Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To Internet With Cable

May 1, 2010

I'm having trouble connecting to the internet... I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 on a PC with Windows XP installed. When I click the little network icon at the top there's an option called "auto eth1" but when I click it, it just says
"Wired Connection: Disconnected - you are now offline."

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.4 - Connect To The Internet Via An Ethernet Cable

Jul 13, 2011

I am using Ubuntu Server version 10.4, and am trying to connect to the internet via an ethernet cable. This may and probably is incredibly simple, however, I could not find anything that pertains to it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ethernet Cable Modem Can't Connect To Internet

May 4, 2011

I am using a cable modem wired to my PC via ethernet. My ISP is Road Runner, through Time Warner Cable.

I entered my IP address, Netmask, and DNS Servers into the network, not using DHCP. This was how I was able to achieve a network connection.

I am connected to the modem, but I cannot get internet.

Here are my stats:

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Ubuntu Networking :: Possible To Connect Desktop To Internet / By Connecting It To Laptop With Cable?

Jan 11, 2011

I have an old desktop computer that I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on. I also have a laptop with Windows 7 Pro which is connected wirelessly to the internet. The desktop does not have a wireless card and the modem is in another room. I have a spare ethernet cable, is it possible to connect the Ubuntu desktop to the internet by connecting it to the laptop with the cable? I'm not very good with computers.If this isn't possible, how would I go about connecting the desktop to the internet?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Connect To Internet Server Through Cable / Resolve This?

Sep 10, 2010

I have recently downloaded and installed ubuntu 10.4, and I am finding it impossible to connect to the Internet.

I connect to the Internet through an Ethernet cable. My university (Tuebingen, Germany) provides the Internet through this server: (English link).

When I open my browser in windows vista (I have a duel-boot system), my browser (Firefox) automatically goes to this page, and I log in, and am able to then use the Internet.

Ubuntu also searches for this server, but it continually states "waiting for server to respond". I have checked all the settings I could find in windows and compared them to the ones in ubuntu, and they seem to be identical to me. I am using firefox in ubuntu too so I cannot understand the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Disconnect Internet Cable From PC And Connect To Laptop?

Mar 14, 2010

Recently installed Ubuntu 9.10 on laptop - new partition. Have PC running XP with internet connection. I have a satellite connect from Germany. I live in Turkmenistan.I know all IP addresses, subnet mask, Default gateway, etc. Can someone help configure internet on laptop w/Ubuntu? I am not the fastest ball down the alley but I shouldn't have too much problem with the terminal. Just be gentle. I just completed a pppoeconf search and was informed something or another couldn't be found. It's a little frustrating because I need to disconnect internet cable from PC and connect to Laptop. let me add that I do not have an internet user name or password "supplied by ISP". But I hooked up connection OK on XP.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Able To Connect To Networks (both With An Ethernet Cable And Wireless) Don't Have Internet Access?

Mar 2, 2011

Just today I installed opensuse 11.3 on my Compaq CQ61. Even though I am able to connect to networks (both with an ethernet cable and wireless) I don't have internet access. I have used opensuse for a very brief period in the past and I had no such problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cable Modem Networking - Can't Connect To Each Other On The Home Network

Feb 14, 2010

I just got connected to Charter Cable Internet service a few days ago and I'm having a weird problem with my home network. Prior to this my network worked fine. On my network I have a desktop running Ubuntu 9.10/64 and Virtualbox with WinXP installed, an HTPC with Ubuntu 9.10/32 installed and a laptop dual booted with Ubuntu 9.10/32 and WinXP. The desktop and HTPC are hard wired to a wireless router and the laptop is wireless. The cable modem is hard wired to the router. I have samba installed and UFW is disabled. The problem is: with the cable modem turned off or on standby, all machines connect to each other and can transfer files, etc just fine but when I activate the cable modem all of the machines can connect to the Internet but the machines running Ubuntu can't connect to each other on the home network. If I boot the laptop into Windows, it can connect to the Linux machines just fine but if I boot it into Linux, it won't connect to the Linux machines but it can connect to the Internet and as far as the desktop, Ubuntu won't connect to the network but Windows running in the Virtualbox with bridged networking can connect to all of the machines.

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Networking :: Connect Two Pc By Cross Cable In Ubuntu?

Dec 21, 2010

How can connect two PCs that both of them have ubuntu by cross cable?

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Networking :: Connecting To Internet With Serial Cable?

May 4, 2011

I have a vista computer that is connected to a router via a ethernet cord. The router is connected to the internet.I have a computer installed with Debian that does not have a ethernet port in the back of it. Is there a way that I could connect my Debian computer to the internet through my vista?

