Ubuntu :: Access Server From Internet?

Nov 2, 2010

Ok i want to access my server from internet, ok I have checked with my mobile internet provider (3) they say they dont block any ports, is it just a case of letting the firewall let external access to pc? ( no router just mobile dongle)And do i just ssh into external ip on ssh port

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General :: PPPOE Server Access Internet Clients Fail To Access Internet

Aug 26, 2010

I have a linux box (fedora) with two ethernet cards eth1 and eth2. On eth1 I successfully configured a PPPOE internet connection. Such that from the server I can browse the internet. On eth2 I wired it to a wireless router essentially to provide the wireless cloud. On eth2 I also configured dhcp, such that the Linux box is both PPPOE and DHCP server.However my clients on the LAN cannot access the Internet.

On passing the routing command I get
Destination Gateway Iface
196.44.x.y ppp0 eth2 (my subnet) ppp0.

The router (functioning as a wireless access point mainly) has a fixed IP address of and eth2 has IP address The dhcp file running on Linux has been set with option router (Gateway) I cannot figure out how to correctly set the routing table such that my clients on wireless can access the internet cloud. I googled and googled but no solid solution. Any suggestions?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get Internet Access To Server?

Jun 19, 2011

I have a server that was set up by a friend so I have a location to save all my documents for work in a RAID array.

It is on a static IP address, I can ping the hub and other computers on the network absolutely fine.

I can't connect to the internet, the router in question is a Netgear CG3101D. Logging into the router I can see that the server is a trusted device and in all the parameters are the same as other computer running Ubuntu Studio.

Does anyone have any tips of how I can find out how to find what is wrong?

It is Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS (Lucid).

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Ubuntu :: Can't Access Internet On Server Setup

Jul 8, 2011

First off - I'm running 11.04 as a VPS on an OpenVZ.

I've set up a very basic environment of LAMP + mail server. Installing apache, php, mysql and proftpd all went fine, but whenever I install iRedMail (which is postfix + dovecot + clamav and few more packages) I lose the internet connection.

Although the server is easily reachable by ssh and http, I can't connect anywhere from the server. At first I thought it only had issues with resolving domain names, but now I see it doesn't even ping IPs as well.

# ifconfig
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:


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Networking :: Ubuntu Server Can't Access Internet ?

Jan 2, 2011

I'm setting up an old box as a dedicated file-sharing server on the LAN as well as an internet web server for my personal web site but I have no network connection. My computer is connected to a router which is connected to my DSL modem. The router has the Ubuntu box's MAC address as well as a Win7 box, which connects to the internet fine.

Here is what I've tried:

1. Check routing table


2. Try to add a default gateway to the internet on eth2, this happens:


3. I edited resolv.conf, which was empty, adding:

4. I edited /etc/network/interfaces as follows:


Then I type the following:


And it keeps doing this endlessly because it's not finding the DHCP server, presumably...? This didn't solve the problem and so I attempted another configuration:


Still, not internet connection and no ability to apt-get anything (says packages not found)

So, this didn't work either. What I've tried should work, especially the route command. Now why won't it work?

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Ubuntu :: No Internet Access After Installing GUI On Server

Dec 14, 2010

I was having a hard time configuring ubuntu server with command line so this is the steps I did to install the GUI;






The GUI started up fine and I logged in as root, then I tried Update Manager and received this error message:

Requires installation of untrusted packages

I tried this in terminal window


and got

W: Failed to fetch [url]........(-5 - No address associated with hostname

So I did System Testing and got the result that my network was fine but my internet failed!

I could do command line update no problem before installing GUI. I can see it on the network on another computer though.

Trying to setup without the GUI is starting to look easier than with.

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Ubuntu Networking :: VPN Server Does Not Allow Clients To Access Internet?

Jan 7, 2010

i have successfully setup PPTPD on my server and I can open a VPN tunnel but my clients can only ping the server's IP, they don't have access to the internet through the VPN.

i have searched different forums and understand that I have to create a route on the server to route packets between the VPN interface and my internet gateway, but I didn't manage to get this work.

here is what my setup looks like:

root@r31495:~# ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1c:c0:c7:13:35
inet addr:94.23.197.XX Bcast: Mask:


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Ubuntu Servers :: Internet Access Via Proxy Server ?

