Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 Refuses To Connect To Facebook?

Jan 25, 2011

I recently removed Windows from a family member's laptop (Gateway NV52) and installed Ubuntu on it. I started out with Ubuntu 10.04 since it was an LTS. She's been very happy with it until a few days ago when it started acting up and refused to load almost any site she frequently visited. I decided to back up her data and do a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10 (64bit) which is what I use. It installed fine, wireless works seamlessly as well.

However, Facebook refuses to load on any web browser (chrome, firefox, minefield, midori, etc.). It's only Facebook as well. The login page will appear but it will absolutely not login. I've tried it with several different accounts and it just flat out refuses.y other site loads fine and fast, and logs in fine, but facebook just doesn't seem to load.I really do not want to have to move her back to windows 7 as she's prone to viruses and Ubuntu is just flat out awesome at virtually everything, but for her, social networking is her primary way of connecting to friends and it's critical for her to have access to that site. It's really her make or break feature, and if Ubuntu can't do it then she doesn't want anything to do with it.

I've looked everywhere for a solution to this. I've tried changing DNS servers, disabling and re-enabling the wifi, clearing the cache and cookies, even down to resetting the router we use, all to no avail. The site loads fine on every other PC regardless of the OS, and I've run out of places to look.My experience with the Ubuntu community has been top notch so far, and I'm not shy of any terminal work that may be needed, nor am I shy of fiddling with anything.

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Networking :: Refuses To Connect To The BT Homehub

May 30, 2011

I have linux mint 10 and a bt homwhub 2.0. The wifi dongle that I use is a BT Voyager 1055. Before a week ago I could connect to my bt homehub via linux mint and the bt voyager easily and quickly. But now, however, it seems that Linux Mint refuses to connect to the BT Homehub, the BT Voyager dongle seems to be working because it's green light is on. The Bt homehub is fine because our other windows pc's connect fine (I'm on my windows XP laptop now) but linux will not. On linux it recognises that the dongle is plugged it and picks up various WIFI connections including my BT Homehub, but when I try to connect it to the internet via The homehub, it will not, it try to connect for a minute or so and then a little message comes up saying 'wirless network disconected' any one now what to do ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To Facebook - Running Lucid And Firefox

Sep 22, 2010

Cannot connect to [URL]... i have tried [URL]... and [URL]... i can get on any other site. i am running lucid and firefox.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin Wireless Refuses To Connect?

Jun 15, 2010

I was dual booting with XP and Jackalope using a Belkin N wireless USB. The install on Jackalope was simple, a plug and play type situation, plugged it in and it worked. A few days ago though, i wiped the whole computer and installed Lynx. To my dismay, even though Lynx sees the wireless, sees the available signals, lets me input my password... it fails to connect. It just spins and spins and eventually asks for my password again...

I'm still pretty new to Ubuntu, and Linux in general. I updated, and pretty sure i retrieved 3rd party drivers for the video card properly (using a cable connection), but thats pretty close to where my "expertise" ends.

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Ubuntu Networking :: EVDO Modem - Refuses To Connect Till Reboot

May 11, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 in South Africa and I am using a Neotel telephone device that connects with EVDO. I have followed instructions to get it working by typing: sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x1d09 product=0x4000.

I have also put it in /etc/init.d/rc.local to get it to load up on startup. This works and I am able to connect using the network manager. The problem is if I disconnect and then try to connect again later, it refuses to connect till I reboot and then it works, till I disconnect again.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Connect To Facebook Chat?

May 14, 2010

I am trying to connect to facebook chat using Empathy, but it wont connect I double checked the user name and password and the are correct.

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Fedora :: Empathy Can't Connect To Facebook Chat

May 26, 2010

In Fedora 13, Empathy 2.30.1-2 doesn't connect to Facebook Chat, giving just "Network error". Of course, I know that user must set his username in Facebook.

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Ubuntu :: System Refuses To Connect To The Network / Internet

Jun 1, 2010

So I've recently installed Kubuntu 10.04, and after the first and second runs, the system refuses to connect to the network/internet. I'm not sure why this is, or how to fix it. It shows up in ifconfig, but other than that I'm at a loss. The Knetworkmanager applet says "Disabled" when I hover over it, and no connection can be made to the internet (apt, Firefox). I'm running x86, with a Biostar T5XE mainboard (Realtek RTL8168D/8111D network chipset). The logs don't seem to indicate a problem, though I could be wrong. The connection is known good: it connected before, but it won't now.

