Ubuntu :: Vista Folders Bad To Reach (data Backup)

Apr 14, 2010

I have installed also Vista on my PC, but "Documents and Settings" f.e. is void if I mount the Vista partition. In this case its not very important. But a week ago i'd run a XP-Laptop with 9.04 live-CD for backup. That worked fine (The XP was very damaged). I put the 40GB data on my PC through the WLAN during one night without any aid else. All the XP files are well accessible. And I put it back later on a fresh XP.But what would have happen with a Vista-Laptop? Anyone an idea how to reach all Vista or 7 files with a live CD? Or at least from my installed 8.04 to installed Vista.

I think it works alternatively from Win7 running using a USB hard drive adapter if you change the rights on Vista or 7 on the connected hard drive. Not tested.

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Ubuntu :: MM 10.10 Viewing Vista Shares Over LAN / Doesn't List All Data And Folders

Apr 20, 2011

1. Maverick Meerkat 10.10
2. Vista Ultimate

I'm successfully connecting to my Vista desktop via my laptop running MM;I can view my shares but not all my data. All top level shares seem to be visible, it's when I go deeper that I notice not everything is showing up. The folders are accessible if I type the full path, and then again I have the same issue once I'm inside that folder where not all data is visible.

In Nautilus setting: Edit>Pref>Preview Tab.I set preview for all files under 4GB which is the upper limit I can set.This made more files visible but not everything.I attempted to divide the directories in order to halve the size of the folders, this helped but not completely. The directories contain movie and picture files. The picture files are easier to divide more equitably between folders, but the movies being so large, managing folders sizes in that way doesn't help. I really don't want to divide my files according to this problem anyway. Sorting does not affect which folders and files are shown. Nothing is hidden, options to show hidden files on amd off, no help.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Reach Lucid From Dual Boot Vista?

Jul 22, 2010

I run Lucid on ext3. I really miss not being able to reach Lucid from my dual boot Vista.I have installed the latest fsdriver. I have also tried this:[URL].. which does not work. (Is it because fsdriver is still in the system?) I also tried these methods but to no avail.[URL]. The problem seems to be related to fsdriver not being able to handle ext3 with Inode size = 256. Going back to ext2 for only the home partition seems complicated?

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Ubuntu :: Backup Software That Lets You Choose The Folders To Backup?

Jun 30, 2010

does anyone know of a good backup software for Ubuntu 10.4 that will let me select which folders to backup, rather than a complete backup? My install and settings etc can be replaced, but my photos and memories cannot!

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Fedora :: Backup From My Email And My Favorites From Mozilla - Which Folders To Backup

Aug 10, 2011

I want to make a backup from my Email and my Favorites from Mozilla.

But which folders I have to make a backup from.

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Ubuntu :: Backup With Dejadup - Backup Only The Folders Or The OS As Well?

Jun 13, 2011

When I backup with Dejadup, does it backup only the folders or the OS as well?

In case of a real crash, can I bring back the system to its pre crash state including the OS, using Dejadup backed up files?

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Debian :: Used Backup-manager - Restore The Backup Data?

Feb 4, 2011

I am now preparing myself to upgrade lenny to squeeze and decided to do a backup on my system. I used backup-manager to do the job and it worked fine. how do you restore said backup data?

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Ubuntu :: Backup Vista In Maverick?

Mar 18, 2011

I've managed to hopelessly muck up my Vista partition, and have tried everything I've found for two days now. My next thought is to somehow backup, reinstall vista and restore from the backup. Is there some way to create a virtualhd (virtualbox) or use Wine to run the Vista backup utility?

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Ubuntu :: Backup PC And Encrypted Home Folders?

Jan 2, 2010

I'm recently switched my work laptop from running winXP to runing karmic. I'm still at the stage of getting my various bits and bobs working correctly. One of these I (may) have a problem with is backup's. I've ran backuppc on a ubuntu 9.04 box in the attic for the last year or so and I've been backing up my laptop to that. But since the switch, since I have an encrypted home dir, what is being backed up is the encrypted files. First, can I recover these if needed (I kept a copy of my passphrase), or can I get backuppc to ssh in as me with my home dir mounted correctly?

