Ubuntu :: Backup PC And Encrypted Home Folders?

Jan 2, 2010

I'm recently switched my work laptop from running winXP to runing karmic. I'm still at the stage of getting my various bits and bobs working correctly. One of these I (may) have a problem with is backup's. I've ran backuppc on a ubuntu 9.04 box in the attic for the last year or so and I've been backing up my laptop to that. But since the switch, since I have an encrypted home dir, what is being backed up is the encrypted files. First, can I recover these if needed (I kept a copy of my passphrase), or can I get backuppc to ssh in as me with my home dir mounted correctly?

Backuppc is using rsync over ssh I've been using linux on and off since about redhat 5.0, so I'm not afraid of the command line or vi

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Ubuntu Security :: Encrypted Home Folders - Verify That It's Actually Performing The Encryption/decryption?

May 1, 2010

I ticked the box for this when I installed Lucid, but how can I verify that it's actually performing the encryption/decryption?

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General :: Script To Backup Up Shared Folder Home Folders

May 11, 2009

I am using rhel5 running as samba PDC.Most of the user save their data on a common folder on the server.Now I want to backup this data to some other location to have redundancy.It could be external USB HDD or other folder on the same server.How to create backup script and automate it using cron.

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Ubuntu :: Backup Software That Lets You Choose The Folders To Backup?

Jun 30, 2010

does anyone know of a good backup software for Ubuntu 10.4 that will let me select which folders to backup, rather than a complete backup? My install and settings etc can be replaced, but my photos and memories cannot!

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Fedora :: Backup From My Email And My Favorites From Mozilla - Which Folders To Backup

Aug 10, 2011

I want to make a backup from my Email and my Favorites from Mozilla.

But which folders I have to make a backup from.

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General :: In Ubuntu 9.04 - Mount The Different Folders On The Partition To Different Folders In Home?

May 12, 2010

I have a shared NTFS partition ("shared") that I use for data for both Windows and Ubuntu. How can I mount the music folder on shared to $Home/Music, and the Videos folder on shared to $Home/Videos? I want to mount the different folders on the partition to different folders in home.

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Ubuntu :: Backup With Dejadup - Backup Only The Folders Or The OS As Well?

Jun 13, 2011

When I backup with Dejadup, does it backup only the folders or the OS as well?

In case of a real crash, can I bring back the system to its pre crash state including the OS, using Dejadup backed up files?

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Ubuntu :: Back In Time To Backup Home Directory To A Second Hdd That Is Mounted At /media/backup?

May 18, 2010

using Back In Time to backup my home directory to a second hdd that is mounted at /media/backupThe trouble is, I can do this using Back In Time (Root), but not using Back In Time without the root option. This is definitely a permissions issue - it can't write to the folder, but when I checked by right clicking on the backup directory and looking at the permission tab, it said I was the owner

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Ubuntu :: Real Time Backup In A Folder Called /home/backup?

Feb 2, 2011

I've tried to google but not much luck. What I would like to do is have anumber of folders on my desktop and their contents, replicated/duplicated into another folder on the same PC in real time. So for example, if I were to change an OpenOffice document in a specific folder on my Desktop it would be replicated/duplicated in real time. If I had three folders on my Desktop A, B and C they would also appear/be backed up (in real time) in a folder called /home/backup. Can this be done?

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Ubuntu :: Using Old Home Backup In Separate Home Partition

Mar 28, 2011

recently i made a backup of my home directory in 10.10 before reinstalling 10.10. again.This time I chose to manually define the partitions (50GB Root, 25GB Swap, 325GB Home)Now i wish to migrate the old home into the newly installed home, which is on a separate partition.I have found the following documentation URL...Still, as a beginner I am not quite sure about the necessary steps to perform.As the new home is located on a separate partition is it possible to simple delete all directories there and copy all directories from old home to new home with rsync?

Do I have to install all the software that corresponds to the old home first followed by migrating home or first migrating home followed by installing the software such as thunderbird, Texlive2010 etc.Guess that migration should take place at a later stage. Otherwise my old profile files from firefox and thunderbird will be overwriten by new ones?

