Ubuntu :: Flash Not Running Video

Feb 12, 2011

So I cant get videos to work on [URL] they just dont even show up. Flash isnt working at all. Ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling all of my flash and movie players, restarting the computer/ web connection, and changing the type of flash player I dl. Nothing is working. Frankly I really need to get this fixed before I throw my computer at a wall.

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General :: Video Prevent Screensaver When Flash Is Running

Apr 6, 2011

I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask, or if this has been asked before, but it has been bugging me for some time and I have not had any luck with it. I imagine that my problem is not unique to my circumstances, but here goes.I am running Arch Linux, and quite frequently watch videos, particularly flash, in fullscreen. However, eventually, the screensaver appears, and starts dimming the screen. I have the screensaver set to run whenever the computer is 'idle'. Does anyone know a way to either.Stop the screensaver from appearing when in a flash video or watching other video?Stop the screensaver from appearing when a flash video or normal video is full-screened? Heck, even..Let the screensaver know that my machine is not idle when watching flash.

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Ubuntu :: Flash Video Stutters - Running Without The NVidia Graphics Drivers?

Jun 8, 2011

First off, I'll come clean and admit that I am still relatively green to Linux, but I'm not afraid to tackle the complex. I have a few stroke-inducing issues that I haven't been able to resolve as a usually do by eye-grepping Google and the various forums. Of course, I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 with Unity - which is fairly new and undiscovered country.

I've got this no-name brand, sample laptop from a manufacturing partner of ours out of Shenzhen China. It's rocking a Core i3 M350 with an nVidia GT 330M (discreet-ish?)& apparently some flavor of Intel integrated graphics.

Now, there are so many variables at play, I'm not quite sure where to begin - so please bear with this post a bit longer as I unravel the details. Loading the nVidia drivers (both proprietary and the experimental open varieties) results in Unity no longer working and dumping me back to the classic Ubuntu desktop. I believe it has something to do with the fact that I have no ability to disable the integrated graphics through the BIOS and Ubuntu has set its hopes and dreams upon using Intel graphics for the rest of all time.

That said, running without the nVidia graphics drivers, I am able to use Unity and it runs pretty well.The only caveat being that on occasion (read: intermittently), when the laptop wakes up from suspend/hibernate mode, playing Flash video in full screen gets choppy (stutters). Restarting Ubuntu resolves the issue. I suppose I should verify that I am using Firefox 4.

In addition, there are times that the WiFi adapter will not wake, and using the keyboard function key to power cycle it ceases to function. A complete shutdown is required to address this one. i.e. Restarting and warm-booting does not fix it.

Did I mention Skype is a terd? I don't actually expect a fix for this pile of hot mess - just thought it might make someone laugh. If there is anyone here that could lend me a hand with any or all of these issues, not only will you have the satisfaction of knowing that you are one bad Mambajamba (TM), but I'll buy you a drink or something via Dwolla or bitcoin.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Video When Flash Block Unblocks Flash Objects In Firefox?

Oct 23, 2010

i'm in 64 bit kubuntu, with the the nswrapper in 10.10http://www.metacafe.comin firefox i get the sound but not the video in metacafe, when the video is unblocked by flash block. Others have the same problem?

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Fedora :: How To Convert Video To Flv (flash Video)

Dec 8, 2010

I just came home from a long trip, with a lot of videos shot during the holiday. I wish to share them with the rest of the family and friends, but the files are huge (full HD). I intend to upload them to the family server, so ..... and the likes are not something I want.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Flash Running?

Dec 3, 2010

I am running ubuntu 10.10 dual booted with windows 7. I have tried to install it by just going to a flash video and hitting install missing plugins, and that didn't work. I then tried to enter sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree and that also did not work, it just showed this.

mark@mark-Satellite-A505:~$ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
[sudo] password for mark:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:


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Ubuntu :: HD Flash Video 1080p

Jan 21, 2010

I know Ubuntu has limited flash support but how else do I view a high definition 1080p video? Its all choppy to say the least, after a few seconds, its just like a slide show. I am using flashplugin-installer from adobe to render flash files.

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Ubuntu :: How To Get Video Of Flash Format

Jul 19, 2010

Now there are a lot of video or music are flash format. I want to download to my computer and can see it when I can not connect to internet. But when I click the right button I did not find the download item. I do not know whether I can download from it? Or how can I save it to my computer?

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Ubuntu :: Lines All Over Flash Video

Mar 4, 2011

For some reason theres lines all over any flash videos i watch, i never had this problem before and then one day i suddenly have it on everything i watch. Anyone know what i can do to just watch videos normally? Ill attach a picture of whats going on.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Check If Flash Is Running ?

Mar 10, 2011

Anyone know a way to check if flash is running? From command line or script.

I've tried


But it also gives output if flash is blocked(by flashblock in firefox).

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Ubuntu :: Running Flash Is Just A Blank Area?

