Ubuntu :: Connecting A USB FTDI TTL-232 Cable - Refuses To Connect Properly

Jan 25, 2011

I am trying to connect this cable


However, it refuses to connect properly. It previously connected, but now whenever I plug it in, nothing happens.

lsusb before:


lsusb after:


dmesg error:


From some other googling, is seemed as if removing "ehci_hcd" or "uhci_hcd" would fix it, however running the following commands does nothing, as shown below:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Possible To Connect Desktop To Internet / By Connecting It To Laptop With Cable?

Jan 11, 2011

I have an old desktop computer that I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on. I also have a laptop with Windows 7 Pro which is connected wirelessly to the internet. The desktop does not have a wireless card and the modem is in another room. I have a spare ethernet cable, is it possible to connect the Ubuntu desktop to the internet by connecting it to the laptop with the cable? I'm not very good with computers.If this isn't possible, how would I go about connecting the desktop to the internet?

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Slackware :: Firefox Refuses To End Properly

Mar 22, 2011

Running FF 3.6.13 on Slack 13.1 (32-bit). Every time that I use FF when I close it the processes that are spawned when it starts never end. I have to manually go and kill them. It is pretty annoying more than an inconvenience since I don't normally use FF. Unfortunately I have to use it, every now and then, for some things and if I need to restart it I have to open a terminal and kill the processes.

I've tried re-installing on top of the version that I have there, and actually uninstalling and installing it again (of course making sure that all of the directories are gone), I've also tried renaming my ~/.mozilla directory (in case there is a problem with the profile).

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Ubuntu :: Connecting To The Tv With A Dvi-hdmi Cable?

Jan 13, 2011

I am having a problem when I hook my computer up to my tv the desktop is bigger than the screen will allow. Is there a way to shrink the desktop down so that it fits within the screen? I can not find a way to do it on the tv itself... I should also add that the resolution is set to 19201080 and the video card has a vga and dvi port. I am connecting to the tv with a dvi-hdmi cable

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting Through A Cable Modem?

Jun 23, 2010

I am using ububntu 9.10,and have a cable modem internet connection. All I have is an ethernet cable given to me,and when plugged in a windows machine and fire a browser am redirected to default login page where i can login, but when i plug it into my linux machine,i cant get the same done. In network connections it doesnt shows my autoeth0, i have deleted my existing dsl settings(not autoeth0),made a new wired network,i doubt what should i put into MAC addrs field(i have put my machines mac given by lshw -c network.) What should I put in DHCP client id? Anyways when i click on network connections it says under my wired connections-device not configured properly.

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General :: Connecting Ubuntu PCs Via Network Cable?

May 1, 2010

How can I connect two PCs having Ubuntu OS with network cable?Similarly how can I connect two PCs one having Ubuntu and another having WINDOWS OS?

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Debian Multimedia :: Compiz Refuses To Auto Start Properly (with Gnome)

Apr 16, 2011

How to get compiz to auto-start. What seems to be the generally accepted method (from what a few google searches and the debian wiki tell me) of using gconf-editor and changing the window manager from 'gnome-wm' to 'compiz' in desktop > gnome > session > required_components doesn't change anything. The only method I found that did not involve using a terminal and running 'compiz --replace' every time I boot the computer was to add compiz and fusion-icon to the gnome startup apps, but this causes unwanted flickering (it starts metacity and then replaces it with compiz, ie it's simply automating what I would do with the terminal). Autostarting the fusion-icon alone does not start compiz, although it allows me to start it from it's menu if I right click the icon. Note that I sometimes use fluxbox as well, so starting it on boot isn't really an option either.

Perhaps this can be useful :
Installed: 0.8.4-4
Candidate: 0.8.4-4
Installed: 2.30.2-3
Candidate: 2.30.2-3

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: HIDPoint - Refuses To Install Properly In 10.04 - Error While Loading Shared Libraries

May 18, 2010

Bought a lovely new Logitech MX3200 keyboard recently, didn't expect to be able to use all the media keys on it. I was surprised, then, when I discovered HIDPoint, some software for configuring the hotkeys on many Logitech keyboards, and more surprised when I saw that mine was on the supported devices list. Anyway, HIDPoint is only available for up to Ubuntu 9.10, and refuses to install properly in 10.04.Here is the output when I try to run the installer:


error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I can't find libpng.so.3 in Synaptic, so what should I do to get this program to install?

