Ubuntu :: Transferring Data Between 2 Laptops
Jun 15, 2010
I would like to transfer a massive amount of data between my laptops simultaneously. Is there a way to attach a cable via one flash port on one laptop to another and transfer like that?
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May 30, 2011
I was dual booting Ubuntu 8.10 and Windows Vista on a Acer Aspire 5920. My laptop went for service and the company said they will give me a fresh laptop instead of the one I am using now for they cannot set it right.
When I plugged in my hard disk through an external cable onto a windows machine it detected only the data present (which is almost negligible in my case) in the vista partition. I would like to transfer all the data I have from hard disk at least the one in the Ubuntu 8.10 to my new laptop on which I plan to run Ubuntu. Can someone guide me on how to go about doing it? Also is it possible to transfer all the installed softwares so that they start running in the new laptop without any extra effort?
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Jun 13, 2011
I am not sure where to post this so i figure that general help is as good as any. I have just bought my self a 32 gb micro sd card and I want to transfur all my old stuff (apps, contacts, music) off my existing card, how do I do this?
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Mar 6, 2010
openSuse 11.2 KDE 4 desktop User = newbie I was having some trouble with a Hard drive that I store my photo's and other personal data on. Fisrtly, it was messing my OS up, so that it would not boot to the desktop, but only to the command line where it would report that this drive was somehow corrupted and needed to be repaired. Secondly, the OS was reporting that certain files were 380,000.2 TB in size. this drive is only 200 GB.I didn't want to do the repair until I found a way to back up my data. I found another hard drive to do backup to but I had to take some data off of it. Which I did.
In the spirit of trying learn command line I decided to partition and format the hard drive using fdisk. I found some easy to use directions and proceeded to partition the drive. Unfortunately, I failed to realize the directions were only for the partitioning part [my fault for not reading further]. What I missed was that after using fdisk to partition, you must use mkfs to set filesystem type.[I thought I had done that in fdisk using the "l" , "t" commands within fdisk].
My questions are:
1] Can I do this mkfs command after I have put my data on the new hard drive or should I start fresh and redo partioning? [I have not deleted the other drive so my data is still there.]
2] What would be the cause of the incorrectly reported file sizes?
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Dec 9, 2009
I' m using Mandriva 08 and windows 7 on my system. When i login to linux and try to copy data from linux drive to win drive or vice versa then it shows........
[root@lenovo mnt]# cp /home/simer/Desktop/*.avi win_e/
cp: cannot create regular file `win_e/xyz.avi': Read-only file system
cp: cannot create regular file `win_e/abc.avi': Read-only file system
I tried rsync, scp but didn't worked.
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Jul 20, 2010
This problem is not exclusive to Ubuntu, I've experienced it in Windows and OSX as well, but it seems that almost every time I transfer a large number of files (i.e. my music collection) between my desktop computer and laptop via my external hard drive, I end up losing files for no reason. I usually don't notice the files are missing until later on, because I am never informed of any data loss. Now, every time I make a large transfer of files, I just do it two or three times to ensure that I don't lose any files.
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Jun 27, 2011
My company needs to send sensitive data across to another company, 800gb of .dpx. The way I have thought of is:
E-Sata/1TB WD black.
True-encrypted/ hw accelerated aes (3x machines being built with 2600k)
Sha1sum on each file.
The main goal is to make sure that
1. The files that were transferred off the server onto the drive, are exactly the same.
2. Secure.
3. Fast.
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Oct 2, 2010
How do I setup a host computer to accept display from laptops in a group of laptops?
I have a group of people each set to manage a specific task. I have a projector in the middle of the room hooked up to a computer. How can each user push their screens to the host computer? All computers are on a lan
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Feb 8, 2010
15.4 inch laptops tend to be slightly cheaper than 14-inch laptops? Supply and demand? and if you do not mind answering another question, what's your perspective on uncle Larry eating Sun?
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Jun 18, 2010
I have seen numerous reports of laptops heating up and the cause has been attributed to Linux. Is this a myth or is there some reality to this?
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Nov 5, 2010
I actually have two problems (which may be related). I am running Ubuntu 10.04 on a old Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo La1703 and Windows 7 on a new Dell Inspiron 1545. I only have one broadband internet dongle, so I would like to share the connection (preferably via wireless ad hoc connection, but lan would work too). The dongle is run with a program that comes with it and works fine in both Windows and Ubuntu (except that the Network Manager in Ubuntu doesn't realise that there is an internet connection).
Yesterday morning I managed ONCE to make a wireless ad hoc connection and was able to use the dongle connected on the Windows machine from the Ubuntu one (using WEP security). Since I wasn't able to reproduce this I tried with a Ethernet cable. I plugged it in and and was surfing smoothly the whole evening.
This morning I couldn't connect the computers any more. Neither with nor without cable. When the cable is plugged in the Ubuntu machine recognises a connection, but fails to connect. The windows machine just says "Unidentified Network". I don't know what I did to make the connection disappear or why my laptops refuse to communicate like friends any more. I've been trying the whole day to make them kiss and make up, but they are really stubborn.