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Ubuntu Installation :: NTFS Partition With Encrypted Folders?

May 13, 2011

I used Windows XP's encryption to encrypt some folders on an NTFS Hard Drive.Upon mounting this drive in ubuntu, I can see all folders, and all file names, but I cannot open the contents of the encrypted files, getting "Permission Denied" despite all permissions being -rwxrwxrwx.Is there a way to open these from linux? I know the Windows XP login / encryption password.

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Ubuntu Security :: Encrypted Backup With Duplicity?

Feb 20, 2010

I managed to make an encrypted backup of my ubuntu box onto my server and was also able to restore it. I mainly followed this tutorial here. Altough everything worked fine I have two questions:What is that part for ? Quote: export PASSPHRASE=your_passphrase

Just for the fun of it, and to see how it would handle incremental backups I ran the backup command a second time and was, to my surprise, asked to provide my GpG password. Whys that? And how can I "auto-login", since I would like to run this command in a cron job.

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Ubuntu Security :: Accessing NTFS-encrypted Files And Folders?

May 14, 2010

After trying Truecrypt, LUKS, and Ecryptfs I decided to try NTFS encryption. Now, on a dual boot computer from Ubuntu I can browse the encrypted folders but can not open the encrypted files. All attempts produce access denials yet the Unix file permissions appear to be "0777" (owner, group, and world readable-writable).

Is there someway to get Ubuntu's NTFS software to recognize and decrypt the encrypted files? Would a different NTFS package work such as NTFS-3g?

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General :: How To Do Rsync-like Encrypted Backup

Feb 27, 2011

I want to save a backup of my data on a remote server, but never want the backup server to see the data unencrypted. Editing a single file and backing up should not result in everything being encrypted and sent again. The remote server should preferably not even know the directory structure (and especially not the directory names).

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Ubuntu :: Backup Storage In Encrypted Format On Server?

Apr 30, 2011

I learned from another post that Ubuntu (Gnome) will be doing away with panels as of 11.10 so I am in the process of downloading Lubuntu to have a look see. To keep myself amused during the download I have been poking around in various documentation pages and came across one on ubuntu.com about backup. It points to some pages on Ubuntu One.

The tech specs indicate that communication to/from Ubuntu One use SSL. However, I do not find any information as to the actual storage of files on the Ubuntu One servers (the FAQ page seems to be down at the moment). Can anyone tell me if the files which are synced to the server are stored in an encrypted format on the server?

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Debian :: Backup Plan For Encrypted Hard Drive

Jun 25, 2010

My laptop has only Debian on it. Except for /boot, the entire hard drive is a giant encrypted LVM partition. It takes Clonezilla 13 hours to back up to a USB hard drive without verification, long enough to make sure backups aren't done much. Is there some way to make an encrypted bare-metal backup of only what is used (except swap) instead of every sector? Backing up across the LAN would be ok.

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Debian :: Encrypted Backup To Remote Dumb Server

Mar 23, 2011

This is not a regular backup. I only want to backup selective directories so personal files (photographs, documents, sourcecode) will be kept safe in case of a total system meltdown. This'll be 15GB max. Basically the digital variant of a fire resistant safe. I looked into duplicity but that requires me to install gpg keys on the target machine, which I can not do. I rather have a solution that just relies on just a working shell account and diskspace on the target server.

I thought of writing a simple script to do the following:
1. Mount remote server with sshfs
2. Mount encrypted container at remote server (LUKS, TrueCrypt?)
3. Loop over predefined directories on local machine and copy to encrypted container (rdiff-backup?)

Based on these requirements:
- Target server is "dumb": only ssh access + diskspace (i.e. no installing of gpg keys)
- Encrypted container should grow/shrink to fit contents
- Encrypted container should be easily decryptable on any OS if you have the password
- Once data leaves client server it should be encrypted: sysadmin on target server should never be able to see unencrypted data.