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General :: Connecting Two Pcs Via Cross Cable?

May 5, 2011

I want connect my two Linux PCs running in 2.6 kernel via cross over cable. To do this I have done the following settings after a Google search:

In PC1

ifconfig eth0 netmask up route add default gw eth0 (default gateway which is ip of pc2 )

In PC2

ifconfig eth0 netmask up route add default gw eth0 (default gateway which is ip of pc1 )

Then i tried pinging i could not able to connect.Are these above settings enough or any thing am i missing?

For your more information

In PC1

ifconfig output
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:16:76:A1:33:37
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::216:76ff:fea1:3337/64 Scope:Link


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Ubuntu :: Install Cable Driver For Connecting With Mobile

Mar 24, 2010

I am computer literate but novice in case of linux.I have installed ubuntu.Please tell me how I connect to internet using mobile.how to install cable driver for connecting with mobile.What are installation steps.which rpm is required.

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Ubuntu :: Ethernet Card Not Working On Connecting LAN Cable

Jun 29, 2010

I have installed ubuntu 10.6.4 in my dell inspiron laptop but my ethernet card is not working when I connect my lan cable to it. But it is working well in windows vista. How to load drivers for it.

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Networking :: Connecting To Internet With Serial Cable?

May 4, 2011

I have a vista computer that is connected to a router via a ethernet cord. The router is connected to the internet.I have a computer installed with Debian that does not have a ethernet port in the back of it. Is there a way that I could connect my Debian computer to the internet through my vista?

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General :: Automatically Connecting To A Network When The Cable Is Plugged In?

Apr 2, 2011

Is there a way to have linux connect to the network when the ethernet cable is plugged in? I'm using Gentoo Linux, and I haven't found the right setup for the conf/net that'll allow me to do that.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting To The Internet Through A Lynksys Wireless G Router And A Cable Modem?

Aug 6, 2010

i'm having problems connecting to the internet unless i manually enter the IP info.

automatic DHCP does not work. I'm on a dual boot machine vista/ubuntu 10.04 LTS connecting to the internet through a lynksys wireless g router and a cable modem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 Refuses To Connect To Facebook?

Jan 25, 2011

I recently removed Windows from a family member's laptop (Gateway NV52) and installed Ubuntu on it. I started out with Ubuntu 10.04 since it was an LTS. She's been very happy with it until a few days ago when it started acting up and refused to load almost any site she frequently visited. I decided to back up her data and do a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10 (64bit) which is what I use. It installed fine, wireless works seamlessly as well.

However, Facebook refuses to load on any web browser (chrome, firefox, minefield, midori, etc.). It's only Facebook as well. The login page will appear but it will absolutely not login. I've tried it with several different accounts and it just flat out refuses.y other site loads fine and fast, and logs in fine, but facebook just doesn't seem to load.I really do not want to have to move her back to windows 7 as she's prone to viruses and Ubuntu is just flat out awesome at virtually everything, but for her, social networking is her primary way of connecting to friends and it's critical for her to have access to that site. It's really her make or break feature, and if Ubuntu can't do it then she doesn't want anything to do with it.

I've looked everywhere for a solution to this. I've tried changing DNS servers, disabling and re-enabling the wifi, clearing the cache and cookies, even down to resetting the router we use, all to no avail. The site loads fine on every other PC regardless of the OS, and I've run out of places to look.My experience with the Ubuntu community has been top notch so far, and I'm not shy of any terminal work that may be needed, nor am I shy of fiddling with anything.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin Wireless Refuses To Connect?

Jun 15, 2010

I was dual booting with XP and Jackalope using a Belkin N wireless USB. The install on Jackalope was simple, a plug and play type situation, plugged it in and it worked. A few days ago though, i wiped the whole computer and installed Lynx. To my dismay, even though Lynx sees the wireless, sees the available signals, lets me input my password... it fails to connect. It just spins and spins and eventually asks for my password again...

