Ubuntu :: Crashed After Update - Error "You Need To Load Kernel First"

Apr 29, 2010

I am having a Ubuntu nightmare. I am relatively new to the whole Linux thing. I just updated my Ubuntu from the update manager today and after I restarted I keep getting the following error: Error: You need to load kernel first.

My boot menu shows the following:
GNU Grub version: 1.97~Beta4
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-21-generic
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-21-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-20-generic
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-20-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-14-generic
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-14-generic (recovery mode)
Windows 7 (loader) (on dev/sda1)

The only two that work are the last two. So I chose Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-14-generic and booted normally. From there I typed actionparsnip's suggested solution (which worked for other people on other versions): sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-2.6.31-21-generic As you see I suited actionparsnip's solution to my version. The command downloaded something and made some fixes/updates and everything and seemed to have worked fine.

The system asked me to reboot, and here I am stuck: Now the boot menue shows the grup prompt which seems like: Minimal BASH-like line editing supported... sh:grub> NOTES: I originally installed Ubuntu alongside Windows 7 using Wubi. I can paste the contents "wubildr.cfg" if this helps. I had to go back to my Windows 7 to post this.

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General :: Update Manager - Error: You Need To Load The Kernel First

May 25, 2011

I updated the Ubuntu version 10.04.1. After updating the program it tells to restart the system. After restarting the system the following message appears:

error: can not read the linux header
error: you need to load the kernel first

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kernel On 9.10 Grub Kernel Load Error

Jan 4, 2010

Over the past few days I have been trying to install an older kernel (kernel on ubuntu 9.10 64-bit WUBI installation. I compiled, installed, and updated my grub for the kernel. When I reboot, the grub menu correctly gives me the option of booting into the older kernel but when I do so I receive the following error message:

error: you need to load the linux kernel first.

I am at a complete loss on how to fix this. I even downgraded grub but I still get the same error.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Doesnt Load After Last Kernel Update?

Jan 14, 2010

im dual booting ubuntu and win7 (i installed ubuntu using wubi)yesterday i ran the update manager and i noticed it installed a kernel update.since then, whenever i reboot i get the boot loader menu asking me to choose between win7 and ubuntu, but when i choose ubuntu, instead of the regular menu that asked me which kernel version i wanna use i get a command-prompt-like interface with the title:

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Environment Freezes During Load After Kernel Update?

Jan 27, 2011

This morning I noticed that there was an update to the kernel ready in the Update Manager, to version 2.6.35-25. I let Update Manager do its thing and I restarted my computer when it prompted me to.If I select 2.6.35-25-generic in Grub, Ubuntu boots just fine, all the way to the login screen. However, after entering my password, it looks like Gnome is going to load, but it never does. All I see is the default wallpaper and nothing else; the system locks up and does not respond to any input; and the fans start spinning at full-speed. My only option at this point is to do a hard shutdown. I have no problems if I select the kernel I was using previously: 2.6.35-24-generic

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Fedora Installation :: Update Error At Yum - Error Cannot Load Module

Jul 28, 2011

After 2 months away from Fedora i am using it again, and used yum update to update stuff, everything was running fine, downloaded stuff, but 2 of the 666 stuff to install got error, here is:


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Ubuntu :: Error: You Need To Load The Kernel First

Jul 16, 2011

Well after a power failure yesterday this is what I get:

Grub loads with 4 options ....

Choose to load Ubuntu I get ...

Error: cant load file Error: you need to load kernel first

I'm a N00b, got ubuntu 11.04 loaded on a 250 gig worked great till power failure

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Debian Configuration :: Update My Kernel From 2.6.32 To 2.6.38 - Error - Unable To Boot Into The Kernel

May 13, 2011

I am using DEBIAN 6.0 and I wannna update my kernel from 2.6.32 to 2.6.38. Every time, I do it but after the installation & rebooting into the new kernel it gives me error "UNABLE TO BOOT INTO THE KERNEL".

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error: You Need To Load The Kernel First 9.10

Jun 28, 2010

I have windows xp and now I have installed UBUNTU 9.10. When my laptop starts it comes up with the option of Windows Xp and Ubuntu. Selecting windows xp works fine here but Selecting UBUNTU comes up with another screen giving three options.

2. UBUNTU recovery and
3. Windows Xp

Selecting any of the above doesnt work here. With option 1 & 2 it gives the error message

error: you need to load the kernel first

I am totally new to this UBUNTU.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error : You Need To Load The Kernel First?

Oct 11, 2010

I've finally gotten around to installing Ubuntu 10.10. I currently have it installed on on a 320GB HDD. It's the 64bit. I also have Windows 7 x64 on a 1TB HDD. After I installed it, I keeping getting "Error: You Need To Load the Kernel First." Windows 7 boots up fine, but Ubuntu doesn't. I'm almost completely new to Ubuntu so I don't know how I would go about fixing this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update / Getting An Error About A Kernel Update?