Jul 7, 2011

Just curious as to what was going on here.My flash player on videos and anything else running flash is just a blank area of where it should be.Reinstalled flash player and didn't help it.Just upgraded to 11.04 thinking it would work. Nope.Also my last batch of updates was yesterday, this started occurring about 3 hours ago.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Get Flash Video To Play?

May 10, 2010

I have a macbook pro 5,3 with Karmic installed, with firefox and the adobe flash plugin. Sometimes to get a flash video to play (like .....) I need to right click on the play button and then left click twice, rather than a simple left click like normal. Anyone know how to fix this issue? Do others have this problem?

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Ubuntu :: Flash Player Does Not Load Video

Sep 9, 2010

I want to wach just bbc news, the flash player does not load video. I tried anything, but on windows is working good. Would you try this page anyone. I want to make sure, it's problem with bbc not with ubuntu. Cause ..... is working well.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Converting Flash Video On-The-Fly?

Sep 27, 2010

Its no secret that flash video performance is sub-par in Ubuntu. I have a Zotac Mag HD ND01 that I have connected to my 40" LCD tv and have a minimal Ubuntu 9.10 installed running openbox and firefox/boxee/xbmc

My primary use for running a web browser is so I could watch live streaming hockey games in HD. However, thanks to Flash's performance (and yes, i've tried the latest versions, even the 091510 version in labs) in full screen mode, watching hockey is not possible because its way too choppy.

Now, on my desktop computer in my office, I can watch the same stream without issue. So, my question is, is there any way to take this live stream (which is using Flowplayer), and re-encode it on-the-fly so I can stream it to my htpc in a format it likes (such as MKV i guess, it can play 720p/1080p mkv files without issue)?

My desktop is a Core i7 920 overclocked to 4.2Ghz with 6GB DDR3 ram, so I would hope its powerful enough for the cause. Also, the desktop is running Windows 7 64bit and Ubuntu 10.04 64bit on a dual boot, so a method in either is fine.

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Ubuntu :: Flash Video Freezes All Browsers

Oct 14, 2010

I don't know what happened, but sometime within the last week I have started having a really annoying issue. Whenever I open a web page, that contains embedded Flash, in any browser (Firefox, Google Chrome, Chromium, or Opera), the entire browser, and all windows and tabs, freezes for about :15 seconds or so. After that time, everything unfreezes and works as normal, except for the video which often times doesn't even play after the freeze occurs. I don't believe I have made any major changes to my system, just the updates that show up in the notification area.

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Ubuntu :: Different Video Effects In KDE And Firefox Using Flash?

Apr 19, 2011

since some time I notice a real disturbing video effect: I use Firefox 4 and Adobe Flash 10 (current version). When opening a web page which contains a flash video this video keeps part of the screen on both (!) desktops. (see attached pictures) Closing or minimizing all programs the video window is invisible. The video window will appear each time a program - any program! - window does appear above the area where this video windows is placed. I open Kate or OpenOffice or any other program and video window will appear again - see pic #1.

No matter if the video was started or not, the effect does happen everytime. No matter if the FF tab or the entire browser was closed or not, the effect will stay until X-Server restart. Even if I switch to the second desktop, the effect will appear. For example I launched Virtualbox on the 2nd desktop, open a Win XP system - the entire desktop background is blue. I opened Chrome and the video window from desktop #1 appears within the Chrome window. (see pic 2) The effect will not appear into screendumps, so I used my smartphone cam for both pictures:

#1: after opening www.tagesschau.de I closed firefox and re-opened FF with another web page. You can see the video screen from tagessschau.de within the heise.de page.

#2: then I switched to desktop #2, run WinXP into a Virtualbox window and launched Chrome.

Nvidia Gforce 9800 GTX+
current Nvidia driver from nvidia.com
Kubuntu 10.10 amd64 and KDE4
all updates installed

As I do remember this effect happens since Flash 10. Unfortunately it is nearly unimpossible to use Internet without an installed Adobe Flash 10. If it would be possible I would remove Flash immidiately from any computer.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't View Flash Video

Apr 29, 2011

Since upgrading to 11.04 i haven't been able to watch any flash video.Any websites that feature flash prompt me to install or upgrade my flash player.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Choppy Flash Video

Jul 11, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04, have 4GB of Memory, and an AMD Phenom II X4 840 Quad Core processor.When I play Hulu Desktop the video is choppy.Now, the odd thing is that I had this problem before. It's the whole reason I upgraded my processor. When I upgraded I noticed an improvement, but it was still a little choppy. I then went to the Adobe site and got the latest version of Flash, and lo and behold, I could watch Hulu Desktop on HD quality with no problem!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Have Flash Running While Playing NES Emulator

Feb 10, 2010

I'm using ALSA (mostly because of the fact that it performs best in lmms), but i can't have flash running while playing my NES emulator). i looked for libflashsupport in synaptic, but it's not there. How can i install it?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash 64 Bit Install Running Live Usb?