I'm still pretty new to Ubuntu, and Linux in general. I updated, and pretty sure i retrieved 3rd party drivers for the video card properly (using a cable connection), but thats pretty close to where my "expertise" ends.

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Ubuntu :: System Refuses To Connect To The Network / Internet

Jun 1, 2010

So I've recently installed Kubuntu 10.04, and after the first and second runs, the system refuses to connect to the network/internet. I'm not sure why this is, or how to fix it. It shows up in ifconfig, but other than that I'm at a loss. The Knetworkmanager applet says "Disabled" when I hover over it, and no connection can be made to the internet (apt, Firefox). I'm running x86, with a Biostar T5XE mainboard (Realtek RTL8168D/8111D network chipset). The logs don't seem to indicate a problem, though I could be wrong. The connection is known good: it connected before, but it won't now.

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Networking :: Refuses To Connect To The BT Homehub

May 30, 2011

I have linux mint 10 and a bt homwhub 2.0. The wifi dongle that I use is a BT Voyager 1055. Before a week ago I could connect to my bt homehub via linux mint and the bt voyager easily and quickly. But now, however, it seems that Linux Mint refuses to connect to the BT Homehub, the BT Voyager dongle seems to be working because it's green light is on. The Bt homehub is fine because our other windows pc's connect fine (I'm on my windows XP laptop now) but linux will not. On linux it recognises that the dongle is plugged it and picks up various WIFI connections including my BT Homehub, but when I try to connect it to the internet via The homehub, it will not, it try to connect for a minute or so and then a little message comes up saying 'wirless network disconected' any one now what to do ?

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Debian Configuration :: Network Refuses To Connect

Aug 21, 2015

I installed a fresh Debian Desktop without the LAN cable connected. After that I got message when I put the cable in:

Code: Select allNetwork Interface
Connection New Wired Connection failed

I have tried to re-install everything once again with the cable in, but during the Debian installation there was no network detected.

However, I proceeded and re-installed Debian. But the problem persists. It continues to re-connect and than disconnect. There is a symbol showing re-connection. The network eth0 is visible to the machine.

I booted Mint Live disc and the same happens there.

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Ubuntu Networking :: EVDO Modem - Refuses To Connect Till Reboot

May 11, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 in South Africa and I am using a Neotel telephone device that connects with EVDO. I have followed instructions to get it working by typing: sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x1d09 product=0x4000.

I have also put it in /etc/init.d/rc.local to get it to load up on startup. This works and I am able to connect using the network manager. The problem is if I disconnect and then try to connect again later, it refuses to connect till I reboot and then it works, till I disconnect again.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Named Refuses Connect From Outside Localhost

Aug 23, 2009

I have installed bind from the repos and am trying to setup a caching name server. After copying the stock name-cachinging.conf to named.conf, I tweaked named.conf to reflect my LAN:

options {
listen-on port 53 {;; };
listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };


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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To Internet With Cable

May 1, 2010

I'm having trouble connecting to the internet... I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 on a PC with Windows XP installed. When I click the little network icon at the top there's an option called "auto eth1" but when I click it, it just says
"Wired Connection: Disconnected - you are now offline."

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Networking :: Connect Two Pc By Cross Cable In Ubuntu?

Dec 21, 2010

How can connect two PCs that both of them have ubuntu by cross cable?

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Fedora :: Evolution Refuses To Connect Localhost IMAP Server

Nov 21, 2010

I have a strange problem with evolution in Fedora 14. I run my own mail servers (Postfix and Dovecot) on localhost. This all worked great in F13 but now evolution refuses to connect to the localhost imap server. If I connect from my laptop (also F14) i.e. not from the localhost all works fine and great with evolution. I deleted all the config and started again to no avail. I also created a new user and logged in with this user and I still get the same so looks not to be user config issue.
evolution --debug=evo.debug.txt returns nothing useful.
Dovecot is listening on localhost as I can telnet to the imap port. Also other imap clients like Thunderbird work fine.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Connect To Internet Server Through Cable / Resolve This?

