Ubuntu :: Attaching Another Disk To /home?

Mar 14, 2011

I have attached another disk to my system and want to append it to /home which is currently /dev/sdb. How can I do that?

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Ubuntu :: Add Hard Disk Expand Disk Space For /home

May 23, 2010

ran out of space in my /home dir. Have a second hard drive to install and would like to designate it as additional space for /home. I do not want to mount it as a dir inside my home I would like it to simply work as though my /home simply has more space available to it.

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Ubuntu :: Attaching An Image To A Post?

Mar 12, 2010

I can't, for the life of me see a way to attach an image to a forum post. Maybe it's time for a nap, it has been a very very long day. I've seen attached images on this forum in the past.

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Ubuntu :: Mount A Partition On A Second Disk As /home?

Jan 10, 2010

I would like to mount a partition on a second disk as /home. I have two hdds. one is 250gigs that I wish to use for the / of two or more os'. The other is 1TB that I would like to use as /home/charlie and /home/prisca as well as some other partitions. Here is my current /etc/fstab

# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
# / was on /dev/sda6 during installation


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Ubuntu :: Error On Disk Where Home Is Lcated?

Apr 29, 2010

i have my /home folder located on a seperate HDD than my boot folder and the rest of the OS. Lately i been getting an errror screen when i boot up. is says some errors where found on my disk where my /home folder is located. then from there i am givwen the option to hit I to ignore, S to skip or M to manually mess with it. the only way for me to get around this is usually just to a hard restart and it boots up fine. but i dont understand what errors are being found on the HDD so i can render this situation.

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Ubuntu :: Coping /home To Different Hard Disk?

Feb 26, 2011

from: [URL]

Q. - "Next we will copy all files, directories and sub-directories from your current /home folder into the new partition: sudo rsync -axS --exclude='/*/.gvfs' /home/. /media/home/."

I would like to know what the dots in /home/. and /media/home/. mean? Or to put it other way; will the command bellow copy my /home to /media/home (on different hard disk)?

sudo rsync -axvS --exclude='/*/.gvfs' /home/ /media/home/

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General :: Attaching The Application To OS?

Apr 1, 2011

hello everyone.I've created a application that uses laptop camera as the interface and uses the gestures made by finger movements in air to perform clicking an right clicking operations.i just need to know how to attach this application to the OS kernal so that i can perform various operations like closing window,opening applications etc.

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Ubuntu :: Moving One Users Home Folder To Other Disk?

May 29, 2011

How would you go about moving one users home folder to a different partition, while maintaining other users home folder on the current one. Will simply running "usermod -dm /path/to/new/home username" on one of the users do the trick.

I want to run one of the users of an SSD, while the other runs of a bigger SATA disk.

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Ubuntu :: After Reboot Get An Error Saying The Disk /home Could Not Be Mounted?

Jun 12, 2011

I tried to change my /home to another partition, but after reboot I get an error saying the disk /home could not be mounted..fstab:Quote:

e# /etc/fstab: static file system information. # # Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier # for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name # devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5). # # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options>


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Ubuntu :: Change Default App When Attaching Digital Camera?

Dec 4, 2010

On Ubuntu Maverick I wish to choose which application starts when I attach my Canon digital Camera. I seem to remember this choice appearing a long time ago and I chose Picasa. How can I change it to another application? It is not available under "Preferred Applications" as could be expected

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Fedora Hardware :: Attaching USB Devices To KVM XP VM?

Feb 14, 2010

I'm trying to connect an Altera USB cable to an XP VM hosted on Fedora 12. Virt-manager sees the device and I've attached it to the XP VM. However Windows doesn't see it. What do I have to do in order to get KVM to pass the USB device through to the Windows VM?

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General :: Attaching A Process To A Terminal?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a file opened in vi running in a terminal(xterm), if I directly closes the terminal without first closing the file then I can see the vi still running in the background(ps x). Now is there any way to attach that process i.e. vi to some other terminal so that I can continue my work on the file. I have also tried fd command but it fails.

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Software :: Attaching Lib.so While Creating Static Lib?

Jul 15, 2011

I want to attch libCoherence.so while creating my new static lib, bcse my lib functions use libCoherence.so.

My Makefile :


CFLAGS=-errtags=yes -g -c
all: libCoherence.a


But if I remove "/export/home2/Coherence/coherence-cpp-32bit/lib/libcoherence.so" from Makefile, build went fine.

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Red Hat :: Command Fro Attaching File While Mailing?

Dec 21, 2010

How to send an ordinary file as well as an Excel file as an attachment while sending mail in redhat.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restore Accidental Delete Of Home.disk?

