Ubuntu Servers :: Dual NIC 11.04 - Cannot Get Out To Internet

Jul 12, 2011

I have with my dual NIC Ubuntu 11.04 server running on my home network. I've recently set this machine up but noticed an issue with Internet connectivity when running 'sudo apt-get update' - it basically fails to get out onto the Internet.

The machine actually has three NICs but only eth1 and eth2 are configured. Both are statically configured.

eth1 connects to a LAN port on a Netgear DGND3300v2 modem router. This NIC is assigned the IP (the modem router is

eth2 connects to a LAN port on a Netgear WNDR3400 router. This NIC is assigned the IP

The config for the NICs in /etc/network/interfaces is as follows:

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static


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Ubuntu Networking :: Dual Boot With XP - No Internet Access

Jan 18, 2010

I decided last night it was finally time I look at Linux. I've wanted to for a very long time, but was not keen on the learning curve. Anyway, I did a dual-boot with XP, which had it's own issues, but which I figured out with some info. Now my problem is I can't access the internet from within Ubuntu. It's finding the hardware, I think.

Below is data gained from lspci, nm-tool, ifconfig, and lshw.
jason@jason-desktop:~$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation E7505 Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation E7505/E7205 PCI-to-AGP Bridge (rev 03)
00:02.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation E7505 Hub Interface B PCI-to-PCI Bridge (rev 03)

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Internet After Lucid Dual-boot?

Jul 13, 2010

I seem to have a problem connecting to the internet with Ubuntu after dual-booting my new laptop with 10.04. I have a DW1501 Wireless-N WLAN Half-Mini Card in my new laptop, and I'm not sure what to do to fix this. The other computers I have running Ubuntu are much older and had everything run correctly right after the install.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Dual Booting Into XP 64 And Internet Won't Work On XP

Jul 25, 2011

I've re attempted going full on Linux using Ubuntu 11.04. I've done really well and have for the most part been able to make just about everything work. I was considering trying to dual boot into OS X on my PC if I could get Windows Office 10 to work in Ubuntu. I've had no luck getting office 10 or any of the suites to work in WINE no matter whos guides and how-to's I've read.

That lead me back into trying to dual boot into XP after a fresh format. The reason I need to get back into windows is that for my college courses Microsoft Word and Excel are required right now. So, this is getting me fairly frustrated as I'm not sure what to do or what the reason behind my other OS not seeing it's internet connection. I have samba and as well as my link to SWAT. I'm able to move files from Linux to XP with no problem, but have yet to configure SWAT as I'm not sure how to. My thinking is SWAT may have a reason to be why there's no connection.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 On Dual Boot PC - Internet Connectivity Lost

Jan 12, 2011

Just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on dual boot computer. Each OS is on separate hard drive with GNOME selection between Ubuntu and Windows 7 Ultimate. Firefox was working fine yesterday when I went to use today, nothing. Email through Thunderbird is down as well.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Run Mac Os As Dual Boot System - Cannot Connect Computer To Any Internet

Jan 9, 2010

I currently have an old powermac 7220/200 with all ehe origanl stuff except for the hard drive which is now a slightly larger one. I was wondering if it was possible to set up a ubuntu installation on it using a 20g hard drive (I have got one of these going on a 486 running win98, just) and be able to run mac os as a dual boot system, possibly with 9.1 and the origanal mac os that come with it? Unfortunantly I cannot connect this computer to any internet even if I had a card that was compatible with mac os.

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Fedora Networking :: Dual NICs And Internet Connectivity On F10

Apr 23, 2009

I've just installed Fedora 10 to basically work as a NAS for another machine - but also serve a couple of web pages. After having alot of issues with network manager (with it changing the subnet so nothing would work), I'm now almost there:

I have two network cards connected in the server:
1) eth0 connects to a switch that ultimately connects it to the net (on a 10.0.0.* network)
2) eth1 connects directly into another server for backups (192.168.0.* network).

Now when I setup eth0, I get network access can ping/ update/ surf the net - absolutely no problems, but when I connect eth1 in - the net dies and nothing works, I can ping devices on both the 10.0.* and 192.168.* networks, just nothing past the gateway. I presume this is either a route or DNS issue, but am unsure about where its falling foul - both the resolv.conf file looks fine as do the ifcfg-ethx scripts.

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Debian :: Setting Up Internet Connection On Dual Boot System

Dec 14, 2010

I am new to Linux and Debian. I have Compaq Presario R3000 laptop, which is 5 years old now. I have RealTek RTL8139 family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC. Currently I have a broadband connection at home. I have dual boot Windows XP Professional and Debian (which I installed a week ago through CD). I have done some preliminary tests for the network and I am posting the screenshots for the tests (e.g. lspci, ifconfig, etc.). I also did two more commands. For 'cat /etc/network/ifstate' the output was 'No such file or directory'. Same output was for the command 'cat /etc/network/options'.

