Ubuntu :: Wine - Working From GUI But Fail From Terminal

Mar 19, 2010

I'm running a game called EV Nova (which runs perfectly well in WINE). I'm trying to set up a Menu item for it, but the Terminal command fails.

What works:
Right-clicking EV Nova.exe and selecting "Run with Wine Windows Program Loader"

What doesn't:
wine /home/user/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/nova/EV Nova.exe
wine "/home/user/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/nova/EV Nova.exe"
wine "C:\Program Files\nova\EV Nova.exe"
...or pretty much any other Terminal command.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Fail 10.04 Wine Etc/fstab

Dec 29, 2010

No Boot started w/auto check of drives and it failed on my Virtual C: drive. I know,... but I edited /etc/fstab and now I have nothing available to get a command line. I have grub2 and don't know how or can't get to a boot menu either. Is this a reinstall?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fail To Install SPSS With Wine

Jan 9, 2010

I am using Dell Notebook model Inspiron 1420. I run Ubuntu 9.04. I've tried but failed to install SPSS Student Version 16 via Wine. There is a message saying the installer is unable to run in graphical mode. Try to running installer with the -console or -silent flag. What is the silent flag?

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Fedora :: WINE - Fail To Run Pocket Tanks 1.3

Aug 5, 2009

I just installed wine and I tried to run pocket tanks 1.3, but it fails. I think it has to do with the offscreenrenderingmode and needs this [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareWineDirect3D] "OffscreenRenderingMode"="backbuffer" However, that winedirect3d does not exist. The only things that do are fonts, drivers and occasionaly X11 and temperorary system settings Where did it go? What, if anything, Should I do? I could be completely wrong. Anyone have pocket tanks running successfully?

Fedora 11
AMD64 x86_64

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Software :: Firefox And Wine Silently Fail To Open - Where Do Find An Error Report

Jul 30, 2009

Firefox 3.1 beta 3 won't load. When I open the application, the little bouncy icon bounces, and the task manager shows "Firefox Web Browser", but this only stays this way for about 15 seconds then just goes away. No error or anything.

I've had this identical problem when I try to open certain programs with Wine too. Is there some place I can find a detailed error report on these failures?

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Ubuntu :: Use A Terminal To Install/run Currently Installed WINE Apps?

Jun 21, 2010

is it possible to use a terminal to install/run currently installed WINE apps...? if so, please let me know how to do so, i'm trying to run my guild wars game client, and its saying that the program doesn't have sufficient priveleges to run...

EDIT: i think i figured it out, but it gives me this code:

wine: /home/ahs62491/.wine is not owned by you

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Fedora :: Wine Work Well With 14 - Install Through The Terminal?

Mar 21, 2011

I am currently using Ubuntu 10.10 and am wanting to switch to Fedora 14. I have always loved the way Fedora looked and felt. So I am finally making the transition. But I am wondering does Wine work well with Fedora 14? If so how do I install through the terminal. I know it is the harder way but I find it gives me more customization. I prefer it, so what would the command be? With Ubuntu it is sudo apt-get install wine1.2 what is it in Fedora?

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OpenSUSE :: Wine - Run ITunes Setup From A Terminal At The Root Login

May 24, 2010

I have installed it as per the instructions on the OpenSUSE help guide (Wine - openSUSE). When I try and run iTunes setup from a terminal at the root login, using this code:wine /home/louise/Download/itunes64setup.exe

I get this error: linux-eqln:~ # wine /home/louise/Download/itunes64setup.exe Trying to load PE image for unsupported architecture (AMD-64) errrocess:create_process starting 64-bit process L"Zhome\louise\Download\itunes64setup.exe" not supported on this environment wine: Bad EXE format for ZhomelouiseDownloaditunes64setup.exe getting iTunes up and running or just syncing an iPhone in OpenSUSE

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Software :: Wine: Keyboard Input Reaching Terminal Not Application

Jun 17, 2010

when I call a windows application with wine I cannot type anything when the application asks for it. The typed keys are displayed in the terminal instead. I use a ubuntu-based distro.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Z-Star Chipset WEBCAM Not Working Due Probe Fail

Jun 7, 2010

I'm having troubles using this not so new webcam. I didnt found any thread that have a problem like mine. In older kernel versions the webcam started working compiling and installing zc3xx module, but as far as I googled and lsmod this module now comes with default kernel. As I can see, the module itself recognizes the webcam, but fails in the process.Does someone have some idea of fixing? Should I report it to launchpad (and so, which section?)?