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Networking :: How To Connect Two Laptops With Cross Cable In Fedora 9

May 3, 2010

I have two laptops running fedora 9 (32-bit and 64-bit on each system) and I want to connect them together for sharing files. For this I have a cross cable i.e.,a simple cable that is usually used to connect a PC with ADSL modem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Approach Moon Either With Wifi Internet Nor Cable

Jan 22, 2011

is fully two times that I install ubuntu 9.10 and in no way is to approach the moon either with wifi internet nor cable

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Networking :: Unable To Connect Two Ubuntu Computers Via Crossover Cable / Sort It?

May 31, 2010

I tried to connect two ubuntu computers via crossover network. But sometimes they can connect and see each other and even ping each other and sometimes not!
Each time, each of my PC's can ping it's own IP address but may not ping the other PC. I tried to disconnect cable, reconnect, disable network, enable it again, change IP address, disconnect via Network Manager Applet, reconnect and... . But when one of them don't want to connect I can't do this anyway!
Anyone knows what must be the problem? Sometimes it took about many seconds to get them connected, and sometimes they can't connect for many hours.
I must add that I have an ADSL modem on one of two Ubuntu PCs that connect via another cable.

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Ubuntu Networking :: NetworkManager Won't Connect Wired Direct To Cable Modem

Jul 9, 2011

I cannot connect my Dell Inspiron 1300 through the NetworkManager "wired" connection, when I try to go direct to the cable modem. It fails to connect.

If I connect the cable modem to my (linksys WRT54GS) wireless router, and then connect my laptop to a wired port in the router, it connects in seconds, successfully.

This has happened to me 2 other times, when I tried to connect my laptop to a client's cable modem, because my client did not have a wireless router available, in their home.

My wireless works fine. This has me perplexed. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and NetworkManager Applet 0.8

I've tried some things to see what is going on, such as "ifconfig" "dhclient" as well as modifying the "Auto eth0" parameters and adding my laptop's MAC address, etc. Results were no fix or solution. I feel like I'm headed down the wrong road. Would someone set me straight? I have a feeling this is simpler than I think.

Do I have to actually reset my own or someone's cable modem to get this to work? I don't want to do that unless there's no other way. Is there? Let me know what commands I can or should run.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting To The Internet Through A Lynksys Wireless G Router And A Cable Modem?

Aug 6, 2010

i'm having problems connecting to the internet unless i manually enter the IP info.

automatic DHCP does not work. I'm on a dual boot machine vista/ubuntu 10.04 LTS connecting to the internet through a lynksys wireless g router and a cable modem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Auto Eht0 Doesn't Work - Can't Connect With Ethernet Cable?

Nov 13, 2010

I've recently bought a recycled computer for my office. The plan was to get an old cheap computer and use it to write LaTex documents but nothing else. However, I can't seem to get the thing to connect to the internet. I'm on a University network which has a funny setup but I don't think that's the problem.So here's the deal. I have tried this with 9.04, 10.04 and 10.10 and it hasn't worked. The computer recognizes the ethernet cable. If I issue the command "sudo mii-tool eth0" and get back "eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok". However, click on the networking logo on the top right, and click auto eth0, it tries to connect for about 30 seconds, then gives up. Unfortunately I'm pretty clueless when it comes to networking so I have no idea what to do to try to fix this.

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Networking :: Connect Nokia E51's Modem - Via. Data Cable - To Access GPRS

Jan 17, 2010

I have fedora 12 installed in my laptop. Can anyone plz tell me how to connect nokia E51's modem ( via. Data Cable) to access GPRS !

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Networking :: Connect Nokia Seimens C2110 ADSL Modem Through USB Cable In Fedora 11

Sep 19, 2009

My broadband internet connection came with a Nokia-Seimens C2110 Adsl modem. Please help me connect the modem through USB cable as the ethernet card is used to connect my computer(Asus- P5RD2 VM motherboard) to a different computer on LAN. I am in a fix and have no clue how to proceed.

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Ubuntu :: Touchpad, Usb, Wireless Internet And Cable Internet Not Working?

Jul 13, 2011

I recently installed ubuntu on my mom's computer but I can't get the mouse to move trough the touch pad and I suspect the USB is not working either, because I can't get anything to work trough the USB, and the Internet is not working trough the cable, and I think wireless as well. Her computer is an old acer aspire 3000

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Networking :: Can Cat5e Cable Tester Be Used For Cat 6 Cable

Apr 7, 2010

Can Cat5e RJ45 connector crimper be used for Cat 6 connector because I heard cat 6 connector is different from cat 5e connector and also same question for cable tester can cat5e cable tester be used for cat 6 cable?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Cable Internet To 4G Internet Conversion

Sep 10, 2011

I have SUSE 11.0 set up to act as a router/firewall for my home network to the internet through a cable modem attached to an Ethernet card. When I was laid off several years back, I found information that let me connect my network to an ISP via a standard serial modem. I am considering going to the Sprint U1901 4G USB modem and dropping cable internet. Sprint claims the U1901 is Linux compatible. My thoughts are that using the 4G modem should be similar to the old dialup modem. I had a script that connected to the internet whenever internet traffic was detected. Unfortunately, I did not save notes on what I had done to setup the modem to dial automatically, and I have been unable to locate information that seems good to set this up again. I already know that all I had to do to get routing working was simply replace the internet port in the firewall/routing script with the port for the modem. So I assume that is rather trivial.