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Ubuntu :: Connecting A USB FTDI TTL-232 Cable - Refuses To Connect Properly

Jan 25, 2011

I am trying to connect this cable


However, it refuses to connect properly. It previously connected, but now whenever I plug it in, nothing happens.

lsusb before:


lsusb after:


dmesg error:


From some other googling, is seemed as if removing "ehci_hcd" or "uhci_hcd" would fix it, however running the following commands does nothing, as shown below:


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Debian Configuration :: Network Refuses To Connect

Aug 21, 2015

I installed a fresh Debian Desktop without the LAN cable connected. After that I got message when I put the cable in:

Code: Select allNetwork Interface
Connection New Wired Connection failed

I have tried to re-install everything once again with the cable in, but during the Debian installation there was no network detected.

However, I proceeded and re-installed Debian. But the problem persists. It continues to re-connect and than disconnect. There is a symbol showing re-connection. The network eth0 is visible to the machine.

I booted Mint Live disc and the same happens there.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Named Refuses Connect From Outside Localhost

Aug 23, 2009

I have installed bind from the repos and am trying to setup a caching name server. After copying the stock name-cachinging.conf to named.conf, I tweaked named.conf to reflect my LAN:

options {
listen-on port 53 {;; };
listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };


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Fedora :: Evolution Refuses To Connect Localhost IMAP Server

Nov 21, 2010

I have a strange problem with evolution in Fedora 14. I run my own mail servers (Postfix and Dovecot) on localhost. This all worked great in F13 but now evolution refuses to connect to the localhost imap server. If I connect from my laptop (also F14) i.e. not from the localhost all works fine and great with evolution. I deleted all the config and started again to no avail. I also created a new user and logged in with this user and I still get the same so looks not to be user config issue.
evolution --debug=evo.debug.txt returns nothing useful.
Dovecot is listening on localhost as I can telnet to the imap port. Also other imap clients like Thunderbird work fine.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Rtl8187b - Connect To The Internet Fine But It Refuses To Go Any Quicker Than 1mbit

Jan 7, 2010

I can connect to the internet fine, but it refuses to go any quicker than 1mbit. Below is my recent result from [URL]

My iwconfig shows...


lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
wmaster0 no wireless extensions.


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Security :: Reset Facebook Password,facebook Send A Code To E-mail,this Code Can Be Sniffed By Sniff Software?

Jul 18, 2010

for reset Facebook password,facebook send a code to e-mail,this code can be sniffed by sniff software?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Networking Refuses To Be Enabled?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a compaq c784tu and it was shitty with xp. Vista is quite crap, so i turned over to ubuntu 10.4. The configuration of the laptop is: 1.73 GHz Intel Pentium Dual Core Processor T2370 with 1-MB L2 Cache, 533 MHz FSB featuring Intel Mobile 945GML Express Chipset Motherboard, 2-GB PC2-5300 DDR2 667 MHz SDRAM (Maximum 4-GB in 2 slots), a 160-GB SATA 5400 rpm Hard Disk Drive and 8x Super Multi Double Layer (8.5 GB) Slot-in DVD Writer.Everything worked like a charm and I was able to connect to the internet through a public wifi network. However, I came home this week to my mothers house, where they have a dsl-router to connect to the internet whih uses bridge mode pppoe. I tried to connect to the internet through it, and it initially couldnt. However, I got around that by doing a clean install of ubuntu. I was able to then connect to the internet using "sudo pppoeconf" and "sudo pon dsl-provider"One night the network manager app on the top left disappeared and would not come on. I figured I had fried my wifi adapter, however, lspci -v confirmed its presence.Further, "system>admn>system testing" detected the adapter aswell. I tried the iwconfig command in the terminal the result was:

lo no wireless extensions
eth0 no wireless extensions
wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSIDff/any


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Networking :: Can't Log In Chat On Facebook / Why Is So?

Sep 4, 2010

Although I don't face any problem visiting facebook,every time I try to connect to chat its impossible!!I get no explanation for that, but whenever I use another computer with windows I can connect without problem. what is going wrong with linux?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Post In Facebook Using Vpn Pptp Connection

Sep 15, 2010

i set a pptp -vpn connection.but i cant post anything in facebook. is there any specific settings i have to do?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Access Facebook Or Netflix From Computers

Feb 27, 2011

The problem started happening a few days ago. Only my linux computers are affected. Yup, that's right. My roommates running windows have zero problems.