Apr 28, 2010

Ubuntu lts server distro using on remote machine. i have remote site where internet access given via squid proxy. so when we enter in browser it start working internet fine. but on command line(bash shell prompt terminal) like wget,ping,nslookup,traceroute etc these commands does not work.

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Ubuntu :: Firewall - Blocks All Internet Access (even From Apt) To Server

Apr 20, 2011

I'm getting my first web server configured, and as per a tutorial I found, I used shorewall. However, it blocks all internet access (even from apt) to my server! Does anyone know a decent firewall program or a good guide on configuring shorewall?

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Server :: Local Dns Server With No Internet Access

Oct 1, 2009

In my computer networking class I have the option of doing a project where I set up a dns server for our classroom network. The problem is that this network is totally separate from the school network and we aren't allowed to connect it to the internet. I want all the machines to ping each other by name instead of ip using dns instead of host files on all 20 computers. I read on a site somewhere that you cannot do this because the dns queries will always go to the root servers. Is this correct? Is there some way I can do this using dns? The machine in question is using Ubuntu 9.04.

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Server :: How To Get Remote / Internet And LAN Access

Jul 15, 2010

Is there a safe way for me to configure my server for access from any internet connection as well as from my home/office LAN? I'd like to be able to access file shares, webmin, the router console behind my Gateway for maintenance purposes. Access to Server Desktop itself would be a bonus.

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Seem To Access The Internet From 5.4 Server

May 20, 2011

I am using a CentOS 5.4 server for Snort (it's actually using the easyIDS config). I'm trying to modify some things, and I've noticed that I can't seem to download any files. WGET, FTP, etc... all just time out. It's not a network firewall issue, as I've been monitoring the logs and see no blocked traffic, and other machines on the subnet can get outside with no problems. I checked the Cent firewall using the setup command, and it says it is disabled as well. I'm very new to linux, so I'm wondering how I can troubleshoot this? The wget and ftp errors just say the connection timed out, but I'm not sure why.

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Networking :: Access Server And Internet Through WiFi

Jan 15, 2011

I have install centos 5 in my dell laptop, now i want to configure and run wifi to access internet through wireless.

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Server :: Giving SSH Access To Machines On LAN From Internet?

Mar 7, 2011

I am having a server in a corporate data centre. There are some virtual machines running on it.The main server is accessible from internet via SSH. There are some people who within the lan access the virtual machines whose IPs on LAN are


from internet only one host is allowed SSH. This machine has public IP and is also connected to LAN on the IP Tunnel is not allowed on our network.So now I am came across a solution as explained on this link. I am not clear with on which machine .ssh/config file I add following

Host securehost.example.com ProxyCommand ssh user1@insidemachine.com nc %h %p Should above be done on gateway where public IP and ssh is allowed or client on internet who has to login. Do I need to create separate accounts on the gateway also so that the users who can SSH to gateway then are forwarded to inside machines? Or one account on gateway is sufficient for different people logging in via internet to my gateway and then forwarded to internal machine?

Then do I need to create an account user1 on the gateway also?

1) What is the correct syntax for ProxyCommand on gateway's .ssh/config should I use

ProxyCommand ssh user1@inside.machine nc %h %p
or I should use
ProxyCommand ssh user1@gateway.com in nc %h %p

2) Should I create new user accounts on gateway also which exist on internal machine?

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Server :: Internet Access Via Squid Proxy

Apr 28, 2010

Centos 5.4 distro using on remote machine. I have remote site where internet access given via squid proxy. So when we enter in browser it start working internet fine. But on command line (bash shell prompt terminal) like wget, ping, nslookup, traceroute etc., these commands does not work.

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Server :: Squid Internet Access Getting Slower?

