Ubuntu :: Display Monitors 1080p On Laptops Smaller Screen

May 8, 2011

I was scrolling through some multi-monitor problem topics and I guess everywhere has been having all kinds of issues. Nevertheless, I'm going to try and get mine solved. I have a laptop and I can get my monitor up and running, switch between default and not, and move it above/right/left without an issue. But if I unplug it, or boot up unity without my laptop connected to the monitor, I cannot get any functionality. The screen is distorted (as if unity is trying to display my monitors 1080p on my laptops smaller screen, or maybe even the 3268x1080p format that my dual setup runs with).

Is this a known bug or are there fixes out there that allow unity to self-adjust depending on whether my monitor is attached or not?

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Ubuntu :: Setup A Host Computer To Accept Display From Laptops In A Group Of Laptops?

Oct 2, 2010

How do I setup a host computer to accept display from laptops in a group of laptops?

I have a group of people each set to manage a specific task. I have a projector in the middle of the room hooked up to a computer. How can each user push their screens to the host computer? All computers are on a lan

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Ubuntu :: Max Resolution Is 1024 X 768 On A 22" 1080p TV Screen?

Mar 28, 2011

I was wondering why my max resolution on my 22" LG Flatron M2262D screen is 1024 x 768? Just recently wiped off Windows and installed Ubuntu fully. - (Funny thing is, I didn't mean to. I deleted the partition by accident). Anyway, before I could get a bigger resolution on Windows with this screen? Only reason I'm using it is because my laptop screen is broke with a 'ink spill' screen. Could it be drivers need installing? If so, where could I download them from?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Desktop Display Size Too Large Want Smaller As Default

Dec 28, 2009

I am using OS 11.0 Every time I boot my laptop (dell inspiron 9300 - ati video M300). I get the desktop display as 1920 X 1200. This is too large for my default. I use KRandRTray to resize back to 1024 X 768. How can I set 1024 X 768 as the default but still have the option to go to 1920 X 1200?

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Ubuntu :: Display The Same Thing On Two Monitors Simultaneously?

Nov 18, 2010

I'm planning on getting an HDTV soon, and I'd like to be able to hook it up to my computer so that I can watch movies on it through my computer. I don't want to have dual monitors in the traditional sense where my desktop is spread across two screens. Rather, I just want my desktop to appear exactly the same on both my monitor and TV.

Is this possible? And if so, what would be the best way to go about doing this? My video card has two DVI ports, so I was planning on running a cable from the unused port to my TV and using a DVI-VGA adapter. Or would I be better off getting a TV with an S-video port, which I also have on my card, and connecting it that way

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Ubuntu :: Resolution Smaller Than Screen Size?

Feb 24, 2010

I feel really stupid posting this, but I can't find what I am looking for. I feel like I have a decent understanding what is going on, but I am missing something very elementary. I have several mpc clientpro machines that are all in one's with 17" monitors built in. I can't get any resolution to fill the screen. I have been playing around with settings in xrandr, to no avail.

In windows xp it is usually ran at 1024x768 resolution which is supported. However there will be about 2 1/2 inches of blank space on the right side of the scree. and then another 2 1/2 inches of blank space on the bottom followed by about 2" of what seems to be a mirror of the top 2". I can change to several different resolutions all taking up different sizes of the screen, but nothing will fill it.

I understand I can't just do anything I like, like it would be unreasonable to expect the card to output 1920x1080. But can't I get it to at least fit the screen? Whether it was 1024x768 or 1152x864 or 800x600.

I have been searching and searching, and I think I am just simply misunderstanding a key term that is not allowing me to find more information on this. Something like panning, overscan, etc.

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Ubuntu :: Tripple Monitors In 10.1 - Cannot Get Display To Function Properly

May 20, 2010

I have been using an XFX 5770 with Windows 7 in EyeFinity and running a 5760x1080 resolution. My setup is as follows for Windows

x3 Viewsonic VA2223WM monitors (vga/dvi only)

I have two monitors connected connected with DVI and my 3rd monitor is connected with a DVI to Active Display port adapter, bizlink brand. This works wonderfully in Windows 7.

I cannot get my 3 displays to function properly in Ubuntu. I have tried removing the display port adapter and connecting my 3rd monitor with a DVI to HDMI cable and still no success. I can only use any of my 3 monitors in a dual configuration...how do I get the 3rd extended? Using the ATI driver that was auto downloaded for me...