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Feb 19, 2010
How can I share files between two laptops, both running Ubuntu 9.04, home wifi network situation?
There seem to be lots of Samba type programs etc, but I just want to know the simplest most straight forward way.
What needs to be in installed on each machine etc..
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Apr 28, 2010
I have two laptops with Ubuntu 9.10
I want to connect them with a wireless router. phillips snb5600 router.
So I can go online and share files with both laptops
My LG E500 laptop to function as a modem with a connection to the internet with a 3g usb modem.
There are built-in wireless LG E500.
My other laptop is an old webtech without wireless built in, but I have a wireless USB thing fully with snb5600 Router. Ubuntu can find the wireless USB thing. so it's not a problem.
Both laptops can also connect with the router with cable.
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Aug 19, 2010
I have been using ubuntu 10.04 for a couple of months. But recently facing a mouse related problem. In my laptop HP Pavillion DV7 last week I added the mouse for some work and after finishing it I removed it. But after that my laptops sensor stopped working whenever I login. wht I mean is now at the login prompt the laptops mousepad works fine but after I press login the pointer gets freeze and doesn't work at all. Then I created another user and with that user its working perfectly. Why this weird problem is happening s it because I connected the mouse in my laptop or some thing else
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Mar 31, 2011
I'm trying to build a system out of some old laptops for some relatives. I have two Averatec laptops a 3100 series and a 3200 series. Neither Ubuntu nor Kubuntu will install or run from the live cd without locking up solid.
Trying to install results in a complete freeze somewhere during the installation process. I've also tried the alternate cds to try and avoid a possible graphics driver problem. However, the problem doesn't seem to be X freezing. When I run the live cd instead of the install, the system freezes after a few minutes and is completely halted and must be hard rebooted. No keyboard combinations work including the alt+sysrq combinations.
I tried to get some output from the kernel log by running the live cd and then plugging in a flash drive. I then dump the contents into the flash drive (tail -f /var/log/kern.log > /media/USB DISK/kern.log). I got no error output, but maybe this is because it didn't have a chance to flush?
I've also tried locking the processor at a slower speed with no luck. These laptops do not have a processor with Cool 'n Quiet. I looked for powernowd as I found a recommendation to turn that off, but I didn't find it in the system.
It seems to be some kind of hardware incompatibility since it happens exactly the same on both laptops, but I am out of ideas.
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Jul 12, 2011
I have 3 laptops with 3 different OS - XP PRO, Win7 and Ubuntu (Linux). I try to connect to Internet in different locations using 2 different Internet Service Providers (ISP) and straight cable connection (not wireless).
Scenario 1: ISP number 1 - all 3 laptops can access Internet
Scenario 2: ISP number 2 - only Microsoft OS based laptops can access Internet
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Jun 11, 2011
I have a LAN crosswire with rj45 connectors and I want to connect two laptops for data transfer as well as for socket prgramming to check my chat client. I am new to socket programming means also new to networking. Please tell me the basics to connect two computers(setting Ip addresses,gateway and other stuff related to networking) so that it helps me also in my programming and transferring data between computers. If it is not possible to describe everything here then give me a refernce to any book. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 on both computers. Please give me a solution to connect two computers for data transfer and socket programming.
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Feb 7, 2010
I'm experiencing slow speed transfer between two wireless connected laptops running ubuntu 9.10. Using SSH to tranfer files between these two laptops, which connect to the internet via a wirelesss router, with good speed. This is why I'm surprised by this low speed : 52.3 KB/s, averaging 3 hours and 31 minutes for a 700 Mb movie. Is there any way to make this faster ?
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May 12, 2011
can i link my linux (dedicated) to my windows 7 computer - b0th are laptops.
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Nov 19, 2010
connect to laptops using wlan
1.lenovo with fedora14
2.hp with windows xp
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Apr 8, 2011
I bought a laptop off ebay, its a Compaq Presario CQ60-305EA. I think it has a built in microphone. I was using skype and I couldnt get the microphone to work. I never got a disc or anything with the laptop so I am not sure if you are supposed to install it or whatever. I did that sound check test but it couldnt trace anything If anybody knows could they tell me does this laptop even have a built in microphone and if so how do I work it?
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May 29, 2010
Laptop 1 is an acer aspire 5570. closing and opening the lid works a few times, after editing acpi_handler.sh, and battery life reporting is ok during this time. then, for no apparent reason, the laptop no longer responds to the lid closing, and no longer seems to be able to read the battery charge state. once this has occurred, the computer will also no longer restart, it tries a few times, with lights flashing and the hd making ugly noises. the only way to extricate the computer from this state is to pull and reinsert the battery.
Laptop 2 is a gateway nv18. suspend/resume with the lid are ok, mostly. the issure here is no display at all in x. but the computer does respond to ctrl-alt-backspace to kill x, with the command prompt returning. still not good. I'm trying a fresh install on the gateway, to see if this was just an installation glitch.
Both laptops performed flawlessly in 13 otherwise.
