Ubuntu :: Video File Not Running?

Nov 30, 2010

I am trying to run my code which calls opencv internally. I get this error:

swscaler at 0x86cebd0]No accelerated colorspace conversion found.
[swscaler at 0x86d51c0]No accelerated colorspace conversion found.
[swscaler at 0x86db7b0]No accelerated colorspace conversion found.


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Fedora :: Getting Error On Running Any Video File?

Nov 5, 2010

I get this error if I try run any video file [URL].

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Debian Multimedia :: Convert SWF Video File To AVI Video File?

Dec 18, 2010

how could i convert SWF video file to AVI video file on linux? is there any tools ?

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Ubuntu :: Flash Not Running Video

Feb 12, 2011

So I cant get videos to work on [URL] they just dont even show up. Flash isnt working at all. Ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling all of my flash and movie players, restarting the computer/ web connection, and changing the type of flash player I dl. Nothing is working. Frankly I really need to get this fixed before I throw my computer at a wall.

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Ubuntu :: Video Is Not Running - Netbook Edition

Sep 11, 2010

i have acer aspire one d532h-2588 pre-installed with win. 7. i have just installed ubuntu netbook edition as dual boot. i love une. everything is great except video is not working. i only have a blank video screen when trying to watch videos and videos on news media web sites. is there any video driver that i have to download and set up seperately so video will work in ubuntu?

i love ubuntu and i certainly don't want to remove it simply because video is not working.

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Ubuntu :: No Video After Running Updates Xubuntu 10.10?

Nov 4, 2010

This is an Xubuntu install on a memory stick. I had the video working perfectly after the initial installation of Xubuntu. After I ran the updates and rebooted the system I had no video. It says ,"Server is already active for display 0, if the server is no longer running remove /tmp/.XO-lock and startup again"I looked around for a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file but it does not exist. What next?

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Ubuntu :: Running On Low Video Mode After Fresh Install 9.04?

Jan 28, 2010

i get this message both when booting from the live usb and once installed (i am asked to chose low graphics mode, or to reconfigure X):

Ubuntu is running in Low graphics mode. error: update configuration to solve

(EE) intel(0): output LVDS enabled but has no modes
(EE) intel(0): no valid modes
(EE) screen(s) found, but none have usable configuration.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Control Vlc Running Video From Another Computer?

Mar 21, 2010

I have one laptop connected to my tv. It has all the videos on it. ther laptop(actually a netbook) that I have set up to do light browsing on. Both are running ubuntu 9.10. I would to be able to remotely control vlc running on the laptop connected to the tv from the netbook. I have been searching for a while and have found hints that this is possible, but everything either refers to streaming from one machine to another or doesn't give enough examples to figure it out. I have tried enabling the http interface, but I can't access this from another computer.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Stuttering Video When Running At 50Hz

Aug 22, 2010

I'm seeing regular stuttering in PAL video when running at the default 1920x1080 50Hz but not apparent when I use nvidia-settings to switch output to 60Hz. It's most noticeable when the video pans and you can see the video stutter ever half second or so.

Ubuntu 10.04 64bit
Nvidia driver 195.36.24-0ubuntu1~10.04
Xorg.conf [URL]
nvidia-settings cleared

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Ubuntu :: Wifi Crashes While Live Stream Video Is Running On 10.04?

May 9, 2010

I have a Dell Inspiron 6400 running Windows 7 64bits and Ubuntu 10.04 64bits. My problem is that when I'm connected to my wireless router the connection crashes when I watch a live stream video such ..... or something else. It does not happen when I'm connected via cable to the router nor in Windows 7 when I'm connected via wifi.

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Hardware :: Video Card For Older Desktop Running Ubuntu?

