Ubuntu :: After Update Openoffice Documents Page Numbers And Other References Are Destroyed
Sep 27, 2010
I use Ubuntu 10.04 2.6.32-25-generic kernel After I did some automatic updates, in my Openoffice documets page numbers and other references are destroyed. Example, only "pagenumber" is written instead of page number.
In M$ Word, if you press Alt+X, the letter behind the cursor will become a Unicode hexadecimal string. Where is that functionality in OpenOffice.org Writer?
I am trying enter a VLOOKUP formula in Sheet1, where the array is in Sheet2. For both the items, I have used mouse to enter cell references, which I always do.
1. Search criterion has been entered as a range, which is different from previous versions and not a very comfortable situation.
2. array reference completely missed entering Sheet2! in front of A1:C13. Only way out of this is manually entering the sheet name, which is not only cumbersome but also ludicrous. Moreover, we never had to do it like this in the past. I am using OpenOffice.org 3.2.1 in Ubuntu 10.10.
how to re-set the page numbers of a pdf file within evince (without modifiying the pdf file). The point is that I am reading an article, and I would like the set "page 1" as "page 43". modifying page numbers of a pdf file is a bit tricky. So, I want to avoid that. What I wanna do is to make evince "think" page 1 is page 43.
I know my driver works and that cups is up and running, because I can print off test pages to my heart's content, but I can't get any actual documents printed. I'm connected over the network at work to a Japanese NEC MultiWriter 3650n (it seems to be Japanese-only---I could find on drivers was in Japanese). It shows up in System=>Administration=>Printing. I set it as the default printer, and, as I said, it prints off test pages without a hitch. But whenever I open, say, a PDF and try to print it, the document appears to get sent, but never actually prints, and never shows up in the print queue (while the completed test pages do).
Thoroughly repeatably, OpenOffice locks up on me when scrolling inside documents. Here's the breakdown:
* Only happens when actively in the process of scrolling * Doesn't matter if you use keyboard, mouse wheel, drag the scroll bar, or click the scroll arrows * Always happens within 15 minutes of steady use * Happens in both writer and calc -- haven't tested the others * OOo freezes up and no longer repaints the window or responds to anything * gnome-session peaks out at 100% CPU and stays there * Currently running application continue to work fine * Most applications (gnome-terminal, firefox, koffice) can no longer be launched * Some applications (abiword) can still be launched * Launching from icons brings up the spinner, but nothing else happens * Launching a GUI app from a terminal, it looks like it runs on CLI, but nothing ever happens in the GUI proper * X starts leaking descriptors and thus chewing up drive space at ~1M/s
Killing X and bringing up a new session puts everything back to normal, including CPU usage and drive space. This happens every time on my 64-bit Intel laptop and has persisted through several X/OpenOffice/kernel updates. It never happens on my 32-bit Intel desktop.
i have a macbook pro with snow leopard 1.6.6 (its Unix based don't look me like that ). my question is about an linux software so thats why i'm asking here (on mac forums nobody answered me) I wanna know that how i can open documents in openoffice 3.2.1 in tabs instead of multiple windows ... (like firefox ?
I have a text file of a book I want to read on an ereader. The problem is that within the file there are page numbers and headers that make it look like this: Code: But then, getting into the heat of the work, 580 ANNA KARENINA and seeing how diligently and zealously Veslovsky pulled the cart by the splash-board, so that he even broke it off... o as you can see the header and page numbers break up sentences which makes it annoying to read.