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Monitors Multi-Display Not Working Well?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm trying to get 4 monitors working in Ubuntu 11.04 the way I would like to. I have two Radeon video cards with two monitors connected to each. With proprietary ATI drivers and the Catalyst Control Center I'm able to see all the monitors and Have Multi-Display setups, but they're separated for each video card. I can move items to and from Monitor 1 to Monitor 2, and Monitor 3 to Monitor 4. I'm not able to move windows from 2 to 3 or 4. The two separate display setups have their own set of workspaces too. I've tried enabling xinerama, but when I log back in after a restart the screen is just black and I'm forced to reboot manually. The two separate displays wouldn't be that much of a problem except that my keyboard doesn't seem to work on any application opened on monitors 3 and 4 after I've clicked on something in Monitor 1 or 2.

Below is one of the configs I've been messing around with:

Section "ServerLayout"
#Screen "amdcccle-Screen[2]-0" 3840 0
#Screen "amdcccle-Screen[1]-1"
Identifier "Layout0"


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Display Different Content On Different Monitors?

Jul 26, 2009

I am currently using and working on Fedora 10 and have couple of monitors set up to itNow, I want to display different content on different monitors (not the same content on all monitors). It should keep displaying Pictures and/or videos with a certain intervals of time as soon as the fedora loads. How should make this happen.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LTS Lucid - Root Is Getting Smaller And Smaller

Jan 22, 2011

I am using 10.04 LTS Lucid, and I notice the free space of root is getting smaller and smaller.

Five months ago, there was about 3.9GB free space of root, but now it is only 1.6GB. I always run sudo apt-get autoremove and sudo apt-get autoclean every time the update is finished, and also use Bleachbit to clean the system, but both are useless.

I never faced such problem with older versions of Ubuntu, is there any measure to fix it?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: NVIDIA Multiple Monitors With 16:10 Laptop Display And 16:9 HD TV

Dec 3, 2010

I'm using a NVIDIA 9600M GT on my laptop running Ubuntu 10.10. The laptop has a 16:10 display, I also connected my 16:9 LCD TV via HDMI. I would like to use them as clones. The problem is, as my TV has a different aspect ratio than my laptop display, the image does not fully fit on the TV. For example, when using a resolution of 1280x800 (16:10), one tenth of the width of that image is missing on my TV, as it has an aspect ratio of 16:9.

In Windows, the NVIDIA software stretches the image so that it appears a little distorted on my TV, but at least I see everything. Is it possible to do that in Ubuntu?

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OpenSUSE :: LXDE Changes Qinternet Display On Different Monitors?

Jun 25, 2011

The following describes odd behavior in my opinion, but I'm not sure where this question belongs. How can a monitor affect the loading of application SW? Can I get some help to fix the following problem here?I installed lxde on a P3 with a Gem 17" CRT monitor. LXDE runs on top of opensuse 11.4. On a P4 box I installed kde with 11.4, both from the same DVD. The P4 OS was installed using Vivitron 1776 17" CRT monitor.

Both boxes use qinternet for connection to DSL. Qinternet is set to autostart and its icon displays in the taskbar system tray. I bought a ViewSonic E70 17" CRT monitor for the P4 and put the Vivitron on the P3.Now the P3 displays the qinternet icon in a small terminal instead of loading it into the system tray as before. Of the three 17" CRT monitors I have, only with the Gem will the P3 (LXDE) system display qinternet in the system tray.The P4 system (KDE4) can run any of the monitors and still put the qinternet icon into the system.Qinternet is a binary file, but if i "less" it, I can see references to kinternet, so I think it's KDE4 SW. LXDE may be the culprit, or maybe the behavior will involve xorg

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Make The Hulu Screen Size Smaller?

May 5, 2010

Does anyone know of a way to make the hulu screen size smaller? The smallest that I can get it is still taking up about 1/4 of my screen.,

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Fedora :: Dual Monitors - Screen Does Fill The Lcd Screen All The Way

Mar 25, 2010

setting up my dual monitors. I can get a continuous screen but the screen does fill the lcd screen all the way. I have dove in to xorg. I'm on fedora 12 .


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General :: Display - Turn Off Monitors Individually With Nvidia TwinView?

Feb 15, 2010

I frequently watch movies on my computer, but I have two screens. So having something displayed on the other monitor is annoying.

I currently use this to turn off my monitors:

xset dpms force off

I was wondering if there's any way to turn off monitors independently, without having to physically press a button on the monitor, of course.

A program that tells the other monitor to display nothing but black would suffice, but I'd really prefer not to waste the power.

I also have Nvidia TwinView, so applications like grandr aren't aware of both monitors as being independent.