Feb 5, 2011

I'm thinking of setting up an older second-hand desktop to run ubuntu. The computer is a Dell Dimension 3000, with a Pentium 4 2.8GHz, currently 512mb ram(thinking of upgrading to 2gb), and integrated graphics. My old laptop is slowly dying, and I'm moving in a few months, and I'd like to use this computer after the move as my main home computer, for the usual internet, email, and word processing, as well as photo manipulation and storage(i'm into photography), and maybe some music recording(it has a really nice sound card).I'd really like to run a dual monitor setup, and I already have 2 VGA flat screen monitors.I'm on a budget(paid $50 for the computer...), but I think I need a video cwith 2 outputs.It doesn't need to be anything for gaming (the most I need it for is the silly effects on ubuntu). The computer has a spare PCI card slot for the card. Maybe something along these lines?:

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Determine File Type Of Any Of Video File

Oct 14, 2010

I am writting a script to allow uploading of certain files. I want to limit the files by their filename and mime type, and by making sure the two match up.The first thing I need to do is make sure I've got all the mime types I need added. I have never done this before, but I understand that 'file' (which is what PHP's mime-type finding is based off of) uses magic databases that tell at which point in the file should have signatures of the filetype.

My trouble started when I was unable to determine the filetype of any of my video files. Currently, I have some .MOV and .MP4 files that I am using to test.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Covert Video File To .asf File Type?

Jan 24, 2011

I want to be able to play a video file on my pda(Tungsten T5) but from memory the only video file i have seen playable on it was the asf file that is used when it starts up/reboots. I tried other file types in the past that were suggested in maybe a manual or forum or something but they never worked/played. I think it is because of the player installed and i tried installing another player but from memory that didn't install properly or just did not play anything. So if anyone knows of a way to convert files maybe using winff or mencoder i would love that info. I have been googling and have found nothing specific to what i am asking. I do not see anything in winff to convert to asf and cannot remember ever using mencoder.

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Fedora :: Music And Video Files Are Not Running?

May 12, 2010

how to install all plug ins for playing dvd or video files in fedora in a non internet connected system. i had tried to install vlc media player but no luck. so please tell how to find this required plug ins and some security upgrades for fedora 12 . i want to write them all into a disk . and want install them to my fedora desktop whenever i need them! or tell me how to install these plugins without connecting to internet

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Ubuntu Servers :: Download Directory Setup - Running Video On Browser

May 31, 2010

I setup a download directory on my server, and put a test video in it. I tried to run the video in my browser and it only runs part of the video then stops. If I download it and run it on my desktop with mplayer it run the full video. I am not sure why? Here is a link to the video. [URL]. Before I setup more videos I wanted to see if there is an answer to this problem.

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Ubuntu :: Flash Video Stutters - Running Without The NVidia Graphics Drivers?

Jun 8, 2011

First off, I'll come clean and admit that I am still relatively green to Linux, but I'm not afraid to tackle the complex. I have a few stroke-inducing issues that I haven't been able to resolve as a usually do by eye-grepping Google and the various forums. Of course, I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 with Unity - which is fairly new and undiscovered country.

I've got this no-name brand, sample laptop from a manufacturing partner of ours out of Shenzhen China. It's rocking a Core i3 M350 with an nVidia GT 330M (discreet-ish?)& apparently some flavor of Intel integrated graphics.

Now, there are so many variables at play, I'm not quite sure where to begin - so please bear with this post a bit longer as I unravel the details. Loading the nVidia drivers (both proprietary and the experimental open varieties) results in Unity no longer working and dumping me back to the classic Ubuntu desktop. I believe it has something to do with the fact that I have no ability to disable the integrated graphics through the BIOS and Ubuntu has set its hopes and dreams upon using Intel graphics for the rest of all time.

That said, running without the nVidia graphics drivers, I am able to use Unity and it runs pretty well.The only caveat being that on occasion (read: intermittently), when the laptop wakes up from suspend/hibernate mode, playing Flash video in full screen gets choppy (stutters). Restarting Ubuntu resolves the issue. I suppose I should verify that I am using Firefox 4.

In addition, there are times that the WiFi adapter will not wake, and using the keyboard function key to power cycle it ceases to function. A complete shutdown is required to address this one. i.e. Restarting and warm-booting does not fix it.

Did I mention Skype is a terd? I don't actually expect a fix for this pile of hot mess - just thought it might make someone laugh. If there is anyone here that could lend me a hand with any or all of these issues, not only will you have the satisfaction of knowing that you are one bad Mambajamba (TM), but I'll buy you a drink or something via Dwolla or bitcoin.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Getting S Video Running On GeForce 8800 GTS?

