Fedora :: Display Graphics From Service?

May 28, 2010

I have a service running as root. This service doesn't have a main graphical screen, but if there is an error it has a pop up box that lets the user know. Of course the user wouldn't be logged into root so how do I get the graphics to show up on a different users desktop?

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Fedora :: Simple Display Of Systemd Service Sequence?

Jul 13, 2011

What's the best way to get a list of the start order of services from systemd? Yes, I've tried


systemctl --order

This looks like the output I would expect, except that if that list is the system service start order, then my system is hosed. I certainly hope that my system is not starting nfs service before all the /usr/export filesystems are mounted.

I tried


systemd --test --system

but that generates over 22 thousand lines of gibberish! I filtered that with


systemd --test --system | grep -- -> | grep Unit | grep -i service

And it's less gibberish, but it's ALMOST the reverse order of the first command, and still pretty crazy.Ultimately, I need to discover, and fix the order of the services started by systemd, because they were mangled during the upgrade from Fedora 14 I hope that "systemctl --order" is either not the real deal, or I'm reading it wrong. Because if it is, I'm afraid I have a huge problem to fix.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Shows Unrecognized Service After Restart Service Smb

Feb 28, 2010

i can smb in centos 5 and i run service smb restart, it shows :smb: unrecognized service..... i run rpm -qa |grep samba,it shows


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Fedora :: Start A Service Before Network Service?

Nov 6, 2010

I need to start a service before network service How to?

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Ubuntu :: Lucid 10.04 - Bad Video Graphics Display

May 17, 2010

I just installed 10.04 Lucid Lynx and have a serious graphics problem. I've attached a picture to show the problem.
Some Background:
Pentium 4 3.06GHz
ATI Radeon 9600

I installed via liveUSB but had to choose the "nomodeset" option by pressing F6. Otherwise after the Ubuntu boot screen the graphics went like that in the attached image. The installation went fine (took less than 15 minutes!) but after the reboot the graphics problem returned. I can't see anything and the system is useless this way. I can't post up any logs (I'm typing this from the liveUSB).

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Ubuntu :: Graphics Glitch - System Moniter Doesn't Display

Apr 22, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10. When I open my system monitor I get a fuzzy box full of jumbled patterns and colors. Also internet and music notifications in the upper right hand portion of the screen appear in the same way. I am attaching a screenshot of the problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 64bit Low Graphics Mode Cannot Get Display To Work

Aug 19, 2010

I had some crackling sound I thought I would remove some ALSA drivers and re-install them. Somehow, in the process, my computer rebooted itself and I am stuck with the classic "ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode".

Attempting to actually get graphics does not work. A CTRL-ALT-F7 yeilds the ubuntu loading screen with dots filling but it stays there eternally. I can however access my console login and am able to execute terminal commands.

I have tried a few things to no avail such as:

sudo apt-get update
sudp apt-get install nvidia-current

I run a Nvidia Geforce250.

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Fedora Hardware :: Intel Graphics Card - Enable Desktop Effects - Graphics Just Crashes And Freezes

Jan 27, 2011

I have been trying to enable compiz on my fedora 14, but when i enable the desktop effects the graphics just crashes and fedora freezes. When i type lspci -nnk | grep VGA for the graphics card i get:

I made alot of research on how to get Intel graphics work on Fedora, but couldnt find any solution

Same problem I had with Fedora Core 12 and 13.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Intel 865G X Graphics Card Will Not Display 1600X900

Mar 17, 2010

I have a Dell Dimension 3000 with an integrated Intel 865g graphics card that I am trying to use in X on Centos 5.4 i386. The "810" driver (what Centos configures by default) works, but will not display at 1600x900. Strangely enough, it will actually work at higher resolutions such as 1600x1200, but 1600x900 fails, even with 915resolution and 855resolution. The "intel" xorg driver (included with Centos) locks up the entire machine when starting X, so thats a no go as well.

The "fbdev" driver works but, once again, won't display 1600x900, because that resolution doesn't work properly with the version of the intelfb kernel module that Centos bundles. Fedora Core 12 works perfectly fine at 1600x900 on the machine. I think that if I could get a newer xorg installation (or perhaps just a driver) going under Centos, it might fix the problem. I couldn't find any 3rd party repos containing such packages. I'd really rather run Centos on the machine, due to the package stability (yes, I see the irony here).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Display A Full Screen With An Nvidia Integrated Graphics Controller

Nov 5, 2010

I have recently upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10. However the bottom of the screen is cut off with only a trace of it visible. I had similar problems with version 10.04 where both and top and bottom of the screen were not displayed.

I have noticed that version 10.10 does not use the proprietry driver the previous versions used.

In desparation I have tried Kubuntu but the results are still much the same.

Does anyone have any idea how I can display a full screen with an Nvidia integrated graphics controller.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unclaimed Display Controller 82852/855 GM Integrated Graphics Device?