Jul 24, 2010

I've a SQUID proxy server installed in SUSE 9.0 ES server. I've created cache dirs on seperate partitions for better caching. Its working fine. But since last 15-20 days, i've experienced very slow net access to clients. I've gone through the /var/log/messeges file, it generates a two line error messeges

client read request fd602 invalid request
parse http request: unsupported method;HET

This messege increases as the number of clients increates (for internet access). The apperance of error messege lowering down as soon as the number of clients reduces.

As the count of clients increases error messeges increases, internet access getting slower and slower.

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Server :: Internet Access Only For Specific IP Addresses In LAN

Feb 20, 2010

I have configured squid server and it is working fine. I want that only specific ip addresses in my LAN should be able to access internet and for that I have given these entries in access control lists in squid.conf file:

acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80
acl Safe_ports port 21
acl Safe_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 70
acl Safe_ports port 210
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535
acl Safe_ports port 280
acl Safe_ports port 488
acl Safe_ports port 591
acl Safe_ports port 777
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin ?
acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache
acl our_networks src

And in http access I have given this:
http_access allow our_networks
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny all

In this I want that only and .182 should be able to access internet but Now the problem is that all the IPs in the LAN like are also able to access internet. What changes I need to do to allow access to specific IP addresses. I am not using any firewall or iptables entries and i am manually changing in the firefox at client side to access internet.

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Server :: User Access Control To Internet

Sep 29, 2010

Am using Suse 10.2 for internet and e-mail server. currently all my users have access to the internet if they know how to setup their web browsers. how do i deny some users internet access so that a user can only access his/her e-mail but not internet.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Allow Apache To Access The Internet?

Apr 21, 2009

We have Apache installed on CentOS 5.3 in our laboratory. Indeed the server is running fine for almost two years since it is actually the first CentOS 5 that was released just regularly updated. Now, most of our applications are custom made PHP applications and until now we somehow managed to avoid using PHP to fetch files that are on the internet itself. But now we are desperate because we need to allow PHP to fetch files through Apache but it seems as if Apache is not allowed to make a connection to the outer world. Additionally we use a proxy server to connect to the outer world so right at the beginning http_proxy is used to set that environmental variable. And for the root user it all works fine after that but it seems as if the apache user is not allowed to access the internet. Just to make a remark our web server can be accessed from the outer world so its a one way street for now.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: How To Access To Server Over Internet To Bio

Feb 15, 2010

i want to buy a pci weasel, people told me i will have access to the server over internet with this board.Does anyone have any experience with this kind of card?How can i have access to server over internet to the bios,etc.

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CentOS 5 Server :: SSH Access Denied Over Internet?

May 28, 2010

I am getting an access denied when trying to log in via SSH to my home server with putty(windows) over the internet. I can use any user including root and get the same result. If I use my Android phone with the ssh terminal command I am able to successfully log in and use the server.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Getting Server Past A Router For Open Internet Access

Mar 14, 2010

I just finished setting up my small server, however I realized that no one can connect to it from the outside. The reason being is that my router is assigning internal ip's and dyndns is linked to that. I need port 80 for the Apache server, but if I have the router forward that port to my particular ip, won't it screw with everyone else's internet too?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sharing Internet Access And Local Files/server

Jan 16, 2011

i would like to setup one of my old pcs as a file server and internet gateway; we are living in a large building shared with 40 others. the ubuntu box would be the one connected to the internet via ethernet and sharing connexion via wifi. i haven't started yet - presently, i am doing the ground work and reading before to start i understand sharing the internet is relatively simple and can be done from the GUI

What we would like is slightly like BT Fon or BT Open Zone in the UK: you can hook on a free network but in order to access outside (internet: email, web, ftp, etc) you need to login login would help us monitor fair usage. I imagine something with username and password for each user would do: as we are a few in the same building not everyone is actually paying for the connection and we don't want to end up with rather large excess bills. So the ones who are paying access both files and internet; those who dont just have access to the files on the local server.