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Ubuntu :: Spotify Under Wine Not Working?

Oct 17, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and trying to run Spotify through Wine 1.2 but can't get it to play anything (worked fine on 10.04). I've followed the instructions on the Spotify site but setting the wine audio driver to OSS as recommended cause the audio test to fail. ALSA driver the audio test is fine but in both cases Spotify doesn't play anything (not just no sound but the song doesn't progress).

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Ubuntu :: Endnote (with Wine) On 11.04 Not Working?

May 31, 2011

I am trying to install Endnote on my ubuntu 11.04 using wine. The program is featured in my applications, however when I try to run it, it will not start: it looks as if it is starting up, but then it seems as if the computer just gives up - this does not interfere with any already running programs.

I don't know if it is due to a faulty installation of Endnote itself or maybe even wine.

I know there are other programs similar to Endnote that one can use, but I would prefer to have Endnote run.

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Fedora Networking :: Globetrotter HSDPA Modem - Identified As A Serial Device - Fail To Get It Working

May 7, 2009

I have bought a so-called web'n'walk stick, which identifies itself as a "Globetrotter HSDPA Model". I managed to get it identified as a serial device (initially, it is detected as a USB drive), but I fail to get it working.

Things that might be of interest:



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Server :: Frequency Scaling Not Working - Out Of 11 Steps Can Change To Only 2 Frequencies And Rest Fail To Work

Apr 23, 2011

I am using Intel Xeon X 3440 processor. The processor has 11 frequency steps to chose from. I have used cpufreq-selector for choosing a frequency and it worked fine. But, all of a sudden it stops working out of the 11 steps i can change to only 2 frequencies and rest fail to work. I am clueless as to why it stopped working suddenly.

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Ubuntu :: WINE's Audio Stopped Working

May 14, 2010

I've tried it before, but not in depth. Anyway, just today, out of nowhere, WINE's audio stopped working. It was working fine before... I'm not sure what happened. I went to the sound, tried a BUNCH of driver combinations, but zip, nada. Whenever I click "Test Sound", all it says it "Audio test failed!", no details or anything.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ITunes 10 Not Working Under Wine?

Dec 28, 2010

I got the XP 32 bit newest version of iTunes from the iTunes website. I got the newest version of Wine from the Ubuntu Software Center. I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10

So when I install iTunes it seems to work because it goes through the whole install process. But when I click the iTunes icon to launch it I Get a little box with this error message:

Apple Application Support was not found

Apple Application Support is required to run iTunes. Please uninstall iTunes, then install iTunes again.

Error 2 (Windows error 2)

So what can I do to fix this? I already uninstalled then re installed iTunes like the message says to do but I still keep getting the same error.

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Software :: Install Wine Got "Missing Dependency: Wine-gecko Is Needed By Package Wine"?

Mar 19, 2010

when I tried to install wine I got "Missing Dependency: wine-gecko is needed by package wine"so I looked for wine-gecko and download it but also when I tried to install it I got "Missing Dependency: wine-gecko is needed by package wine"it seems that I am in loop each package need the other what to do please?

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Ubuntu :: Reisntall My Wine In Order To Get Working My MS Word

Feb 10, 2011

I want (need) to reisntall my Wine in order to get working my MS Word!

MS Word suddendly started only opening texts in italics. Every word were italicized.

Then I'm trying to reinstall Wine to have it ok.

But I have put the command ...sudo remome wine... but it has been running for almost 10 minutes!

Is it normal? what else could I do?

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Ubuntu :: Sound Stopped Working After Upgraded Wine To 1.3.20

May 17, 2011

I ended up upgrading my wine version to 1.3.20 before it was released to the PPA repos. I downloaded it via git, compiled & installed, but now it did not detect my drivers anymore. It even warned me when i ./configure'd it, but I didn't listen. I tried, also, remove purge all wine packages I own and reinstall them from Ubuntu, but the dud 1.3.20 version is still installed. Is there a way to bring the sound back? Or, is there a way to revert this installation and make me able to install 1.3.19 back?

The following message appears when I access the "Audio" tab @ winecfg:

Found driver in registry that is not available ! Remove 'alsa' from registry?