Oct 8, 2010

I think I did something dumb. I was trying to increase the space allocation to my /home virtual disk on my wubi installation of Ubuntu. I ran the wubi-add-virtual-disk utility (as I had done before the first time I increased my space), but I received the message "The target virtual disk /host/ubuntu/disks/$virtual_disk already exists, aborting." So, thinking that all my data was in a different path and that the file home.disk was probably just some configuration file of little importance (I should've checked and I should've made a backup of it myself), I browsed to /host/ubuntu/disks and ran "rm home.disk", then reran the wubi-add-virtual-disk utility (stored in my still existing /home/cportiz/Downloads directory), and I thought I had successfully increased my space.

To my horror, upon restarting my computer, my desktop was empty and basically unusable as there is nothing to click on. I rebooted on recovery mode and logged on in terminal mode, then browsed to /home and found an EMPTY folder. I ran locate home.disk and found a file at /host/ubuntu/disks with the size that I specified when I ran the virtual disk utility, but I don't know where my old contents are. I didn't just delete all that stuff. it is still somewhere on my hard drive and that all I need to do is modify the home.disk file in this or that way or hit restore. There is not a home.backup file at /host/ubuntu/disks/.

Anyhow, if indeed I've lost everything, I can probably restore most of the work I'd done (only a couple of weeks worth) pretty quickly. Some of the files were backed up in other computers, etc... How to restore my wubi installation to a functional one? I would prefer not to have to reinstall ubuntu altogether since I believe the majority of the packages I've installed were housed on /opt meaning I can get back up and running compiling certain programs from source fairly quickly and most of the recovery effort is in rewriting some of the files that were stored in /home.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Attaching Server (with LAMP) To A Windows Network

Oct 30, 2010

I am sure there is a nice guide out there somewhere but I cannot find it. My question is: The company I work for has a fully windows environment, servers and clients. The current server is on a Windows 2000 Server and I plan on replacing that. I wish to use Ubuntu server with Joomla for this purpose. This is my first venture into a purely command line interface, although I have played around with Ubuntu desktop in the past. My first question right now is: How do I log onto the Windows Network (active directory) from the ubuntu server. eth0 is reporting a valid internal IP on the network, so its been picked up okay.

Edit: I also want to assign a static internal IP address instead of grabbing from the DHCP. Edit2: Thinking about it, as the ubuntu server and windows server can ping each other do I even need to log into the domain? The server will only be serving web pages.

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Fedora :: Disk Missing In /home Filesystem?

May 29, 2011

why my df -h command is telling me I'm missing 18G?

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
357G 272M 339G 1% /home

This was 'df -h /home' straight after a fresh install. It says it's 357G in size, but even though 272M is in use, it's telling me I have only 339G left available. Where did that extra 18G go?

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General :: Get More Disk Space Into My Home Folder?

Feb 23, 2011

I am using Ubuntu in a laptop. The C disk has 15GB, and Windows is installed in C disk. I installed Netbook Ubuntu in D disk which only has 10GB free space. Now I am trying to install some applications in ubuntu such as emacs. But the system says it only has about 450Mb disk space. So how could I get more space? Can I install the applications under some different path? without using apt-get?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Mouse Not Working After Detaching And Re-attaching?

May 17, 2011

I have a PDSI TS230 server running redhat. I inadvertantly unplugged the mouse cable from the back. When I re insert it, the mouse not longer works. It looks like the system does not detect it anymore. Does anyone know how I can get the system to notice the mouse without rebooting the entire system?

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General :: Bad Start-up After Attaching External Monitor?

Feb 27, 2010

I have a Lenovo 3000 N100 laptop which LCD does not work anymore.So I borrowed a monitor from my friend and started using it(it has been few days).I had installed Fedora-12 few months ago. After connecting the external monitor, I found that this one shows good graphical start-up but just upto the login screen(just before the login screen, login-screen does not come) and it proceeds no more.Though I can get the virtual consoles restarting xserver is of no use.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Wine 1.2.2 On 10.10 - 60GB Home Folder Ran Out Of Disk Space

Apr 9, 2011

Was installing wine 1.2.2 on ubuntu 10.10 my home folder had 60GB of free space before the installation started I chose to install manually. I installed all the dependencies manually from terminal. Then compiled wine 1.2.2 from the source code using ./configue make While running the 'make' process my 60GB home folder ran out of disk space. The make process was non ending. Ultimately it got aborted due to lack of space. Can't retrieve disk space that was lost since then. Tried with terminal commands like

apt-get clean
apt-get autoclean
apt-get autoremove

Even tried to get into the wine source folder from terminal and use 'make uninstall' Nothing works and I now have only 50Mb of disk space on my home folder

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CentOS 5 :: Move User's Home Directory To A Different Disk?

Oct 20, 2009

I would like to move a user's home directory to a different disk. Is there a "clean" way to do this? Specifically, is it safe to just copy all the .* files to the new destination and then change the home in the user config? Or are there maybe environment entries with absolute paths which will cause problems with this strategy?