Sep 1, 2011

(after i update packages, it says error, and here's whats in the details tab)
Preconfiguring packages ...
(Reading database ... 197969 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace flashplugin-installer (using .../flashplugin-installer_10.3.181.34ubuntu0.11.04.1_i386.deb) ...

How to fix This? i haven't messed with Ubuntu much...Why am i getting an error about a kernel update?

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB2: Error: You Need To Load The Kernel First

Mar 7, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu since 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. I only recently fully switched to Linux OS's, and Ubuntu is now my primary. I currently have 9.10 installed. CURRENTLY I also have Backtrack 4, and Fedora 12 (Ugh!).Previously, I thought something was wrong with my my filesystem in Ubuntu 9.10, and after an upgrade of the linux kernel, I started to get Error: You need to load the Kernel First. That's where my problems started. I had upgraded to 9.10 from 9.04 and I still had Grub Legacy, so I went through hoops to try and get it to work, but eventually everything just kind of broke, and I completely wiped off my partitions on it and started fresh installs of all 3.

And now that the new linux kernel is released, 2.6.31-20 generic (I think... That's what the highest number on a file I can find in /boot is)I went through a few more hoops and ladders and tried to get it to work, but to no avail. I've looked the internet for a solution to this and tried just about everything but there is no unified answer, and I've seen on Launchpad there are alot of bugs that are classified as 'Fixed', but the problem still remains.I took out the 'quiet splash' part in the GRUB2 line for the newest kernel and it didn't do anything. It only changed it to "Error: Couldn't find file".This is the top two kernels (Main and Recovery for the new, and Main and Recovery for the previous working one)


### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###
menuentry "Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-20-generic" {


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Error - You Need To Load The Kernel First - On Boot

Oct 23, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a USB 2.0 flash drive (8GB),like this: [url]

The installation was successfull, but when i want to boot ubuntu, it shows the grub, and after it, an error message: "You need to load the kernel first. Press any key to continue"

I've got a Macbook Pro 13'' (2010 edition) with a Intel processor.

My grub.cfg file is here:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Kernel - Kernel / Crashed (2.6.35-30 Works )

Sep 1, 2011

i just updated my mainboard, because of a failure in the grafic chip. Now I have a icore 7-2600K CPU with 16GB memory.The system will not boot with the latest kernel version Kernel - Kernel . It crashed and resets the system.

But when I am using Kernel, then it works, as you can see. As well the kubuntu 64bit CDROM does not work. Crashed as well.

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Ubuntu :: ERROR: Unable To Load The Kernel Module Nvidia.ko

May 16, 2010

for the last few releases, starting with 9.04 i've been having serious crashing problems with the nvidia driver. whether i installed it manually using the latest drivers directly from nvidia, or installing them through the restricted driver option. after a few hours CRASH. it's been awful. and i tried everything from this side to the moon to fix this issue, all to no avail. no idea why i've even stayed with ubuntu after all these issues. came from the debian world back in 5.04, and almost moved back a few times. but i did a clean install of 10.04, and thought i'd give the nvidia driver one last chance... if it didn't work i'd be moving back home to debian (with the suspicion the issue would stay).

so after i tried the restricted driver and CRASH. nothing to fix it. then i thought ok i'll try to use the latest driver from nvidia. but ran into this error when installing it:

Quote: ERROR: Unable to load the kernel module nvidia.ko. This happens most frequently when this kernel module was built against the wrong or improperly configured kernel sources, with a version of gcc that differs from the one used to build the target kernel, or if a driver such as rivafb/nvidiafb is present and prevents the NVIDIA kernel module from obtaining ownership of the NVIDIA graphics device(s), or NVIDIA GPU installed in this system is not supported by this NVIDIA Linux graphics driver release. so after googling around i found a fix to this error i was getting during the install:

Quote: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

blacklist vga16fb
blacklist nouveau
blacklist rivafb
blacklist nvidiafb
blacklist rivatv


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Ubuntu :: Uncompression Error After Kernel Update?

Aug 6, 2010

After upgrading to a new kernel (via an official update from Ubuntu) today, my computer will no longer boot properly. After rebooting to apply the update, my system ran its scheduled disk check (I think it's set to every 30 mounts or something like that). Errors were found and, as the message said, I "[Pressed] F to attempt to fix the Errors." They were fixed. Re-checking now in Knoppix reveals the file system is clean and it is, in fact, mounted as I post. After leaving the computer alone for a while to check, it seems that it had rebooted without my intervention. It's a laptop on AC power and with a full battery so I ruled out a power interruption, but the screen says:

Booting from [my HD's UUID]...
Starting up...
Uncompression Error
--System Halted

I figure "Ok, new kernel has an issue, I'll boot from one of the backups." I boot from the two previous versions (2.6.32-23 and 2.6.32-22) and both error out with a Kernel Panic and complains:

Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0).So now I'm stuck with the prospect of backing up all of my data (a lot) and returning my computer to factory settings (Ubuntu 8.10) and re-upgrading or re-installing from scratch losing some of the Dell-supplied software.