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General :: How To Fullscreen Application Across Both Monitors Of Dual Head Display

Feb 3, 2011

I have two Ubuntu 10.4 machines (and Ubuntu continues to hide more and more xorg.conf config such that I no longer know where to find it). One is a laptop running dual headed - DP1 is the internal screen, and VGA1 is an external monitor; both are running at 1600x900. The other machine is a desktop running both VGA1 and HDMI1 (which is actually a display port with a DVI adapter) at 1600x900. So in both instances my desktop is 3200x900. I run a VNC server on the laptop and connect to it (via SSH tunnel) from the desktop - when I press the full screen hot key, I get a 1600x900 view of the remote machine on one monitor, and half of my local desktop on the other monitor - the "full screen" only expands to fill one local monitor.

Normally this is exactly what you want when you full screen a web browser, email client, or other application. I'm sure there's some X magic to make it clear what a full screen actually entails, and the vnc client application is just dutifully accepting what it's told. While I would like to keep the normal full screen behavior for regular applications, but when I'm VNCing to another 3200x900 machine, I'd really like full screen to stretch across both local displays. Resizing the window to be "close" isn't quite good enough since I still have local panels at the top and bottom of one display (though I can set them to autohide), plus the VNC client application window border (since it doesn't appear to respect -notitle).

Is there any good way to have X lie to a single application about the "full screen" size? Can I get it to lie to all applications? xrandr --noprimary appears to have no effect.

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Ubuntu :: Set Resolution Fits Screen - Resize Actual Menu To Make It Smaller

Feb 8, 2011

I have a dual boot system with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10. I want to make my grub menu look good and have set a beautiful background image to it and set the resolution so it fits the screen. Is it any way to resize the actual menu to make it smaller without shrinking the background picture?

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Ubuntu :: The Mouse And The Keyboard Will Stop Responding And The Screen Sometimes Get Divided Into 4 Smaller Quadrants?

Jul 15, 2011

My ubuntu session will freeze and stop working. For example, the mouse and the keyboard will stop responding and the screen sometimes get divided into 4 smaller quadrants of the current screen.The only thing I can do after it freezes is reboot the machine.Would anyone know what is causing this?Also, I keep having to move my optical mouse from the usb slot into a ps/2 slot.And the same thing with my keyboard. I have 2 keyboards, so I can plug in the old ps/2 keyboard instead of the new usb keyboard. (the devices keep flipping)My machine is an AMD 3400 with an Epox mobo. Nothing like this has ever happened before, and I have been using ubuntu for more than 4 years without any problems.

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General :: Smaller Resolution Renders Screen Portion Unviewable

Feb 8, 2010

And we are unable to restore the setting because the button to click on to do so is outside of the viewable screen! Also we have lost the start bar/dock at the bottom of the screen and cannot figure out how to get it back.

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Ubuntu :: Root Is Getting Smaller And Smaller

Jan 23, 2011

I am using 10.04 LTS Lucid, and I notice the free space of root is getting smaller and smaller. Five months ago, there was about 3.9GB free space of root, but now it is only 1.6GB. I always run sudo apt-get autoremove and sudo apt-get autoclean every time the update is finished, and also use Bleachbit to clean the system, but both are useless.

I never faced such problem with older versions of Ubuntu, is there any measure to fix it?
1. There is not any .deb in the /var/cache/apt/archives.
2. The total content of /var/log is only 167.6 MB, that won't be a problem.

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General :: 15.4 Inch Laptops Tend To Be Slightly Cheaper Than 14-inch Laptops?

Feb 8, 2010

15.4 inch laptops tend to be slightly cheaper than 14-inch laptops? Supply and demand? and if you do not mind answering another question, what's your perspective on uncle Larry eating Sun?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Display Error Notification 'Could Not Apply The Stored Configuration For Monitors X Server Does Not Support Size Requested' On Bootup

May 8, 2010

Since upgrading to Lucid, I am getting the following dialog warning on login: 'Could not apply the stored configuration for monitors X Server does not support size requested' Im using the current proprietary NVIDIA graphics driver with dual heads. My display is fine, but the warning every time I login is annoying. After googling around I found this thread: [URL]. I tried going to Monitor Preferences as suggested. My resolution as displayed in the default tool is set to 3840 x 1200, which I suspect is the issue forcing the dialog, but I cant change the resolution, refresh rate or rotation from the Monitor Preference dialog box. dino99's response (in the referenced post) about xorg.conf not being needed anymore seems relevant. How can I resolve this issue and get rid of this annoying warning? Is there a configuration that I can update with a supported resolution to placate lucid?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Full Screen Flash With Two Monitors?