Jun 20, 2011

Dell 64 bit laptop with no hard drive, I'm running 10.04.2 from a 4 gb flash drive in persistence mode (Linux Live USB), and I'm trying to get ..... to work. I've tried everything on Adobe's site, and several methods from the forums. what's the trick to installing flash in either Firefox or 64 bit Chrome on a 64 bit system? The last method I tried was here, and the terminal said 404 not found after the download command.

I can usually find this stuff myself, but my eyes are getting watery, and my throat tight, and (sniff) I think

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: BBC Flash Video Freezes Firefox

Feb 15, 2010

i've noticed a problem this morning when watching bbc flash videos on firefox (3.6). whilst the video is playing, firefox is fine and new tabs can be opened. but once you close the tab or window where the video was, firefox freezes and has to force quit. other flash video sites like videos, cnn, sky news, guardian and flash games seem okay and firefox doesn't freeze. bbc videos seem okay on firefox on winxp too. the bbc problem occurs on news video and on iplayer vids.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Embed Flash Video In Blog

Feb 16, 2010

i have this blog, and i want to embed flash vids in it like videos. however, i want to do this from my apache2 web server, partly for bragging rights among my non-techie circle of friends, but mostly because i cant get videos to do what i want (which is private viewing of vids by non-..... members). any tips on how to do this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Audio Delay In X64 Flash Video

Apr 11, 2010

I'm not sure what's causing it, but when I play or pause a flash video in Firefox or Chromium, there's about a second of audio delay.

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Ubuntu :: Flash Video On Port 1935 Is Timing Out?

May 20, 2010

I'm having problems flash video on port 1935 is timing out, other flash video works fine though. I'm running 10.04 and have tried flash from the repos (flashplugin-nonfree) and also downloaded the .deb package form the adobe web site, neither work.

I have been using this to try and problem solve but it just says i'm timing out [URL]...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Choppy Flash Video Playback ?

May 26, 2010

Im running Xubuntu 9.10 on my compaq v2000 laptop. My problem is that the video stream playback is very choppy. I have tried the method found here [url] but when i get to the part where I have to type "echo base....." when i hit enter my terminal replies with "bash: echo: write error: Invalid argument"...How to fix this choppy video streaming playback...

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Ubuntu :: System Froze When Watching A Flash Video

Jun 21, 2010

My system froze when watching a flash video and I had to do a hard reset. Now when I boot into ubuntu I can't open the software centre or the update manager. Is there a way to check what's wrong or a way to reinstall everything from terminal? Synpatic still opens and works.

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Ubuntu :: Flash Video And Animation Flickers In Chromium

Aug 12, 2010

I've recently switched from Firefox to Chromium for my browsing and am satisfied other than a persistent issue I have with Flash content. Almost all flash animation and video flickers and "stumbles" (especially when scrolling) in the Chromium and Google Chrome browsers. This issue is not at all present in Firefox. Chromium reports it's using libflashplugin.so which I believe is the "system plugin" and not the built-in plug-in.

Currently I'm using the Chromium build available in the Lucid repository, the adobe-flashplugin and ATI proprietary drivers installed. I have tried the Chromium daily build and the issue still persisted. I've considered trying Lightspark but have read that it's not a very "complete" plug-in.I've uninstalled and reinstalled the Flash plug-in available from Synaptic and even updated it directly from Adobe's website.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Kubuntu 10.04: No Sound For Flash And Video?

Aug 24, 2010

I installed Kubuntu 10.04 and found out that there is no sound for flash in firefox. Also I here no sound when playing local video files (VLC, KMPlayer).

I checked kMix and everything is on. I tried to install pulseaudio, but I am not sure about it. Last time I saw it couldnt connect to some server or what... Although I can hear system sound and Amarok 2 plays mp3. I didnt mention that I tried to install libflashplugin and kubuntu restricted extras.

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Ubuntu :: Hulu Desktop / Flash - Get Errors About How Video Not Available

Sep 26, 2010

I'm getting a strange error when I try to use Hulu desktop. When I start it, the following error pops up:

Hulu Desktop requires Flash Player 10.0.22 or higher, but this version of Flash is Please download and install the latest version, then restart Hulu Desktop I'm on a 64 bit machine, and have tried both the most up-to-date 64 bit version of flash, and the version installed using flashplugin-installer (which I understand is a wrapper around the 32 bit version). I've also tried using Hulu through my browser, but get errors about how the video is not available, regardless of the video.

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Ubuntu :: Flash Video Playback Choppy And Slow

Oct 1, 2010

AMD Quad Core
HD3200 ATI Graphics (onboard)
1920*1080 resolution via VGA.

Whenever I play flash video or a video in VLC the pictures seems "choppy" and slow as if it was laggy. What could be causing this? I am guessing its a video issue? Maybe something todo with refresh rates and stuff like that.

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