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Ubuntu Servers :: DHCP And Static IP's Dual NIC's?

Aug 28, 2010

I'm have a number of ubuntu servers that all have dual nics.One interface is used to assign a static public ip and the other is used to assign a static internal IP that can be used on the internal network.The interfaces pull IP's from completely separate gateways on different networks.The problem I face now it that our internal network is moving everything to DHCP on the internal side.I can configure my /etc/network/interfaces so that I can get a public static Ip and a private DCHP, but the problem is that the public IP no longer functions for any services.here is an example of my interfaces

# The primary network interface
auto eth0


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Use Separate X Servers Mode For Dual Monitors

May 2, 2011

Prior to upgrading to 11.04 from 10.10, I was using the Seperate X Servers option in nvidia-settings for handling my dual-monitor setup. This mode enabled both monitors to be fully independent, running their own WM and having their own virtual desktops. This was convenient for me as I could keep my web browser on one virtual desktop on one screen, and switch to other virtual desktops without losing it. However, since upgrading to 11.04, this mode no longer functions properly.

The issues I have ran into with it are various:
1: The window manager no longer starts on the second monitor.
2: Any panel applets that were present on the second monitor immediately crashed upon switching over to Ubuntu Classic from Unity, and were unable to be added back to the panel (they would just crash again as soon as they were added)
3: Any application I started on that second monitor from the menus or launcher shortcuts would start without having focus, and could not gain focus through any means (focus remained on the primary monitor, the second monitor's interface would not respond to keystrokes of any sort, mouse-clicking in windows would not give them focus either).
This has essentially completely broken the usability of my system for my work.

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Fedora Servers :: HTTPD Dual Nic Using Eth1 Instead Of Eth0

Mar 2, 2009

I've just setup Fedora 10 x64 on a Supermicro 7045 with dual nic; I setup a web site and ran into a strange problem; I can't see my website from outside my LAN; checking IP on Internet it sees my IP as coming for my dynamic IP (IP of router/switch) and not my static IP.

eth0: Static IP
eth1: Dynamic IP

These are standard Intel 82563EB Dual-Port Gigabit Ethernet Controller.

Is there a way to specify the order in which it sees the nic ports?

I'm wonder if I can mix Static and Dynamic IP's; on the outside they resolve to a static IP; the dynamic one shows up as my router/switch IP; but it allows me to access my DHCP computers; this isn't a web server; but a development machine for writing PHP apps.

Where is my static IP address.

I should mention that nmap -v -p 80 shows an open port on 80

My VirtualHost is setup like:

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Ubuntu Servers :: Wordpress Can't Be Seen From Internet?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a problem with my Wordpress installation.It works from inside of my LAN but not from Internet.I have opened for the port on my router and the default html page works from Apache2 from Internet.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Access Internet On 6.06 Lts?

Jan 30, 2010

I installed 6.06 LTS on Virtual box and I cannot access the netPlease let me know what I must look for.I am new to linux as well

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Get Website Available On LAN And Internet

Feb 12, 2010

I am running ubuntu server in a virtual environment (vmware) and have setup apache and got mediawiki up and running which I can access on host machine by going to But this is only available on my host machine and not elsewhere on the network. How do I make it available to others on LAN and eventually on the internet (associated with my host IP address?)

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Ubuntu Servers :: VPN Internet Access?

Jan 10, 2011

I've got VPN setup and working on my server. I can VPN into the server and access my local network from anywhere. It uses pptpd for it. My problem is that I can't access the internet once I'm connected to my VPN. Is it possible to allow internet access through VPN?I mainly would just like to be able to connect, access my local network, and still browse the internet. Is there anything specific I need to change?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Internet From Another Router?

Feb 11, 2011

I have two routers in the same apt. building and just need to extend the wifi so the whole building can use. Using a netgear router (router x) as the secondary router without WAN how can I get internet from router y? What values should I put where in the NETGEAR config?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Install Anything From Internet

Feb 28, 2011

I've just install and configure an 10.10 ubuntu server, but I cant install anything from internet. When ping for example Google, recieves "connect: network is unreachable".

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Connect To Internet

Jun 12, 2011

I just recently installed ubuntu 11.04 server on an emachines etower, 400MHz intel celeron, 256MB RAM. I've tried installing apache2 and python3, but cannot get it to connect to the internet. while I understand how to work in a command line, I'm not sure what to do to diagnose the problem. I can list all the packages if it would help. (it's a fresh install so far), as well as the ethernet statuses (two cards for a firewall type setup)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Dual Socket X5550 Platform With Hyperthreading Disabled - Bad Scheduling On Nehalem?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu Server 9.10 on a dual socket X5550 platform with hyperthreading disabled. There should be 8 cores available for running processes: dual-socket, quad-core. When I start 8 single-threaded, cpu-intensive processes running, top shows six processes running at 100% and two at 50% (presumably sharing the seventh core). No other processes are reported as having >1% cpu, and yet the 1-minute load average is listed as over 11.0?!

