Ubuntu Servers :: Tell Grub To Stop Trying To Boot Based On UUIDs?

Dec 16, 2010

how do I tell grub to stop trying to boot based on UUIDs? I've been dealing with this for about two years now. I have this one system, a PowerEdge 1550, that for some reason WILL NOT boot using a UUID, and will only boot if I edit the first entry in grub, remove everything to do with UUIDs (completely delete the search line, replace root=uuid=[uuid] with root=/dev/sda1). I can't seem to make these settings stick and now with 10.10 there's no longer a menu.lst to edit. So, in short, I need grub to stop trying to boot based on a UUID. Absolute paths, baby. That's what I need.

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Grub2 Generate A Grub.cfg File Without UUIDs?

Jul 11, 2010

I want to do everything with disk labels. My /etc/fstab is already set up for labels.How can I tell grub2 to use labels? I need it to stop using UUID for root.

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Slackware :: Kernel Panic While Booting With Grub Using Uuids

Jul 16, 2010

today I updated my Slackware 13.0 to 13.1. Unfortunately it didn't boot any longer. I probably forgot to run "lilo" before restarting. However, I reinstalled Slackware and I installed grub instead of lilo I'm more familiar with it..

This was my first menu.lst config:


title Linux (uuid)
kernel /vmlinuz root=UUID=6a8096a3-3915-4ef2-8984-976e42d04cfc ro vga=0x031b

While booting it stopped and printed this message:


Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS; Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block

Then I compared it to other Linux system on different computers and I noticed that every of them, who are using uuids, using an initrd as well. So I created one and now it boots properly.

I just wonder, why? Why does it need an initrd to boot by using uuids?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Not Quite Understanding UUIDs And Grub2 On 10.04 Server?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm trying to set up an Ubuntu server using 10.04 (64-bit), and running into problems after a couple of reconfigurations. Here's the full story:I initially built the server on a 400+GB RAID5 array, putting everything but swap in one partition. Unfortunately, I needed to repartition, putting / in the first primary partition, swap in the second partition, /var/log in the third primary partition and /home in the remaining space on the fourth primary partition.

However, at this step, I ran into some problems with UUIDs in /etc/fstab and Grub2 (I've used Linux for about 9 years, but I'm new to Ubuntu, and I haven't used UUIDs or Grub2 on Gentoo, yet). Consequently, I made the (probably not smart) decision to move back to the /dev/sdX notation I am familiar with.The problem with that is that now I need even more space on /home, so I've added a Dell Powervault and a Dell PERC5/e SATA card to my server. Now, Grub2 tries to boot from the new RAID array on the Powervault instead of the internal RAID array, so I am trying to move back to the UUID notation so that I don't have worry about /dev/sda being the internal array sometimes and the external array at other times.I don't mind being RTFM'd, but I'm having trouble finding pointers to the documentation explaining Grub2 configuration and the UUID notation. Does anyone have pointers to some readable, concise documentation on configuring this in Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Use UUIDs To Setup A Raid With Mdadm?

Oct 6, 2010

Can I use UUIDs to setup a raid with mdadm?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot To Other Backtrack Due To Wrong Uuids

Oct 22, 2010

I'm using 10.10 (updated from 10.04) and from the 10.04 I had problems when the system updated the kernel. After a kernel upgrade I can't boot to my other linux(Backtrack) due to wrong uuids. I must go to /boot/grub/grub.cfg and remove the uid and put /dev/sda5 for example. If I don't edit backtrack loads to busybox. Is there any way to fix that parameteres permantly? Because I don't want to make this change every time.

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Ubuntu :: Stop Grub 2 From Scanning For Boot Cd?

Jun 10, 2010

Is there a way to stop Grub from scanning the optical drive for boot media before getting to the boot menu? Or to skip this step? (I have the drive excluded from the BIOS's boot menu but then Grub still checks it anyway)

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Ubuntu :: Stop The Grub Menu From Appearing At Boot?