Backuppc is using rsync over ssh I've been using linux on and off since about redhat 5.0, so I'm not afraid of the command line or vi

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Ubuntu :: Restore Folders Out Of .tgz Backup File?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm using ubuntu for a few weeks now and i created a backup script that can copy some folders into a .tgz file. Now i want to place back the folders to where they come from and overwrite the original folder. like the /home folder in the .tgz file overwrite the /home folder on my harddrive. I already tried to do this with: tar xvpfz filename.tgz. But after that the folders came in the same folders as the backupfile stands.

How can i do this the right way?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot See Any Backup Hard Drive Contents Except Folders ?

Jun 5, 2010

Recently, Ubuntu was doing a standard update. It got stuck in some kind of strange loop. So i put the boot disk in cleared the master drive and reinstalled ububtu 10.4. I have a backup 500gb drive that use to keep the contents of my important information for my fileserver. After the completed install and found the backup drive STILL named "FILESERVER" and still has my folders aka: our pictures, our music, and our video. I opened them up and they're all empty. Am I missing some informaton? I swear i didn't format the drive. I couldn't have since the folders are still there. Where are all my files at?

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Ubuntu :: Deleted Folders During Grsyc Backup On The Destination Hd?

Mar 31, 2011

i took a back up using grsync and stupid me, the "delete on destination" was enabled.So, i lost some folders and files that i used to keep only on the receiver hd to keep my host clean

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OpenSUSE Install :: Any Way To Backup Mail Folders?

Aug 29, 2010

I'd like to know if there is a way to backup mail folders, as they are. I already tried trough the "file" menu saving function, but it seems to be available for single messages, otherwise it saves more selected messages as unique file. I'd like to manage mails directly on backup support, one by one if I need...

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OpenSUSE :: Backup Kmail Folders (.mbox Format)?

Feb 25, 2010

For some time Ihave copied my email folders in .mbox format to files which I then can save to cd. Unfortunately, these files are one (very) large concatenation of email text+attachments which are very inconvenient when searching for a lost email. Question:how to backup emails from within Kmail? And, yes, I did read the Kmail manual cover-to-cover and found nothing relevant.

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OpenSUSE :: Backup And Restore Local Folders In K Mail?

Mar 4, 2011

How to backup and restore local folders in K Mail. I understand that this is a rudimentary question-- under K Mail in 11.2 there is no backup and restore option for local folders (that I have been able to find anyway). I use 11.2 on this machine where I do all e mail, browsing and everything pretty much internet related. I am going to upgrade to 11.4 in another week and want to make sure that I understand backup and restore procedures for K Mail...in case something untoward happens during the upgrade to 11.4.

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General :: Compress Some Folders Containing Backup Files From Last Year?

Jul 24, 2010

Today I tried to compress some folders containing backup files from last year. I right-clicked on the folders and selected compress as tar.gz. I let it work, and found that hours later, the folders were still compressing. How long is it supposed to take, anyway? I was trying to compress the two sets of backups simultaneously; together they're around 1.5 GB. They have many subdirectories.

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Security :: Create A Backup Script For Files / Folders?

Jan 18, 2010

I m going to create a backup script for my files/folders...

This script creates tar.gz of the folders/files you want.

This i want is to encrypt these .tar.gz files and when i need them to decrypt them. Does anyone have an idea on how to encrypt these files ?

my script looks like this :

BACKUPDATE=$(date +%d%m%Y)
cd /home/n3t
echo "taking Backup of your home/n3t/Downloads dir"
tar -czvf /media/disk/BACKUP/home/Downloads/$BACKUPDATE.tar.gz ./Downloads

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Data Of Vista Hard Drive ?

Apr 25, 2010

I am trying to transfer files from a SATA hard drive with Windows Vista (Home Premium) installed on it. Some files I can easily copy over, others just say Access Denied.