Jul 9, 2011

I really wanna use the OS. I wiped my laptop and installed it but I can't change my screen resolution (it's stuck at 1024 X 768 and my refresh rate is at 0 HZ) I tried installing a driver that was for both the i9xx and i8xx chipset family but it doesn't look like it helped anything. I want to be able to play World of Warcraft Wrath of The Lich King but when I try it the way the computer is now the the frame rate is really really slow. I also need to fix my audio because there's crackling that comes from the speakers often. I attached a screen shot of what I get when I enter the command: sudo lshw -c video Changing the resolution isn't the problem so much as the fact that I can't change the refresh rate from "0 HZ" to anything higher so that my game will play smoothly. I would also like to put compiz fushion on my laptop as well but I don't believe it will work unless I resolve this problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Graphics - (login?) Screen Just Shows Rolling Display Like An Out-of-tune Analogue TV

Jul 2, 2010

I tried installing 10.04 via Wubi on a friend's notebook and have hit problems with the display. The installation seemed to proceed OK (took ages to download / install - left it running overnight) until it came to boot to Ubuntu. The GRUB menu appears OK, but choosing Ubuntu leads to a blank screen with some icons at the bottom, which is displayed for a few seconds, then the (login?) screen just shows rolling display, like an out-of-tune analogue TV. I suspect that I need a graphics driver or something? The notebook is a logiQ notebook, with 128MB SiS Mirage-3 graphics.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Get FreeNX With Nomachine Client To Work - "Cannot Initialize Display Service"

Mar 1, 2011

I have been spending hours and hours trying to find a "Remote installation for Dummies" ....kind of step-by-step approach. But after several evenings googling and reading. This is how far I got: I have installed FeeNX on my server and after sudo nxserver -- status I get a reply like this:

NX> 100 NXSERVER - Version 2.1.0-72 OS (GPL. using backend: 3.4.0)
NX> 110 NX Server is running
NX> 999 Bye

so to me that looks like the server process is running. I also installed the windows Nomachine on my laptop and hooked it all up in my local network (so no routers whatsoever) I disabled the firewalls on both my laptop and my server. just in case configured the client for port 22 and the fixed IP address of my server. even imported the users.id_dsa.pub key in the client. long story short: I only get that annoying little error window from Nomachine saying: "Cannot initialize the display service"

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Fedora :: System-config-display Just Ruined Display?

Jun 29, 2010

I did not have any /etc/X11/xorg.conf, so I read on these forums that system-config-display would create one for me. I ran system-config-display and it created an xorg.conf. But now my display is all messed up!! So, I deleted the xorg.conf and nothing changed. Why on earth would the display still be messed up if I deleted the file that was causing it?? Does system-config-display change somethign else?

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Fedora :: 13 - Can't Make Service Pack Using Gpk-service-pack

Jun 29, 2010

I have little problem with gpk servce pack (from gpk-package-extra package). When im trying to make list of my packages in system i have:


Can't write the file, no permissions. OK, but when i run gpk service package as root, program freeze, i click create packages list option but application never create this file, status is always on 0%, even after 1 hour. I saw video tutorial, where base are created by normal user i /home - why i can't Console says nothing about this.

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Fedora :: Display All Disks And Partitions Available In A GUI Display

Dec 1, 2010

I have installed Fedora 14 Security Spin, and want to display all disks & partitions available in a GUI display. How can I achieve that?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Perform An Action Before A Service Starts And After A Service Stops

Sep 10, 2010

I am running Server 10. I have a requirement to perform an action before the MySQL service starts, and perform another action after MySQL service stops.

I found the init script for MySQL under /etc/init/mysql.conf. I added my thing to the pre-start script there and works fine.

I am having trouble finding the script that stops the server so I can modify.

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General :: Will Command Service Httpd Restart Apache Service?

Dec 25, 2009

will the command service httpd restart the apache service if i enable httpsd service in graphical mode

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General :: Make PCI-E Graphics Card Visible To Ubuntu When The Motherboard Has Integrated Graphics?

May 2, 2010

I have a Gigabyte GA-MA74GM-S2 motherboard with integrated graphics that shows up on lspci as an ATI Radeon 2100. I also bought a PCI-Express Nvidia graphics card so I could use the VDPAU feature on Linux (plays H.264 in hardware). The BIOS has three settings about which display to initialize first:

Integrated graphics
PCI graphics
PCI-Express graphics (PEG)

I set the BIOS on PEG, but

I cannot get anything, not even a splash screen or POST messages, to emerge from the PCI-Express graphics card. (I'm using a DVI connector; the card also has an HDMI output.)I cannot get the kernel lspci to see the graphics card; the only VGA controller it acknowledges is the integrated one.Running dmidecode acknowledges the existence of an x16 PCI Express slot, and it says

Current usage: Unknown

There is an additional BIOS setting called "Internal Graphics Mode" which is normally set to "Auto" which means it is supposed to prefer a PCI Express VGA card. I set it to "Disabled" which now means I'm getting no output at all. I will soon be learning how to do a BIOS reset!