I managed to use the find a replace tool in VIM to remove the page numbers and the header and join the lines together (If anyone is interested how I did it, let me know and I can post this. Although I admit that I probably did it in a very convoluted way). So now it looks like this:
Code: But then, getting into the heat of the work, seeing how diligently and zealously Veslovsky pulled the cart by the splash-board, so that he even broke it off... But now it has joined some lines I didn't want joined (ie lines where a page break fell at the same place as a paragraph break). So some parts look like this (the XI being the number of the next section):
Code: 'A fine marsh! Veslovsky must have hampered you. It's inconvenient for two with one dog,' said Stepan Arkadyich, softening his triumph.XI When Levin and Stepan Arkadyich came to the cottage of the muzhik with whom Levin always stayed... My question is: is there a way to use an if statement or something to ensure that it formats the book correctly. For example, could I get vim (or something else for that matter) to check to see whether the line ends with a period or a quotation mark, and next line begins with a capital letter or another quotation mark and exempt those lines from the join command?
Whenever, I successfully save a new document, the document's icon does not display in the KDE File Dialog until OpenOffice restarts. The document exists, because trying to do a "Save As" on it produces a dialog that states if one wants to overwrite the document. Also, trying to export a PDF twice has the same outcome.
OpenOffice 3.2.1 scim 1.4.7-174.1 KDE 4.4.4 openSUSE 11.3 64-bit
I have a problem with regards to opening the open office. every time I open a document, I cannot view it. It says the application cannot be started. The user interface language cannot be determined. What's the possible cause on this? How will i correct this error?
I am trying to change the current association for MS word documents from Kword to openoffice. I guess I'm following closely the indicated step in the manual, i.e.: ~ xdg-mime default openoffice.org-writer.desktop application/msword but when I check it I get this: ~ xdg-mime query default application/msword kword.desktop
I've been looking though different editors for one that has good printing support. Ideally it should be able to print C++ code with line numbers, syntax highlighting, multiple columns per page, customizable fonts and sizes and a print preview feature so that I can make sure it looks right before sending it to the printer. It appears that notepad++ had at least some of these features, but it is not available on linux. The best I could do so far is to copy/paste the output of 'cat -n foo.cpp' into oowriter and format it into two colums. I don't get synax highlighting though and I have to manually replace tabs with a few spaces as well as some excessive leading spaces before the line numbering.
Cannot paste URL When I middle-paste into the URL box in the Hyperlink toolbar, nothing happens. Misleading support link The support link in Help/Support shows the general Novell support page. It is not clear how to get support for OpenOffice from there (especially for openSuSE). Hyperlink toolbar button performs no action In order to place a hyperlink at the cursor, you have to click the pull-down menu by the hyperlink button on the toolbar. Clicking on the button has no effect.
I think it should be equivalent to inserting the hyperlink as text. Persistent extending hyperlink mode When you place the insertion point immediately following a hyperlink and start typing, the hyperlink text extends; there is no way to cancel that effect. In particular, in the situation when a new document contains only a hyperlink, everything you type, either in front or at the end, becomes a part of it. The only way out of this situtation is to clear the hyperlink text and press Enter; the hyperlink is then replaced with an explicit URL and you can type further without extending the hyperlink.
No apply on Close There is another undocumented button in the Standard Toolbar that opens the Hyperlink dialog box. This box behaves in a very peculiar way: when you click on the button [Close], the box closes without updating anything. In order to apply the changes you have to press [Apply] and only then [Close]. This is rather surprising (at least for me), although it is better understandable when you consider that the Hyperlink dialog box is modeless. Travelling paste Steps to reproduce:
1. Edit a long document (containing several pages). 2. Mark some text on Page 1. 3. Middle-paste the text on Page 3.
In OpenOffice spreadsheet, using the Page break preview you should be able to move the thick lines that indicate the separation between pages. Some versions ago you could do it normally. But now it's impossible. You can just move the thick line that indicates the limit of the print area.Has anybody noticed this? Is there any solution? In Ooo for Windoze it's possible, but I prefer not to use it unless is absolutely necessary.
This is rather queer, as I know what I'm looking for, but I'm not sure what it is called, or whether it exists in Writer.