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Ubuntu :: Virtual Box Error After Update - Kernel Driver Not Installed (rc=-190

Oct 25, 2010

I have checked the known issues and the sticky post, it does not seem to be related. I have Ubuntu as my host OS and I want to run Windows as a guest.

Now, Here is the error:


Kernel driver not installed (rc=-190

The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing

'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'

as root. Users of Ubuntu, Fedora or Mandriva should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary. I have done the obvious:


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install dkms
sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

I still have the same error. I just updated from Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10, then I was prompted by virtual box to update to the newest version, then this happened.

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Fedora :: Kernel Boot Error After Yum Update F13 / Fix It?

Aug 4, 2010

I ran the update through yum (replicated results twice) and whenever I boot to the new kernel it either freezes on the F logo or screen goes black right after f logo. No commands work whatsoever (tried em all). I can boot to an older kernel ( the ones that fail are: and

The Fedora error system gave me a bug report I submitted, here's what I got:

Package: kernel
Latest Crash:Tue 03 Aug 2010 09:46:33 PM
Command: not_applicable
Reason: BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 00000000000005b8
Bug Reports:Kernel oops report was uploaded

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OpenSUSE Install :: Kernel Update Also In Error On 11.2?

Sep 26, 2010

After the lastest update 11.2 also suffers from the problem already reported here for 11.3. I am lucky to have two linux partitions and was actualy able to boot into the second partition. From this second system I could repair this or at least a quick-n-dirty fallback to be able to boot.

1. Copied the version for initrd and vmlinuz from /boot to /first_partition/boot
2. Copied the /first_partition/boot/grub/menu.lst.old to /first_partition/boot/grub/menu.lst to reset to the old menu.

After boot the system could start but modules were not loaded.

3. copied /lib/modules/ from the second partition to the first.
4. The same for /usr/src/linux-*

Now my system will boot and start modules such as network and sound. Still, was this correct? I don't know for sure if there are some issues that I haven't discovered yet. And obviously, what will happen with future updates (either kernel or other)?

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CentOS 5 :: Create New RAM Image File To Get Server Load Raid1 Module Upon Start - Mkinited Error No Kernel Available For 'inited-2.6.18-128.el5"

Nov 12, 2009

I'm trying to create new RAM image file to get my server load raid1 module upon start, I was following redhat documentation & it suggested to use the following command mkinited --with=raid1 inited-raid1-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r) However after running this command I'm getting this message No Kernel available for 'inited-2.6.18-128.el5"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error: "you Need To Load The Kernel First" On The GRUB Screen

Sep 24, 2010

I upgraded my ubuntu version 8 to 10.. I was using my new version normally, but on the GRUB screen, I have two choices (ubuntu 1 and 2.. something like 'generic-2.6-32..) I could only choose the second option.. because the first option, return this error: you need to load the kernel first.

Ok, i'm using the second option... but when i'm tried to install the driver of my nvidia 3d board, the second option of boot is also not working.. =(return this erros: kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (8,33)... both are kernel problems.. my instalation of ubuntu 10.04 was perfectly successfully (aparently)..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub - Ran An Update And On Reboot Get A Kernel Panic Error

Mar 24, 2011

I have a new acer machine which runs fine on 10.10 mythbuntu desktop livecd. Install seemed fine.

Then I ran an update and on reboot I get a kernel panic error. Research on this reveals it as a very deep subject which can consume many hours, so I opted to reinstall.

This time with ubuntu 10.10. I've tried different CDs, liveusb. Same errors.

So, the question is this - where do I concentrate my efforts - somewhere ubuntu doesn't like this machine, or grub. Does a reinstall overwrite the grub install too? Or do I have a bogus grub install I need to purge before I will get anywhere.

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Ubuntu :: Error Message " You Need To Load The Kernel First"

Mar 19, 2010

I just recently updated Ubuntu, and it prompted me to restart. Now when I try to start I get the error message " you need to load the kernel first".

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Ubuntu :: Boot Error "You Need To Load The Kernel First"

Apr 5, 2010

I am using kubuntu karmic 9.10. Yesterday night I did installed/uninstalled various things and unfortunately something went wrong.

Now the boot menu shows 2.6.31-20 generic/recovery, 2.6.31-19 generic/recovery and one more including windows one in the last.

