Ubuntu Servers :: Hosting Multiple Websites With Apache2

Dec 15, 2010

I am trying add three namebased virtual hosts in local apache2 webserver OS ubuntu 10.10. The three sites are :www.site1.eka,www.site2.eka,www.site2.eka

The first I created a file is virtual.conf in conf.d directory its content is :
# we're running multiple virtual hosts.
# NameVirtualHost *:80

Next I created following files in sites-available directory. [URL] is as follows:
#site1.eka (/etc/apache2/sites-available/www.site1.eka)
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@site1.eka
ServerName www.site1.eka
ServerAlias site1.eka .....

When I visit the [URL] in browser it says server not found.

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Ubuntu Servers :: NameVirtualHost 80 Has No Virtual Hosts Apache2 Hosting Multiple Sites Without DNS?

May 10, 2010

I have some problem in apache2 configuration. I have two websites on same IP on LAN.i.e.


What should I check in a few blogs I checked they said to mention in [URL]...But in this case what should I put I have two different websites or what other thing I have missed? I do not have access to DNS so that on LAN I can point site1.abc.com and abc.com to same IP which to me seems could resolve the issue.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Adding Multiple Websites To Vhost?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm setting up a server on Ubuntu 10.04 for development. It all seems to work nicely, I just have one thing that's bugging me. I have a project in /var/www/portfolio, which is as you may guess my portfolio. Instead of the link http://localhost/portfolio I'd like to use http://portfolio.nl. So I set up a file 'portfolio.nl' under sites-available and a symlink on sites-enabled containing this: To get this to work on my local machine I set up this in /etc/hosts:


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Fedora Servers :: Have Multiple SSL Websites On Single IP With Different SSL Certificates?

May 8, 2009

I would like to know if I need multiple IPs' to setup two SSL urls on the same Apache server? Two ssl certificates, one IP - is it possible?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Websites On Single Host Machine Without Virtualisation

Jun 1, 2010

I have this intra net server project going on and now I moved to 10.04 however there are still some things that I would like to see clarification and instructions on. I am interested to set up multiple parallel websites for my apache server, however I am not sure how to do this exactly. Now I have solid address rivera.wippies.net and port 80 redirecting to my server. What I would like to get done is that I get multiple independent of each other websites for my server I was thinking of making websites like this

/var/www/site1 (which would be as rivera.wippies.net)
/var/www/site2 (which would be as rivera.wippies.net/othersite)
/var/www/site3 (which would be rivera.wippies.net/secondothersite)

etc, so that I have multiple "individual" websties for my server. Requirements would be that each of these websites could have SSL encryption as needed available too, since some of the website could have confidential information.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Running Multiple Websites On Single Server - VirtualHost

Aug 25, 2010

I currently am running 10.04.1 and have successfully setup my home web server to run a single website. My current settings are:

-I have registered the domain name annarrankings.com through godaddy
-A record is - host = @ and points to =
-CName is - host = www and points to = @
-on my server I have the site running in /var/www

I've done some research and found that to run multiple websites I need to setup VirtualHost.

-So I created a folder /var/www/annarrankings.com and moved my site to that folder

-Edited Apache2.conf to add the following line

-I then went to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled and copied the default file to a new file called annarrankings.com. Here's the annarrankings.com file after I edited it

-I then created a link in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled to the annarrankings.com file in /etc/apache2/sites-available

-Next I editied /etc/hosts

-When i went to enable the site using a2ensite annarrankings.com I got the following

I figured this was ok since I had already created a symbolic link earlier (a result of trying to following multiple tutorials and ..... videos at once) so I reloaded apache2. I created an index.html file in /var/www/ just for testing purposes and when I load www.annarrankings.com I get the file located in /var/www/ instead of the website located in /var/www/annarrankings.com Do I need to change my A record or CName in godaddy or did I just do this completely wrong?

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Ubuntu :: Apache2 Live Web Hosting?