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Apr 17, 2010
I've got a new netbook - Dell Inspiron mini 1011. I have installed slackware 13 on it. According to dell's website its battery should last up to 9 hours:Quote:Mini 10 offers up to 9.5 hours of battery life1 to keep you on the go.I understand that it depends on a variety of factors and these are just testing estimations that will probably never be achieved IRL.For 95% of the time I don't run X on it. Just emacs (gnus), nethack, elinks. If I do run X, it's fluxbox. The average battery time is 2hrs - 2.5hrs. I understand that Slackware 13 is not designed specifically for netbooks, but 2hrs is way off the 9-hour estimation. Either the battery is faulty, or it's the power management issue. Before I deal with the battery, I'd like to ask you for some suggestions on improving the power management. The acpi and acpid are installed on the system. Are there any packages that would improve the battery performance? Or perhaps some config options?I believe that recompiling the kernel would improve it, wouldn't it? What options I'd have to set/unset?P.S.Unfortunately, once I checked the netbook is ok, I removed WinXP that came with it, so can't compare with it.
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Apr 14, 2010
Are any of you here using a HP G60 or a HP G70 series laptop and Slackware v13-64? If you have sound with this hardware and software mix, how did you do it?
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Feb 12, 2011
We are doing a project related to clock synchronisation. We have two laptops: Compaq and IBM Thinkpad. If we adjust the clocks of two laptops to same time in HH:MM:SS using datefunction, in about half an hour, both the clock drift by about 10-15 min We are wondering how this is possible???We have compiled kernel on both laptops and set the value of HZ to 1000. Then what is the reason for such a significant drift in short interval of time??Is this related to crystal oscillator or anything else?
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May 8, 2011
I was scrolling through some multi-monitor problem topics and I guess everywhere has been having all kinds of issues. Nevertheless, I'm going to try and get mine solved. I have a laptop and I can get my monitor up and running, switch between default and not, and move it above/right/left without an issue. But if I unplug it, or boot up unity without my laptop connected to the monitor, I cannot get any functionality. The screen is distorted (as if unity is trying to display my monitors 1080p on my laptops smaller screen, or maybe even the 3268x1080p format that my dual setup runs with).
Is this a known bug or are there fixes out there that allow unity to self-adjust depending on whether my monitor is attached or not?
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Mar 21, 2009
I and my friend use FC10 on our laptops. We want to share our data by creating a wired network between our machines because a wireless router is something what our pockets can't afford. What should I do for it? What type of wires and stuffs do I need? I Googled for some link for doing so in FC10 but couldn't find.
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Feb 18, 2010
Firewall disabled.Static IP addys given to each laptop, but makes no diff when dhcp derived IP addys.using wlan Cannot ping either laptop from a windows box, bit windows box pings other computers.Can access internet from either laptop and Samba works too.I can ping one laptop if I plug the LAN wire into it. In fact I can ping either the wlan IP addy or the LAN addy this way. WHen I remove the Lan wire I can still ping the wlan on the laptop, but restarting screws it all up again.I see that iptables and other files change when I plug the LAN cvable in and then remove it again.
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Dec 17, 2009
(1) What is the difference between OpenSuse and Suse Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) ? I see there is a link to download SLES in the Novell site. Will we have to buy SLES after 60 days for us to continue to use that OS ?
(2) I see this link Software.openSUSE.org
There is this link to download 4.7 GB DVD of Opensuse. Does that mean we need not have to download any packages from this repository, ndex of /distribution/11.2/repo/oss/suse/i586
For installing Oracle on Opensuse 9 I remember I had to install many of those packages on my laptop.
Do we still need to install those packages ?
(3) I have to install this SUSE (either Opensuse or SLES) on my laptop. My Laptop is Compaq Presario CQ60.
Can I connect to Internet if I install this software ?
Last time I faced lots of problems. I thought some laptops cannot be configured to Internet if installed with Linux.
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Feb 8, 2011
I'm using an Acer Aspire 3000 since Opensuse 9.3. Wireless connection was fine with ndiswrapper. I upgraded to 10.0 and wireless was perfect with the broadcom firmware. Now I just installed openSUSE 11.3 and my wireless connection became a nightmare: connection drops multiple times in a day and network manager remains stuck in "Interface Configuration". Sometimes I'm asked for the wpa password but Network Manager is unable to reconnect until I disable and re-enable my wlan card using the killswitch. The access point is the same zyxel b+g I own since 5 years! I just bought a new eeepc and I installed on it openSUSE 11.3 too. The network connection behaves the same!! The Network Manager says "Interface configuration" and I must switch the wireless off and on to have the network back. I made a radio scan and I'm using a channel on my own. I also tried to disable dhcp without success.
# uname -a #1 SMP PREEMPT 2010-12-13 11:13:53 +0100 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
# lspci -vvvnn
00:0b.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller [14e4:4318] (rev 02)
Subsystem: AMBIT Microsystem Corp. TravelMate 2410 [1468:0312]
Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
Status: Cap- 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- <TAbort- <MAbort- >SERR- <PERR- INTx-
Latency: 64
Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 17
Region 0: Memory at e2000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=8K]
Kernel driver in use: b43-pci-bridge .....
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