What's the problem? Suddenly, I cannot access 2 websites: namely facebook and netflix. I just get a "waiting for facebook.com" status from my browser, and it waits there patiently until the browser finally gives up. I haven't found any other sites that give me this issue. Gmail, ....., flickr, etc all work fine.

This happens using both firefox and chrome browsers. I've tried using Ubuntu 10.10 (on my desktop) and Peppermint (distro based on ubuntu, runs on my laptop). Both machines access the internet via wifi. Both have the same problem! o_O

Both machines are up-to-date. I've rebooted many times. I've tried booting an old kernel. I haven't installed any new software lately. I've tried disabling all plugins for the browsers. I've tried power-cycling our internet modem. I've tried changing my DNS settings to use Google's Public DNS service. Nothing helps.

Actually, one small piece of information: If I put my browser in incognito mode, I can get to the "sign-in" page for both facebook and netflix. But upon putting in my credentials, I still cannot reach my custom user home page for either site.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use Facebook Chat And Several Other Sites

Jun 18, 2011

i have a dual boot PC with Linux and windows 7. I have observed that facebook chat doesn't work properly when i use linux. and some sites dont open quickly or dont open at all.But there is no such problem in windows. What to do?

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Ubuntu Networking :: WG111v2 Refuses To Work In 9.10?

Apr 25, 2010

I replaced a broken WinXP install with Ubuntu 9.10 x32 on my kids PC and the install and OS itself seems to be fine. When connecting the Netgear WG111v2 USB dongle so that they can get internet access things aren't so good. Firstly the startup and shutdown of the machine get big pauses (around 2 minutes at a time) and there are also big pauses and a general slowdown of the machine while in use that doesn't happen with the dongle disconnected. I wouldn't mind that so much but I can't get the damn thing to connect under ubuntu to our home network. I left an old Win2k partition intact on the machine and I'm glad I did as it means that I've been able to install the drivers to make sure that it all works under Windows, which it does.

It probably makes little difference but the light on the dongle is off for the majority of the time and only lights up briefly on seemingly random occasions. Also, I have no entries for Network Manager in my menus, and the system tray applet doesn't give me the options and tabs that are mentioned in some peoples posts in this forum (ie I can't change the computer name for example), sometimes the system tray applet disappears altogether.

With the dongle attached typing lsusb into the terminal sometimes shows just the USB hubs and sometimes also shows an entry with the WG111 included (and sometimes with big pauses). nm-tool sometimes shows just the motherboard NIC (disconnected), sometimes the WG111 too (also disconnected) and sometimes it just throws up several error messages with pauses between each one. dmesg showed an entry for the dongle on the occasion that I tried it.

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Networking :: Keeplalived Refuses To Allow 3rd Instance?

Dec 14, 2010

I've beeb setting up keepalived/haproxy as a load balancer for our site.

If you keep it down to two load balancing instances it works just fine. However, I was told to add a 3rd load balancer to the mix and that adds a new wrinkle. I need to add a new keepalived instance and I can't quite figure out how that's done.

It would seem to me to be an issue of the priorities as that is the only thing I altered in the files. Initially, nodes A and B were set to 101 and 100 respectively. I set node A to 102, node B to 101 and node C to 100... keepalived restarts and the virtual IP is pingable. But the website goes down!

SO then I tried Node A set to 101, node B to 100 and node C to 99. Same thing, I restated keepalived and the site goes down, tho the virtual IP remains pinagble and keepalived and haproxy are running.

here is a sample config file from my setup:

vrrp_instance VI_1 {
state MASTER
interface eth0
virtual_router_id 51


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Fedora Networking :: Browsing Website - Facebook Cannot Be Accessed

Jun 16, 2011

I am facing a problem in browsing website with F15 installation, both firefox and chrome browsers give me a headache. The main website that cannot be accessed is facebook.com, I only can browse it in certain of time after clearing cache, cookies and histories, this only happen for facebook web only.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Refuses To Remember Password

Jan 20, 2010

I routinely use somewhat spotty wireless hotspots, and Network Manager is driving me insane. Whenever there's a momentary drop, NM will prompt me for my password. I enter it, and it connects perfectly. And then 5 minutes later, it'll prompt me again. How do you instruct NM to remember a password, and stop prompting?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: SSH Either Times Out Or Refuses Connection

Apr 2, 2009

I'm trying to setup a ssh connection from to my house that way I can learn Linux on a box that won't make my boss the sys admin (Im help desk) grind his teeth. He say that ssh port is allowing connections out of the firewall but not in so I can connect to my house. However If I try to connect to my box I get a message stating that the connection has time out. I have port forwarded the 22 to my box and have even changed the port to see if it is my isp blocking me. I am able to connect via SSH internally but when I try outside my house I am running into trouble. I looked up how to disable my fire wall and as far as I know it is.

