Fedora :: Cannot Ping Either Of F12 Laptops / But Can Access Internet From Them

Feb 18, 2010

Firewall disabled.Static IP addys given to each laptop, but makes no diff when dhcp derived IP addys.using wlan Cannot ping either laptop from a windows box, bit windows box pings other computers.Can access internet from either laptop and Samba works too.I can ping one laptop if I plug the LAN wire into it. In fact I can ping either the wlan IP addy or the LAN addy this way. WHen I remove the Lan wire I can still ping the wlan on the laptop, but restarting screws it all up again.I see that iptables and other files change when I plug the LAN cvable in and then remove it again.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Access For 3 Laptops With Different OS

Jul 12, 2011

I have 3 laptops with 3 different OS - XP PRO, Win7 and Ubuntu (Linux). I try to connect to Internet in different locations using 2 different Internet Service Providers (ISP) and straight cable connection (not wireless).
Scenario 1: ISP number 1 - all 3 laptops can access Internet
Scenario 2: ISP number 2 - only Microsoft OS based laptops can access Internet

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Ping But No Internet Access

Jan 5, 2010

I have a Compaq Presario R3000 with Ubuntu 9.10 32 bit that I just installed last night. I'm using a Zyxel G-102 Wireless card and Actiontec GT701WG wireless modem.

When I try to connect to the 'net, the network does show up and it connects strong (100%). It also shows multiple neighbors networks. It pings at 99% success (with over 900 sent as I write this) but when I open Firefox it can't connect, it just times out. I've used WEP security and have switched off security as well. I tried hooking up to the modem via USB and get the same result. It acts like a Firewall issue but there isn't one installed - at least that I can find and the Firewall in the modem is off. I ran FF in root with gksu firefox as suggested in another thread. I tried www.ubuntu.com and the header loaded but that was all. Then it timed out.

I'm new to Linux but have used Puppy Linux with this machine and card, etc. so I know it can/does work with Linux. I wanted a more refined distro and chose Ubuntu.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Can't Ping Or Otherwise Access Internet

Mar 14, 2009

I just downloaded and installed the latest Cent OS 5. I disabled SE linux, turned off the firewall, and selected the Server package options when installing. I plan on using this as a router/firewall between my internal network and the internet, as well as web server, etc. The first thing I did was to configure the two NICs, internal one with address and the other with an address from my ISP (I have a static address, but I also tried to let the DSL router assign an address via DHCP). Everything looked fine, I checked /etc/resolv.conf and my routes. I was able to ping the DSL router from the server, but I was not able to do a ping or lookup on anything outside my network. I tried host, dig, nslookup, etc, no luck. Obviously then, I was not able to browse the net with firefox.

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General :: Serevr Blocks Ping And All Access From Internet

Mar 17, 2010

I have a Centos 5 server working as firewall, dns, proxy (squid) and mail server with postfix. sometimes it blocks ping from the net and when it hapen I cant browse my site not even fetch my email through webmail from outside. But inside every thing still go well even browsing the internet, but no ping to the net (e.g pop.gmail.com). when I restart it everything come up and work fine.

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Debian :: No Internet Access \ Ping Always Respond With Network Is Unreachable?

Jan 29, 2011

I'm using debian lenny.When I boot with kernel 2.6.36, ping always respond with Network is Unreachable. But when I boot with kernel 2.6.26 it works. I can't even ping the dafault router of 2.6.26 kernel when I am at 2.6.36. Also, system/administration/network does not show any connections while it shows something at the other kernel.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Install NIC Wired RC-400 - Error Comes Out - Unable To Access The Internet Or Ping Any IP Address?

May 5, 2010

we are trying to install this NIC Rosewill RC-400 Chipset RTL8169S-32 in Ubuntu 9.04 we downloaded the drivers from Rosewill website (For kernel 2.4.x and 2.6.x V 3.1) but when we follow the instruction in the readme file and do make clean modules and error comes out

make -C src/ clean
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/trinity/Desktop/r8169-6.006.00/src'
rm -rf *.o *.ko *~ core* .dep* .*.d .*.cmd *.mod.c *.a *.s .*.flags .tmp_versions Module.symvers Modules.symvers rset[code]...