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Ubuntu :: Pen Pressure Not Working - Install Photoshop Over Wine

Aug 3, 2011

i managed to install Photoshop over Wine nd it s working like a charm. Installing the Tablet was even more easy, just used Wizardpen (reconized) nd WORKS! But the Pen Pressure aint working, can someone tell me what can i do, because this is the last thing i need for a new life as an Ubuntu user. My tablet is Genius G-Pen M712X nd Ubuntu 11.04.

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Ubuntu :: Access "Program Files" In .wine/drive_c With The Terminal?

Jan 13, 2010

How do I access "Program Files" located in ~/.wine/drive_c with the cd command ? when I try, this is what happens:

rrmendes Wed Jan 13 14:24:38 BRST 2010
[~]cd /home/rrmendes/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Okapi/Olifant
bash: cd: /home/rrmendes/.wine/drive_c/Program: No such file or directory
rrmendes Wed Jan 13 14:24:38 BRST 2010

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Debian :: Steam On Wine Not Working?

Dec 17, 2010

I am unable to use Steam via Wine. Here is exactly how I have installed Steam (downloaded the sid amd64 .deb from lamaresh.net):

# dpkg -i wine<tab-completed>.deb
# aptitude install lib32nss-mdns wine
$ cd /tmp/
wget http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe


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Fedora :: Wine Programs Not Working

Apr 4, 2010

im using fedora 12 on my laptop and im trying too play battlefield 2 demo from [URL]... the installation worked quite nicely but when i go to play the demo the aplikation comes up saying loading battlefield 2 demo.exe than it vanishes is there anything i need to install to get this program to work?

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Software :: Spotify On Wine Isn't Working Properly

Jun 5, 2010

When I installed Spotify on my computer - which is btw running Linux mint 8 gnome - and tried to play some of my music it started to stutter realy badly and play at about 1/8 of the speed it should play. There were no errors during installation that I am aware of. This also happens on my friends laptop which also runs Mint 8. If anyone else has had this problem and has managed to fix it I would greatly appreciate any helpful responses from them.

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Fedora Installation :: Wine And Virtualbox Not Working After Bug Update?

Mar 25, 2009

i always run updates if i get prompted about it... this time i ran a couple or so updates and software updates and restarted, i realise my VirtualBox and Wine isn't running at all... i click on the icons but nothing fires up.. all my programs on Wine seem to fall under the same issue...

how do i view all the latest updates i just installed?

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Fedora :: Working With Wine - Advance Browser Integration?

Feb 28, 2010

I am a new fedora user. I want to download videos from web which wee can see. In windows xp we can download it by using IDM and its advance browser integration. I have setup WINE in my PC. But I am not able to work with it. How to work with it.

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Fedora :: Wine - Can't Get The Video Call Working On Msn Live

Dec 23, 2010

install the windows live? I can't get the video call working on amsn My fedora is 14 on netbook aceraspire one PS: I installed the wine already, when i load the windows live 2011 doesn't show the box to check for what i want to install, so i can't pass from that.

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OpenSUSE :: Install Application In WINE But It's Not Working Correctly

Mar 13, 2011

I installed 11.4 and it seems to be working fine. To run few windows application I need WINE. I installed WINE using YAST Software Manager. But when I install application in WINE it's not working correctly. The same application is working fine in MINT/WINE.

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Software :: Rosetta Stone 3.4.5 No Longer Working Under Wine 1.2

Sep 19, 2010

About 3 months ago I got Rosetta Stone (version 3) working under Ubuntu using Wine, after some weeks trial and error. It was still working at the end of July, after which I didn't attempt to use it until last week. It no longer works, and I suspect this may be because in the meantime I upgraded Wine to version 1.2 - I'm not sure what version I upgraded from; possibly 1.1.43. If I start it by right-clicking the .exe file name and choose "Open with Wine Windows Program Loader", the task bar shows "Opening RosettaStoneVersion3" for a few seconds. Nothing else happens. If I execute it from a terminal - i.e. type "wine RosettaStoneVersion3.exe" while in the Rosetta Stone folder, nothing at all is output.

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Ubuntu :: Terminal Not Working 10?

Nov 10, 2010

i am getting problem with terminal.when i am open the terminal getting error(There was a problem with the command for the terminal-text was empty or contain only white space)

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