I'm sure permissions is part of the issue, unofrtunately Windows is unable to boot at all (surpise surprise) so I can't adjust anything from within in. I know with XP drives I can easily copy and paste onto my Ubuntu machine. I'm using a SATA to USB converter that let's me plug it in and my desktop reads it like an external hard drive.

I've gone into the properties and under permissions it shows my account as having access to Create and delete files under folder access amd "---" under File access. My group and others show None and --- for Folder and File access. I can post a link to a screenshot tomorrow. I've tried to also select Read and Write for File access but it goes back to the dashes before I can apply it.

I am running 64 bit Ubuntu 9.10 and do not have the sharing aspect installed. Any questions please feel free to ask me.

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Ubuntu :: Wubi Install On Vista Partition - Cannot See Data

Jun 8, 2010

I've installed wubi on my D: partition of a vista os. Vista is installed on the C: I can see the vista partition if I mount it but can only see the wubi 10.04 system files on the data partition (D: ). No option to mount it either. Also curious to know if its possible to automatically mount the c: on startup.

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General :: Script To Backup Up Shared Folder Home Folders

May 11, 2009

I am using rhel5 running as samba PDC.Most of the user save their data on a common folder on the server.Now I want to backup this data to some other location to have redundancy.It could be external USB HDD or other folder on the same server.How to create backup script and automate it using cron.

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Ubuntu :: Does Home Directory Dot Folders Contain Sensitive Data

Feb 3, 2011

I recently used D�j� Dup for the first time. I chose to backup my home folder and most dot folders (do most of you backup all your home dir dot folders?). Even though D�j� Dup uses gpg, is there any sensitive data stored in dot folders within my home directory?

BTW, I did an incremental backup up to an older D�j� Dup backup folder on my NTSF external HDD and got an error. Is this because it is NTFS? I then did an incremental backup to a backup folder on my PC (ext4) and got no error. In the picture attached, would that setting mean the backup will continue to grow to a huge size? Would it be better to keep backups for a week?

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Applications :: Firefox Slower Compiling Data Than In Vista

Oct 2, 2010

I've been trying to make Linux my only OS and have run into another snag - this time with Firefox. I realize I could try Opera or Chrome but for this thread I'm concerned with Firefox.I still dual-boot and while I've always notice that Firefox doesn't scroll as smoothly as it does in Vista, this latest issue is a concern:

I'm on the BOD for a different club forum (hobby) and need to print a list of the new registrants for various reasons. Firefox initially presents the list in portrait mode but I need it to be in landscape. Generating the initial "print preview" then changing the "print preview" from portrait to landscape takes substantially longer than in Vista on the same box...it's 30-40 seconds in Vista and nearly 2 minutes in Linux - that's a huge difference!!

As I mentioned it's a dual boot so the hardware is the same and it shouldn't involve the HPLIP service as it's a preview.I don't know if this is an openSuse issue, Kernel issue or something else.

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General :: Rescuing Data From Windows Vista Disk

May 27, 2011

I'm trying to help out a Windows Vista user by rescuing their data from a failing hard disk. When their laptop stopped booting, I immediately pulled the disk to get as much as I could off of it using another Windows box, but the process took days and ultimately choked on multiple bad sectors and stopped responding. I then hooked it up to my Ubuntu box via a USB disk dock and ran a ddrescue on the Windows partition. The operation took a week, then seemed to get stuck for another week on the "splitting failed blocks" phase. So I have an dd image and a log to go back to, but when I resume that process it still seems to use the disk and I don't see much progress.

I then tried a plain `dd` on the disk with `conv=noerror,sync` options, and that has been running for a few days now, but with input/ouput error messages every few seconds and seemingly no records going in or out. I think that's a bad sign.What's the best, and fastest, way to get the most data off the disk as possible and into an image file, and then perform any necessary operations on the image file so that the disk is no longer needed (since it seems to be just about dead)? Er, just realized I'd put "Windows 7" in the post title, but this is a Vista partition, and I can't change the title. They're pretty similar, with one OS being much less useful than the other, but I thought I'd better acknowledge my mistake.

