Ubuntu :: Stop Grub 2 From Scanning For Boot Cd?

Jun 10, 2010

Is there a way to stop Grub from scanning the optical drive for boot media before getting to the boot menu? Or to skip this step? (I have the drive excluded from the BIOS's boot menu but then Grub still checks it anyway)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Stop Responding: Goes Into An Automated Scanning Mode

Jul 14, 2010

I just installed ubuntu as a learning tool. It was going fine until the next day after the install. This happened on two reinstall of ubuntu server 10.4. All was installed was lamp, squid, privoxy, tor, shorewall, and phpmyadmin. I have added 3 websites to the server.

Today, I noticed my internet stopped responding on my other pc which is linked to my server for internet access( privoxy). When I turned on the server, I noticed the screen was purging out random lines. I don't know what they mean, but it was a never ending series of lines filling the whole screen. To stop it, I ctrl+c. Some of these lines read usb, keyboard, mouse, etc. I am guessing the system went hay-wired.

When I reboot the machine, it did it again. This time I don't have the cmd prompt. I didn't know another other way to properly shutdown so I just cold reboot the machine. The next time it booted up, all seems normal like it always have been. My sites, internet is working.

I probably didn't provide enough info to diagnose this behavior. As mentioned before, it happened the first time I installed the server and it is happening again with the same applications installed.

Edited: It happened again. Some of the lines I could make out are these.

Bug: unable to handle kernal NULL pointer deference
Kernal panic-not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task!
Error panic occured: Switching back to text console.
The server froze at this point.

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Ubuntu :: Stop The Grub Menu From Appearing At Boot?

Aug 6, 2011

After some system updates, I now have the Grub menu appearing every time I boot my computer. Is there any way to disable it, or make it automatically boot whichever entry is selected by default? I only have one operating system installed, so there's not much of a point to having to press enter every time my computer starts up.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Tell Grub To Stop Trying To Boot Based On UUIDs?

Dec 16, 2010

how do I tell grub to stop trying to boot based on UUIDs? I've been dealing with this for about two years now. I have this one system, a PowerEdge 1550, that for some reason WILL NOT boot using a UUID, and will only boot if I edit the first entry in grub, remove everything to do with UUIDs (completely delete the search line, replace root=uuid=[uuid] with root=/dev/sda1). I can't seem to make these settings stick and now with 10.10 there's no longer a menu.lst to edit. So, in short, I need grub to stop trying to boot based on a UUID. Absolute paths, baby. That's what I need.

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Ubuntu :: Active Package For Scanning Windows Boxes Won't Boot USB

Apr 29, 2010

I'd like to burn a Live CD with clamav as an active package for scanning Windows boxes that won't boot USB.

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Ubuntu :: Change GRUB Boot Order: No /boot/grub/menu.lst File

Nov 29, 2010

i am trying to change the boot order on the GRUB menu so that the countdown automatically starts on an older kernel. From what i can see all the solutions on the web want me to edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file. The problem is that i don't have one. Someone also mentioned that if i don't have a menu.lst file then i should look for the grub.conf file. I don't have on of those either. The closest thing in /boot/grub is grub.cfg but that looks nothing like the descriptions i have heard of /boot/grub/menu.lst file

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General :: GRUB Boot - Error: Attempting Boot From Hard Drive (c GRUB)

May 16, 2011

we have an oracle application server on red hat 4.6 upon booting it comes up with error: attempting boot from hard drive (c GRUB)

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Ubuntu :: Grub Stop If Using AHCI When Power On

Dec 1, 2010

If I change my sata mode from IDE to AHCI grub won't show (cursor goes to top left) when I power on my system. After that, I press the reset button and my grub shows ok.

So, to use AHCI I always have to use the reset switch button.

Using Ubuntu 10.10 with 2.6.35-23-generic - 64bits

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Lost After Re-installing Windows / Stop It To Do So?

Jun 9, 2010

I need some help getting GRUB back after re-installing Windows. Now I don't have access to my ubuntu partition and the installation disk

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Ubuntu Installation :: When The GRUB Boot Menu Starts Up There Is An Option For Win 7 Boot But It Will Not Boot Windows?