Jul 25, 2011

I've been at this problem for a few days now, and I think it's time I give in and ask about it, because I am at a loss.For all intents and purposes, my computer is a homemade one with these specs

Asus M2N68-AM Plus Motherboard
AMD Athlon II X2 260 3.2Ghz
NVidia GeForce 8800 GTS

I am running OpenSuse 11.4, previously with GNOME 3 but on reinstall of the OS I have reverted back to GNOME 2 and I only want to update once this mess is out of the way.I'm doing a bit of a project, and one of the requirements is that I be able to connect to my TV. I made my own S Video to RCA cable to run out of my PC and into the TV. I tested that on the day I made it with a Windows laptop, worked fine.

Beforehand, my computer was running out of the DVI port into a monitor perfectly, so I can safely assume it is not my graphics card. When I plugged my S Video to RCA cable in, everything looked fine at boot but when it came to booting OpenSuse, X.org failed to start, although I wasn't around to see the error message (I now know that it was "x server failed maximum number of times" or something of that description). I tried startx on the command line only to get a "no screens found" error or something similar. The only way I could get it to successfully start was to revert to the xorg.conf.install file, which wasn't ideal and GNOME 3 had to run in fallback mode.

I did not like the fact that my graphics card wasn't running as well as it could. Nevertheless, I tested a few things, and found that a little Java program with LWJGL could not run, Xlib threw this error at meXlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0"So xorg.conf.install is no longer an option. I tried a variety of other troubleshooting options, first recommended by the OpenSuse wiki and then all sorts of xorg.conf edits. I've tried running nvidia-xconfig but the configuration it gives me the same error, I have tried X -configure, only to get the same error.

As a last resort I reinstalled OpenSuse 11.4 hoping that its automatic configuration would solve the problem. It sort of did. Now when I run anything when my xorg.conf file is not xorg.conf.install it successfully starts X.org the first time, and if I shut down and reboot within 10 minutes of it shutting down, X.org refuses to start. I did more searching around and found that I could specify S Video out through xorg.conf. I went back to the xorg.conf.d directory by deleting my xorg.conf file and changed my xorg.conf.d/50-device.conf to this


Section "Device"
Identifier "Default Device"
#Driver "radeon"
Driver "nvidia"


Which I honestly thought would work, but I got the same error again. That's about the end of my story, if you want any more info just ask. I think it's a bit odd that no matter what I change my xorg.conf/xorg.conf.d files to I always get the same error and not a plethora of different ones.

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General :: Video Prevent Screensaver When Flash Is Running

Apr 6, 2011

I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask, or if this has been asked before, but it has been bugging me for some time and I have not had any luck with it. I imagine that my problem is not unique to my circumstances, but here goes.I am running Arch Linux, and quite frequently watch videos, particularly flash, in fullscreen. However, eventually, the screensaver appears, and starts dimming the screen. I have the screensaver set to run whenever the computer is 'idle'. Does anyone know a way to either.Stop the screensaver from appearing when in a flash video or watching other video?Stop the screensaver from appearing when a flash video or normal video is full-screened? Heck, even..Let the screensaver know that my machine is not idle when watching flash.

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Ubuntu :: Black Screen After Install - Running A NVIDIA Quadro NVS 295 Video Card

Jul 28, 2010

I just got done installing Ubuntu on a new harddrive and set it up to dual boot with grub loader. However, when I boot into Ubuntu, the screen goes black. I can however login (blind) by hitting enter and typing password. The login sound goes and it logs in, however, the screen stays black. I am running a NVIDIA Quadro NVS 295 Video Card.

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Server :: Scp Truncate Text File Busy - Copying File Is Not A Running Binary?

Jun 14, 2010

I am having problems with scp during a backup operationI added a ps -ef before and after the scp operation used during the backup.The backup is a script to backup a Zimbra ServerI am including the code segment that I am having problems

# DRCP Section. To scp newly created archives to a remote system
if [ "$DRCP" = "yes" ]


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General :: Xorg High Cpu Usage System/video Not Running Smoothly?

Feb 18, 2011

I have just started to have a problem with Xorg it is always using at least 30% of my CPU, and the whole system does not run smooth so if I play a video it does not run smooth, it judders, also even if I drag an icon it judders across the screen. Im running Ubuntu 10.10 2.6.35-25-generic x86_64 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G98M [GeForce G105M] (rev a2)

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Software :: Convert An .iso Video File To An .avi File?