So I went do realteak downloaded latest available drivers that seems to be were release yesterday did same command and same error So I made only make and it went fine did then make clean modules and went fine so made make install, depmod -a and modprobe r8169 verify int was up and getting correct ip from router but I'm not able to access the internet or ping any IP address

xxx@xxx-desktop:~$ uname -a
Linux xxx-desktop 2.6.28-18-generic #60-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 12 04:40:52 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

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Fedora Networking :: VM Can Ping Host And Internet But Host Can't Ping VM

Jan 19, 2010

Host - Fedora 12 64bit
VM - Windows Server 2008 64 bit

VM can ping host and Internet but host can't ping VM.

I set VM static IP

It turns out dynamic IP -

On host:

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Ubuntu :: Setup A Host Computer To Accept Display From Laptops In A Group Of Laptops?

Oct 2, 2010

How do I setup a host computer to accept display from laptops in a group of laptops?

I have a group of people each set to manage a specific task. I have a projector in the middle of the room hooked up to a computer. How can each user push their screens to the host computer? All computers are on a lan

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OpenSUSE Install :: Laptops Cannot Be Configured To Internet?

Dec 17, 2009

(1) What is the difference between OpenSuse and Suse Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) ? I see there is a link to download SLES in the Novell site. Will we have to buy SLES after 60 days for us to continue to use that OS ?

(2) I see this link Software.openSUSE.org

There is this link to download 4.7 GB DVD of Opensuse. Does that mean we need not have to download any packages from this repository, ndex of /distribution/11.2/repo/oss/suse/i586

For installing Oracle on Opensuse 9 I remember I had to install many of those packages on my laptop.

Do we still need to install those packages ?

(3) I have to install this SUSE (either Opensuse or SLES) on my laptop. My Laptop is Compaq Presario CQ60.

Can I connect to Internet if I install this software ?

Last time I faced lots of problems. I thought some laptops cannot be configured to Internet if installed with Linux.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Browse Internet But Cant Ping On F10

Jun 19, 2009

I'm using FC10 on my box at work. It is behind an anthenticated proxy for internet connection. In Gnome, I configured the Network Proxy through the GUI, as my browsers too.

So I can browse internet pages, install packages thru Add/Remove Software GUI, but I cant do it in the command line, using yum install, for example. Then trying to figure it out, I saw that it cant reach the package mirrors. It isnt a DNS problem, I set the /etc/resolv.conf correctly, as the host command works correclty. I can ping the local pcs on the network too. Firewall is disabled. Below some simple tests:

[rtovo@davinci ~]$ ping mirrors.fedoraproject.org
connect: Network is unreachable
[rtovo@davinci ~]$ host mirrors.fedoraproject.org
mirrors.fedoraproject.org is an alias for wildcard.fedoraproject.org.


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Fedora Security :: Iptables Masquerade, Can Ping But No Http Access?

Dec 13, 2009

I've got two routers, and, which are joined by a Linux box with interfaces eth0 ( and ra0 ( I've got masquerading for ra0, and a route to on's router. I CAN ping hosts on from just fine, but I CANNOT access web pages.Strangely, If I enable masquerading on eth0, and add a route to router to, I can ping AND access web pages from is my current iptables



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Fedora Networking :: Mobile Broadband / Dialing Succeeds But No Ping To Internet

Feb 1, 2011

In Fedora 14 (kernel I am not able to get an internet connection on my laptop via mobile broadband. However dialing succeeds and the provider starts the daily flate rate accounting.I tried the graphical network management as well as wvdial and even sakis3g (achitecture free variant from URl...).With wvdial (well configured I think) and sakis3g the dial connection is established (permanent blue light on Huawei E169). "netstat -ie" shows that the network configuration has changed (device pp0 instead of eth0 and "netstat -rn" shows that default router is set to But "ping" does not receive data from any internet IP address and browser cannot render any website. A later check call of my prepaid balance said that the daily rate countdown was initiated (so I pay for nothing).

The GUI of the KDE network icon seems to work similar but does not set the usb key into the connected state (only blinking blue light and break-off after a few seconds).Disabling of selinux didn't change anything as well.With Mandriva 2010 I didn't have any problems with same mobile key and provider.

