, but that caused my screen to go blank after rebooting.

Furthermore, is there a way to switch graphics what graphics card I'm using? When I'm at home I like being able to use the dedicated card, but when I'm away and need to save power, I would like to be able to switch to the integrated card. I don't mind having some sort of option of selecting what card to use in the BIOS or something, although being able to switch on the fly would be nice. Finally, if I make any changes, how do I undo them without having to reinstall?

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Ubuntu :: Gunna Run In Low Graphics Mode

Mar 16, 2010

i did an update after a LONG time on my machine (there were like 77 updates) and when i restarted the computer, as reccomended, it booted up saying that ubuntu is gunna run in low graphics mode... apparently i am not able to use a window manager either, as became evident when i clicked on the "show desktop" button...

also there are no tabs for any of the open windows on my "start bar" (the lower bar across the screen... also i cant switch to different desktops anymore and i cant maximize/minize or drag windows like my web browser around (probably cause there isnt a window manager running)....

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Randomly Go Into Low Graphics Mode

May 14, 2010

I have (not so recently) installed 10.04. It seems to randomly go into low graphics mode completely randomly i.e. using firefox, gimp, terminal.... not just with high graphics programs. A dialog will pop up and say that my devices are not detected/ configured properly. I then have to force shutdown..

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot 9.10 With Graphics Mode

Apr 9, 2011

In these days I install ubuntu 9.10 64bit on several notebook (Intel + AMD Switchable Graphics, NVIDIA Optimus Hybrid graphics), but the same problem is it can't boot ubuntu with graphic mode. I only can install it with text mode, and after installation, it still boot with text mode. I tried to execute startx, but failed to switch to graphics mode. I didn't see this issue with some notebooks with ATI/NVIDIA graphics, so I think this issue may relate with VBIOS VBE mode settings.

When I try to execute "startx" under the text mode, some error information appears as below.
(EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory
(EE) No devices detected.
Fatal server error:
no screens found

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