Ubuntu :: Compile & Install Vlc 1.1.11 Under Lucid

Jul 26, 2011

I am trying to compile & install vlc 1.1.11 under Lucid.

./configure completes without any errors but make prints

CC libvlccore_la-revision.lo
CCLD libvlccore.la
CC control/libvlc_la-core.lo


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Compile LAME With LIBSNDFILE On Lucid?

Oct 17, 2010

I am a happy Ubuntu user, I run it on all of my servers.

A few days ago I setup a new slice, and now I want to use it to convert ULAW (μ-law) WAV files into MP3's.

If I would only install LAME this would give me an 'Unsupported data format: 0x0007'. Because LAME doesn't support ulaw encoded wav's only Linear PCM's.

I have read that one can use the Libsndfile and use it with LAME --fileio=libsndfile (or something like that) when 'MAKE'-ing Lame. In this case because of the additional encoding library sndfile Lame can read and encode the ulaw into mp3.

I have also read another solution is to first convert the ulaw-wav into a pcm-wav with sox, and afterwards convert the output into an mp3 with lame. This seems to be a lot of extra system resources.

I am looking for a hands on tutorial howto wget, compile, install and run LAME with Libsndfile on Ubuntu Lucid (commandline only) so I can encode incoming ulaw files into mp3's?

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Ubuntu :: Getting "checking For Library Stdc++ No" When Trying To Compile Ncurses On Lucid

Jun 27, 2010

I do have libstdc++6 and libstdc++6-4.4-dev installed though. I can't seem to figure out why it wouldn't detect it. Is it just a bug in ncurses' configure or what?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Compile Amarok 1.4.10 In Ubuntu 10.04 "Lucid Lynx" ?

May 5, 2010

As my previous thread about compiling the good old Amarok 1.4.10 for 9.10 and make it work properly again was well accepted, I post here the script for doing the same for the recent version 10.04.

In the old thread, there are some really great improvements like a better wiki-patch: [url]


The ~/ before Downloads makes sure, that you can run the script from wherever you are in your system (stands for your home directory). Further, omit the checkinstall line, as this is not necessary in a script.. The sleep commands in between allow users to check, if everything went fine before going to the next step.

I can confirm the above script is working and Amarok 1.4.10 is set up correctly on a justsetup system.

And yes, I was to lazy too write a proper error handling^^

I didn't perform any larger testing.. Open the program an playback worked. My iPod worked also including artwork.

By the way: Because of self-compiling, a nice little extension program is working again, amarokFS (FullScreen).

That's the way to install it:


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OpenSUSE Install :: Install A Recent Kernel And Then Compile Some Variations?

Jan 25, 2011

I'm running 11.2 with standard repositories (plus packman). I want to install a recent kernel and then compile some variations of it (to investigate a hardware problem).

So I took these steps:

(1) add the 11.2 Kernel:/HEAD repository
(2) enable multiversion in zypp.conf
(3) use YaST software management to select the kernel development pattern

Note that at the moment, the standard 11.2 kernel ( is in use and I have not selected any packages from HEAD. But it has installed 2.6.37-41.1 versions of all the kernel packages I didn't already have (source & docs etc) instead of the 2.6.31 versions. /usr/src/linux symlinks to linux-2.6.37-41 instead of to a directory for the running kernel!

(1) it should have loaded the packages corresponding to the running kernel
(2) it's not supposed to switch repositories

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Fedora :: YUM Install Vs Compile ... Which Is Better?

Jun 29, 2010

I have been playing around with linux for a bit ... but i am getting to the point where i would like to know what is actually happening to the system .

Scenario ... I would like to install Mozilla Thunderbird On mozilla thunderbird website, current version is 3.1

However, when i run 'yum search thunderbird' i get a version 3.0.5.xxx

Why is repository not up to date?

So is it better to install through YUM or should i download the source and compile it?

If i compile it, will the YUM keep track of it if an update is made?

If compiled, how can i get it so it appears in the menu system (alacarte?)

Is it possible to extract and install source files through YUM (so it can keep track of the package)?

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General :: Install / Compile Driver In Ubuntu Kernel?

Apr 5, 2011

How can I install or compile this driver in ubuntu kernel.

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Software :: Fail To Compile And Install Postfix (ver:2.4.8) On Ubuntu 11.04

Jul 23, 2011

I am having problem while compiling postfix 2.8.4 in Ubuntu 11.04. It gives me error as

gcc -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -DHAS_PCRE -g -O -I. -I../../
include -DLINUX2 -o sendmail sendmail.o ../../lib/libglobal.a ../../
lib/libutil.a -L/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu -lpcre -ldb


Now after that when I type as

# postfix

It doesn't recognize postfix command.