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General :: Encrypted Backup Solution To USB HD (Open Source)

Mar 26, 2011

There are a lot of backup solutions, many scripts based of rsync. The problem is not a lot of them encrypt your data before syncing it. I have a USB hard drive and I want to backup my user folder /home/myuser/ to the external drive What software will allow me to create incremental backups which are encrypted with relative ease

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Ubuntu :: How To Know Home Folder Is Encrypted

Jul 13, 2010

I can't remember if i choose encrypt my home folder when i first install ubuntu.

is there a way to know if it's encrypted?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - How To Recover Encrypted Home

Nov 22, 2010

Dummy me let root run out of space because I didn't know to use logrotate. I was able to compress the system logs but not before the damage was done me thinks; now the computer is unbootable. I booted from a LiveCD and got my old partitions mounted under /media/oldroot to try and recover files; however, I forgot that I had encrypted my home. I found [URL] and was following it; however, I seem to run into a bunch of path issues after I chroot.

The chroot command returns:
bash: groups: command not found

The su command returns:
-su: cut: command not found
-su: getent: command not found
-su: expr: command not found
-su: groups: command not found

Finally, the ecryptfs-mount-private command returns:
-su: ecryptfs-mount-private: command not found

I have separate partitons for /, /home, /tmp, /usr, and /usr/local and bothered to mount the first 2. (If only I had been ambitious enough to create a /var). I was running Ubuntu 10.10.

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Ubuntu :: No Access To Encrypted Home?

Jan 27, 2011

I have choosen to encrypt Ubuntu 10.10 during installation (no alternate installation). After some time of working properly I get following error message after I put in correct password :

"Could not update ICE authority file /home/surf1/.ICE authority"

When I click "ok" following error message is shown :

"there is a problem with the configurationserver (/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 finished with status 256)"

When I click this "ok" next error message appears :

"Nautilus could not create following necessary files : home/surf1/Desktop,/home/surf1/.nautilus"

After I click here ok nothing else happen anymore and I get not access to my account and so to my data.

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Ubuntu :: Undo Encrypted Home Folder?

Feb 10, 2010

I recently did a clean install of Ubuntu 9.10 and when I did I chose to have /home on it's own partition and have it encrypted. The more I think about it the more I regret this decision. What if I want to switch distros down the road? What if I have to boot from a live cd to back up files? Is there a way to "undo" the encrypted home folder permanently? I don't mind having it on it's own partition, it's just the encryption that makes me worry.

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Ubuntu :: Backing Up Encrypted Home Folder?

Feb 13, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu Karmic on my netbook (I tried netbook remix but preferred the look of the regular desktop edition). When during installation, the option to encrypt the home folder appeared, and being mildly paranoid I thought, "sure, why not?" (I must warn you that I am a new user with little technical knowledge other than what I have managed to gather in a semi-passive manner over the past couple of months). The problem is, I (try to) backup my data weekly, and so today I gave it a shot (I got the desktop edition a week ago). I have encountered the following problem.

I backup my system following (approximately) the instructions at [URL] for Backup The exact command I enter at backup is:

sudo tar -cvpjf 2010.02.13.tar.bz2 --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/sys --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/media --exclude=/home/dan/music /

(I exclude my music folder as it is huge and I already have it all in several other locations) When I executed this command all ran smoothly for a while, however it soon began backing up the directory /home/.ecryptfs/dan/.Private At this point, it started backing up the huge number of files in this directory. I assume these are encryption keys? Forgive my ignorance... Anyway, it took several hours going through this folder, and finally bzip gave up, complaining of excessive file size:

bzip2: I/O or other error, bailing out. Possible reason follows.
bzip2: File too large
Input file = (stdin), output file = (stdout)

I assume that excluding the encryption keys and such from the backup would be a bad idea: I guess that if I did not restore the relevant directories along with my home folder, it would be inaccessible? Is there a way to avoid backing up such a large amount of data?

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Ubuntu Security :: Encrypted Home On Karmic

Mar 15, 2010

During the installation of Ubuntu Karmic, I picked the option that encrypts my home directory.