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Networking :: Cannot Ping With Command - Ping IP - Address But Can Ping With - Ping IP -I Eth0

Jul 15, 2011

I am using an virtual machine. where I need to ping from one machine to another. earlier I was able to ping. But after going to google.com once, I cannot ping back to this machine.

But if I gave ping -I eth1 <IP> then I can ping.

I cannot install any package, so tell me solution which includes not installing any package.

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General :: PPPOE Server Access Internet Clients Fail To Access Internet

Aug 26, 2010

I have a linux box (fedora) with two ethernet cards eth1 and eth2. On eth1 I successfully configured a PPPOE internet connection. Such that from the server I can browse the internet. On eth2 I wired it to a wireless router essentially to provide the wireless cloud. On eth2 I also configured dhcp, such that the Linux box is both PPPOE and DHCP server.However my clients on the LAN cannot access the Internet.

On passing the routing command I get
Destination Gateway Iface
196.44.x.y ppp0 eth2 (my subnet) ppp0.

The router (functioning as a wireless access point mainly) has a fixed IP address of and eth2 has IP address The dhcp file running on Linux has been set with option router (Gateway) I cannot figure out how to correctly set the routing table such that my clients on wireless can access the internet cloud. I googled and googled but no solid solution. Any suggestions?

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General :: 15.4 Inch Laptops Tend To Be Slightly Cheaper Than 14-inch Laptops?

Feb 8, 2010

15.4 inch laptops tend to be slightly cheaper than 14-inch laptops? Supply and demand? and if you do not mind answering another question, what's your perspective on uncle Larry eating Sun?

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Fedora Networking :: Ping Working But Internet Not Working From Dhcp Clients

Jul 17, 2009

I have a strange problem for internet. My clients (winxp - S2) can't get internet.Let me explain my scenerios. Fedora 10 with lan (eth0) having direct internet from dsl model, client (XP service pack 2) can use samba shares using dhcp (wlan0) installed in Fedora 10 box. client can ping my linux box.Now problem is: client (dosbox) can ping the google ip address (i.e ping but can't use 'ping www.google.com'. That means ping with ip works for internet from my client. My linux box can. I can use internet from FC10 but can't use iexplorer from my client to have internet. I have enable ipmasquarding in Firewall and dhcpd is running on wlan0 for dynamic ip address of my clients.Can someone suggest me what kind of problem having I? What should i do to success iexplorer for internet? what possibly am i missing?

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Fedora :: Cannot Access Internet DNS?

Aug 25, 2011

Fedora 15 latest updatesHP Mini 210 NetbookMy internet was working fine. Then all of a sudden it stopped working on my Fedora netbook. I also have an iMac and can connect that to the internet without any problem. So my Internet connection is working fine on the iMacHowever, when I put the cable in my Fedora netbook. I get the IP address through DHCP and DNS automatically. This is the same setting as my iMac. I also have a windows partition on my Fedora netbook. That works fine, so there is no hardware problems.I can ping the router ok. But cannot pingor browse any wReturns cannot find host name google.com. So I think there is something wrong with the DNS.resolv.conf doens't have any DNS address in there. As there are assigned using DHCP.

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Fedora :: Cannot Access The Internet DNS

Mar 20, 2011

edora 15 latest updates
HP Mini 210 Netbook

My internet was working fine. Then all of a sudden it stopped working on my Fedora netbook. I also have an iMac and can connect that to the internet without any problem. So my Internet connection is working fine on the iMac However, when I put the cable in my Fedora netbook. I get the IP address through DHCP and DNS automatically. This is the same setting as my iMac. I also have a windows partition on my Fedora netbook. That works fine, so there is no hardware problems.I can ping the router ok. But cannot ping [URL] or browse any websites.nslookup [URL]. Returns cannot find host name [URL]. So I think there is something wrong with the DNS.resolv.conf doens't have any DNS address in there. As there are assigned using DHCP.