Other information: The PCI-E card is a MSI N210-MD512H GeForce 210. This is a fanless card. Although there are no fans to see turning, the heat sink on the PCI-E card is definitely getting hot, so the card is getting some sort of power.It gets all its power from the PCI-E slot; there is no external power connector.The BIOS is an AMI Award BIOS.how can I make the PCI Express graphics card visible to Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: NVIDIA Graphics Driver - Graphics Mode Option Via The Start (GRUB)?

Jan 26, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu (9.10) and noted that in order to successfully run the trial off the CD I had to test in "safe graphics" mode. I have an NVIDIA GEforce 6600 GT card - which was discovered by Ubuntu in the first few minutes of the trial and so I activated the recommended driver and continued to test. After a successful trial I installed Ubuntu (dual partition Ubuntu / Windows XP), however, it seems the install didn't activate the required driver (as part of the process) and so I'm unable to get into my newly-installed Ubuntu at all. All I get is a flashing tty screen asking for my username and password - however it's erratic and won't recognise what I type. So - I'm stuck in a catch-22 as there doesn't seems to be a safe graphics mode option via the start (GRUB?) menu list.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Run A Program As A Service

Mar 13, 2011

I have this script, called zope, which I am trying to register as a service. When I type "chkconfig --add zope", it says "service zope does not support chkconfig" yet when I type "service zope start", it starts zope server alright.

When I type "chkconfig --list", no zope is in sight. If I run, "chkconfig --del zope", it complains with same "does not support" error.

After registering zope, even while it was complaining, I set the run level ("chkconfig --levels 2345 zope on").

Also, when I run: su -l $ZOPE_USER -c "${INSTANCE_HOME}/bin/instance start" > /dev/null 2>&1 with appropriate substitution for ZOPE_USER and INSTANCE_HOME, zope starts alright.

Or some hidden edict that I am not following?

The file is in /etc/init.d.
# chkconfig: 2345 84 16


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OpenSUSE :: Get A Message That Says 'Search Service Not Running' With A Button That Says 'Start Search Service'?

Jun 12, 2010

The desktop search has stopped working in Gnome.I get a message that says 'Search Service not running' with a button that says 'Start Search Service'.When I click the button nothing happens

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Fedora :: Why OpenVPN Service Can't Start Up

Nov 24, 2009

It is the first time have I used VPN. I installed OpenVPN in my Fedora 11 computer. I did it following:URL...And I stopped at step 16: service openvpn start . The service can not start up. Even if I disabled Selinux . Does anyone know how to treat this trouble.

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Fedora :: Create New Service At Startup?

Dec 30, 2009

i want to start /usr/bin/brscan-key at startup. since i find it handy to push on the scan button , and the scanner is saving the scanned image to my pc.

can i add /usr/bin/brscan-key at /etc/rc.local on a safe way?

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Fedora :: Starting A Service Later Than Usual?

Feb 25, 2010

I would like to start some of my services (VNC Server, FTP Server, HTTP server) in the background AFTER I've booted into the GUI. How can I achieve this?

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Fedora :: ABRT Service Not Running?

Mar 10, 2010

Whenever I log into Fedora, an icon (a triangle with an exclamation mark) pops up in the main panel . When I move the mouse over it, the following is displayed. ABRT service not running. I restarted the service from the service configuration window but there was no difference. How do I configure it to run alway

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Fedora Servers :: Service Is Being Refreshed Right Now

Jun 6, 2010

I have a fresh new F13 installation and I am not linux expert, I need to test Fedora for some reasons. When I try to start HTTPD or vncserver services, status display as "This service is being refreshed right now", it keeps like this for a long moment. Closing and reopening services applet, I notice that both services are stopped. I googled about apache, the 1st thing I understood is to search error_log, opened it in gedit, nothing is written in this file.

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Fedora :: Any Launchpad Like Service For Building RPM?

Sep 4, 2010

Is there any launchpad ([URL] for debian) like service for building and hosting rpm?

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Fedora :: F13 - Nxserver - Service Is Dead

Sep 26, 2010


When I look the Services panel, nxserver is listed but shows as "Service is Dead". Does this mean anything specifically? Could it be related to firewall or security issues? Right above it a related program to nxserver, nxsensor, is listed and it's shown as operational.

Same thing here in my Services panel. Just getting into using NX...the display seems near Win RDP quality over the home lan. I'm now trying to get the sound to work. What is this 'dummy output' in my Sound preferences and where did my sound cards go? I have one onboard sc and a PCI card, neither recognized via the NX client session. Looking to get ESD going which might be the issue.

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Fedora :: Running Java As A Service?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a java program where I want to run it every 30 seconds. So what is the best way to run in that form? Is it running as a service or a cron is best? How to do with it

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