Jan 22, 2011

I have two 1680x1050 monitors running from the same graphics card, using xinerama. The left hand one is rotated portrait, while the right hand one remains landscape.

Some flash videos will full screen fine (4od,iplayer,.....) but some will not; in the attached screenshot you can see that there is a small section of the screen displaying the video while the video controls are correctly at the bottom of the screen. The grey block on the right flashes rapidly light and dark.

Another issue I have is that flash will not stay full screen if I move focus to something on the other screen, is there a workaround for this?

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Ubuntu :: Make The Login Screen Use Only One Of Dual Monitors?

Jun 19, 2011

My login screen currently mirrors the image across both of my monitors, which are different sizes, causing one of the two images to be ugly and stretched. After logging in the monitors are configured correctly. Is there a way to either 1) disable one of the monitors during login, or 2) use both monitors without mirroring the image?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Setting Physical Screen Controls On 2 Monitors

Jun 20, 2011

I use 2 screens. The one that is giving me problems is 5:4 1280*1024, 60Hz monitor. These settings have been automatically detected and do match the manual's screen settings. The mouse disappears off the top of the screen and yet when a window is expanded to full screen it stops at the physical edge of the screen. The mouse stops at the bottom and left side of the screen (the other screen is on its right)

Messages that a new email has arrived are mostly hidden above the edge of the screen. I have tried the physical screen controls but they do not allow me to change the size of the screen, as I am running the monitor in digital mode. I am using the nouveau drivers. What can I do to bring the boundary down to the physical edge of the top of the flat screen?

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Monitors - Can't Stop Mirror Screen Effect

Aug 14, 2010

I've been running Ubuntu 10.04 since it came out using two monitors, on the extended desktop option (the way I want it to be) with no problems. Today I unplugged the HDMI cable from my laptop and used it for my ps3 and now when I put the HDMI back in it will only run in the mirror desktop option. This is not acceptable to me as my 2nd monitor is a 50inch tv with a much higher resolution than my laptop.

When I uncheck the "Same image in all monitors" box it says to log out and back in. Doing this changes nothing(neither has restarting), it is still a mirrored screen.

When I click the detect monitors button absolutely nothing happens. Before today the detect monitors button did work.

How can I go about fixing this?

Edit: Also I just watched a show on the laptop and theres a lot of screen tearing, this didn't happen before.

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Ubuntu :: Two Monitors Detected Only Single Laptop Screen Present?

May 3, 2011

I have a notebook where it appears a fresh install of natty has detected 2 screens as being present, and set them to be mirrored.

However, there is only one screen present.

It's a Hp 5320m, with a Intel HD graphics.

Here's what the unity test says:

~$ /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p
OpenGL vendor string: Tungsten Graphics, Inc
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ironlake Mobile GEM 20100330 DEVELOPMENT
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 7.10.2


Here is what i see in monitors when i uncheck 'mirrored'


If i disable either of these two monitors, then i lose the screen for both- oops.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Keep Flash Videos In Full Screen On Dual Monitors?

Jan 7, 2010

I am running 9.10 on a laptop with an external monitor. when i run a flash video in full screen on the external monitor and click anything on the workspace of the laptop screen, the flash video on the external monitor will revert back from full screen.

this did not happen a couple of weeks back. i have not used it for 3 weeks. maybe one of the updates in between changed some setting?

does anyone now how to fix the problem?

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Ubuntu :: Remote Desktop With Dual Monitors (Black Screen On Viewer)?

Nov 8, 2010

I recently did a clean install to upgrade to 10.10 and I also got a 2nd monitor recently after upgrading. I want to be able to connect remotely to my desktop like I used to from my phone, but when I connect I get a black screen the size of my full desktop(both monitors) and I can move the mouse/type.

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General :: Flash Player With 2 Monitors: Always Full-screen On Primary Monitor

Feb 21, 2010

My setup at home uses a laptop, with a larger external monitor in addition to the built-in LCD panel, which is primary. I can see the larger monitor from the rest of the room and use it as my TV, for playing DVDs and various types of web video. However, it isn't ideal for Flash video. For instance, if I watch a video from Hulu or any other Flash-based site, I can expand it to full-screen mode.

However, no matter which monitor the browser window is on, the full-screen mode is always on the laptop LCD panel, which is both too small and not visible from most of the room. Does anyone know of a way to force the Flash video to play full-screen on the monitor I select instead of the primary? My video chipset is NVidia, using kernel 2.6.31 (Ubuntu).

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