Mar 13, 2011

I'm new to this forum and to linux and I love it however I'm having small trouble with setting up my Apache2 web server to host my website. the main problem I'm having right now is that when I browse to my website it keep going to the default Apache page and not my website pages.

here is my virtual host setup: these are two separate file in the sites-available folder

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin email@email.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/
<Directory />


I have no understanding on DNS setup and how it works so I'm a complete novice. SECOND question do i have to setup any sort of dns setting from my Linux server or has yahoo covered it for me already?

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Programming :: Hosting Cp - How To Control Apache2 Via Php

Apr 23, 2011

**Forenote** i HAVE posted the other threads with the same intro of "hosting cp - " for the subject. I am attempting to create a web based hosting control panel and i figured that it would be easier & less confusing to post each different issue in a different thread so that answers to several differant problems weren't getting mixed up together. Ok, so as i said i'm building a hosting control panel and i need to figure out how to make my software control the functions of apache2. like setting up virtual hosts, sub domains, domains, etc.

if anyone can direct me to some good articles on interfacing with apache, or some open source projects that i could try to reverse engineer, that would be great. ive tried searching google, but i couldnt really find anything that really explained what i am trying to do. probably because most people usually dont try to use php to control apache as a weekend project, or a task to pass the time.

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OpenSUSE Network :: 10.3 - Hosting ASP Website (Apache2 Setup)

Feb 8, 2011

I'm completely new to this whole hosting on linux thing. I'm using apache2 and have everything setup as if I was doing it on a windows machine but when I navigate to the site via URL it displays the source code as plan text and thats all I see. I'm running openSuse 10.3.

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Server :: 4 Websites On Different IP - How To Host Them Using Apache2 Mod_proxy ?

Apr 12, 2010

Dom0 is having public IP. I read a lot of blog and tutorials about name based and IP based hostings and also about mod_proxy. But I am unable to do.

Here is what I am trying to do. I have a webserver on public IP.Which is running Xen on it. There are 4 Guest Operating systems installed on top of Dom0 which are Dom1,Dom2,Dom3,Dom4 These are application servers which are going to serve the requests that come from the main server.Which is Dom0.

All I see is "It works" on all 4 of the hosts. On my LAN on any machine on same subnet if I do [url] of Domu1 message comes


in browser from LAN gives me a message

Code: It works.

What do I need to do on Dom0 so that requests are forwarded to the appropriate DomUs apache2 is running on all of them including Dom0.Some one suggested me to go for ReverseProxy in Apache2.

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CentOS 5 :: How To Config Apache2 To Host Websites

Jun 25, 2011

any1 know how to config apache so i can use ServerName at my web browser ?

here is what i am trying to do: i need to host a number of web sites at my mac, for example: hostone.com, hosttwo.com, hostthree.com and etc since i need to host more than one website at the same pc, i use name based virtual hosts so i have hostone at and a servername of "hostone" hosttwo at with a server name of "hosttwo" and etc

my question is , how do i config my local settings, so all of my local network computers can access "hostone" site by type "hostone" at their browser and "hosttwo" site by type "hosttwo" at their browser

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache2: SNI & Virtual Hosts - Multiple Virtual Hosts With Ssl And Only 1 Ip Address

Jan 17, 2011


What I want: multiple virtual hosts with ssl and only 1 ip address: In my example: server =


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Server :: Hosting Multiple Subdomains On 1 Dynamic IP?

May 16, 2009

I run my own DNS servers and host my own domains. I'd like to host a few subdomains of one of my domains on a server with a dynamic IP. Is there a way to do this? I *believe* that I can host one subdomain by using a CNAME record and a dynamic DNS service.


How can I host more than one subdomain on a server with a dynamic IP address?

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Server :: Mysql For Multiple Websites?

Aug 1, 2011

I currently have a single mysql instance for a couple of websites. Both websites require that the user provide a username.

The thing I just noticed is that two people might choose the same username for both applications. Both of them would have grants to each others' tables, although neither would ever be able to access them, since they can only access through php scripts.