Do i need Ubuntu server to set this up? What hardware would be ideal - given we are all far from rich but willing to have a nice setup

It would be great if you could share some knowledge around the topic and eventually provide some tutorial; also any heads-up on the hardware side would be great! (signal booster, etc - there's 3 floors and 3 buildings)

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Ubuntu :: Xubuntu 10.10 - Firefox Can't Find The Server - No Longer Able To Access The Internet

Mar 11, 2011

After about a week of successful running Xubuntu 10.10 off a live USB Firefox suddenly fails to work with the message "Firerfox can't find the server" Opening the error terminal in firefox yielded the message "Livemark Service: feed processor recieved an invalid channel for http://fxfeeds.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/headlines.xml"

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Networking :: IPtables - Allow PPTP Server To Access Internet

Jan 24, 2010

I'm running an own PPTP Server, but I can't get it to access the internet. All my PCs at home run in the net, the PPTP Server has local IP192.168.0.5 and remote IP The router to the internet is at, and the IP of eth0 on the machine where the pptpd runs is I want to be able to connect to the internet trough that VPN and access my local LAN servers (which works fine so far). I can ping internet and local IPs successfully, but can not access them with a browser, or connect to them in any other way. I have 'accepted' all in/output and forwards.

I am running a Squid proxy on the same machine, and if I do:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -j REDIRECT -i ppp0 -s -p tcp --dport 80 --to-port 3128
I can access the internet through Squid, but of course Jabber/ICQ etc. Won't work then because it just refers port 80. But I want the PPTP Clients to connect to the internet directly, if I don't use that rule it's not possible to load any pages. But pinging works all the time. DNS is also working fine, but I can't even access webpages via IP directly. How can I allow the PPTP IPs to get direct access to the Internet with Iptables?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Unable To Get Internet Access To 5 Server

Jan 17, 2009

I've installed centos 5 on an old computer with success and it works great.I can access the web server hosted on the centos server from any computer on the wireless and wired local network. I can also use ssh (putty) and nx client from any computer on the local network (wired and wireless) to access the centos server.On the wireless router I've configured a port forwarding to the wireless network interface on the centos server. I can access the centos server from the outside (internet) through this port forwarding both through http and ssh or nx client.MY problem is that I can't access the centos server from the internet through the wired network interface. Any attempt to view a web page or login with ssh or the nx client will timeout.

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General :: Networking With Internet Access Using FR114P Print Server

May 14, 2010

I have a local network of two computers running ubuntu connected via a Netgear FR114P. I also have one of the computers connected WiFi to the internet. Can I get on the internet from the alternate computer via the network? Some assistance is appreciated as I am a relative newcomer to this area.

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Server :: Slow Access To Web Site Using Squid And Internet Explorer.

Apr 4, 2010

Slow access to web site using squid and Internet explorer.I am trying to troubleshoot an issue I am stuck on. We have a website that is loading .htm documents extremely slow when using Internet Explorer 8 behind Squid. When we bypass the proxy and go directly out to the internet all is fast and pages load fine.But when the proxy is on documents will take sometimes up to 6 minutes to load.This issue is only apparent using Internet explorer 8.I do not see the issue when using firefox with Squid.I have tried to use the no_cache directive thinking it may have been the cache but that didn't work either.I am attaching our access.log, store.log and squid.conf.

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General :: Connect And Access Files Remotely To Samba Server Over Internet

May 31, 2010

I have a server at home running as a file server and DHCP connected to a switch with a wireless AP in there as-well. with this setup I can access the files and do some configurations via SSH on the actual server anytime I'm able to get the wireless signal, now lately I felt the need to be able to do the same but this time over the internet. I've read somewhere already that I'm gonna need a router with port forwarding and NAT, then know the IP address of the server but my problem is once you start talking about routers then you need broadband connection which is something I don't have. Getting a router is not much of a problem but without ADSL like connection I guess its useless, what do I need to do?

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Red Hat :: Installing Lotus Domino On Server - Can't Access Webmail And POP3 From Internet

Aug 29, 2010

I'm installing Lotus Domino on Linux Server. Did anyone know how to reverse proxy for HTTP and POP3/IMAP on linux ? I've problem when try to open webmail from internet. I can't access webmail and POP3 from internet. Seems because connection from internet can't directly to Domino through Firewall. If using apache seems no problem with the webmail, but POP3 still can't access.

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