Would you please point me to a doc, perhaps SuSE specific, that gives reasonable directions on how to set up a "dial on demand" ISP connection? I assume that the 4G modem will be very similar to my old serial modem so that a dial on demand script will work. I did find a dial on demand howto, however, it did not seem to apply.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To The Internet As Per Normal And Use Any Internet Application?

Feb 1, 2010

On this box I have Two seperate Ubuntu installations. Recently in both I seem to be having the same problem. I initially can connect to the internet as per normal and use any internet application. But after a period of time, sometimes just minutes, sometimes hours, even though the icon says connected, I cant update pages or send emails etc because there is no actual connection. My Physical connection is good I know - My Ubuntu laptop and Windows gamming PC connect fine during this period. So

Does this suggest an intermittent hardware fault or is there some thing in Ubuntu I can check to make sure that it is setup correctly and nothing has been corrupted? I am a lay PC person - I dont really want to be command prompting - Plug & Play and Point & Click is my limit.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Wireless Connection - Connect To Internet

Oct 21, 2010

I tried to install Xubuntu 10.10 Maverick as dual boot on my laptop. However when xubuntu is on, I can't find a way to connect to internet. When I try the 2 arrows on the up-right corner the option for wireless is deemed. I tried offline/online, that did not work either. when I click the firefox It says you are not connected.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To The Internet But Can Connect To The Router

Apr 6, 2011

I am trying to setup a dhcp server for my internal network. I have two NICs, a modem, and a wireless router. I have my server connected directly to my modem which is providing me with Internet access on eth1 and is working fine. I have dhcp and dns setup on eth0 which is connected to my router. The router shows that it is connected to the Internet but when the router gives a client computer an IP address, the client is unable to connect to the Internet but can connect to the router. I will post my configuration files below with my current configuration.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To The Internet Through Wifi, But Cannot Connect To Anything On Network?

Aug 8, 2011

I can connect to the internet through wifi, but I cannot connect to anything on my network. I have a printer and a NAS, so I would really like for this to work again. I have a dell laptop with a Broadcom card.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet - Cannot Connect - But Can Connect Through XP On VMware

Aug 15, 2010

I had put my computer on standby and when i restarted it, it powered off within a few seconds. I turned it back on and after that i've lost connectivity to internet on Ubuntu 10.04.

However I have VMware (XP) installed and internet/network works on that. I'm a newbie with Linux.

Here are some outputs:

I have tried to edit the connection using System>Preferences>Network Connections. I entered manual settings for IPV4, but whatever i enter there, it doesnt get reflected when i type ifconfig in the terminal window. I tried setting it to Automatic DHCP as well. Doesnt work.

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Networking :: Cannot Connect To Internet By Using Modem Connect ?

Jun 14, 2010

I use Ubuntu i can not work internet connection Please help me search for a solution but did not find
Use the USB modem model x060s.

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Networking :: Kubuntu - Can't Connect To The Internet But Can Connect To The LAN

Nov 12, 2009

I've recently set up a local development webserver using Karmic Koala. I downloaded and installed the server version of Kubuntu and have the web server working.

The problem is that for some reason, I'm no longer able to connect to the internet. I can connect to my router, and other machines in my network can VNC into the server.

I'm using an wired connection to the router and have the server set up on an internal IP of I used to be able to connect to the internet, I downloaded and installed a load of packages etc before it stopped working.

The last thing I remember doing before it stopped working was that I installed Samba so I could share files with the other machines on the network (two Macs running Leopard and a WinXP laptop).

I got the share working - I copied a load of files to the server via the share, rebooted, and for some reason now I can't connect to the net (and other machines can't see the Samba share either.) However I can still VNC into the server.

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General :: Connect Internet Through USB Bsnl EVDO Modemprocedure/commands To Connect To Internet?

Mar 21, 2011

I have installed linux 10.10 and i want to connect internet through USB Bsnl EVDO modemprocedure/commands to connect to internet

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - No Internet Connection Via Ethernet Cable

Mar 9, 2010

I just built my first pc, installed ubuntu 9.10 and tried connecting to the net through my ethernet cable and all that happens is it says cannot find server. Do I need to install network settings & if so what & where,or should it automatically detect them? As this is my first build I am a novice but am willing to listen & learn.

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