Aug 6, 2011

After some system updates, I now have the Grub menu appearing every time I boot my computer. Is there any way to disable it, or make it automatically boot whichever entry is selected by default? I only have one operating system installed, so there's not much of a point to having to press enter every time my computer starts up.

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Debian Hardware :: Boot Warning Fsck.ext4: Unable To Resolve UUIDs?

May 15, 2011

I have $ uname -a
Linux kub 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Mar 7 21:35:22 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Most of the time when I boot my PC I get an error about fsck.ext4: Unable to resolve... I don't know why it's happening.

The problem is happening with my external drive that has 3 partitions:

About 90% of the time I boot I do get the error. Sometimes after getting the error I can login and the external drive (/dev/sdc) is already mounted:
$ df -H
Filesystem             Size   Used  Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2               15G   8.0G   5.8G  58% /
tmpfs                  1.9G      0   1.9G   0% /lib/init/rw
udev                   1.9G   246k   1.9G   1% /dev
tmpfs                  1.9G   738k   1.9G   1% /dev/shm

The UUID's in the error file match the output of the command blkid. And the UID's of blkid match the fstab UUID's. I don't know what to do at this point.

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Ubuntu :: Use A Windows-based Recovery Partition On A Dual-boot Computer To Overwrite Partition And Remove GRUB Loader?

Mar 9, 2010

is it possible to use a Windows-based recovery partition on a dual-boot computer to overwrite the Ubuntu partition and remove the GRUB loader? For instance, if you booted up your computer, accessed the hidden recovery partition and used it to reset the computer to it's factory default settings, would that effectively remove the Ubuntu partition and the GRUB loader? Would a completely new installation of Windows overwrite/uninstall Ubuntu and GRUB automatically?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install Fails At Grub Boot Loader

Feb 26, 2010

I'm using the RAID1 setup, which is configured in the BIOS, as it is a HP Proliant server. i have 2 500GB hard drives configured in a mirror. when booting the install, it recognises this, and deals with it fine.

The problem is, when it gets to the section of installing the grub2 boot loader, it just stops and gives me the "ubuntu installer main menu" where if i select grub boot loader install it just loops back, and if i select LILO installer, it errors, saying an installation step failed.

It has the option to skip installing boot loader, but then, can i get it to boot a different way? can i boot manually into the server install and then install GRUB and hope it works? can i install grub1 rather than grub2?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Boot Straight Into Server Bypassing Grub

Apr 11, 2010

I was running a ubuntu server on another PC which has no keyboard. only power and lan cable is connected and i was remotely admining it from my desktop PC. When i turned that Server PC on earlier , it goes straight into user login screen of ubuntu server. But right now i see the grub menu list which is expecting the keyboard Enter input. how do i remove that so later on i don't need to plug the keyboard and hit enter to goto server login ?

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Fedora :: Why GRUB Does Not Display Menu Based On Grub.conf/menu.lst

Jul 28, 2009

I am testing my crash recovery strategy for my linux system and I am having trouble with GRUB. I am basically restoring my backup (i.e. tar) unto a different hard drive, but I am having problems getting the machine to boot without me having to type the GRUB commands at the GRUB prompt that is presented when the machine boots up off the new hard drive. I have tried to restore the MBR in two ways (the 2nd one is the one that gets me to the GRUB prompt):

1. Get the MBR off the original drive and write it unto the new drive (all via dd), but that did not work at all: the machine hangs right away during boot up. It seems to hang right at the point where the BIOS tries to read the MBR.


On original drive:

# dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr+part.bin bs=512 count=1

On new drive (new drive is now in place of original drive):

# dd if=mbr+part.bin of=/dev/sda bs=1 count=446 conv=notrunc

2. By using the FEDORA rescue CD, I installed grub unto the new hard drive as follows:


# chroot /mnt/sysimage
# grub-install --root-directory=/boot hd0

reboot and remove FEDORA CD Using the 2nd option above, I get the GRUB> prompt during bootup. I can then boot into the system by issuing the commands that are in the menu.lst file, followed by the "boot" command. However, I would like for those commands to happen automatically, just like in the original configuration. It seems to me that GRUB is actually finding all its stage files because I doubt the GRUB program (the one displaying the prompt) fits entirely in the 446 bytes it has on the MBR. So, it must be loading its stage 2 (and stage 1.5??) files from my /boot partition. However, if GRUB is loading its stage files off the boot partition, why does it not load/read the menu.lst/grub.conf contained in the boot partition also?