Feb 1, 2010

I want to convert an .iso video file to an .avi file. Google searches suggested using dvd:rip. Dvd::rip didn't work for me because I am using a netbook that doesn't have a DVD drive. I'm using eeebuntu on an Asus eeePC 1000HE.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Karmic Running Smoothly On Imac 7,1 Aluminum 20" Sound Wifi Wlan Video Working Fully

Feb 8, 2010

I have Karmic Koala 9.10 working (near) perfectly on my iMac7,1, as identified by


NOTE: See below for Lucid 10.04 update to these instructions

IMPORTANT: You need to complete the installation procedure while connected to internet via the WIRED network. Then you can enable the wireless by installing the restricted drivers, after the install is complete. Also the fglrx ATI Video driver is effortlessly installed via Menu > System > Administration > Hardware Drivers

The sound card gave me some trouble, as it is an Intel HDA Model, reported as 'Codec: Realtek ALC889A' by


It shows up in lspci as:


It sounded rather tinny at first, when I tried mbp3 and other model names. Then I added the following line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf :


After reboot, my sound is full and can be put much louder than before. Jack detection works. Some people might have to leave out the power saving options. See below.

dmesg reports:


Sources consulted are mostly the kernel documentation ( Enter into the terminal: sudo apt-get install linux-doc

The relevant info can be found in HD-Audio-Models.txt.gz and HD-Audio.txt.gz in /usr/share/doc/linux-doc/sound/alsa )

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Chat Service To Work Between Computers Running Ubuntu 10.04/10.10 On The Same LAN?

Jan 18, 2011

Would it be possible for a video chat service to work between computers running Ubuntu 10.04/10.10 on the same LAN, but necessarily with an internet connection? Computer #1 wants to video chat with Computer #2 in the next room, part of the same network, but this network has no access to outside internet...

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Ubuntu :: Running Exe File In 5.10?

May 15, 2010

me install exe files in ubuntu 5.10, i know that i need "wine" but it some how doesntwork on my computer. If you do have the instruction could you also paste thelink for that wine specifically for ubuntu 5.10

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Ubuntu :: Running .Exe File From Cd?

Jul 20, 2010

Ive had Ubuntu 10.4 for about 1-2 months

I recently started buying webcams and after not being able to install my first gigaware mic i bought a new philips spc 701nc/37....its plug and play....for xp only supposely...and comes with an install cd.

I looked online about ubuntu/linux drivers...i saw something bout it just lead to a gedit file and something else about making my own kernel...really dont know what im doing here >.>

so if anyone can post something about it's drivers or better yet show me how to run .exe from a cd id like it =o

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Ubuntu :: Running An Iso File?

Dec 12, 2010

Possible to run an iso file such that it will install into a different partition? I have a dvd iso for BackTrack that I want to install in an old, unfriendly server. Options very limited, so I thought that if a booted a LiveCd, copied the iso to a file on a small hard drive partition, I could somehow run that iso file and install the dvd image to yet a different partition making that partition bootable so that when I yank the LiveCd, the server would boot from the new installation. Two separate hd's would probably be best, here.

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Ubuntu :: Running A Script When A File Changes?

Feb 14, 2011

I am trying to upload a text file containing current playing info from a music player to a ftp server. For the moment I am using Crontab to upload it every minute, but as all songs are not one minute I would like it to run everytime the file is changed instead..

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Ubuntu :: Running A .jar File From Terminal?

Apr 11, 2011

I'm trying to run a .jar file from the terminal (so that I can set up a launcher) but I can't seem to get it to work. The file is marked as an executable, and all works fine if right click the file and open with java in gui, but when I enter:

java -jar minecraft.jar
... from the directory the jar is located in, I get:


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Ubuntu :: No Preview For Any Video File?

Jun 6, 2010

Today i installed lucid and its working fine. But I have tones of .flv and .mp4 videos (from ..... ) which do not show a preview thumbnail when I have selected "Icon View" in Gnome. It shows the standard icon of a movie reel. Am I missing any settings? It used to work great in karmic.

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