*ALL* of the menu options, including recovery ones are producing an error saying:
"You need to load the kernel first"

My skills are limited on linux domain and I installed kubuntu using disk image.

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager Has Crashed?

Sep 30, 2010

i tried to load update manager, but a red circle with a line through it appeared next to my wireless signal bit, with the following code'E:Encountered a section with no Package:header, Eroblem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_teamxbmc_ppa_ubuntu_dists_maverick_main_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.' then a grey shap appears next to it, saying report it to ubuntu, but when i press ok, it says it cant find the error to report. i upgraded to ubuntu 10.10 the other day just for the record

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 Crashed - Will Not Boot During An Update

Jan 28, 2011

It happened to me again, I guess I need to ignore those updates but somehow I forget each time! This time it froze in middle of update no mouse no kybd no cap/num locks light nothing so I hard booted after an hour of wait, now I cannot boot at all. I go thru Grub menu then it says press S to skip and M to manually load. In most cases nothing works but I got to the prompt and put the root password but I dont have an IP address and cannot get 1? I did fsck -p but no errors. It says the OS is not on / or has been gone?

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Ubuntu :: Update Mess Up Kubuntu - Error "KDE Daemon Failed To Load"

Sep 17, 2010

I installed Kubuntu 10.10 on my netbook because i tried the new unity and i didnt like it. So everything was fine with Kubuntu but suddenly a few minutes ago i did an update which messed up my wireless, i cant connect now, somethings in the taskbar are mess up like the volume icon is different. When KDE loads at the biggining i get an error saying KDE daemon failed to load. Is there a way to roll back the update or reload that thing whatever it is? I was starting to get use to KDE, i didnt had any issue even tho is a beta until now. aaaa why everything have to be so difficult.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Computer Crashed During 11.04 Update

May 1, 2011

I was updating Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 and my computer crashed/shutoff because of overheating(my laptop doesn't ever do this when running Windows 7 but seems to really need to be as cool as possible when running Ubuntu). the update was at about 12-18 minutes left(also i am using wubi to have it run alongside windows). After getting pissed off that i forgot to backup Ubuntu i restarted it to see if it would finish updating.

To my dismay it the loading screen looked a bit unusual and when it go to the login screen the word "Ubuntu" was flashing uncontrollably and the time in the bottom right corner was acting the same. i feel that i have totally ruined it and i also don't know how i can remove Ubuntu from my computer so that i could reinstall it as Ubuntu 11.04 instead of upgrading from 10.10. i still have Wubi.exe for Ubuntu 10.10 but i'm not sure if that just searches for the most recent version of Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Crashed During 11.04 Update

May 7, 2011

I was updating my netbook to the 11.04 when it crashed (I thought is was on the grid, what do you think? it wasn't!) Now if I try to do it again I get a notification and then it stops.
These are the last few lines of/var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log:

2011-05-07 11:15:47,352 DEBUG entry 'deb [URL] natty main #Third party developers repository' is already set to new dist
2011-05-07 11:15:47,353 DEBUG examining: 'deb [URL] natty partner'
2011-05-07 11:15:47,353 DEBUG entry 'deb [URL] natty partner' is already set to new dist
2011-05-07 11:15:47,354 DEBUG examining: 'deb [URL] maverick main'
2011-05-07 11:15:47,355 DEBUG entry 'deb [URL] natty main' updated to new dist
2011-05-07 11:15:47,405 DEBUG running doUpdate() (showErrors=True)
2011-05-07 11:15:48,260 DEBUG openCache()
2011-05-07 11:15:48,261 DEBUG failed to SystemUnLock() (E:Niet vergrendeld)
2011-05-07 11:15:48,620 DEBUG /openCache(), new cache size 1668
2011-05-07 11:15:48,622 DEBUG needServerMode(): run in 'desktop' mode, (because of key deps for 'ubuntu-desktop')
2011-05-07 11:15:48,623 ERROR No 'ubuntu-minimal' available/downloadable after sources.list rewrite+update
2011-05-07 11:16:13,016 DEBUG abort called
2011-05-07 11:16:13,027 DEBUG openCache()
2011-05-07 11:16:13,028 DEBUG failed to SystemUnLock() (E:Niet vergrendeld)
2011-05-07 11:16:13,440 DEBUG /openCache(), new cache size 1668
2011-05-07 11:16:13,442 DEBUG enabling apt cron job

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Fedora :: FC13 Error With RPM Check Debug Fails Update Of Kernel

Jul 10, 2010

Googled this and found the same problem mentioned in the yum site:
[root@plouton ~]# yum update kernel
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
Setting up Update Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package kernel.x86_64 0: set to be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
--> Running transaction check
---> Package kernel.x86_64 0: set to be erased
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved

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