# ls -l /boot
total 22888
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1274567 2009-05-27 16:39 System.map-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1274538 2009-06-16 22:27 System.map-


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Server :: Stop IP Based Hosting In Virtual Hosting?

Aug 18, 2011

I have designed name based virtual hosting in apache. as of now,I am able to access website using IP also. which is I am looking to block, only can access by the name

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Ubuntu :: How UUIDs Are Created

Jun 30, 2010

I have a 500GB SATA drive in a USB enclosure that I use to backup my system.My first step was to clone the 500GB drive in my computer to the USB drive.Now I would like to use rsync to copy changes made since that cloning to the filesystem on the USB drive.But Ubuntu will not let me mount the filesystem because it has the exact same UUID as the main filesystem! I don't know how the UUIDs are created, but without a unique UUID I do not know how to do the mount.

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Ubuntu :: Change GRUB Boot Order: No /boot/grub/menu.lst File

Nov 29, 2010

i am trying to change the boot order on the GRUB menu so that the countdown automatically starts on an older kernel. From what i can see all the solutions on the web want me to edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file. The problem is that i don't have one. Someone also mentioned that if i don't have a menu.lst file then i should look for the grub.conf file. I don't have on of those either. The closest thing in /boot/grub is grub.cfg but that looks nothing like the descriptions i have heard of /boot/grub/menu.lst file

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Ubuntu Servers :: Best Web Based Filemanager

Mar 5, 2011

I have setup and apache server on my pogo plug pink. I would like to setup a a web based file manager. I Googled it and tried a few of the top few but none of the worked that well.

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General :: GRUB Boot - Error: Attempting Boot From Hard Drive (c GRUB)

May 16, 2011

we have an oracle application server on red hat 4.6 upon booting it comes up with error: attempting boot from hard drive (c GRUB)

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Ubuntu :: Grub Stop If Using AHCI When Power On

Dec 1, 2010

If I change my sata mode from IDE to AHCI grub won't show (cursor goes to top left) when I power on my system. After that, I press the reset button and my grub shows ok.

So, to use AHCI I always have to use the reset switch button.

Using Ubuntu 10.10 with 2.6.35-23-generic - 64bits

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Web Based Download Manager?

Feb 1, 2010

I have installed 9.10 server on an old machine at home that I want to use purely for managing any software downloads.

I used to use the firefox add on DownThemAll on my ubuntu desktop environment so I am looking for a web based download manager for the server that has similar features (username/password restricted downloads, scheduling, pausing/restarting downloads) as DownThemAll.

I basically want to be able to add a bunch of downloads to a list and the server then downloads them. I need to be able to save a username/password combination for certain sites. I would also like to be able to see progress on the downloads and pause/resume them

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Ubuntu Servers :: Proliant "Grub Error 18" With 2TB Boot Partition?

Aug 2, 2011

I have an ML570 G4 with a P400 array card. Ubuntu server 10.04. I added more drives and extended the size of the partition to 2048gb. Now on boot I get Grub Error 18. The live cd sees the partition I just cannot boot it. I've googled around quit a bit,but have not found much that is relevant. I believe I am going to be adding a smaller boot partition to the beginning of the drive to fix this

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Ubuntu Servers :: Grub To Automatically Boot - Wont Automatically Select One

Feb 28, 2011

I am having trouble getting grub to automatically boot into ubuntu server. When I turn on my server the grub menu shows up and shows me the choices. They all work fine except that grub wont automatically select one. This wouldn't be too much of a problem but this is a headless server and I can't boot into ubuntu without a keyboard. I tried looking through the grub 2 documentation but nothing seemed to work when I edited the conf file.