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OpenSUSE :: Compile And Install A Plasmoid?

Jun 14, 2011

I'd like to install the following plasmoid HDAPS monitor KDE-Look.org. For some reason it is no longer available for openSUSE.

how I should compile this and then install it.

EDIT: should have specified I'm using 11.4 and KDE4.6.3

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Re-compile The Src In Order To Install?

Jan 17, 2010

I have Atheros AR8132 Ethernet 10/100 and downloaded the drivers but need to re-compile the src in order to install it. after doing step (make install) it says:-

Makefile:61: *** Linux Kernel source not found. Stop. What does this mean?

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General :: Compile And Install New Kernel 3.0?

Aug 1, 2011

I am gonna compile and install new kernel 3.0?
what is your suggestion?
shall i? on my duo Core? with 2.7 gb ram?

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Programming :: Compile And Install From A Tarball?

May 2, 2011

I recently downloaded a tarball which contains a .src file for a program to convert .ttf fonts to .cxf fonts for use in Qcad drawings. how to compile and install this program in linuxmint 9 or ubuntu lucid. What I downloaded from the ribbonsoft.com website is a tarball called ttf2cxf- It contains a directory /ttf2cxf-, which contains three files: main.cpp, Makefile, and ttf2cxf. I can post the contents of these files. This is not a high priority problem but i have been messing around with this for a while and have made no progress.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Source Code For Programs To Compile?

Feb 2, 2010

Where do I find the linux-source package and the linux-headers package? Are they on the CD that I can copy to /usr/src (is that the right place...)? Or do I need to download them from the old-releases.ubuntu.com site?

The issue now is that the nVidia installer from their website wants the source code to build the right packages for this machine, however, I do not have the src directory with the source code that it is looking for. Is there some way to give this too it now?

I am running Mythbuntu 7.10

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Ubuntu Installation :: Compile And Install The Driver For The EyeToy Webcam?

Jun 13, 2010

I get the following output when trying to compile and install the driver for the EyeToy webcam (see here)

tony_glombek@Glombook:~/Downloads/ov51x-jpeg-1.5.9$ sudo make install
[sudo] password for tony_glombek:
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.32-22-generic/build M=/home/tony_glombek/Downloads/ov51x-jpeg-1.5.9 modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-22-generic'


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OpenSUSE Install :: G77 11.2 - Doesn't Compile With Gfortran

Jan 21, 2010

I would need to compile some old codes with g77 (unfortunately, they doesn't compile with gfortran). The gcc44-fortran is installed on my computer but if I have well understood, there is no g77 compiler in this package... Do you think I can install gcc33-fortran without creating conflicts between the 2 packages?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Compile A Kernel Without Creating A Rpm?

Apr 14, 2011

our prof wants us to make some measurable changes in the kernel as a part of our assignment. I'm new to linux (started using linux only day b4 yest)... till now i've built a new kernel using cloneconfig and ended up with a rpm package (since i couldnt find any other option).and here's the prob

1. how to make changes in the kernel code?
2. do i have to create an rpm everytime after a change? (it jus takes too long )

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General :: Install Compile And Run Library .a Or .so Files?

Dec 23, 2010

i know how to install software but i don't know

1: how to install library .a or .so files

i: how to install tar.gz i use the method like ./configure. make make install but most of the time i got the message nothing to make .in lots of tar.gz there is no installation document no make file no .configure file that make me quite confused how to install them or run them.now i got sample source code of cuda i got them in tar.gz form when i extract them i found a folder in folder i found folder like c ,doc,shared etc when i open each folder i found more folder n file like that src, doc common ,lib, in these folder i found source code file header files libraries file make files .i don't know how to run this kind of project can the be installed on the system .how to run them they don't have .run file or script they don't have configure file .how to compile them ,how to run them & how to install them

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SUSE :: Compile And Install Wireless USB Driver?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a Rosewill b/g/n wireless USB adapter. I downloaded the source code of the linux driver from Rosewill website. How do I compile the code and then install the driver? I think that I can just type "make" to compile the code, but, how to install the driver after the compilation?

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Programming :: Install To Compile Objective C Code?