But, I'm now guessing this is not best practice. What does one do? Run multiple instances of mysql for several websites?

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Server :: Access The Log Files For Multiple Websites?

Apr 1, 2010

I have managed to configure AWstats to work from one server to access the log files for multiple websites on multiple servers and even managed to write a little front end php site to access all the different conf files. I want to know if there is a way of combing two conf files for the same site but are on two different servers in a loadbalanced situation. so my conf files look something like: [URL].. I have to monitor bandwidth for our websites and its gets tedious switching between the various conf files for the same site and totaling it up so I was hoping I could combine the output of both conf files on screen using some funky command in the awstats.pl script

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setting Up Multiple Websites/IPs?

Sep 25, 2010

I've currently got a centos server setup in my home. It has 1 website running on it and I am using DynDNS.com's service to access the server. DynDNS works by redirecting a free url to the IP address of your server. I would like to add a second website under a different url. However, I'm not sure how to add a second IP address (which I would then use with DynDNS to create a new url).

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Ubuntu :: Monitor Multiple Websites Nagios,Zabbix Conf?

Jan 12, 2010

I need to find a solution where I can monitor multiple sites at once and know when they go down. There are fraudulent sites (not mine I am in the infosec industry)

I have been playing with Nagios and Zabbix all day with not much luck. I have managed to get both installed and running and researched for hours. I just need to figure out how to add domain names to be monitored and I am stuck. I know you have to do it in the conf files but I cannot get a domain to show up?

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Networking :: VSFTPD Multiple FTP Websites With Default Port?

May 30, 2011

I am trying to create multiple FTP sites on one Linux server (using multiple vsftpd-sitename.conf files) with default port '21'.

Below is the sample vsftpd site configuration,

# cat vsftpd-site1.conf


I am unable to create above vsftpd site with port '21'. Below is the problem,

# vsftpd vsftpd-site1.conf &
[1] 14448
500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket

I wonder, i can able to create above FTP site with another port (example, listen_port=60001 ). In Linux(vsftpd), can i use default ftp port '21' for multiple FTP sites?

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Networking :: Ubuntu 9.10 Apache2 Multiple SSL Sites?

Jan 10, 2010

With hardy, I was able to have multiple SSL sites on the one machine. But I can't seem to get it to work for ubuntu 9.10, I've read that you need to put each SSL site on a different IP. But I was able to do it with hardy without different IP's.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Web Hosting Under 10.04?

Jan 26, 2011

I've decided to start a new project/second business. Namely, I want to create my own website hosting/design service and I need to know where to start. I've been reading up on some topics related to this, but as far as implementing my idea, I still have some questions. Should note here that previously, my only experience with hosting was putting a page up for a friend via godaddy.com....

I've gotten my hands on a Poweredge 6800, 4 processors 2.8 gHz, (currently) 4 73 gb u320 hard drives. I know that I want to run a RAID setup that allows for redundancy (not sure if I should just set up the 4 drives as 2 disks with mirroring or not). I also for the forseeable future will have to run everything off of one server. With the server came Windows Server 2003 disks and license.

From what I've seen/read, it seems a LAMP server would be the way to go. My main question is this: Since I am running everything off of one server for now, am I right in thinking that Ubuntu Server would be the better way to go for ease of use, and reduced resource usage? Also, is it simpler to use a static IP address from my ISP or the dynamic IP addresses they give you? The final question is this: while I like the idea of H-sphere, are there better all in one hosting apps/control panels that don't have as high a learning curve/hardware requirements?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Web Hosting Using Desktop PC?

Aug 27, 2010

Im a nube in networking and servers. I want to make a website for my Dads business but dont want to go to any commercial hosts. Is it possible to make my desktop PCs as webserver and DNS and publish my own website through it? i got 120kb/s broadband. will other people be able to open my website around the world? What are the limitations?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Run Two Websites(servers) From One IP Address?