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Networking :: Evolution Mail Not Able To Integrate Gmail And Facebook Chat / Fix It?

Dec 19, 2010

My evolution mail is not able to integrate my gmail chat and facebook chat.It shows this error-
Disconnected-network error

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Ubuntu Networking :: One Card Not Recognized - System Refuses To Create Interface

Jan 10, 2010

I see there is a driver module for network card in my system. I have 2 identical network cards in my system the 1st one works well, but the second one.. My system refuses to create interface on it.... lspci


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Fedora Networking :: Samba Accepts One User But Refuses Other?

Jun 28, 2010

On a fedora 10 server i have installed a samba server.When i log in from Mac OS X as user 'jody' with my password for the server,i get access to the directories on the server.But when user 'ani' logs in with her password for the server,the connection is refused.Both users can log in directly at the server.For user 'jody' the entries in the samba log are:

[2010/06/28 17:07:25, 0] lib/util_sock.c:matchname(1749)
matchname: host name/address mismatch: ::ffff:xxx.yyy.zzz.115 != tester.uzh.ch


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Fedora Networking :: Interface Refuses Port Forwarding Or NAT

Oct 29, 2010

I have a set up with a computer that has two network cards and is connected to two networks. Both networks connect to the internet via separate routers that have DHCP enabled. I can set one of the routers up to do port forwarding to the computer without any complications but if I want to do the same on the other router the port forwarding from it doesn't work and I can't reach the system.

I know for a fact that the services are accessible from both networks and both routers can forward ports to other computers in their network. The networks are and I've tried turning off iptables but that didn't change anything.

Is there any kind of setting that could prevent the interface on the computer to reject traffic using NAT or something?

If I disable the interface on the working network (ifdown eth1) then suddenly eth0 on the other networks starts accepting requests sent to it via the router that does the port forwarding. I do however want to emphasize that services work just fine as long as the requests originate from either of the networks they are on.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Networking - Machine Refuses To Give Access To The Internet Via Firefox

Sep 21, 2010

I have a machine (lets called it machine 1) with two networks card, eth0 and eth1. Both have static IPs. Once in a while the machine refuses to give access to the Internet via Firefox (eth0 is the route to router). Other machines on the network have no problems accessing the Internet. Eventually the machine would just magically start working again, but this time it just seems to have stayed broken. I've done some simple diagnostics and found:

a) I have another machine running Apache with a Wiki on our network - [URL]. Machine 1 is unable to connect to this Wiki. I get 'the connection has timed out'. I can ping and it responds in the usual fashion.

b) If I try to ping www.google.com it times out with: ping: unknown host www.google.com. I can ping google using its IP address.

c) On machine 1 I have tried traceroute on both www.google.com and its IP and I just get:

1 * * *
2 * * *

And so on until hop 30. Doing this on any other machine on the network works. So while it seems I can ping internally in our network and outside, but when it attempts anything traceroute or URL related it does not work.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: On Board Network Card Refuses To Run Gigabit?

Jun 30, 2009

I've just set up a PC with CentOS 5.3 runing on near identical hardware to an existing 5.2 machine. Motherboard is Asus M2A-VM which I discover by chance generally works very well with CentOS. Ethernet is on board Nvidia.The older machine just did run gigabit speed without any intervention at all, rather to my surprise. The newer machine insists on running at 100 Mbit which is annoying as it is connected to a NAS through a gigabit dumb switch.

The obvious difference between the two is that ethtool on the older machine says that supported ports are TP, and so the port is TP. Whereas the newer machine says that supported ports are TP or MII and insists on running MII. I cannot change this with ethtool -s eth0 port tp. Perhaps not too surprisingly, mii-tool says that the supported speeds range up to 100 Mbit.

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