I'm writing a report, and I would like to have the content (index) page configured "automatically", so that it lists my headings in the rest of the document, but if I add something in the middle of what has already been written then it should pick that up and change the content page accordingly, without messing up the page numbers. It's quite a pain to make a content page by hand. I think MS Word has a tool to allow you to do this, but I don't want to use MS Word in this case for various reasons. So does anyone know what this is called and perhaps how it is done on Writer. Although, if I know what it's called, I can use the Help.
I have a document with page numbers in the Table of Contents in Roman Numurals. I would like to change them to numbers 1, 2, 3. How would I do this? I'm not finding any help on the Internet and in Openoffice help. If I change the numbers manually, they will revert back when I update the Table of Contents.
I always enjoyed the feature in Microsoft Word when in "Print Layout" where I could make the end of one page touch the beginning of the next page so the pages could be viewed seamlessly. There appears to be no way to do this in Writer Anybody know if this is possible in Writer?
As a work around I use WEb Layout to view documents. But everytime I reopen OpenOffice it defaults to Print Layout. Anybody know how to make it default to Web Layout when it is opened?
I just updated to 10.10 and now when I go to places and try to open my documents, etc, nothing happens. I have files there and can access them with open office. Is this fixable or is it the way 10.10 works?
I can access my windows my documentsmusic by mounting my windows drive and browsing to it. I can then playwatch my movies and pics in Ubuntu.But what I really want to be able to do is re-map the Ubunbu docs folder like so:
Ubuntu Pics = Windows My Documents pics. Ubuntu Videos = Windows My Documents Videos.
I'm not very unix savy so I've been using Ubuntu tweak PersonalDefault Folder Locations setting and browsing to my Windows folders. But it doesn't work.I have managed to make a desktop 'short cut' and that works but I'd rather set the system wide default document folders.
How can I change the mountpoint of my partition /media/documents to /documents.This is a partition of sdb and a fixed disk.The reason is that /media/ sometimes creates ghostdirectories while /Windows/C never does so, programmes writing/reading from this partition therfore don't work if a ghostdir_ exists.(BTW Suse is on sdb5 and sdb6. on sda is windows and used to be Ubuntu, the Suse-swap is sda5. Windows is out of use.)
You may tell from my question that I haven't got much Linux experience, but I'm currently having a problem where OpenOffice.org won't save anything, and I'm trying to update it. I've downloaded the latest 64 bit debian installer, and when I unpack it, there's a shell script file called "update" which is set to executable. If I click on that file nothing happens (WINE seems to have associated itself with shell scripts, and nothing happens when I try and open them through Dolphin) and if I paste its name into the terminal it says dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege.If I type su and then type my password it says "su: Authentication failure". I only entered one password during the kubuntu installation process and that was the password for my user login, so that is the password I'm trying to use with su.
When we compare openoffice with ms office, though the auto spell check is enabled openoffice is not recognising the errors. In OpenOffice Presentation it isn't totally and in gedit it is even showing errors though they are right. How can I update the dictionary of these.It must work as efficiently as MS Office ones.
I have customized lucid so it is easier on my computer specs. My old laptop only has 256mb of ram. So I have removed openoffice and replaced it with abiword/gnumeric and installed the lxde desktop. I have had this configuration for a month and half now and update manager has never had a problem with it.Now all of the sudden it does and is trying to reinstall openoffice all the time.
am writing a small search program for my class. I have decided to use indexing for my program. Ive researched online about indexing and how search engines do it. If im gonno do that I need to create inverted files to associate files to numbers ( numbers being the index of my paths ) . Now I was wondering what would be the best way to create an inverted file ? I was going to create sql tables using mysql api in C but then again there is no array data type or vectors to store few numbers in a single column in mysql and it is not advised to use Enum or SET
I installed openoffice 3.2 but had insufficient diskspace at /opt. Thereafter I receive this message if I start the package/update manager. "A unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information. Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message: 'E:The package ooobasis3.2-math needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.'" Uninstall and reinstall (at a different location (/usr/opt) is not possible although there is enough space.