May 2, 2011

I installed 11.04 after Windows 7. when the GRUB boot menu starts up there is an option for Win 7 boot but it will not boot windows. When that option is selected the screen changes colour for 2 seconds and then reverts to the GRUB menu. Ubuntu boots fine.I downloaded the Boot Info Script and ran it, the results are

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================[code].....

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Ubuntu :: Grub Update Error "update-grub Head: Cannot Open `/boot/grub/video.lst' For Reading: No Such File Or Directory"

Apr 7, 2010

after doing an upgrade to 10.4 and updating grub I get this message. how do I address this


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Ubuntu :: Get The Version Of GRUB / GRUB-legacy To Boot Any Recent Windows 64 Beyond XP (Vista Or 7)

Dec 20, 2010

I've been using Linux for over a decade, so no need to worry about the obvious. I'm positive that I have my partitions/install correct. What has me baffled is that Fedora 14, which uses GRUB 0.97 (GRUB legacy) - boots Windows flawlessly every single time on the same hardware, but Ubuntu's (or the upstream Debian's) GRUB legacy do not - even though they are based on the same upstream code from the GNU Savannah servers.

No matter what I've tried I cannot get the Debian or Ubuntu version of GRUB/GRUB-legacy to boot any recent Windows 64 beyond XP (Vista or 7). All that it does is resets the computer when Windows attempts to boot, without an error. GRUB is notoriously difficult to compile, so before I try to compile code from RedHat's archives - any thoughts,experiences, similar issues - whatever?

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Ubuntu :: Grub - Lost My Windows Partition - Can't Find Menu.lst In /boot/grub

Nov 1, 2010

I got ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx along with windows (dual boot) and using Grub. On my computer, I have my C:/ (programs) and D:/ (data). I've never used my D:/ before that day that I've lost my windows partition on my grub menu. I usually use my D:/ with windows. The first time I used my D:/ to store data with linux, I lost my windows option in my grub menu. I'm not sure what I did wrong but I do want to restore my windows option in my grub menu.

After "fdisk -l",

I checked in /boot/grub and there is no menu.lst to modify. how I can get back my windows option in my grub menu ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Errors - More Than 1 Grub - The Change Does Not Appear In The Boot Up Menu

Dec 22, 2010

The first is I seem to have 3 GRUB installs. So whilst I update the one from my live session, the change does not appear in the boot up menu. I had installed 10.10 from a CD into a different partition (sda6), but that will not boot, so I have just deleted this and done another grub install and update. The kernel I am using has just been updated from 10.04 to 10.10 too, and it is this that I use and the Grub I have been working on (sda5).


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Mode - Error: Cannot Find A Device For /boot/grub (is /dev Mounted?)

Dec 16, 2010

I updated yesterday and now when I start my laptop it goes in to grub rescue mode. I have booted from a 'live cd' and thought I could repair grub from there. In gparted however the partition with ubuntu (sda1) is seen as unknown file system, in terminal when I list the partition table it shows up as FAT16 type. When I try a grub-install it gives this error message:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot/grub/win7 - Testdisk/update-grub Method, But It Didn't Work?

Mar 4, 2011

I have 2 hard disks. sda,sdb

In sda, I have 4 partitions, and I have windows 7 in one of the extended partitions [not in the primary partition].

In sdb, I have 3 partitions. 2 for storage, and 1 10GB drive for Ubuntu. Again, Ubuntu is not of a primary partition.

I had ubuntu 10.04 running on that for a long time. However, I wanted to reinstall ubuntu and use 10.10.This is what I did EXACTLY:Booted from Ubuntu install CD

Chose advanced istall

Selected sdb3 for Ubuntu

I installed GRUB2 on the SAME partition as Ubuntu aka sdb3 Installed then rebooted

I can boot into Ubuntu fine, but whenever I select Windows 7 bootloader from the GRUB menu, the screen goes black, and my PC reboots.

Boot Info:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010 [code]....

ls: reading directory sda6/: Input/output error

I have tried the testdisk/update-grub method, but it didn't work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Win 7 Dual Boot - Revert Grub 2 To Grub 1?