A few questions:

(1) Shortly after installation, I was asked to run a command to print a key necessary for data recovery from a rescue CD. I didn't run it at the time and am now looking for the command to run. What is it?

(2) I think I read somewhere that this also encrypts swap. Great. Correct me if that's wrong.

(3) If I suspend the machine, is my home directory encrypted? That is, if I have this on a laptop and travel with the suspended laptop and someone steals it, are my data safe, or not?

(4) I assume the weakest point in the system is my relatively short login password (but I think the install tests it and found it okay). Is there a recommendation how long this should be?

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Ubuntu :: Trying To Rebuild Encrypted Home Directory

May 21, 2010

I ran fsck on the wrong partition (which was mounted) and in my haste blew up the file system on that partition. Now here's the kicker, I had 450Gb of data and documents on that partition that was in an encrypted home directory. So the long and the short of it I ran fsck again and I was able to recover all the files, and they are now residing on a Lost+Found folder on my hard drive.I have located the encrypted files, but I don't know what to do with them.

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Ubuntu :: Tried To Upgrade - Home Partition Still Encrypted

Jul 10, 2010

I have a dual boot WinXP / Kubuntu system. Recently, I tried to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04. I have my Kubuntu partition set up with separate partitions for / , /home , and swap. Naturally, I wanted to wipe the slate clean, so I formatted / and left /home alone before doing the install. However, my /home partition was encrypted with the standard crypto that you get when you install. I just deleted the way in by wiping my / partition. Now all of my files are on my drive but encrypted. I do have the unencrypted passphrase given to me when the hard drive was first encrypted, so I am sure there is some way to get my files, but I am unsure how to apply it.

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Ubuntu :: Does Encrypted /home Stop SSH Access On LAN?

Sep 22, 2010

I've upgraded to my old dell from Xubuntu 9.10 to Xubuntu 10.04 and set up separate /home partition. I chose to encrypt the /home folder when I installed. I'm wondering if that's the quick answer for why I can no longer sftp from my Ubuntu Jaunty laptop. Both machines are on my desk, and I've been happily using ssh to get files between them before this. The Xubuntu machine has openssh server and client installed, the Jaunty machine has only ever had only the ssh client. Now I get a popup saying "Could not open location ..." and the sftp address, and "Host key verification failed." I've not done much with this new install, so I don't mind just re-installing again. I don't need an ecrypted /home, but I do want very much to be able to continue to ssh into that machine. Is it my encrypted /home that's causing this?

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Ubuntu :: Decrypt Encrypted Home Folder?

Nov 15, 2010

How to decrypt encrypted home folder?Which is already encrypted ?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Access Encrypted Home Folder?

Feb 16, 2011

I had issues on my last install , I couldn't boot into it cause I accidentally uninstalled python 2.6 and everything it was attached to. So I reinstalled on a separate hard drive, I can see my other file system from the media folder but the only thing in my home dir isthese 2 files 1 read methatsaysPHPCode:THIS DIRECTORY HAS BEEN UNMOUNTED TO PROTECT YOUR DATA.From the graphical desktop, click on: "AccessYour Private Data"orFrom the command line, run: ecryptfs-mount-private and then this file Access-Your-Private-Data.desktopbut when I click it and try to run it I get thisrrorPHPCode:Untrusted application launcherThe application launcher "Access-Your-.desktop" has not been marked as trusted. If you do not know the source of this file, launching it may bensafe.

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Ubuntu :: Recover Data From Encrypted Home?

Jun 14, 2011

so, after long time of succesfull use of kubuntu, i encountered a 1st major disaster yesterday while using kphotoalbum. It has somehow frozen my machine in so mighty way, that it apparently corrupted a directory with majority of my pictures , which now appears to be empty .My home lies on a separate partition, its encrypted aand using btrfs and I am using kubuntu 10.10. So, could anyone give me some clues how to unencrypt my home partition, that i could obtain an image of partition or whatever else usable for photorec to check for pictures?

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