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Fedora :: How To Connect To Laptops Using Wlan

Nov 19, 2010

connect to laptops using wlan

1.lenovo with fedora14

2.hp with windows xp

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Red Hat / Fedora :: 10 Duplicate IP No Internet Access

Sep 14, 2010

I had a duplicate IP from another device on the network that would jut not let it go and was the same IP as my Fedora box that was working fine. After screwing around with the other device I finally just gave up and changed the IP on the Fedora box. Now I can't access the internet at all from the Fedora box. I looked in my routing tables in my router and the mac was showing as the mac of the other device. After some reboots here and there that is fix and the routers routing tables are now showing correctly. The Fedora box still can not resolve any domains or get online. Is there something somewhere inside the Fedora box that is still jacked up from the duplicate IP?

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Fedora :: 64 12 - Get Access To The Full Internet?

Feb 7, 2010

I just installed Fedora64 12 on my laptop. When I tried the Live CD all wen well. Now that I am running the full version I can only access internet pages linked to fedoraproject.org...?? not other pages work like google or yahoo or anything else. This is bizarre. How can I get access to the full internet?

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Fedora Networking :: Network Between Two FC10 Laptops

Mar 21, 2009

I and my friend use FC10 on our laptops. We want to share our data by creating a wired network between our machines because a wireless router is something what our pockets can't afford. What should I do for it? What type of wires and stuffs do I need? I Googled for some link for doing so in FC10 but couldn't find.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Get Access To Internet Through ADSL?

Mar 7, 2009

I have an valid account,and I used pppoe-setup to set the dial correctly.After the configuration,I typed "ifup ppp0",nothing wrong happens(no news is good news?).Then I typed "pppoe-status",it said I've connected to the internet . I opened firefox,updated my system through yum ,they all said I haven't connected to the network!!!I've formated my harddisk and reinstall my system,but the problem is still.

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Access Internet Through Gateway

Sep 4, 2009

I have installed fedora 11 64 bit on a new computer. I have no problems accessing the computers on my local network, but can not get past the gateway. The gateway is running windows XP with IP address and is named "internet". When I boot the new computer in windows, there is no problem. Here is the output of some commands I saw in other posts with similar problems:

$ /sbin/ifconfig eth0
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:24:8C:7F:10:0C
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::224:8cff:fe7f:100c/64 Scope:Link


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Fedora :: Blacklist Program From Internet Access?

May 23, 2010

In Fedora 12 how do I make it so a specific program can't talk to the internet?

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Access Internet With Web Addresses ?

Jul 7, 2010

I installed Fedora 13 on my laptop today after deleting a badly screwed up Windows XP partition. Everything installed smoothly even my Broadcom drivers but I can't seem to figure out how to get Firefox to access the web with a URL.

I can ping Google, and can get to it in Firefox if I use the IP address from the ping, but going to [url] in Firefox will give me an error message about not being able to find the server at the web address. I was also able to update from the terminal with yum update just fine. I've tried searching Google for some answers, and maybe I just can't phrase my query right, but I found nothing that I could use to try and fix my problem.

I've attached a HardInfo report which I hope could be useful if you need to know what my hardware is (an HP Pavilion zv5000 laptop).

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Fedora Networking :: No Wired Internet Access

Aug 14, 2010

I've installed Fedora 13 on a Toshiba Satellite A40 laptop, and am trying to get the wired ethernet connection to work. Network Manager says it is connected, and the connection details (DHCP assigned IP, gateway, dns servers) all seem correct. However, I cannot browse the internet. Checking for updates fails also. I have tried pinging various sites and the results are inconsistent - sometimes it works, sometimes it times out with "unknown host". [URL]... I've searched around for similar issues and tried disbaling ipv6 both in Fedora and Firefox, but this doesn't help either.

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Fedora :: Apply Patch, No Internet Access?

Nov 1, 2010


I have zero internet access on my laptop via wired or wireless connection, and need to apply this patch, but have pretty much no idea where to start.Running vanilla FC13 x86_64. Whats the easiest way to go about this, considering its hard work for me to download packages and their dependencies at college (where I am posting from now) and installing them at home, it could take days.

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Fedora :: Can Update / But No Internet Access Through Browser

Dec 8, 2010

I just installed fedora on a customers laptop of mine and just trying to get everything working. I hooked up a wireless PCMCIA linksys card and got connected to my wireless and went through the first 250+ updates, all that went fine, so I know I am getting internet access. Everytime I open firefox though I cannot connect to any websites, like I said I am a noob so my troubleshooting skills are very limited with linux, anything I can try etc.

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