Mar 26, 2010

So my computer has ubuntu 9.10 installed 1st and I want to install win 7 in a separate partition. Basically, ubuntu 1st, win 7 later so far from what I learned from search results, grub 2 have problem with win 7 installed later and what was recommended was install win 7 before ubuntu. how ever I do not have the time to start over again because there are too many things to back up or install again. can I simply revert grub 2 to grub 1 again and resolve the problem?

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Ubuntu :: How To Stop KVM Start At Boot

Mar 10, 2010

Host - ubuntu 9.10 64bit
Virtualizer - KVM

I need to stop KVM starting at boot. I added following 2 lines at the bottom of /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
Code: blacklist kvm
blacklist kvm-amd Reboot PC
It doesn't work.

$ lsmod | grep kvm Code: kvm_amd 41556 0
kvm 190648 1 kvm_amd
What further command I have to run in order to activate the new blacklist.conf ?

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Ubuntu :: Non GUI Terminal Fonts In /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Jun 21, 2010

I am running 10.04 and when I installed Nvidia 3d driver the fonts in a non GUI terminal ie. contol-alt-F2 are very large. I used to be able to alter the font size in /boot/grub/menu.lst but cannot do the same in /boot/grub/grub.cfg.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Starts On Boot - How To Stop This

Mar 17, 2010

Just over the past few days Firefox 3.5.8 now starts as soon as the desktop has loaded - it's not set to do this in 'Startup Applications' - how do I stop it starting on boot?Also, over the same period, if I click a javascript link, nothing happens, it no longer opens the relevant page or image; so I click it again and still nothing, however several minutes later the page/image may open, but not always.Also if I close Firefox, then later click a link in an email it no longer opens Firefox - I then have to go into 'System Monitor > Processes', find and then 'end process' for Firefox (cause it's sleeping) before I can actually start it.I've gone in Synaptic and 'reinstalled' Firefox, but it made no difference. I cleared the cache and all cookies as well - could something have got into Firefox, and if so how can I fix it ?

I'm using karmic 9.10 32 bit with kernel 2.6.31-20-generic-pae update - it appears it's a javascript problem within Firefox as I can no longer open the popup window for online banking from my banks webpage link - I can do this in other browsers such as Epiphany, Google Chrome and Opera, but not in Firefox

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Stop Boot Process / What To Do?

Mar 15, 2011

I have installed kernel 2.6.35-23-generic. Everything works fine, even better than 2.6.32. But i have one problem. Every time i select kernel 2.6.35-23-generic
in grub menu i get some error message, than disappers and boot process continue normally. And everything works fine. But i don't know what this message is. I checked dmesg, boot.log, CTRL-S doesn't work to hold the error message - this error is not logged anywhere.

So, what can i do?

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Debian Installation :: 'grub-pc' Package Failed Into /target/. Without The GRUB Boot Loader

Sep 21, 2010

I was installing sqeeze i386 on my laptop VOSTRO 1400 and got this the 'grub-pc' package failed to install into /target/. without the GRUB boot loader, the installed system will not boot.

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Fedora :: Get The Graphical Screen Back By Adding Vga=795 To /boot/grub/grub.conf

Nov 21, 2009

since i have installed the nvidia drivers i have lost the graphical boot and just had a bar at the bottom of the screen instead. i tried to get the graphical screen back by adding vga=795 to my /boot/grub/grub.conf but when i rebooted not only did i not get the graphical boot or the toolbar at bottom.

i got list of all the drivers and services it is starting with ok next to it. i have also since doing this lost the bit when restarting or shutting down getting the words restarting or shutting down and just get blank screen with flashing cursor. i removed the vga=795 and i still get the list of drivers/services loading.

how do i get the quiet option back. i have checked /boot/grub/grub.conf and it has the quiet in it.i have also tried running update-grub but get message command not found. i have attached the grub.conf file

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Does Not Boot / Just Showing A Black Screen Written 'Grub'?

Feb 26, 2010

I've been running openSuse 11.2 for a while on my notebook.Today I turned it off at work and came home. When I tried to turn it on, it boots, shows a black screen written 'GRUB' and then NOTHING. It doesn't complete the boot process.