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General :: Windows 7 - Backup Folders To External SFTP Server With Shadow Copy

Mar 1, 2010

I have an account in university on Linux machine with 10TB of free space accessible via SFTP. I would like to backup my Windows 7 x64 laptop to university. Currently I am using rsync+cygwin, but backup is pretty slow (without shadow copy) and I hate console window appearing every day on my screen when I login.

So I am looking for something like Windows Backup but with support for SFTP. Combination of tools will work too.

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General :: How To Backup Data To CD / DVD?

Feb 24, 2010

What are the options to backup data to CD/DVD from command line interface. Don't want to use K3B and Nero Linux. Want to backup using "tar" like utility. Please suggest good articles or options.If we can use tar itself to backup data to CD. Then how?For example I want to backup my /home directory to a DVD. I don't want to use GUI tools for this.

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CentOS 5 :: Backup Data On Server To HDD Box?

Aug 19, 2010

Now, i thinking solution: Backup Data on Server CentOS to HDD Box. When server error, i can restore Server from HDD Box.

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Installation :: Need To Disable 'Data Prevention Execution' When Loading VISTA Through GRUB

Feb 7, 2009

I just started using linux (newb) on a dual boot with windows VISTA. I need to disable data prevention execution whenever I do boot Vista through GRUB but I don't know what command to use nor exactly where to put the command.On a single boot windows machine, all you would do is type the following at the command prompt and reboot: bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOffAlso, GRUB lists my VISTA boot option simply as "other." Is there a way to change that?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition Second Hard Disk For Use As Backup Data

Sep 29, 2010

My primary drive is 250GB and has the root, home and var (I'd read it's good to put var on a separate partition for MythTV which I'm planning on doing) on separate partitions. I have a second 1TB drive that I'll be using to backup the 250GB drive and also host less critical data. I've created two partitions on this drive, one 250GB and the other covering the rest of the drive. I'd like to move the Videos directory out of Home on the 250GB onto the 1TB drive but can't find a definitive way of doing this. Should I just follow this guide for moving the home folder to a new partition? Next question is when performing a backup of the 250GB drive how do I make sure it's going to the 250GB partition on the 1TB drive? Can the different partitions be mounted separately?

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Ubuntu :: Backup Software That Backs Up Applications And User Data?

Oct 12, 2010

I have searched and searched for answers to this question, but I can't find what I'm searching for anywhere. At least with the search terms I'm using.So, my question is, is there a backup software for Linux that backs up not only a user's home folder, etc, but also the user's applications, and its associated data.

I am about to upgrade my mother's computer to Lucid, but I don't want to do that until I can find a backup solution that will ensure she doesn't lose any of her application data. She has a lot of apps on her netbook, so just finding out where each individual app stores its data and backing it up is kind of out of the question. Unless every app that the end-user uses (that isn't run as root, obviously) stores its data in the home folder, then it would be easier.Honestly, I use a Mac and I guess I'm just used to the simplicity of Time Machine, which certainly backs up applications, application data, user data, and even extra executables in all the /bin folders (which Macs don't typically use to store most applications). I've heard TimeVault is like Time Machine, but when I tried to use it on her computer, it wouldn't work because it wasn't compatible with the version of Ubuntu that was (and still is) on her computer.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Remote Backup Ftp Server With Confidential Data?

Feb 15, 2011

I already have an ubuntu backup server in my location and need this one server to be backed up remotely in another state. this other location is a helpdesk so there's a danger that they can gain access to confidential data. I'll be setting up this new server as an ftp server but need to set the ftp folder to only allow access to the backup server and me. Because its remote on the helpdesk side, they'll need some access to the file system but need to be completely blocked off from the ftp folder where all the data is at. How can I make sure I can keep them away from my data and still be able to retrieve or copy files over without permission issues between both servers?

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