Dec 25, 2010

Can anyone tell me what GNUSTep packages do i need to install to compile objective c code ?

gnustep-back.i686 0.18.0-4.fc14 fedora
gnustep-base.i686 1.20.1-2.fc14 fedora
gnustep-base-devel.i686 1.20.1-2.fc14 fedora
gnustep-base-doc.noarch 1.20.1-2.fc14 fedora
gnustep-examples.i686 1.3.0-3.fc14.1 updates


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Slackware :: Cannot Install PAL Like All Successful, And The Program To Compile?

Apr 15, 2010

I do not even know where to begin, and what logs / errors show: I am completely confused in the variables, etc.I can not install PAL Like all successful, and the program to compile, but I can not verify this.I tried premake and one Engine ODE - then I get an error segmentation, when you start paldemo.If I use cmake, then get this:

[ 46%] Built target libpal


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Fedora :: Can't Find Kismet Install In .rpm Format / Compile It From A .tar.gz?

Feb 5, 2009

I cant find a Kismet install in the .rpm format and I don't know how to compile it from a .tar.gz

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Fedora Installation :: Download , Compile And Install Vmware?

Feb 25, 2009

I have installed vmware but it is asking for GCC 4.3.2

GNC C Compiler (gcc) Version 4.3.2

how do I download, compile and install it?

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OpenSUSE :: Cannot Compile Or Install Files RPM - Error In The Request

Mar 2, 2010

I can not install files RPM, says there is error in the request.

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OpenSUSE :: Compile Some Code - Install Other Distros Repos?

Apr 17, 2011

I am trying to build the java gnome gtk+ bindings on open suse and ran into a snag. the libcairo2-dev package is not apart of pensuse - how ever it is apart of ubuntu and the debian launchpad. can i install other distros repos to solve this issue? actually no i cant. how to install this package? zypper install libcairo2-dev comes back as not found.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Compile Starting Install Fresh RHEL5

Dec 26, 2010

i'm learning some new stuff how to pack RPM so i need to know how to compile starting i install a fresh RHEL5 and want to install bind9 the latest from isc.org

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General :: Compile And Install Application From Command Line?

Sep 21, 2010

I am going to compile and install my first linux application from the command line. The program is the port scanner program NMAP, and I am looking at the documentation to learn how to do it. I saw this thread [URL], and I just want to make sure I understand what it is I'm doing.

bzip2 -cd nmap-5.35DC1.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
cd nmap-5.35DC1
su root
make install

"bzip2 -cd nmap-5.35DC1.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -"
Here I am calling the bzip2 program to work with a specified file. look for the file nmap-5.35DC1.tar.bz2 in the current diretory (-cd) and to pipe (redirect) something, this is where I get lost, I think. And I know what x & v mean but not f, or what that has to do with the previous commands.

cd nmap-5.35DC1
Chage to the named directory.
I assume this is a command?
Builds an executable
su root
make install
not sure what the difference is between this and the above.

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Software :: Install(compile From Source)& Resolve Depndncies?

Apr 11, 2011

I do have a broadband connection..and i can install using apt-get but problem is i want to distribute it to my friends at hostel where they dont have internet connection and when i try to install it from tar balls almost every packages having dependencies it require this require this and require this so i m not able to provide them the packages offline how do i know which are the dependencies and do i need to download all the related packages first in order to distribute to my friends? i want to know a way through which i download packages from internet and can give and install it on other pcs.

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Slackware :: Can't Compile And/or Install Guarddog On 13.1_x64 Multilib

Aug 7, 2010

I just installed Slack 13.1 x64 on my laptop and set up multilib per Alien Bob's wiki. I even successfully compiled and installed grub afterwards. But, am having big problems trying to compile or install guarddog. On my 1st try, I downloaded guarddog from Slackbuilds and replaced the SlackBuild script with this one which is off a thread in this forum:


It **appears** to compile, but, no .tgz package is made. I have folders and files under /tmp/SBo.

So, then I went back to SlackBuilds and downloaded this, original, 12.2 SlackBuild file:


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Razer Deathadder Install On 11.1 - Compile The Code

Jan 27, 2009

I want to Install my Razer Deathadder on Suse 11.1, I allready found a programm: bu3sch.de The problem is, I cant compile the code. I cd into the folder with the source and use make (as root) and get this error:


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Install GCC To Compile Java On The Server Using Command Line

Feb 21, 2011

I'm using a webhosting server running CentOS, and I'm trying to install GCC to compile Java on the server. Since I'm new to Linux and don't have root privileges, I'm having trouble installing this. I need to install this using command-line. I don't know if I should compile from source (which I downloaded off the "gcc.gnu.org" website) or if I need to install a binary or something. Can I even install anything without root privileges?

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