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Fedora :: Desktop Not Displaying After Removing And Re-attaching Monitor

Dec 20, 2009

I have 5 Dell servers that I recently upgraded from 11-12 and have noticed an issue that after removing and re-attaching a monitor I am presented with the login screen. After logging in I am just presented with the background image, nothing else. I have logged in using ssh and restarted gdm with no effect. init 3 followed by init 5 still has no effect. Only when I restart with or without monitor attached does it start working as expected again.Has anybody else seen this issue? It was not present in Fedora 11 on these machines.

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Fedora Hardware :: Bad Start-up After Attaching External Monitor?

Feb 27, 2010

I have a Lenovo 3000 N100 laptop which LCD does not work anymore.So I borrowed a monitor from my friend and started using it(it has been few days).I had installed Fedora-12 few months ago. After connecting the external monitor, I found that this one shows good graphical start-up but just upto the login screen(just before the login screen, login-screen does not come) and it proceeds no more.Though I can get the virtual consoles restarting xserver is of no use

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General :: Bash - Attaching Some Code To Session Start And End?

Jun 20, 2011

I'm trying to execute some code (let's call it login.java) when I log in and out of my linux machine. Is there any way to do this? I'm looking for perhaps a way to trigger the code? I've thought of just putting it in my .bash_login but preferably the code would launch on normal login, not when I start my terminal.

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Networking :: Attaching Switch To Router Disables Wireless?

Dec 24, 2009

I have a wireless router with a 4-port switch built in. The router is a Linksys WRT310N. I have more than 4 devices that I would like to connect through wired connections...so I have an 8 port switch that I connect into one of the 4 ports on the back of the router. Whenever I do this, the wireless functionality stops working! To get wireless back, I just have to unplug the gigabit switch (and unplug/plug in the router) and wireless is back up and running.

It doesn't seem to matter which port I plug the switch into so that isn't the cause of this. Also, I can connect up 4 devices where none of them is a switch (i.e. 4 computers) and wireless still works just fine -- so it doesn't seem to be a problem that there are 4 devices attached. when the switch is connected to my router, the devices behind it work just fine. However, the wireless devices all obtain 169.254.*.* addresses so clearly the clients are failing to obtain an address from the router (the DHCP server).

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 - Xp Home Ed. Dual Boot - Disk Read Error - Press Ctrl+Alt+Del

Jul 27, 2010

I dual booted xp home ed with ubuntu netbook remix10.4 and in the grub loader (i did side by side install) it shows xp at the bottom (after ubuntu, ubuntu recovery mode, memcheck64 , xp

All of the loaders work fine (ubuntu loads fine, im typing this from ubuntu.) but xp will just say: Disk Read Error. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del

One hard drive is partioned 500GB HD ([440gb XP partition] + [60gb ubuntu])

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Debian :: Hang Just When It's Done Checking The /home Disk Witch Is Ext4?

Jan 8, 2011

My computer start to .It just stop for a minute before continuing the boot

EDIT: Could this be the cause?
Log of fsck -C -R -A -a
Sun Jan  9 23:45:42 2011


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Fedora :: Home Folder Eating Up All Free Disk Space?

Feb 9, 2011

Below you'll see that my home server is currently maxed with something hidden.I noticed that my machine was maxed so i ran a du on / to see where the issue was happening. I freed up 6gbs so far and ~ciaranw keeps eating up any free disk space. But when i look to see what in the folder could be doing this, i get nothing back that accounts for the currently 19gbs thereI've been a long time user of forums but never found the need to actually post seeing as my problem was usually covered, this problem has stumped my googling prowess

[root@mordothebabyeater home]# df /
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on


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Hardware :: The Unreasonable Expensive Of Attaching More Hard Drives To Computers

Jan 21, 2010

I just bought a Promise FastTrak SX8300 and it completely doesn't work on Linux (contrary to what the support page on promise leads one to believe). As far as I can tell, the last time Promise's drivers compiled on Linux 2.6 was many releases ago (and no one I spoke with at their tech support even knew the Linux basics). So, unless anyone has an idea of how to get it to work - I'm going to look for a different SATA controller.

The SATA Controller on my $400 opteron motherboard died - and it is just out of warranty. Many motherboards can be had fairly cheap now - basically for the same price as a PCI-32/64-bit SATA controller with the same number of ports, itself (and the majority of us have no need for ultra expensive hardware RAID when software on Linux does many things better). There is huge shortage of non-raid SATA controllers, however (and as we know only a subset of any given uncommon hardware is supported by Linux). Unless I have overlooked something, do any of you know of non-raid SATA controllers that are supported by Linux and have a reasonable number of ports (6-12)?

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