Ubuntu :: Terminal History Does Not Save Everything
Mar 3, 2011the terminal history does not save commands starting with "./"
View 2 Repliesthe terminal history does not save commands starting with "./"
View 2 Repliesmy whole system crashed due to file system failure so i have to reinstall it, but i would like to save my pidgin history and settings if possible. can anybody tell me, where i can find that. i can access my files trough a live cd via terminal. in which file/directory are the settings and the history stored?? i was looking thorugh the forum but i couldn find this information anywhere.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to save command out put to another file. Ex: #ps -ef that particular cmd output i need to save another file. is it possible And how to save command history in Linux.
View 1 Replies View RelatedUbuntu :: save copy of bash entries / history?
View 7 Replies View Relatedless doesn't save command history, i.e. file .lesshst isn't created. If I create it manually, nothing writes to it too.OS AIX 5.3 I think linux users can have the same issue, hardly this issue depends on OS.
View 9 Replies View RelatedLets say I wanted to save my bash history permanently. I.e., so I could look in a log somewhere and find some command I used 6 months ago, like the one I used to get my printer drivers installed
View 1 Replies View RelatedI gave Kubuntu (Live CD) a test drive that turned out to be longer than planned... How do I export my Konquerer history?
View 2 Replies View Relatedterminal i open i have no history; the history is kept only in that terminal and is gone when i exit the terminal.If I count lines:as a user:
$ wc -l .bash_history
wc: .bash_history: Permission denied
Is there any way to pull up deleted history with terminal and delete it permanently so that even a computer forensic couldn't pull it back up?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI used to use CCleaner so I could keep specific cookies from being deleted while I deleted all others. Is there any way I can do this with Ubuntu? Firefox doesn't seem to allow it other than manual deletion which is not as fast an automated as CCleaner made the task.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFirefox "preferences" has an option which say, "keep my history for at least --- days".This does not make sense. If I enter 10 days, it will keep my history for 10 days or 1000 days. If I ener 100 days, it will keep my history for 100 days or 1000 days.ame thing!!Shouldn't it say, "keep my history for no longer than --- days"?I just set mine to 14 days and I still have a month of history.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHaving recovered from busting my installation, feel urgent need to know what I did to set it up.So...would like to see all commands I ran in terminal window and store them (execute as script in future?)I can see prior commands using up arrow, is there a way of storing all of those commands in history?Also, any pointers to setting up sort of backup of the package installation setup?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI noticed a few days ago, that history feature is not working on my ubuntu 10.10 notebook edition terminal. I mean I enter a bunch of commands today and then shut down. Come back again tomorrow and turn on the machine and open the terminal, but up and down arrows won't bring any old commands that I used today.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI am using Fedora 13. Is there a log file in system I can view to see the list of command lines I had entered in terminal so far?
Commands like
cd /usr/local
emacs test.txt
which are logged in the log file.
I've just installed Slackware 13.1 and am using a VESA framebuffer on a dv5-1251nr HP laptop with standard hardware.
In bash when I browse the command history using the up/down arrow keys the input line changes rather slowly.
For example, when I am on the history command
And the next command I go to is
The terminal input line deletes each character from the beginning and changes something like this:
But going the opposite direction, from
Is instant.
The effect does not happen with VESA turned off. I've used VESA on other computers without this problem.
is it possible to log the command output's history that are previously printed messages in the terminal to a file? that is the first command output when i first opened terminal through the last command.
View 5 Replies View Relatedi want to delete some say 10 previous commands in bash shell!
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using squid proxy server for sharing Internet in my internal network. I would like to know that how can I check the browsing history by individual users web surfing history by their IP addresses?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn terminal, I use the command " export XXX="xxx" " to create a new environment variable, and then " env | grep XXX " to check if it is existed. But when I run the terminal again, the variable I created is disappeared. I've found it just can't save the variables I created..
View 3 Replies View Relatedi'd like to ask how could I save my Terminal Sessions to a text file or something like the option we could do at Putty or Kitty?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI sometimes stick my neck out and provide somewhat detailed, and often risky, "Mr-fix-it" remedies for boot problems. Now, I know it's possible to amend each command with "whatever_command > whatever.txt" in which case it'll place the command output in a file in /home.
But if you're directing someone to run a lot of commands as I did here is it possible to save the output of all commands to a .txt file without amending each command?
Or is it already saved somewhere that I'm not yet aware of? I wouldn't be surprised if the latter were true, I just haven't yet found it
Is there a package I can download for Ubuntu that would allow me to type in,for example, cd [tab key] and then it would go through the recent cd commands I've typed in?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use webcam with the streamer application. So, to record a video I have to put in terminal something like this:
streamer -q -c /dev/video0 -f rgb24 -r 24 -t 00:30:00 -o /home/shark/untitled.avi
I know I can use other applications but I have got problems with all except with this. This is really annoying because it is a delay job. So, I am wondering how can I make a script that the terminal will ask me to name the file or even better to ask where to put my file.
I am trying to save the PATH environment variable from the Terminal running on a Ubuntu system.I typed in the following however it does not get saved.
export PATH=/home/david/Komodo-Edit-6/bin/:$PATH
I am looking for a terminal app that will allow me to save my password and maybe set up some sessions since I often log into multiple machines each day. Also is there something out there that will allow me to save common commands to a hot key?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using:
user@unknown:~$ sudo command -option > log
to save the results of "command" to the file "log", but I'd like to also get the result on the terminal, is this possible?
I am using ubuntu 10.04 lts.
I can successfully connect to a remote Windows Computer using Terminal Server Client but I cannot save the profile (Fedora 12).This means I have to enter the details every time I wish to connect. As I have many different remote locations I need to access on a regular basis is there any way to save the profiles?
View 6 Replies View Relatedis there a Terminal command to open a Target file (same as the one opens when you want to upload a file), let user choose the file and when he clicks open, be able to save his choice?for example:echo "Choose source file"--> command needed to browseand then open or save path to that file
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have Ubuntu 9.10 dual booting with Windows7.My ext3 /home is mounted as F: in windows.I share a firefox profile between them so that when i am in Windows my firefox uses the same profile as it does when in Ubuntu.It all worked great until recently. I am unable to save files by right clicking and save as. In the config i am unable to set a directory to save to. It neer asks me where to save to. Just nothing happens. some off my book marks are all messed up as well, my rss feeds have the same post on some random website every time i log on and i have to manually refresh to get the correct feeds back. I am unable to delete the random bookmark.
View 1 Replies View Relatedmy mediacenter is attached to an beamer with the optimal resolution of 1280*720 ubuntu 10.04 doesnt offer me this revolution (on my intel 915 graphis controller). this means i have to add this resolution to the possible resolutions. first i used cvt
cvt 1280 720 60
and got this result:
# 1280x720 59.86 Hz (CVT 0.92M9) hsync: 44.77 kHz; pclk: 74.50 MHz
Modeline "1280x720_60.00" 74.50 1280 1344 1472 1664 720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync
then i added this to xrandr
xrandr --verbose --newmode "1280x720" 74.50 1280 1344 1472 1664 720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync
xrandr --verbose --addmode VGA1 1280x720
now i can select and use the new resolution - until next reboot. after an reboot 1280x720 is again not available. even if i work with sudo - the resolution isnt there....