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Ubuntu :: Power Outage - Uuids Changed - No Gigabit

Jul 14, 2010

I come with questions to try out the wonderful forum support I keep hearing Ubuntu has! I figure this is a convenient time to ask, since I am soon to swap the UPS on my Ubuntu box. This all refers to Ubuntu 9.04. You see, not too long ago, I had a couple of power outages, and suffice to say, despite the efforts of my UPS, I didn't get to shut down my Ubuntu box properly on either occasion. After the first one, when I powered the computer back on it failed to boot. Some googling of the error message led me to find that the UUIDs Ubuntu assigns to things like hard drives, which are not SUPPOSED to change, had in fact changed. From an archived thread here I found out how to find out what the new ones were, and slapped them into my FSTAB hoping that'd be the end of it.

(Partitions/Drives affected: hda2, hdb) It wasn't. Ubuntu came up with new errors to throw at me. This time, it threw the "bad superblock/wrong fs type" error that I'm used to seeing when I fudge a mount command. It appeared to be the same anyway, it went by so fast I couldn't really read it, sure wish the pause button worked. The gui did finally load, but showed no sign of the affected drives.

I found that if I commented out the affected drives in the fstab, they would appear in the gui, ready and mountable and apparently just fine. I've double-checked the UUIDs. The new UUIDs I put in fstab match the new UUIDs that the vol_id command reports. What is wrong with my fstab? Why won't it mount them automatically? (I'll post both versions as an attachment)

Another minor problem is for some reason I can't get privoxy running anymore. I've temporarily taken to running the Windows version in wine. I seem to remember I had a helluva time getting the linux version to work in the first place anyway, so I think I'll just keep running the windows version in wine. Most importantly, what can I do to prevent this happening again? Debian Sarge never gave me such trouble (and my deb box suffered quite a few improper shutdowns too). Ubuntu's based on Debian. What gives?

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Lost After Re-installing Windows / Stop It To Do So?

Jun 9, 2010

I need some help getting GRUB back after re-installing Windows. Now I don't have access to my ubuntu partition and the installation disk

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Ubuntu Servers :: Deny Access To Tomcat Based On Ip?

Feb 11, 2010

We need to only allow access to a web page only to some ips. We want to do this via Apache but it seems like the standard way of denying all and allowing some ips doesn't work because we mount a webapp using tomcat.

The sites-enabled file looks like this:

NameVirtualHost *:443
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName web.address.com:443
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/app_ssl_error.log


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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup SFTP To Use Key-based Authentication?

Nov 18, 2010

I want to connect to the same machine that that I have OpenSSH server on which uses keys and I have disabled password-based logins (for ssh). Apparently, this also affects SFTP which makes sense. How do I setup SFTP to use key-based authentication?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup On Non Web Mostly Data Based Via Sockets

Jan 24, 2011

What ubuntu server setup will work the best on a non web mostly data based via sockets (mysql php phpadmin) will be the easiest to use and what sockets to use? Lamp?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To For Secure Web Based File Hosting

May 5, 2011

Know any documentation or software packages to do a open source "File Hosting" or also known as "one-click hosting" server.I want to create my own private secure site to easily have clients download sensitive files. If it could be setup to use SSL that would be great.

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General :: Possible UUIDs Changing Every Reboot?

Aug 1, 2011

I have installed CrunchBang, then I moved the /tmp and /var to different partitions (I like to put these on reiserfs) the reason I did it after the install is because CrunchBang's installer doesn't give me the options to create reiserfs partitions during install (but does recognise reiserfs as I can manually mount them). Also these two partitions are logical.Anyway I have Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 already installed and working fine but CrunchBang always changes the UUIDs of /var and /tmp when I reboot. Is that even possible I have also tried using the old method of /dev/sd** but of course that gets changed as well.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Setup Based Cluster Configuration For Each Node

Jun 27, 2010

I need to setup an linux cluster ..so i prefer ubuntu because of support and i personally i use ubuntu.. and can any one explain in breif ..what all the things needed to setup an ubuntu based cluster my configuration for each node will be (totally 6 nodes) core2 duo with 4 gb ram i need 4 nodes and 2 for load balancing..

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