1) Why is it not running each process on its own core?
2) Why is the load average so much greater than 8?
3) Is there anything I can change in the configuration to fix this?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Ssh Doesn't Work From Internet

May 2, 2010

I can't connect to my ssh-server (on ubuntu 10.04) from any external address. The error in putty is "connection timed out". From my internal network, everything works fine, even if I select my external IP address and port in putty as the destination.

This is what I have done so far:

installed open ssh with the ubuntu server 10.04 cd
set up port forwarding (11041) in my router (seems to work ok, port is open according to "shields up")
configured ssh to use port 11041 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
changed tcp and udp ssh port in /etc/services to 11041
enabled UFW and did sudo ufw allow ssh


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Ubuntu Servers :: Being Disconnected From Wireless Internet

Jun 7, 2010

My Ubuntu web server is left on all the time, sometimes I notice that it is disconnected from the network so I have to goto the server and re-enter the password in the network connections, this allows me back onto the network. Why is the server being disconnected? (The computer is running all the time because if it re-starts the terminal window is open on the screen). And how can I stop it from happening? It's got to the point where I need to check it every hour which really defeats the purpose of having it!

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Ubuntu Servers :: Loading Internet Pages ?

Jun 18, 2010

Some pages on the Internet will not load. What is the remedy?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Set Default Gateway For Internet / Vpn?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm having some difficulty with a internet/vpn setup. I have 3 network adapters on the server. 1x is used to connect it to the rest of the network 1x is used to provide internet (squid,dansguardian) 1x is used to connect to the vpn router

My interfaces file looks like this:

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


The problem that I have is this: When the gateway on eth2 is set to the VPN works 100% but there is no internet. When the gateway on eth2 is set to there is internet but no VPN.

So what I want to do is, route all traffic that is supposed to go to and to eth2 and all internet traffic to eth0.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Desktop Has No Internet Access?

Aug 26, 2010

I have ubuntu server 10.04 installed with wired internet access through my router. I recently installed the ubuntu-desktop packages and cannot get internet through the gui, firefox never gets past the "looking up" stage.I can accessthe internet through the command line and through webmin httptunnel. Wget, apt-get install, apt-get update, apt-get upgrade all work fine from the command line. I have local access to the GUi as well in the form of VNC that is working fine.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Share Bandwidth Over Internet?

Sep 6, 2010

Is it possible to share bandwidth over Internet? A friend of me has made a little radio station with win-amp to screw around with. But as you can guess after 10 users the connection flips due to bandwidth limits. So we where wondering if we somehow can share both our bandwidth. I was thinking about perhaps linking some proxy's and combine that with load balancing... Something like that! But i'm not even sure if it's possible to do so.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Access Website Over Internet

Oct 8, 2010

I have ubuntu 10.04 running LAMP and proftpd, I can access over LAN but not when I type my domain name in. I have forwarded all necessary port to to the local ip of that box, added rules to ufw to allow traffic on those specific ports. I use dyndns for a second level domain and have used all their tools to check whether the ports are open and have the results I am looking for.

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Ubuntu :: Test The Internet Speed Between Two Servers?

Nov 5, 2010

Is their from the CLI a way to test the internet speed between two servers?I'm thinking some sort of ping test that can calculate it or something.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Connect To Sftp From Internet

Nov 14, 2010

I have a openSSH server, it works to connect to it within the local network but I can't connect to it from the Internet. What I would like to do is to connect to the server using filezilla client, simply by using username and password.To make it secure from brute force attacks will I only allow connections from specific IP number.

I have a server with the static internal ip, port is 2222. My global ip is and I would like to connect with filezilla client from ip How do I connect?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Internet Connection Sharing In LAN?

Dec 6, 2010

What can you recommend software to link sharing, and priority services such as VoIP, email, web, ftp others. The only thing I got it [URL], but it is not developed since 2008 ri do not know if it works.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Internet Connection Sharing

Jan 20, 2011

I have discussed sharing an internet connection with my neighbor so we can both save money. We both have multiple computers connected to consumer grade routers. I've tinkered with WDS configurations but it was very unreliable and cumbersome to manage for reasons I won't get in to here. I'm thinking of getting my ubuntu server box to connect to my neighbor's wifi (via a USB wifi adapter) and share the connection through my router to my own subnet, (wired and wireless).

Can anyone shed some light on how I can best accomplish this?I can see a number of hurdles with this, maybe there are some I have yet to discover:Getting the USB wireless adapter to connect and stay that way via commandline.Configuring ICS from the USB connection to ethernet out to my router.Probably moving DHCP duty from my router to my server.Getting it all to work reliably well.

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