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Software :: Grub Drops To Grub Prompt On Boot / But Can Use Commands To Find Menu

Jun 5, 2009

I've got myself the curious situation where, when I boot the system, I can get grub to start, but it always drops to the prompt.

I can run:configfile /grub/menu.lst

and this brings up the menu with no problems, and from there I can boot the system to either linux or windows. What I don't understand is why it wont go to the menu in the first place?As far as I can tell, grub/Kubuntu got confused when installing, as each of the hd#,# settings in the menu.lst have needed tweaking to let the system boot. (e.g. windows is actually hd0, but the original install had it at hd2. Likewise linux is on hd1, but the menu.lst had it at hd0). I've happily tweaked these to make the system boot, but would appreciate any help in convincing grub to actually load the menu without me having to use the prompt.

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Software :: Unable To Boot Into GRUB Loader: GRUB Command Shell Boots Up?

Sep 2, 2009

A failed upgrade, from disk images, of Fedora 10 to 11 resulted in no GRUB bootloader main menu appearing on bootup (no WIN, no LINUX choices from which to boot). I am booted directly into the GRUB command shell...so, no WIN, no LINUX, nothing. And my understanding of GRUB shell commands is very low.I have 2 hard disks, WIN on the first, LINUX on the second. I believe GRUB Bootloader is on the first disk.Sadly, I have no external install media.An old grub.conf hardcopy indicates that root =/dev/sdb2, root (hd1,0), kernel /vmlinuz....olderversion...(relative to /boot),initrd /initrd...olderversion... (relative to boot). and WINDOWS on (hd0,1), with chainloader +1

I need to somehow get past this grub shell, and re-install/re-instate the grub bootloader, so it can boot normally.What grub command(s) must I use? I've played around with the commands, but with no success.I worry that if I can't resolve this, the whole machine may be useless.

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CentOS 5 :: Grub Doesn't Automatically Boot OS After Install, Hangs At Grub Prompt?

Mar 21, 2011

I have used CentOS for a while and have never run into this issue. I searched all over and didn't see a similar issue anywhere, I did an install of CentOS as a server (no GUI) with only the base. Partition is /boot ext3, size of 100MB. The rest of the drive is partitioned as / with ext3. This is being done on a CompactFlash card of 32GB in size. The BIOS sees it as an IDE drive.

When the install completes and the system reboots, the grub stops at the grub> prompt. There is no menu for OS options. If I do the following commands:
grub>root (hd0,0)
grub>kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-194.el5 root=LABEL=/
grub>initrd /initrd-2.6.18-194.el5.img

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OpenSUSE Install :: Commands Make System Boot To Grub Shell Instead Of Grub Menu?

Apr 17, 2010

I started another thread about this to get help booting into openSUSE after Fedora rewrote my bootloader and deleted all other entries. I managed to fix it but I never did find out why the following commands caused my system to boot to the grub shell instead of the grub menu.

root (hd0,3)
setup (hd0)

Can anyone explain to me why these commands caused my system to boot directly to a grub shell? It's as if there were no /boot/grub/menu.lst files for it to use, but after I got everything back to normal, the files were still there.

If it helps, this is how the drive was setup before and now, except Fedora was on /dev/sda4 and has since been deleted.

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 1 262 2104483+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda2 263 13316 104856255 83 Linux
/dev/sda3 * 13317 14621 10482412+ 83 Linux

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Fedora :: Could Not Open The File /boot/grub/grub.conf?

Aug 31, 2010

I would like to modify the boot loader settings and triedo open the file grub.confHowever, it is said that the file could not be opened, as seen in the attachment.Tried to authenticate as 'root' before opening the file, but the problem still exist...

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Software :: GRUB Boot Loader Doesnt Load / Fix The GRUB?

May 18, 2010

PC: Dell Precision T7400.O/S: Windows XP SP3 64-bit & Scientific Linux 5.3 64-bit

The above PC has 2 HDDs installed one has XP and the other Scientific Linux.

Problem: XP needed to be re-installed, i've done this now but now the GRUB Boot loader doesnt load - So just boots straight into XP.

Qustion: Is there anywhere to fix the GRUB? Without wiping the 2nd HDD and re-installing Linux!

Let me know if you need any more info

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