Jan 30, 2011

Is it possible to run two servers through one ip address? And I don't mean through apache to run virtual servers. Right now my set up is: Cable modem>router>server.

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Ubuntu Security :: Multiple Unwanted Apache2 Processes Running?

Mar 3, 2011

my computer is often very slow, to the point of stalling. I tty'd in and when I ran ps -ef I noticed about 10 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start I dont even want 1 apache running. Any suggestions why these are running, or how to stop it? Well, I can stop it with a sudo killall, but how can I make sure it doesnt happen again?

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Ubuntu Servers :: CoD - Modern Warfare 2 Hosting?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a question about setting up a Modern warfare 2 server. I manage a Ubuntu 9.0.4 web server at home, and a leased cloud server from rack space, and was curious to see if it's possible for me to also setup a CoD Modern warfare 2 server on it as well.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Web Hosting Companies Run Their Business?

Aug 15, 2010

I always used to wonder how do web hosting companies host their websites. My problem is I saw some one having their website.I have a degree in Computer Science. I am not clear as how do these web hosting companies give the logins to their users as root. Meaning how can a hosting provider provide root login to say 1000 users and each having a different IP address.

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Ubuntu :: Multiple SSL Certificates In The Default-ssl File In /etc/apache2/sites-available/ Folder?

Aug 16, 2011

How can I allow multiple SSL certificates in the default-ssl file in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ folder? I tried

NameVirtualHost *:443
<VirtualHost *:443>
but I get the error


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Ubuntu Servers :: Which Hosting Control Panel Is The Least Invasive?

Apr 1, 2010

I want to set up a hosting control panel solution on my Ubuntu LAMP server to make it easier to administer virtual hosts, users, databases, and so on. I'm completely disgusted with how drastically the installation seems to alter your system (I highly doubt it even works at all with Debian/Ubuntu).

I'd actually prefer something that was more than JUST a web hosting manager, but that gave me options for managing my server in general. What control panel option would you recommend?

Most importantly, I want something that's going to work well with the Apache config standards that are unique to Debian/Ubuntu and won't require a PhD to setup. I really like the default Apache/PHP stack in Ubuntu. Of course I'm particularly interested in Open Source solutions. The new OpenPanel project sounds really exciting, and I've heard lots of people talking about Webmin. Others I've heard good things about include VHCS, ispCP, and ISPConfig.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Virtualization - Small Web Hosting Service

Nov 22, 2010

I've got a small web hosting service, for some of my friends. Where I want my friends to be able to have dedicated virtual servers just for a simple LAMP and ftp-server.

I've got quite limited hardware.
AMD Athlon II (Dual core)
4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 RAM
100 Mbit Fiber-lan ( Dynamic IP )

What I would want to know is how to create the virtual servers in an truly optimal way. Should I use KVM or VirtualBox? How can I make the request to mydomain.org go to one of the virtual servers and the request to anotherdomain.com go to another virtual server?

If the virtual server is the best solution.
* How much memory should be sufficient for a simple LAMP/FTP-server?
* What would be the most optimal settings for my limited hardware capacity?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Virtual Hosting On HTTPS?

Apr 11, 2011

I am trying to get name based virtual hosts all running on HTTPS (port 443) so I can run multiple sites on the one IP.

The DocumentRoot needs to be different for each host.


However, I am unable to find where to actually enable these hosts in the configs. The apache website says to put it in httpd.conf however that file is empty on my machine.

The existing default virtual hosts are in "/etc/apache2/sites-available/default" and "default-ssl"

The main config file is /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

I am running version 2.2.16 of apache

I need to use the same .htpasswd file for all the sites.

I have configured CNAMES on my domain for all of these hosts.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To For Secure Web Based File Hosting

May 5, 2011

Know any documentation or software packages to do a open source "File Hosting" or also known as "one-click hosting" server.I want to create my own private secure site to easily have clients download sensitive files. If it could be setup to use SSL that would be great.

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