Sep 10, 2010

I have recently downloaded and installed ubuntu 10.4, and I am finding it impossible to connect to the Internet.

I connect to the Internet through an Ethernet cable. My university (Tuebingen, Germany) provides the Internet through this server: (English link).

When I open my browser in windows vista (I have a duel-boot system), my browser (Firefox) automatically goes to this page, and I log in, and am able to then use the Internet.

Ubuntu also searches for this server, but it continually states "waiting for server to respond". I have checked all the settings I could find in windows and compared them to the ones in ubuntu, and they seem to be identical to me. I am using firefox in ubuntu too so I cannot understand the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Connect Xbox 360 To Laptop Via HDMI Cable?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm trying to connect my Xbox 360 to my Laptop via HDMI cable, so that I can use Xbox ony my laptop's screen.

I connected my Latop to my Xbox 360 by HDMI cable, but nothing happens, I was expecting the screen to auto-switch or something, so I went to the monitors GUI and tried to find settings there - unsuccessfuly.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.4 - Connect To The Internet Via An Ethernet Cable

Jul 13, 2011

I am using Ubuntu Server version 10.4, and am trying to connect to the internet via an ethernet cable. This may and probably is incredibly simple, however, I could not find anything that pertains to it.

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Ubuntu :: Disconnect Internet Cable From PC And Connect To Laptop?

Mar 14, 2010

Recently installed Ubuntu 9.10 on laptop - new partition. Have PC running XP with internet connection. I have a satellite connect from Germany. I live in Turkmenistan.I know all IP addresses, subnet mask, Default gateway, etc. Can someone help configure internet on laptop w/Ubuntu? I am not the fastest ball down the alley but I shouldn't have too much problem with the terminal. Just be gentle. I just completed a pppoeconf search and was informed something or another couldn't be found. It's a little frustrating because I need to disconnect internet cable from PC and connect to Laptop. let me add that I do not have an internet user name or password "supplied by ISP". But I hooked up connection OK on XP.

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Networking :: Connecting Debian Client To Voyager Client Via Crossover Cable?

Jan 6, 2011

trying to create a "local network" by directly connecting an IBM Thinkpad with Debian Linux installed on it to an Alix computer running Voyager Linux. I'm following a "how to" I found to create a music server, hence the requirement. My issue is I can't get a static IP address to be configured on the Debian machine.I've trawled the net and have found the instructions about editing the /etc/network/interfaces and have tried to do this. First I tried to get DHCP working so I could connect the Debian machine to the net and this proved successful. I edited the interfaces file to look as follows:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

Then I tried adding a static IP address to the machine. As this is a network purely between two machines I made up the IP addres and used and used a NetMask calculator to give me a NetMask of (I told the calculator there would be 2 machines on the network). I then edited the interfaces file as follows:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


I re-booted the machine (ifdown eth0 followed by ifup eth0 keeps saying that eth0 hasn't been configured - a problem there that I don't understand), but during boot up time it failed to assign the Static IP address to eth0 and made me go into SU mode. To fix it I simply replaced the interface file with the static IP inputs with the file that had the DHCP entries (I'd made a copy of the DHCP file), and re-started the machine. Everthing came up fine. So the first question is how do I get a static IP address to be assigned to eth0 such that whenever I shut down and restart the machine the static IP address is always loaded?

The second question is around creating the network via the cross over cable. From what I've found via Google, all I should have to do is create a static IP address on the Debian machine and a static IP address on the Voyager machine. Once they're connected by the cross over cable they should see each other. Is that correct, or do I have to do anything else?

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Programming :: FTDI Chip FT_GetBitMode Error?

Apr 1, 2011

I programming a software using the FTDI chip Ft232 ,and using the D2XX driver(version 1.0.4).I already written some software in the MS Windows and the function FT_GetBitMode works , although in the Linux( Fedora 64 bits and Ubuntu 32 bits) this function returning FT_IO_ERROR (4). I already try differents different USB ports, run as root user or change the USB dev permissions.

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